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Bought By The Billionaire: A Billionaire Romance by Erika Rose (8)




“Anything else?”

“The wedding?”

“Two options: small and intimate, or Vegas?”

Maddy didn’t want a traditional wedding, since it wasn’t going to be a traditional marriage. But she knew her mother would know something was off if she wasn’t invited to the ceremony. The idea of flying off with Jack and having an Elvis impersonator wed them held a slight thrill, but not enough to deny her mother her only daughter’s wedding. “Small and intimate.”

“I agree. I’d like my grandfather to be there.”

“I’d like my mother to come.”

“Does Saturday two weeks from now work for you?”

Maddy felt a flutter in her chest. She had never imagined planning her wedding around her open weekends, especially at such short notice. She wasn’t worried about the arrangements, which she could take care of in her sleep. It was the emotional part that was going to need more time to catch up. “That’s fine. I’ll just confirm with my mother, she’s out of the country at the moment. I’m sure she’ll be here by then.”

“Wonderful. I’d say that settles that.” Jack stood up and crossed the room to her and held out his hand. “I must say Miss Turner; you’re a force to be reckoned with when it comes to negotiating.”

Maddy felt his warm big hand envelop hers, her heart skipped a beat at his touch. “You’re quite a tough negotiator yourself Mr. Landon.”

Maddy watched his eyes turn darker, and felt the quivers of anticipation quicken her heartbeat. He pulled her closer, his eyes never leaving hers. Her scent surrounded him. She smelled like a field of flowers on a fresh spring morning. Her large green eyes held his own as his mouth drew closer. Their lips met, softly. Their eyes closed as the sensation overwhelmed them. Jack’s hands trailed up her back as she opened her lips to him. He slowly deepened the kiss, relishing her flavor and the soft sounds she made when she lost herself in his kiss. Wanting more he slipped his hands under her shirt running them up the soft skin and taut planes of her back.

If only, Maddy thought as she arched her back against Jack’s clever fingers. If only this wasn’t just a convenience. This was a man she could fall in love with. As he stroked her tongue she turned her head slightly for air. He trailed kisses down her throat as his fingers trailed up and down her back. She would need to take extra care with her heart while she was married to him. They had the chemistry, but did he feel the same for her as she did for him? She wasn’t even sure what she felt. She only knew it felt good, and she wanted more.

Jack almost groaned as he felt Maddy’s hands settle on his hips. Her touch would drive him mad, tentative yet determined. Maddy reached under his shirt, slowly scraping her nails up his sides. Jack groaned in response. “Madison.”

Goose bumps rose all over her body, a name she had hated since the day she could pronounce it herself sounded exotic on his lips. Turning her head, Maddy plunged his mouth. She was not going to sit around and let him have all the fun. She’d be taking as good as she got. And right now she wanted to taste him, she wanted to explore his taste, she wanted to know what made Jackson Landon’s knees weak.

He groaned as she swept into his mouth. He quivered when her fingers scraped along his back. Maddy loved the power of arousing him, seeing his eyes darken and cloud with desire. She slowly trailed her tongue along his bottom lip and softly nipped him.

Jack reached for the button on her jeans. “I want to fuck you right now.”

His words had warm moist heat pooling between her legs, she wanted exactly the same thing. Which just made her realize again, this wasn’t about love. It was going to be a convenient arrangement for both of them. There would be no sweet love making, but fucking. Knowing her heart was already halfway in love with Jack, Maddy drew back. She needed time. Time to harden her heart; otherwise she would be left at the end of this marriage heartbroken. “Not tonight.” Her words were hardly more than a whisper.

“What? Why not?”

“I just need some time to work through everything Jack. There were a lot of decisions made tonight that will probably influence me more than you. I just need to wrap my head around it before I fall into bed with you again.”

“You’re lying, you want me. I can see the way you’re pressing your thighs together Madison. I know the color your eyes turn when you’re turned on. And right now you’re pretty fucking turned on.”

Just his words had Maddy’s heart skip a beat, “I’m not denying it, Jack. I’m just asking for a little time.”


“The wedding. At the latest.”

Jack rubbed his neck with one hand. “You’ve got two weeks to sort out your pretty little head Madison, and then I’m going to make you see stars as you buck under me.”

Maddy nodded, she knew that was exactly what he was going to do. Yet she couldn’t deny looking forward to it.



“I love your car!” Maddy laughed as the wind tugged at her hair.

