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Broken by Desire by Dani René (9)

Chapter 8


We walk into the supermarket, hand in hand. It’s strange to be doing something so domestic, but with her it’s natural. I grab a basket as we walk down the aisles. “So, you have a choice of pasta or pasta?” I turn to her and she giggles. My famous lasagna will be on the menu tonight, it’s easy and I doubt I could easily fuck it up. To be honest, I am nervous. Never having cooked a meal for any girl, this is a first for me. Something makes me think that Ms. Winters will bring a lot of firsts to my life.

“I suppose pasta would be good.” She winks at me cheekily and I am tempted to bend her over the vegetable shelves and spank her ass. With the vegetables we need in the basket, I follow her down the aisle to where the pastas are shelved. “Is there a specific one you want?” She holds up two bags, facing me.

“Lasagna, sweetness. It’s the flat one.” I grab the box and place it in the basket. “And we need cheese.” She walks ahead of me and I take in the view of her tight little ass in those tiny shorts. She looks so good, all I want to do is have her bent in front of me, holding onto her ankles. Better yet, I could have her bound, wrists to ankles. My cock springs to life. In the supermarket? She will be the death of me. I follow her down the aisle to the refrigerators. The cool air wafts from the dairy section.

“Gouda or cheddar?” She asks, grabbing a block of each. I walk up behind her, she’s bent over the refrigerator counter and her ass is begging for a spank. I stand flush with her, my cock presses between her cheeks. A gasp escapes her lips. She feels so good and looks even better.

“Don’t move.” My voice a low growl, I glance around and note that we’re alone for a second. I roll my hips against her, the friction sending pleasure all the way down my spine. The ache to be buried deep inside her tight body is taking over my brain and all the blood rushes to my crotch.

“Lucien,” she breathes. I lift my hand and bring it down hard on her ass. She straightens quickly, her pupils dilated and her chest rising and falling faster than normal. “What was that for?” She whispers. I lean in, close to her ear. My chin resting on her shoulder. I am tempted to spin her around and seal her lips with mine, but I opt for teasing her instead.

“For you teasing me. I suggest you behave yourself, or I will spank you again.” Her body is trembling when I reach around her, grab the cheese from her hand and place it in the basket. I step back and she spins around. Her face is one of shock and desire, but she offers a naughty smile.

“Maybe I want you to.” Her words leave me speechless. I open my mouth to reply, but nothing comes out. Perhaps she’s naughtier than I thought she was. I underestimated my sweetness.

“Well, then I can’t wait for dessert tonight.” A sly wink and she’s blushing, I turn and walk towards the check out. As soon as we’re at the till, the cashier glances at me, offering me a smile that can mean only one thing. I unpack the basket, ignoring the desire in this girl’s eyes. There’s only one girl I want to have look at me like that and its Cassandra.

“Is that all for you?” Her voice is sultry and her eyelashes flutter just a little too much. Can she not see I am with Cassie? Suddenly an arm loops through mine. Is she staking claim to me? Does she want this? I hope to God she does. Because slowly I am falling for this girl. You can’t fall for her Luke; it will never work.

“Yea, thanks.” I hand her my credit card and make the payment. As we walk out to the car, Cassie doesn’t let go of my arm. The feeling is new to me. I haven’t spent enough time with a girl in this way before. Normally its meeting at a bar, taking her home and fucking her till the early hours of the morning and calling her a cab. The whole concept of dating on the other hand, is not something I do. How the fuck did I get into this situation? Because your cock marked and claimed her not even 24 hours ago! Yup, I am fucked.

When we get back to the house, we unpack the groceries. The natural way we move around each other is comfortable. I am blown away at what this girl has done to me in the short time I have known her. My life is different already; it’s like there is a light in the dark depths of my soul. After Sasha, I didn’t think that I could ever let someone in. The past has always been my barrier. I would stop before thinking about being with a woman. Let alone a woman like Cassie. As we move through the kitchen, I brush against her on purpose. The light touches make her tremble. The responsiveness she has to me is intoxicating. There’s a storm brewing between us and when it breaks there will be no reprieve from it.

“Would you like to write while I start dinner?” If I don’t get her out of this kitchen soon, there will be no dinner.

“Yes, if you don’t mind. I would prefer to get started with the article as soon as I can.”

