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Breath Taking (St. Leasing Book 2) by L.P. Maxa (4)

Chapter Four


Molly could hear cheering as she walked up the bleachers at the St. Leasing baseball field. She hadn’t been to a high school sporting event since she was in high school herself. She’d forgotten how palpable the excitement in the air could be. Molly walked up a few more steps and instantly spotted Corey who was standing up waving her arms over her head. Molly laughed as she carefully made her way up the stands, doing her best to not step on anyone. “Hey. Is it always this packed?”

“Home games are for sure. The Haxton High baseball team isn’t all that great, so most of the town comes here to the St. Leasing games. St. Leasing is pretty well known in the world of high school baseball.” Corey embraced Molly in a tight hug as soon as she sat down. “I’m so glad you came tonight. I’m sorry I’ve been missing yoga.”

Molly pulled back and sat her purse between her feet and out of the way. “No worries. How have you been feeling?”

“Tired and hormonal, so…pregnant. I guess I’ve been feeling pregnant.” Corey laughed. “I’m trying not to complain too much. I’m over the moon pumped about having this little girl. But pregnancy is harder than I thought it would be.”

Molly winced in sympathy for her friend. “I know you’re tired, but prenatal yoga is really helpful. It will help you keep from getting back pains, and it’s even proven to help your labor go smoother.”

“I’m hoping that once I hit my second trimester, I’ll have a little more energy, and can get back to yoga. Can I still come to your class or do I need to go to a special prenatal class?”

“Come to mine. I can alter the movements for you so that they are still safe. It really only starts to be an issue when your belly gets bigger.” Molly looked down at Corey’s stomach where there was only a tiny bulge under her St. Leasing baseball shirt. “You still look like you have a six pack.”

Corey snorted, rubbing her belly. “It looks more like I have a beer gut. I told Dom I was going to make a shirt that says Baby, not Beer.” She sat up straight and pulled her shirt tight, showing Molly the teeny-tiny bump.

“Hey. You do have a little belly. That’s so darn cute.” Molly smiled, but for just a split second she was jealous of the love between Dom and Corey, and their growing family. Molly had always assumed she’d have kids by this point in her life. She thought she’d be married too. Looked like she was wrong on both accounts. No kids, no husband; just an infuriatingly gorgeous man who she couldn’t seem to figure out.

He’d seemed friendly and flirty when they first met. She’d been attracted to him instantly, even though the other waitresses she worked with told her he was bad news. Then? Keller had started to push her away. Sure, he was still nice, still polite and chivalrous, but he’d put up a wall between them. She’d all but given up hope before the other morning when he’d driven her home. He’d been jealous at the idea of her going out with someone else, and he’d kissed her like his life had depended on it. Now, she was more confused than ever.

“Did you see Keller this morning?”

Molly turned to Corey. Had she read Molly’s mind? Did Corey know that Keller was invading Molly’s every thought? “Uh, no. He didn’t come to class today.” His text asking her to come to the game had shocked her. When he hadn’t shown for class, she assumed he was back to avoiding her like the plague.

Corey pursed her lips. “But he did invite you to the game.”

Molly nodded, trying to keep the smile on her face contained. “He did.” And as foolish as she felt, the invitation had sparked a tiny bit of hope in her heart. Molly couldn’t explain her feelings for Keller, couldn’t explain her need to be next to him. All she knew was that she liked him and that she wanted him. Keller stirred desire in her like she’d never known before.

Corey patted her knee. “Be patient with Keller. He’ll come around.”

Before she could respond, the two federal agents she’d met yesterday morning came through the bleachers and sat down in front of her and Corey. “Hey, I know you. Molly, right?”

She smiled, nodding her head. “Yes, it’s nice to see you again, special agent.”

“Please, call me Sam.” The FBI agent that had asked for her number smiled warmly. He was attractive enough. Tall with dark brown hair and deep brown eyes. He was built, his chest muscles evident through the t-shirt he was wearing tonight. But he did nothing for her. A nice, attractive man that had already asked her out didn’t make her feel one ounce of what Keller made her feel. And that sucked.

“Sam,” she said as she turned to Corey, “this is my friend Corey Cooper.” Then Molly pointed down toward the dugout. “She’s engaged to Dominic Hardy, the head baseball coach at St. Leasing.”

He held his hand out. “Nice to meet you, Ms. Cooper, I’m Sam Brooks and this is my partner, Randall Grimes.”

Corey shook each of their hands. “I was wondering when you guys would make it onto campus.” She winked. “Couldn’t resist a good ball game, huh?”

Agent Brooks chuckled. “We may be here on business, but there is no harm mixing in some pleasure along the way.” He made eye contact with Molly, throwing her a sexy smirk.

She wanted his flirting to do something to her. She wanted to want the man sitting in front of her. He was uncomplicated, he was handsome, and he was extremely into her. But, oddly, his advances made her feel a little queasy if she were being honest.