“I thought you’d be worried about the wind messing up your hair.” Jack smiled as he glanced at her. Her dark hair was blowing in the wind, a smile spread across her face. He didn’t think she would agree to meet his grandfather before the wedding, yet she surprised him and said yes. From her rental application Jack knew she was twenty seven years old, and yet she didn’t look much older than a teenager when she laughed with her head thrown back and laughter lighting up her eyes.

“I can brush it, this is so worth it.” They were driving through Connecticut on their way to Greenwich. Jack couldn’t deny it was a beautiful day for it. The sky was soft blue without a cloud in sight. They were getting married in less than a week and at Jack’s insistence the small ceremony would be held at the Landon Estate. Jack was sure Maddy only agreed to come with him today so the event planner in her could plan the details for the wedding. Still, he didn’t mind, it meant he had her to himself for the first time since she pulled away from him more than a week before. His desire for her was a banked fire that stirred and reignited at the slightest prod or touch.

“You’ll like the Estate.”

“I hope your grandfather likes me.” Maddy said glancing at him hesitantly. She wasn’t worried about the wedding or the estate. Jack had taken care of all the arrangements for the reception. Instead of feeling thwarted, she appreciated it. She didn’t want to plan a wedding for herself knowing it wasn’t real. The day she planned her own wedding she wanted the groom to love her. She had secured a wedding dress a few days ago and now only had her hair and make up to worry about.

“What’s not to like?” Jack grinned at her cockily and without thinking took her hand and placed it on his thigh. “You’re like a breath of fresh air, Madison. He’ll love you.”

Maddy felt his hard thigh beneath her hand and felt the familiar tug of desire low in her belly. She had avoided Jack ever since he had come to her apartment a week before. Not because she regretted her decision, but because she needed time to make sure she was doing the right thing for herself. She had started packing her belongings in boxes and separating them into three heaps. One heap would go into storage, one would go to the new offices of Turner Events and the other heap would be moving with her to Jack. Jack had insisted she was welcome to move in immediately, but Maddy needed the time to get her affairs in order and to pack up her apartment. She could feel the tension build in the car between them. Whenever they touched, the banked fire of desire ignited suddenly, leaving her aching and wanting. She knew it was the same for him, she could see it in his eyes, feel it in his touch. He wanted her. She wanted him. But she needed time to make sure the next time they slept together her heart wouldn’t go along for the ride. She needed time to tuck her heart away safely. She found it mind-boggling that she was getting married to one of the most eligible bachelors’ in New York. But she wasn’t deluded enough to believe he would fall in love with her. She knew he must have a hidden agenda about the marriage, but it wasn’t love. Maddy wasn’t gullible enough to believe he’d marry her just to have sex with her. One day she would be brave enough and ask him about it. For now she’d just prod at him about it. “I still don’t know why you want to marry me.”

Jack briefly glanced her way. “I like the way you taste.” His suggestive grin sent thrills up her spine.

Maddy softly slapped his thigh. “You can be very crude, Mr. Landon.”

“Don’t deny it turns you on, Miss Turner.”

Their eyes briefly met before they both laughed. Jackson turned into Greenwich and drove towards the water. When he pulled into a large estate, Maddy drew a sharp breath. It was beautiful. She knew Jack came from a family with money, but she hadn’t imagined anything like this.

“Jack…”, her words trailed off as she looked at the large house with turrets and bay windows. “This is amazing.”

He smiled proudly. “I know my grandfather had always had an eye for design.”

“It must’ve been amazing growing up here.”

“I didn’t grow up here. Grandpa only built it a few years ago. I grew up in the city.”

“Still it must be wonderful to have this to come home to.”

“It is. You’ll understand even better once you meet my grandfather.”

“You love him a lot. I can hear it in your voice when you talk about him.”

“When my father died, he took me in. He raised me without spoiling me, and taught me all I know. Hard not to love that in a man that didn’t have to do it in the first place.”

There was kindness here and love, Maddy thought as she watched a soft smile play around the corners of his mouth.

“Hello, Mr. Landon.” Raquel said as she opened the door. Her smile was beaming. It was the first time Jackson had brought a girl home for his grandfather to meet. She was just as excited if not more about meeting Jackson’s fiancée than Mr. Landon Senior.

“Hello Raquel,” Jack turned to Maddy and smiled. “This is Raquel. She basically runs everything you see around here including me and grandpa. Right down from the house to the pool. Nothing happens unless Raquel says it does. Raquel, meet Madison Turner, my soon-to-be wife.”