“Sure sweetness. I need to get changed and then start my famous pasta!” Grabbing her around the waist, I pull her against me. “And then, I know what I want for dessert!” I seal her mouth with mine in a searing kiss. My tongue pushes against her lips, she opens to me, allowing me access. She tastes so good as I lick into her. When she locks her arms around my neck, I lift her against me. Pure instinct has her legs wrapping around my waist. Our kiss becomes urgent and my cock presses against her heated core, I walk towards the wall pinning her against it. Her body arches into me and our bodies are on fire. Electricity surges through us, between us. I want to rip her clothes off, but first dinner. See, I can be romantic. Feed her first then I get to feast on her.

Whenever she runs her fingers through my hair, it’s like I want to melt into her. We’re joined, our bodies becoming one and the same. There’s something truly erotic about the way she tugs me into her. Almost begging, like she needs me. My cock is straining the front of my jeans and I need her to feel me. I roll my hips into her core. Her body responds and her nipples pebble against my chest. I am about to come in my jeans if she keeps this up.

I pull away, leaving us both breathless. “We need to work… I mean I do and you should cook.” Her adorable innocence tugs at my heart, she stumbles over her words, but instead of being annoyed, I find it endearing. She’s mine. All fucking mine.

“Oh babe, I was cooking.”

She pokes her tongue out, which sends my thoughts whirling, and heat shoots to my crotch. The cheeky brazen act is her attempt to tease me, and she’s succeeded. “Ms. Winters, I suggest you think twice about teasing me with your tongue. Remember, I have a tongue too, and I would love to use it on you.” God, I need to taste her tight little cunt again. I want her coming on my tongue again and again.

As soon as I am in my bedroom, I undo the zipper of my jeans freeing my rigid erection. Fuck, she is beautiful. I should take a cold shower, but I want to get her dinner ready.

I decide on a pair of shorts, and nothing else. That will have her distracted. I make my way back to the living room. She’s sitting on the sofa with her laptop. When her glance meets mine, she squeaks. “You’re cooking in that?” Literally squeaks. I realize she’s as affected by me, as I am by her.

“Yea, is that an issue?” Watching her reaction is priceless, she is chewing on her lower lip and I wonder what’s going on in that beautiful mind.

She’s flushed, averting her gaze. “Yea… No… I am fine.” Her words are a soft mumble and I suppress a chuckle. I doubt she’s fine, because I am not. There is no way I can be fine again with her.

“Stop doing that.” She needs to stop doing that with her mouth. Or biting her finger. She doesn’t notice her little quirks, but I do, so does my cock. Not meeting my gaze, she stares at her screen.

“What?” She asks innocently.

“You know what.” I turn and busy myself in the kitchen. Without another glance at her, I grab the pots I need and make sure all the ingredients are on the table. My eyes dart up again, I can’t stop looking at her. This is the most distracted I have ever been. She’s engrossed in the article and I watch her for a while. Oblivious to anyone else there. She makes some notes on a little notebook and props the pen in her mouth. Her lips wrap around it in such an erotic way that I can’t stop the groan that rumbles low in my chest. At this rate, we will never get dinner.

Once the baking tray is in the oven, I wash up. When I turn, she’s standing at the table. “My God that smells wonderful, Lucien!” Her smile is bright and open; her eyes take in the left over mess in the kitchen.

“Dinner won’t be too much longer. Can I get you a glass of wine, sweetness?” I grab the bottle I took out earlier and smile. Her nod is the only indication that she’s listening, her eyes are raking over my abs. I pull the cork and fill two glasses. When I hand her one, I hold mine up to make a toast. “To our first working trip… And the incredible sex!” My toast earns me a glimpse of her shy sweet smile. We clink glasses and I watch her sip the dark red liquid. It stains her pink lips and I have an intense need to lick them. I need to change the subject.

“How’s your story coming along, you getting work done?” My mind seems to be permanently stuck on being inside her. There are things I need to tell her tonight. I need to explain some things before we get home. Honesty is the only way this will work, but I need to take it slow. Not to overwhelm her.

“I am halfway. It won’t take long to finish.”

“Take another 10 minutes. I will get the table ready.” She goes back to work and I need to put some clothes on. I walk into my bedroom and grab my tank top. My phone buzzes from my bed, it’s Jayce.


* What happened with Sasha? She’s freaking out with me *


I hit reply.


* She’s fucking my life up. It’s over between us, she needs to come to terms with that *


I can’t deal with this right now. Jayce is only trying to keep the peace, I understand that, but he knows as well as I do that it’s over between Sasha and me. There’s no way I am going back there. I don’t love her. Maybe I never did, maybe I am not capable of love. Who knows? With Cassie it’s different, I feel like a man, a good man. She will find out about what I am into and run a mile. I am not right for her, but I can’t stop myself from wanting her. It’s a fucked up situation, but I will enjoy it while I can. Once she leaves me, I will have to find a way to go on. How can my feelings be so strong for her?

