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Broken by Desire by Dani René (3)

Chapter 2


Today is the day, I plan on making sure she knows I want her. As soon as I walk into the coffee shop, I spot her immediately. She looks breathtaking. Tendrils of dark curls frame her flushed face and her tiny purple sports bra is begging me to rip it off and taste her. I would be happy to oblige. She’s concentrating on her phone and I wonder if she’s texting a boyfriend. The thought sends a jealous tingle through me. I order my regular and grab my table, pulling the chair out, making enough noise for her to glance up. I am awarded when her mocha eyes lock on mine. My cock jumps to attention and I am thankful I wore tight briefs today. Fuck, she’s beautiful! A smirk curls my lips and I flash her a tease of my dimples, apparently, women find it sexy. Her hands are trembling and an image of her tied to my bed, trembling while I drive into her pops into my head.

Slowly I slip into the seat, pull my phone out and text Jayce. I needed to tell someone about her. She was driving me insane. Her eyes are on me; my skin is prickling. She wants me, it’s obvious. I need to think about something else. The new girl at work could be a welcome distraction, I type in the name Veronica gave me for our new girl in my browser. Cassandra Winters. Her Facebook profile pops up with the picture of the girl sitting across from me. My heart thuds in my chest. It’s her! Fucking hell! This will be interesting. A weekend in Hawaii with one of the hottest and most beautiful girls I have ever laid my eyes on. My mind is whirling with ideas of what we can do on the beach, in the house. On every fucking surface. Excuse the pun.

When she moves, my eyes shoot up. She’s leaving. See you later, darling. God, her ass is exquisite. My eyes bore a hole into her back. I drink in the last bit of her before she walks out of the shop.

I find my assistant’s number and hit dial. “Stacy, get IT to bring a new MacBook Pro to my office, I will be there in ten minutes.” Robert is waiting for me when I walk out of the coffee shop. Grateful for the shower at work and my emergency suits ready for me, we make our way to the office. This is going to be a good day. I can feel it. My plan is in motion when I walk into the office a few minutes later. As soon as I am showered and changed, I write the note and send it along with the shiny new laptop to be delivered to Miss Winter’s desk. This will be easy, she's will want me, ache for me.

Walking back onto the sidewalk moments later, I wait for her to arrive. I glance around and spot her coming from the opposite direction. Perfect timing. The Gods’ are in my favor today. My eyes rake over her appearance as she walks towards the building. Her hips sway in slow motion, and I picture my fingers gripping those hips as I drive my dick into her. I follow her in, keeping my distance. She gives the receptionist a smile. I take in her flawless appearance, sexy, yet smart. A black knee-length pencil skirt and a white button up blouse. Her black heels give her some height, but she’s still much shorter than me. Those calves look incredible with every step she takes. Her curly hair is pinned up and a few stray curls have escaped. When she pushes the call button for the elevator, I take two strides and stand next to her. Watching her intently, she’s realized I am here. Her lips part and I watch her lick them. Fuck! A sign of nerves. She doesn’t turn to me which I don’t mind, I take the opportunity to drink in her soft skin. I can’t wait to make you speechless with my mouth.

While we wait for the elevator, my thoughts are driving me insane. Just standing beside her is intoxicating. She smells of lavender and hints of patchouli. It takes all my restraint not to press her against the wall and inhale her scent. Soon, baby. I will have you. Lucien Verán always gets what he wants and guess what? You’re the lucky girl I want. Once you’ve had me, you’ll want no one else.

* * *


I step into the office fifteen minutes early. The perky receptionist gave me a small smile as I passed by her desk. At the elevators, I push the call button. As I watch the lights for the floors count down, my skin prickled with certainty and I knew he was standing next to me. His intense gaze struck me like a tidal wave. With my attention locked forward, I don’t turn. If I looked at him and saw that handsome face, I may have leaped up and ravaged him.

I giggle inwardly at my thoughts; I could imagine Kenna’s reaction being the same if she laid eyes on him. The elevator doors open, and I step inside, pushing the tenth floor button. I make my way to the back and stand against the wall. Four other people followed me and then he strode inside pressing the button for the top floor. He moved towards me and settled so close heat radiated toward me from his body. I sensed the tension in the air; it was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

The elevator climbed, people stepped off onto their floors, until we were alone. “Welcome to the firm,” his voice was serious, raspy and so inviting. His scent was intoxicating, a rich spicy cologne that surrounded me perfectly.

