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Breath Taking (St. Leasing Book 2) by L.P. Maxa (20)

Chapter Twenty-Nine


Molly added a little salt to the potatoes she’d just mashed. This was the first meal she was making for Keller and the rest of the crew. Keller had called her earlier and mentioned that they might need to stop by Dom and Corey’s for a couple hours tonight, and she had offered to cook for everyone over at Keller’s—their house—instead. She wanted it to be delicious. She had decided on chicken-fried steak, mashed potatoes, rolls, and green beans. She had wanted to make something Southern and she figured fried was a good place to start.

Molly took a sip of her wine and eyed the dining room. The table was large enough for all of them, but they would need to add a couple chairs. Keller’s house was comfortable, neat, and more decorated than most men’s places. But as cliché as it sounded, it needed a women’s touch. Blending her stuff with his when she moved in over the weekend should take care of that. Molly smiled against her glass when she heard the front door open; she had butterflies in her stomach at the thought of seeing him.

“Oh wow. What is that amazing smell?” Keller rounded the corner to the kitchen and stopped dead in his tracks. “You look so damn hot, darlin’.” She looked down at what she was wearing. Love really must be blind because she was sporting ripped cut-off shorts and an oversized white t-shirt.

“I cooked.” Molly sat her wine glass down when Keller walked over and placed his hands on her hips.

“Is that chicken-fried steak? That’s my favorite food. Ever.”

“I’m glad. I thought it seemed like something a Texas boy would enjoy.”

Keller moved his hands down a couple inches and rested them on her bare thighs. “These shorts are sinful.” He rounded his hands to the back of her legs, lifting her and setting her on the counter. He placed his hard dick at the apex of her thighs. “I’ve missed you, all day.” He rubbed his palms up and down the tops of her legs. Each time he went up, he got a little closer to the edge of her shorts and her pulse threaded a little faster. “I’ve wanted to touch you, all day.” He leaned down and ran the tip of his tongue along her lower lip.

Molly arched her back, grinding shamelessly against him. He put his hands under her shirt, lifting it off in one smooth motion. He scattered small kisses on the tops of her breast. She fisted her hands in his hair, holding him to her. Now that he was here and in front of her, touching her, teasing her, she had to have him. “Keller, please...” When he didn’t move to leave her breasts and give her what she really wanted, she tightened her hold on his hair, pulling him up until they were eye to eye. “Keller. Now.”

“Yes ma’am.” Keller unbuttoned her shorts and pulled them off along with her lacy white panties while she pushed his workout shorts to the ground, letting them pool at his feet. He reached between her thighs, running his fingers through her folds. “You ready for me, darlin’? This is going to have to be hard and fast. We’re already on borrowed time. Everyone should be here soon.”

She bit her lip in response, wrapping her legs tighter around his waist and pulling him forward.

He chuckled at her urgency as he placed the head of his cock at her core, his tongue entering her mouth the same moment as his cock entered her pussy. Molly moaned into his mouth. She loved it when he did that.

She reached around and placed her hands on Keller’s tight, toned ass and pulled. For some reason, right now, she ached for him. She needed him to fuck her. To own her. “More. Please.” She couldn’t even seem to form complete sentences.

Keller splayed his hand at the small of her back, holding her in place, and then drove into her over and over, relentlessly. He ran his tongue down the side of her neck. “Is this what you want, Molly? You want to be fucked? Be dominated?”

She nodded her head, panting in his ear.

He licked the other side of her neck. “You’re mine.” He kept his punishing pace and she loved every second of it. This was exactly what she’d wanted, what she needed.

“Oh god, Keller. Just like that. Please. Don’t. Stop.” Molly felt her orgasm start to build, and she leaned her head farther back, giving Keller unobstructed access to her neck and collarbone.

“I don’t know how much longer I can last, darlin’. My scent on you, your tight pussy…it’s too fucking perfect.”

“I’m so close, don’t stop.” She fisted her hands in his hair and he complied. He drove into her, again and again and again. “Yes—”

Suddenly there was a knock at the door and Keller stilled inside her, making her want to cry in frustration. “Baby…uh…”

Molly grabbed Keller’s ass, using her hands to make him start moving inside her again. “Don’t you dare stop. They can wait.” She wouldn’t survive if they stopped now; she needed him. She needed to be filled with him; she needed to possess him just as much as he did her.