“Mr. Landon you exaggerate.” Raquel blushed at the compliment. “I’m so glad you’ve come.” Raquel took both of Maddy’s in her small capable warm hands. “Now we can talk about what flowers you like and what food you’d like me to prepare for the wedding.”

Feeling welcomed and overwhelmed at the same time, Maddy smiled. “It’s nice to meet you. Thank you for all your effort with the ceremony, I know its short notice.”

“No trouble at all. You must come through, your grandfather is waiting.”

Maddy loved the house. As she walked in the colors caught her eye. It was bold without being abrasive. It bespoke money without being flashy. Furniture was well placed without being too formal. The art that graced the walls caught Maddy’s attention, there was an original Monet hanging beside a graffiti artist from the Bronx. Jack’s grandfather didn’t worry about appearance or rules, he bought what he liked and hung them where he wanted to see them. They followed Raquel out to a terrace overlooking the water.

Mitchell Landon sat with a book in his hand watching the water. The sun was high and water sparkled a clear blue. The absolute peace and serenity of the sight he made sitting there overlooking the water touched Maddy somewhere deep. She didn’t know her grandparents and somehow she had always imagined they would be something like this. Settled and happy. The money didn’t come into account.

When he heard the footsteps behind him, Mitchell Landon stood up. His eyes were a light blue, with deep lines around them. Maddy recognized them as laughing wrinkles. The glint of mischief in his eye confirmed her suspicion he was a man with a good sense of humor. Without preamble Maddy walked towards him. “Hello Mr. Landon, I’m Madison Turner. You have a beautiful home.”

Mitchell watched the striking brunette, making a quick assessment of his own. There was kindness in her eyes, but there was steel as well. Approving his grandson’s choice of a partner, a broad smile spread across his face. “And now I have a beautiful woman in my home. Please do call me Mitchell, dear.”

“Thank you, Mitchell.”

Mitchell turned towards Jack. “Quite a catch Jackson, I’m impressed.”

Jackson cast Mitchell a warning glance. “I actually caught her a few months ago, it just took some convincing.”

Grandfather and grandson both smiled at Maddy with mischief in their eyes. Maddy immediately sensed the strong camaraderie they shared along with mutual respect.

After a leisurely lunch on the terrace Raquel had joined them and jotted down a few ideas for the small ceremony. Both Raquel and the Landon’s were shocked that Maddy only invited three guests. Her mother, her friend Jules and Jules’ boyfriend. When the menu had been finalized and it was time for Jack and Maddy to return to Manhattan, they both wanted to delay the return a little bit longer.

“Jackson, why don’t you take Madison for a walk along the water? It’s such a lovely afternoon. It would be shame if you didn’t at least wet your toes a little.”

“That’s sounds like a good idea grandpa. Come on Madison, let’s take a walk.”

Maddy got up and blushed lightly. It still felt odd to hear him use her full name. “Certainly Jackson.” She smiled at him with a sparkle in her eye. It was the first time she called him Jackson.

As they meandered along the shore line their hands brushed against each other. Without thought they took each other’s hands. Maddy knew she shouldn’t let her heart get involved but there was something to be said about walking hand in hand with a man without the need to talk. No awkward silences. Just a comfortable stroll in silence, knowing they weren’t walking alone. As they moved out of Mitchell’s line of sight, Jack abruptly pulled Maddy against him and crushed his mouth against hers. Maddy didn’t even think about pushing him away, she needed this as much as he did. After a long while Jack drew back. “I’ve been wanting to do that since you got into my car this morning.”

Maddy laughed, “You’re a patient man, Jackson.”

“I see you’ve noticed my grandfather doesn’t call me Jack?”

“Jackson suits you sometimes.” Maddy said from beneath lowered lashes. The arousal was thick in the air, her heart racing from his kiss. Her breasts heavy with longing for his touch.

“I might be a patient man Maddy, but I’m not a saint.” He swept into her mouth with long slow strokes, his hands kneading her rear. Maddy felt the wave of arousal wash over her. If she wanted to fight it away she would lose. One touch and she wanted him. She demanded more and Jack acquiesced until they were both left breathless. Maddy rested her head against his shoulder, her lips swollen from his kiss. “I like that you’re both.” She lifted her head met his steel gray gaze. “I appreciate that you’re giving me time Jack.”

He brushed her hair with his fingers as he lost himself in her green eyes, “As long as you don’t planning on sleeping on our wedding night.”