“Thank you.” I murmur, unsure of myself. This was the first time he spoke to me, and the low timbre of his voice increased the pulse between my thighs. My body ached to step closer, the heat from him sending shivers over me. I drew a deep breath as I stared at the numbers, hoping for this to speed up and reach my floor.

As soon as ten lit up, I stepped forward. “Have a wonderful day, Ms. Winters,” he said as the doors opened. I was speechless at the way my name rolled off his tongue. I walked out, turning to react, but the doors closed and his intense green gaze disappeared along with my words. The encounter had goose bumps rising over my skin. Turning back towards the office, I shook my head to get him off my mind. I hope I didn’t run into him again today. When I got to my desk there was a brand new MacBook waiting for me with a short note.


*Congratulations on your new position, Ms. Winters*


I gazed at the elegant script wondering about the owner of it. “Ah Cassie, I am glad you’re here early, come into my office let’s chat!” Ms. Richards’ bubbly voice pulled me from my reverie. It seemed I was getting right to it. I was pleased, needing a distraction.

Once I drop my bags and grab a notebook and pen, I follow her into the contemporary sea-view office. “Sit!” She gestured to one of the exquisite ornate suede armchairs. “I am thrilled you've joined us! Now, Cassie, I need to get you started on two major projects. I have two shoots you will be covering. You mentioned you would like to write editorials; this is a requirement for the shoot.”

I nodded, delighted at the opportunity to be writing for Fire & Ice Magazine. “Thank you, Ms. Richards! I am thrilled for the opportunity!”

“Excellent! All your travel details including the brief are circulated through to your email, which IT will help you with setting up.” She peeked over my shoulder and grinned. “It seems our IT staff are on it.” I shifted to look behind me and saw a young guy sitting at my desk working on my new MacBook.

“That’s perfect; I will print out all the information and make sure I am ready Ms. Richards.” I beamed.

“And call me Veronica, I am not that old!” She chuckled. I smiled and nodded. “You should get a company mobile phone as well; I expect that will arrive after lunch. Mr. Verán has all his executive staff on the same network. He may even pop by to meet you.” She winked. I glanced up at her shocked. He knew who I was? The elegant scrawled note on my new laptop came to mind. Did he personally send me a laptop? As if reading my mind, she responded, “Oh honey, he knows everyone who walks through that door in the morning. After the way his dad ran the business, he is quite the opposite, he is more hands on. His father runs the holdings’ company and was always away on business. Lucien is only running the publishing company, so he is in the office every day.” Her smile was sincere and I could see she regarded him with respect. I hadn’t heard about him taking over the company. I must remember to Google it.

As soon as I am at my desk, I start on my communication with the photographer, editor and publicist for the first shoot which was taking place this weekend in Hawaii. Communication with the team I would work with got me comfortable with my new position. I worked most of the morning with no interruption. My thoughts didn't drift to a certain pair of green eyes either. That’s a lie, I thought about him more than I should have. Just before midday I got a cup of coffee from the communal kitchen. Inhaling the deep flavors I took a minute to appreciate the aroma and made my way back to my desk.

* * *


“Stacy, what meetings have I got today?” My mind is still on the lovely Ms. Winters when I walk into my office. I slip into my large office chair, I stare as Stacy fumbles with the notes and messages. When she glances up, a frown creases her brow. Normally I would be in a foul mood with her taking so long. However, I am in a good mood. And I know the reason for that.

“There’s the meeting you have at three, other than that your day is free. I rescheduled the photography meeting for this weekend to 10 am tomorrow.”

“Perfect, call the airfield and add another passenger to the flight details for this Friday. I think Ms. Winters needs to accompany me on location.” My plan to take her to Hawaii will be the perfect opportunity to get her even more flustered than she was this morning. I want her, under me, writhing and begging me for release. Her nails digging into my back as I fuck her tight little body.

“Yes, sir. Anything else?”

“Coffee, please Stacy.” She nods, leaving me alone.