She felt Keller’s grin against her neck. “I fucking love you.” He picked up the pace, thrusting into her over and over, each time burying himself to the hilt. “God, Molly, you feel so good, so wet for me baby. Come for me, Molly.” She could hear his friends at the door, could feel his cell vibrating on the counter beside her. None of it mattered.

“Don’t stop, Keller, oh my god.” She threw her head back, her orgasm finally washing over her. Bathing her body in pleasure from head to toe. A few seconds later Keller used her neck to muffle the sounds of his own release.

They both started to laugh as Keller calmly reached over and grabbed his cell phone, Linc’s face lighting up the screen. “Hello.”

“Uh, hello? Dude, we are all standing on you front porch. The fucking door is locked, are you home?”

Keller looked down; he had yet to pull out of her body. “Oh, I’m home.” He smiled when she started to giggle. “Give me like two minutes, I’ll come unlock the door.” He ended the call and took a small step back, leaving her body. She felt his absence, and she didn’t like it. “Could you be any more perfect? I come home, you look like sin on a stick standing in my kitchen, which is full of food you cooked. And then you beg me to nail you, let me mark you, and don’t let me stop doing either even though our friends are waiting on the porch. I mean, holy shit. I. Fucking. Love. You.”

“And I love you.”

He kissed her lips and then dipped down to pick up her shorts, handing them to her. “Go change in the bedroom. Don’t come back out wearing those shorts.”

Molly cocked her head to the side, sure she’d heard him wrong. “Excuse me?” She hopped off the stool and put on said shorts. “What’s wrong with these shorts?”

“They are way too damn short and sexy.” Keller headed toward the living room to unlock the door, calling over his shoulder, “I don’t need Linc staring at your ass all night.”

She rolled her eyes, even though his back was to her once again. “Not gonna happen, Byrne. I enjoy it when you get possessive and dominating when we are making love, but unless your dick is inside me, don’t think you can boss me around.” She slapped his ass as she walked by him, opening the front door herself.

Keller just stood there, mouth hanging open. Linc walked up and snapped his fingers in front of his face.

“Uh, Kel? You okay, man?”

Keller blinked and looked over at Molly. She winked at him. “Fan-fucking-tastic, bro.”

Linc cocked his head to one side and narrowed his eyes on Molly. “Wow. Nice shorts, Miss Molly.”

Molly snorted when she saw Keller bare his teeth to his friend, pointing a menacing finger in his face. “Don’t start with me, Linc.”

Corey walked in and popped Linc on the back of the head. “Don’t be a jackass.”

Baze wrinkled his nose like he smelled something he didn’t like. “Keller, stop snarling. You have marked Molly to high heaven. Everyone in a ten-mile radius knows who she belongs to.”

“I don’t smell anything.” Molly sniffed her shirt, her brow furrowed. “I guess I smell kind of like Keller’s cologne.”

Keller walked up behind her and rested his chin on her shoulder, wrapping his arms around her midsection. “I don’t wear cologne—that’s my scent.”

Molly smelled her shirt again. “Oh. Well, can you guys really all smell it? Is it that strong? Should I go change?” She didn’t want to sit through dinner with a group of people who thought she smelled bad. Talk about ruining their appetites.

Dom opened a bottle of water and passed it to Corey. “It’s stupid strong.” He glanced across the room. “Keller, ease up, man.”

Molly tilted her head back, watching as Keller made a face at Dom. “Oh right, like you wouldn’t mark Coop if she would let you.”

“Let me?” Dom scoffed like that was the most ridiculous thing he’d ever heard. “I’ve never even tried. I know she’s mine. I don’t need to cover her in my scent. I’m secure.”

“Dom doesn’t mark me with his scent.” Corey laughed, winking at Dom playfully. “Because he bites me instead.”

Molly’s eyes went wide. “What?” If someone would have told her two weeks ago that she would be standing in her new kitchen talking to her best friend about which ways their mates marked them, she’d have had them committed. But this was her life now. And god help her, she loved it.

“Every. Time.” Corey moved her tank to the side to show Molly a small shiny bite mark on her neck. “I’m pretty sure it’s a scar by now.”

Linc shook his head in mock disappointment. “What are we going to do with the two of you? Marking and disfiguring your women. You should be ashamed.”

Dom shrugged. “Yeah, I’m not.”

Keller grinned as he walked up behind Molly and licked her neck one more time. “Me neither.”