I make my way back to the kitchen. I grab the plates and cutlery and set up the table on the patio. Jayce’s words bother me. Sasha will be trouble. Since I broke up with her, actually, since she left me, I haven’t really met anyone that I actually want. Now that Cassie is in my life, I realize that Sasha will try her best to break us up. She’s trying to ruin my life for what happened in our past and I will not let her.

I shake all thoughts of Sasha out of my mind. Tonight is about Cassie and me. I want her to give everything to me. I want her with a passion I never truly had with anyone else. Is this the everlasting love my father tells me about? My mother still left. I don’t understand. The baking tray, along with the salad is on the table, I add two candles in the center and light them. The patio is illuminated in a soft light. It’s romantic. Once the table is ready, I step back inside. She’s so engrossed in her writing she doesn’t notice me staring at her. Why would a girl like her want a tarnished man like me?

* * *


“Sweetness, dinner is served.” I glance up and smile. The food smells incredible and I realize just how hungry I am. I shut my laptop and set it on the sofa. I grab my wine and step out onto the terrace. Outside, the night air was warm, and I watch the waves crashing in the distance. The sound of the ocean was soothing. This was such a wonderful location. I am lucky, standing here with an incredible man.

The table is all set, and the food looks amazing. “Here we are my lady,” he bows pulling my chair out. His good mood is infectious, I slip into the chair and wait for him to take a seat across from me. He lit the two white candles in the center of the table. The flames danced and his eyes seemed to twinkle in the dim light. I was continually struck breathless by his beauty. How on earth did I get so lucky?

I grab the salad servers and dish some for myself. It’s silent while we eat. I am about half way through my dinner when I glance up, and catch him watching me. I cock my head to the side and smile. “What?” I am answered with those stunning dimples as he grins. Suddenly his expression changes and he's serious.

“I…” Grabbing his glass, he takes a sip of wine before continuing. “Please, Cassie? I don’t want you to run from me,” he stares into my eyes, as if he is staring into my heart and soul. I stop breathing because I have no idea how to respond. “There are things you will learn about me, things that aren’t pleasant.” He glances away and I see the conflict inside him. What can be worse than your demons Cassie? What on earth could a man so beautiful have done?

“Lucien, don’t

“Cassandra, I need to.” He looks back. My heart is racing and all I want to do is hold him. I want to tell him it doesn't matter, that our history is just that, it's in the past. “My relationships have been… different. I haven’t ever been with anyone I wanted to be with.” I frown at him, but wait for an explanation. “My mother has an ideal for me. She needs me to be married to a particular girl. Her role in my life is to pair me up with a girl that will make sure the Verán Industries name carries on. She sets me up continually with her friends’ daughters and I suppose in the past I was okay with it.” He takes another sip of wine and stares me. He isn’t expecting my reply, and the shock on my face must be visible. “As frustrating as it was I always obeyed.” He goes silent for a moment and I don’t think I want to hear anymore.

I nod, understanding what he meant. He was a successful businessman, an heir to a throne. Born into money I am certain his mother doesn’t need a lowly writer to be with her son. “Lucien, I understand. When we go back, this…” I pointed between us. “It’s just professional.”

Anger laces his handsome face, and he shakes his head. “No! That’s what I needed to explain to you.” He grabs my hand, and he gives it a squeeze. “I am done attending to my mother's wishes. I need you Cassandra,” his voice urgent and his eyes flash with ferocity and desire and I melt into my chair.

“Lucien.” I could never be the girl his mother chose for him. A simple girl like me, with demons of my own. I couldn’t do this to him.

He raises my hand and kisses my knuckles. Without another word, he rises and steps into the living room. Turning on the sound system. A deep haunting voice fills the silence and I glance up, looking at the speakers on the deck. I didn’t recognize the song. “Who is this?” I ask when he joins me again.

He offers me his hands and I gratefully accept, then he pulls me to my feet. The song is so beautiful as the melody breaks the silence, he wraps his arms around my waist. Instinctively, my arms hold on to his neck. My fingers tangle through the soft hair at the base of his neck. “It’s an artist called Laurel.” His voice is low; his lips find the spot on my neck that sends shivers racing down my spine. He moves back, the lyrics wash over me as I look into olive eyes that hold so much emotion.