I close my eyes for a moment, a picture of Cassandra flushed and nervous pops into my mind and I smile. Her scent still lingering, giving me an overpowering urge to take her. Own her. What the fuck was that? I need to fuck this girl, get her out of my head. I power on my laptop and go through the documents I needed to sign for today’s meeting. When Stacy came back with my coffee, I glanced up and noticed her top had suddenly got tighter since her visit to the kitchen. I needed a new assistant. Preferably Ms. Winters. God that would be amazing. Would love to order her around, have her kneeling in front of me. Have her present herself. Naked. Jesus, I need to work. Fuck.

“Stacy, get IT to deliver Ms. Winter’s her new mobile phone. Also, ask them to set up the mail accounts on it and send me the number, as soon as possible.”

“Yes, sir.” Fuck, I wish she would not call me that. There is only one woman I want calling me that and she’s on the 10th floor. I need to see her again today. This is ridiculous, she’s just an employee. Before midday, I decide to pay a quick visit downstairs. As I step out of the elevator, I can’t help smirking. I walk down the corridor and find Veronica in her office.

“Hello, Veronica.”

“Luke, how are you darling? Come in.” I step inside noting that the reason I came down here isn’t at her desk. “What can I do for you?” I don’t sit because I need to officially meet Ms. Winters.

“I came to welcome the new member of our team.”

“Great, I think she went to grab a coffee.” My little coffee addict. I must find out what her favorite coffee is. At least I know the guys at the coffee shop that shouldn’t be too hard.

I step out to her desk, there’s not much on it. I suppose she hasn’t had time to make it her own. The faint smell of her perfume hangs in the air and I inhale it like it’s a drug. I perch myself on her desk, making conversation with Veronica about Hawaii. My skin suddenly tingles and I see Veronica’s gaze flicker behind me. When I turn, my gaze meets that molten chocolate stare of Ms. Winters. She is delectable. I take in the slight curve of her hips, the legs that look like they go on for days. When my eyes get to her chest I notice her breathing is deep. Perfect! She’s turned on. When she gets closer, I stand and offer her a smile. She’s so fucking submissive. Perfect. The stirring of an erection in my pants starts. There’s a light pink flush on her cheeks, she’s impressive. Yes, darling, I am your boss. You best obey my wishes. God, how I wish she would obey me. Her eyes drop to the floor, and I drink her in. The soft smooth skin of her neck pulses as her heartbeat skitters.

* * *


As I round the corner, I almost drop my cup when my gaze lands on Mr. Green Eyes perched on the edge of my desk chatting to Veronica. Her eyes settle on me, causing him to turn my way. He rose as I neared them. “Ms. Winters, I assume you like our preference in coffee,” he motioned at my mug. He would point that out since we had our early morning rendezvous ‘together’. I hope he didn’t see my trembling body. I smile, my voice evading me in his presence for the second time that day.

“Cassandra, meet, Mr. Verán,” Veronica introduced him. This was my employer! He held out his hand. As I slipped mine in his, the jolts of electricity shot up my arm and it coursed through my body. His skin was soft, smooth and warm just as I had imagined. There was a familiar knot tightening in my stomach and heat blushed my cheeks. I averted my eyes from his stare and took in his elegant charcoal Armani suit, silver dress shirt and black tie. The dark colors bringing out the green of his eyes.

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Verán,” I choked and smiled. He stepped forward, his eyes seared into me. My skin ignited at his nearness as I stood uncomfortably under his intense gaze. I glance up again, chewing my bottom lip to keep from smiling. His smile crinkled the corners of his eyes and I saw two deep dimples appearing in his cheeks. It was a boyish grin, and I stared, again.

His eyes twinkled with something. “Since we are spending the weekend together, I figured we should…” he looked me up and down, “… become acquainted.” The word rolled off his tongue in a way that had my thighs squeezing together instinctively. I didn’t like the way he had such command over me or my body. “We will travel together to the private airstrip on Friday at 16:00, the company plane should be ready to fly us to Hawaii and we start work.” Surprise left me speechless. I didn’t respond. I could just manage a nod.

He released my hand and turned to Veronica. “It’s been a joy as ever, Veronica.” He spun on his heel and sauntered down the corridor. All I could do was stare at his back and what a magnificent one it was. Goddamnit stop it Cassie! He is your boss for crying out loud!