When the song ends, I pull away. I need to put some distance between us, because I can’t think straight, but he pulls me back. “Was that a hint?” I smile up at him, his eyes gleaming. He gives me a non-committal shrug and I giggle. “A man of many words aren’t you Mr.…” I taunt. His eyebrows shoot up promptly. “Lucien,” I wink and draw out of his tender embrace.

“Oh, playing that teasing game are we?” An amused expression takes over and I don't answer, instead I turn to look at the ocean. My hands on the wooden rail of the balcony. “I can play games as well.” His voice at my ear, and his hot breath on my neck. My breath hitches at his words. Don’t hurt me Lucien, please? He stands behind me, his arms either side of me caging me in. The heat of his body is intoxicating. I need to lighten the mood after his words.

“It’s not a game handsome. I never play games.” I say quietly as he wraps his arms around me. The heat of his chest warming my back. His chin resting on my shoulder, I feel the stubble against my skin. I imagine how good it would be between my thighs as he goes down on me. Fuck, I want him. I am acting like a wanton slut for a man I don’t even know. A man with so many secrets, but then again, I have my own secrets too.

“I do,” he murmurs and my heart stops. “In the bedroom.” He whispers in my ear and his teeth tug on my earlobe. A moan escapes my lips and I flush. His arousal pressing against my ass and I realize that we will never get to finish dinner now.

“Do you now?” I ask, as I watch the stars twinkling in the darkened sky. My voice comes out raspy. He knows he affects me.

“Ms. Winters, you have no idea.” His voice is dark and dangerous, sending anticipation straight down my spine to my core. I would like you to show me!

“Would you care to show me?” I push back against his groin, rubbing my ass along the hard ridge of his cock. “Mr. Verán.” The name is a whisper, barely audible. His hand reaches up and grips my neck. His teeth bite the skin behind my ear. I am aching and on fire. “Are you positive you are ready for me Ms. Winters?” I hear the rasp in his deep voice and the heat coils in my lower abdomen. My skin alight with desire, and I would have done anything for him right there. I haven’t been so turned on before.

“Yes.” I breathe. Oh God, I hope I am making the right decision. He makes me feel so fucking incredible, I can’t go back now.

His other hand moves over my breast, pinching and tweaking my now rock hard nipple through the thin fabric of my top. Those expert fingers trace a line down to my bellybutton. My body humming with anticipation as his hand slips into the waistband of my jeans and the flimsy cotton panties. “You’re so fucking wet for me, baby.” I shudder when he strokes my heated entrance and teases my bundle of nerves. “Do you like me holding you down, Cassie?” I sigh into the night and my head drops back onto his shoulder. His other hand still at my neck holding me in place. I can’t find words to respond, so I push back against his cock again and it twitches against my ass.

His teasing is relentless as my body trembles and my release climbs. Higher and higher from his expert touch. Slowly sliding two fingers inside me, he whispers. “You are so fucking perfect. So hot, tight and wet. Only for me.” His words and his fingers sending me to the brink. He continues the exquisite torture and I am dripping on his hand. My shoulder heats from his kisses, his teeth bite my sensitive skin. It’s like electricity shooting through me. I feel my orgasm about to erupt then he stops. My whimper is fueled with anguish, and pain. The ache and need to find release clouds my senses.

“Do you like teasing me, Cassandra?” He pulls his fingers out and turns me around, licking them one by one, our eyes locked. Watching him lick my arousal from his fingers has me whimpering again. I chew on my lip. I need him inside me. The only time I am whole, fixed, was when he filled me

“I need you.” I voice my thoughts and he draws me against him. His lips cover mine, kissing me roughly, while his fingers fist my hair holding me still. His dominating tongue invades my roughly. Taking control of the kiss. Our tongues dance and tangle as I taste myself on him. I couldn’t get enough of him. My body responds to him in ways I never dreamed possible. I am flying and the fear of landing squeezes my heart painfully. He lifts me by my ass, I wrap my legs around him, and he carries me to the living room.

He breaks our kiss; his voice is low and raspy. “I need to be inside you.” He tugs at my shorts and panties, pulling them down in one swift move. I watch him undo his shorts and slide them down. He wasn’t wearing boxers and his impressive erection stands proudly. Once he’s kneeling between my thighs, he grips his cock and teases me. Slow strokes against my bare pussy with the tip of his cock, I lift my hips towards him, moaning. His dark gaze is hungry, the hunter catching his prey. He looks down at me, with eyes that are black with desire. “You want me inside you, baby?” I nod. I have never been so ready in my life. My body craved him. Needed him to take me, own me, and possess me. Where the fuck did that come from? I don’t care, I want it, and I want it with him.