* * *


I walk into the coffee shop the next morning and my eyes immediately fall to her table. She’s not here, she’s late. I grab the barista and ask him about her. He knows exactly who I am talking about. The jealousy rages inside me that he noticed her. She’s difficult to miss, though. When I ask about her coffee preference, he gives me the name and I buy a large bag of the same blend. I decide to wait; she could just be delayed. I sit at my normal table, my eyes trained on the door. After thirty minutes, she doesn’t show. This is really frustrating. Where is she? Is she avoiding me? We work together, it’s not like she can avoid me forever. And why does it bother me so much if she is avoiding me?

I get up to leave when my phone rings. “Verán.”

“Son, you sound so formal, it’s your old man, can you swing by the house? I need to give you paperwork.” I give up on Cassie and make my way out of the coffee shop, my heart is heavy. I was looking forward to seeing her face. I need to see her. It’s ridiculous, she’s still just a stranger to me. My feelings can’t have grown for her. There is no way in hell I can give her what she needs. Or deserves.

“Sure dad, I don’t have any meetings this morning. I will be there in an hour.”

I run home in record time. She’s still on my mind. Maybe I should call one of the numbers from my little black book. That would certainly help this raging fucking hard on that doesn’t want to go away. It’s been too long and I need to get laid. I step into the shower, the hot spray beating down on me and the tension in my muscles relax, but as soon as I close my eyes her face haunts me. Her voice, the way she licked her lips constantly. Didn’t she ever hear of lip-gloss? It’s fucking distracting, thinking about her tongue, having her lips on my cock. I glance down, I am rock hard. There’s only one thing I can do. I grip my dick and pump it in a slow up and down motion with thoughts of her swirling in my head. An image of her bound in my play room pops into my head and I shoot my release down the drain. This is fucking ridiculous!

Once I get to my Dad’s, my mind is busy and we are talking about overheads and marketing and the next five shoots coming up. “Who’s got you so wound up son?” I glance up at him in shock. How does he see right through me?

“No one, dad. Come on, I need to get these projections done.” I need to change the subject. My old man will not let it go until I tell him, and to be honest, I don’t know why I am so hung up on this girl.

“Lucien Verán, do not think I am stupid. It’s etched all over your face. She’s got you hasn’t she?” I glance at my father; his face is one of amusement.

“Dad, drop it, please?” He nods, my pleading gaze obviously got to him.

“That’s fine Luca, but I know you will bring her home. I can’t wait to meet her.” He gives me a sly wink as we work on the rest of the numbers.

“Dad, seriously. I am never getting into this with you.”

We’ll see.”

* * *


The previous two days had been uneventful, which is what I needed to prepare for the upcoming weekend with my boss. The prospect made me shiver. It was Friday, and I wander into the office with a packed bag, ready for my trip. I press the call button for the elevator, hoping I had just missed him. Thinking about a hot cup of coffee since my caffeine fix wasn’t satiated yet. I didn’t stop at the cafe this morning again; in case I saw him. Yes, I was avoiding him!

I didn’t admit it till I stepped into the elevator with eight other staff and relaxed. With my back against the wall I watched the doors slide close, letting out a sigh of relief. Until a smooth soft hand blocked the doors, thick veins pulsed, and I craved to touch them. I knew exactly who that hand belonged to. The doors glide open and all the staff mumble a hello. Those green eyes will be the end of me, Mr. Verán, my sexy, distracting and so unattainable boss.

A smirk curls his full lips as he greets them and his gaze falls on me. He reached passed them to push the top floor button. He starts his approach to the back and stands next to me. “You didn’t get your coffee this morning.” It wasn’t a question. He noticed I wasn't there, the thought sends butterflies fluttering in my belly. I glance up and offer him a small smile. “What makes you say that?”

“I didn’t see you at the coffee shop today. Actually, you weren’t there yesterday either.” He spoke easily, like we were friends who met up every day. As the doors opened and closed, I noticed we were once again, alone in the elevator. My pulse raced, and the intense heat that emanated from his sculpted body made me tingle. He was close, too close.

“I missed my run this morning,” I responded. “Had a trip to get ready for,” I gestured at my little travel bag. It was a lie. He didn’t need to know that. Did he?

His eyes narrowed as he pondered my reply. “Right, maybe when we’re away we can run together? I would love to give you a solid workout. If you can keep up with me,” his grin was dangerous. My whole body reacted to his words. As the doors opened on my floor, I stepped out and spun towards him, our eyes locked.

“There is no doubt I can…” I smiled, “… Mr. Verán,” I said his name in a soft voice. His pupils dilated when his name escaped my lips. The last words were mine, his mouth opened and closed, saying nothing. I turned and reveled in the bit of satisfaction it offered me. Turning on my heel, with a satisfied smile on my face, I walk to my desk. The look of shock, desire, and danger on his handsome face has my belly in knots. There is something so sexy about him and my skin prickles with the thought of spending a weekend alone with him on an island.

It’s been too long that I have been near a man who made me feel like he does. He looks at me as if I am something to be admired, desired, and utterly, thoroughly fucked. That gaze was hungry. At my desk, I place my bags on the chair. It’s time for caffeine. I think of coffee as liquid courage to get through the day until I need to be near him again. Another bundle of knots tightens in my belly and I can’t help the yearning I have for him and my core pulses.

* * *


As soon as the doors close, I am dumbfounded. The way my name slipped from her lips had my cock trying to escape my pants. It was a low, sexy, seductive tone she used and I know that she knew exactly what she was doing. Teasing me. There's no way you'll get away with it, baby. That little cunt is getting fucked, by me, deep and hard. The temptation to call her up to my office, bend her over my desk and spank her hard, taking her tight little body and making it mine overwhelms me. That’s what she does to me. Talk about a caveman.

I needed this girl. There was something in her nature that made me want to own her. Mark her as mine. Something so animalistic and possessive it scared me. I couldn’t give her a relationship, but maybe that’s not what she wants. I wonder if she could be happy with a good fuck. A regular thing.

On my floor, I stalk to my office, not glancing at Stacy as I pass her desk. “Hold my calls.” Once inside, slamming the door behind me, I slide into my black leather chair and lean back. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. What the fuck was that? I mean, she just said my fucking name, but when the words left her lips the only thing I could think of was driving into her tight body and making her scream it out loud. Luke, man, you need to get her out of your system. I grab my phone and dial Sasha. As soon as she answers, I regret it. “Luke?”

I don’t answer and hang up before she can say anything more. Her words are ice water straight to my groin and my erection settles down. With my office chair facing the window, I take in the view. It never fails to calm me. I love the City of Angels. My decision hits me, I grab my phone, calling Robert. He will be able to help me.

“Mr. Verán.”

“Robert, I need a background check on Ms. Cassandra Winters. She’s from New York, but I want the dirt on her, if any.” I hear him sigh and I wonder what has him so stressed by my request.

“Yes, sir. Is she the new girl?”

I consider not telling Robert about her, but he’s known me all my life. I trust him more than I do anyone. “Yes, I might want to take her to dinner.” What? You just said no dating. Yes, no dating. Maybe dinner and then I can get her naked and taste that sweet little cunt.

“I can get you the info by ten.”

“Perfect.” When I glance up, Stacy is in my doorway. “Later.” I hang up before my assistant learns of my plans to get Cassandra in my bed.

“Mr. Verán, I brought your coffee and messages.”

“Thanks.” Once she leaves, I power up my laptop. With a quick scroll through my emails, there are a couple that I can reply to before I leave. The rest can wait till I get back. An alert pings on my online staff account and I open the window. There is a user searching for me. I click on the IP address it’s showing me and find a smile curling my lips. Its seems our sweet and innocent Ms. Winters is looking for me. How intriguing. I decide to play a game with her. Care to show me how interested you are Ms. Winters?

I type out the carefully thought out email and wait for a reply. As soon as her email arrives in my inbox, I picture a soft pink blush on her cheeks. That smile of hers that knocks me for six curling her pink plump lips. My cock twitches at the images running through my mind.

This weekend will prove once and for all if she is Verán material. I will fuck her, and I will make her scream my name. If she can’t handle a weekend of fun and then work alongside me then she can find work elsewhere. I am not here for love, I am here to work hard and play hard. I hope she’s ready for me.

* * *


I get comfortable at my desk, ready to draft the press release for the swimsuit edition. My thoughts wander to Mr. Verán, it made sense he worked the shoot, all those beautiful models around him must be his idea of heaven. Curiosity instantly got the better of me and I wondered if there was any information on him online. An option would be to ask Veronica but I didn’t want her to think I was interested or suspect anything untoward. Now I wanted to find out everything I could about him. Suddenly I realized I had access to the entire database of team files. I click on the online program and type in the search bar *Mr. Verán* and hit the enter key. I waited as the results appeared on my screen. It picks up his father’s name, which pops up a few times on screen as the search engine did its job. Then, there it was. The name of the green eyes that’s haunted me for so long.


Lucien Verán


I stare at the screen. A seductive name, fitting him perfectly. I want to click on his file, but I didn’t want to get caught snooping. I close the search window and open the email program as an alert pinged with an incoming message.


From: Lucien Verán

To: Cassandra Winters

Date: June 01, 2014 - 10:35

Subject: Research Material


Ms. Winters,


It’s great to see you making use of our company resources so soon into your employment. I think researching information about your employer is possibly not applicable reading material for the event coming up. Perhaps you should consider our earlier editions of the swimsuit shoots?


If you would like any help in your pursuit of material about me, I would be more than delighted to help.




Lucien Verán

Chief Executive Officer

Verán Publications


My heart raced. Shit! He was monitoring our computers. I blushed at being caught. I should have known he would check staff use of resources. How else would he run such a massive enterprise, Cassie? I wasn’t sure what to respond. My grin widened at his remark. I wanted to uncover more, but I wasn’t convinced if that was such a wonderful idea.


From: Cassandra Winters

To: Lucien Verán

Date: June 01, 2014 - 10:50

Subject: Knowledge is Power


Mr. Verán,


I am well versed in the early issues of your swimsuit photo shoots, as I am positive you are. I didn’t expect someone in your position had time to concern yourself with insignificant matters such as a lowly staff members’ research on her current employer. Don’t you consider knowledge to be power?


Thank you for the offer, but I believe my inquiry is complete.


Cassandra Winters

Marketing & Publishing Assistant

Verán Publications


I sat back and hit send. My stomach was in knots as I waited for his response. I picture him sitting at his massive desk with views of the ocean. My cheeks heat with a blush as I think about how sexy he must look. Dominant and in charge, a powerful figure running his business. I didn’t wait long till my inbox pinged with a response.


From: Lucien Verán

To: Cassandra Winters

Date: June 01, 2014 - 11:05

Subject: Power comes with Responsibility


Ms. Winters,


I consider knowledge is power, funny you should point it out, one of my choice quotes. I do not appreciate you referring to yourself as lowly, which you are not at all. I should reprimand you for saying something so outrageous!


Since you are so thoroughly versed in the company’s photo shoots I assume you realize that you and I will be in close quarters for most of the weekend. I expect you can deal with the power and responsibility that comes with it.


Your inquiry is far from finished, Cassandra Winters, so far indeed.


Lucien Verán

Chief Executive Officer

Verán Publications


My whole body was on fire and tingling from his words. I read and reread the email four times. “Cass?” I glance up startled at Veronica standing at my desk. With a quick click, I minimize my email program and grin.

“Sorry Veronica, I was…” glancing at my screen, “… doing research.”

She smiled, “No problem, that’s wonderful! Listen, I guess we should grab a quick lunch since you’re leaving at four today? Say in about…” she glanced at the delicate silver watch on her wrist, “… ten minutes?” I nodded, and she went back into her office. Opening the email again, I hit reply. I enjoyed the mood he was in. The innocent flirting with him made me smile, and I knew Kenna would approve. She was the one who demanded that I move on from that past two years. Perhaps I was ready to move on from the past. Maybe, Mr. Verán was the one I could move on with? Really Cassie? Your employer? Why not? He’s hot, successful, and he is flirting with me!


From: Cassandra Winters

To: Lucien Verán

Date: June 01, 2014 - 11:25

Subject: Close Encounters


Mr. Verán,


Thank you for the information. I can deal with anything that comes my way; I am a big girl and can take care of myself. Regarding dealing with power and responsibility, I fair remarkably well, I will have you know, Mr. Verán; of that, you can be certain.


Well, it seems we both have so much to learn.


Cassandra Winters

Marketing & Publishing Assistant

Verán Publications


I hit send and giggle, this back and forth banter pulled me out of a slump. That’s all it was, and all it can ever be. I had no place in my heart for a relationship. What was I considering? A few emails didn’t mean he wanted to date me! Get a grip Cassie! “Ready?” Veronica stopped at my desk and I nodded. I shut the lid on my laptop, grabbing my bag and follow her to the elevators.