He slams into me suddenly and I cry out as I come undone around him. My body shuddering violently below him from my release and he stills inside me. He watches, and waits. As I calm from my orgasm, he moves again, sliding out to the tip and driving back inside me. Filling me entirely, like he was made to be inside me.

“My lumière,” his voice is gentle in my ear, contradictory to his movements as he plunges into me repeatedly. My legs lock around his waist pulling him in deeper, never wanting him to stop. I was on the verge again as I felt the heat rise inside me. He made me feel things I never thought I would again. Fixed me with his words, his touch, his kisses, and the way he made love to me, the way he fucked me. His body tensing and I knew he was close. “My lumière,” he repeated the words as he tensed inside me, filling me with his release. My body convulsed as another orgasm ripped through me and I clenched around him. Holding on to him like I would disappear without him in my arms. There was something shifting between us and there was no turning back. This weekend would change our relationship, from a work related one to something entirely different. As I look up into sparkling green eyes, my heart doesn’t hurt. For the first time it feels like I can breathe. Lucien Verán was breathing life into me, into the shattered heart and soul I have hidden away for far too long.

* * *


I open my eyes to my phone vibrating on the nightstand, it’s Monday morning, and I promised Cassie a workout. Today will be our last work day here. Tomorrow I have the surprise planned, and I am nervous. I hope she will love it. With a quick glance at her, I find she’s sound asleep. We didn’t go to bed till late and I don’t want to wake her so early, but we are going running. I grab my briefs and tug them on. The first and most important thing is to put the coffee machine on. In the kitchen, I make sure there’s chilled water in the fridge for after our run. The coffee should be ready in ten minutes, now it’s time to wake my girl.

“Sweetness! Wake up, sleepy head.” I lean over her, my hand stroking her cheek. Her gaze rakes over me and I see the hunger in her eyes. None of that now, darling.

“Good morning to you too handsome.”

“Come on gorgeous, you owe me a workout.” She looks adorable as she groans at the mention of a workout, but I am not letting her go that easy.

“What time is it?”

“5:45” I kneel on the bed. All I want to do is devour her.

“Okay, give me ten minutes and we can go. And you’re not going like that!” She points at my boxers and naked torso.

“Why? I assumed you preferred me without my clothes on.” I want no one seeing you naked either baby. When she sits up and I can tell she’s sore from last night. Oh baby, you will be aching when I get you in my bedroom at home. I get off the bed and watch her.

“Yes. I do, but no one else is allowed to see you like that!” Her jealousy is refreshing, the fact that she feels it at all makes me smile. I feel exactly the same about other men looking at her.

“Ooh do I detect a hint of jealousy?” I tug on my grey pants and tie the string at my waist. Her gaze is hungry; my grin threatens to crack my face. She loves staring at me.

“No, I have nothing to be jealous about.” She’s still so unsure of my feelings for her. It’s like she thinks that I will up and cheat on her. It’s not my style. When I have a woman, she’s all mine and I am all hers. “Or do I?” She pokes her tongue out at me again. That tongue of hers will get her into a lot of trouble with me. Her teasing is clear; she needs to realize that I love to tease as well and when I do, it will be until she is begging me to make her come.

“No, you do not, sweetness, at all. Trust me. And if you wish to get out of this house today, I suggest you stop poking your tongue at me.”

I grab my black tank top and leave her to get ready. In the kitchen, I pour the freshly brewed coffee and wait. Normally, I love my own space, but she makes me want to spend time with her. All the time. When she walks into the kitchen, blood rushes straight to my cock. She’s dressed in a tiny pair of blue running shorts, a matching sports bra, and flimsy see through tank top. She has curves for days; her breasts are natural, and her legs are shapely. Every man’s wet dream, but she’s all mine. I am tempted to forget the run and just take her to bed, but I promised her a workout. All I can do is hope it will calm the raging erection in my pants. “I made some coffee, drink up and then we can go.” She smiles and picks up the cup. The need to avert my eyes is strong, she’s so inviting, alluring.

When she’s finished, I grab the keys and we head out onto the quiet road. I love being on the island, there’s not very many people awake at this time of the day and I enjoy the peacefulness. We’re evenly matched, and I marvel in the way she runs with such ease. Every footfall is hard, but at the same time feminine. We chat about nothing in particular. Sweat glistens on her skin and all I can think of is ripping her bra off and sucking her nipples until they peak in my mouth. Tugging her shorts off and tasting her sweet little pussy. Stop it, Verán! How am I supposed to run with a fucking hard on?

Once we get back to the house, I unlock the door and step inside. My muscles are aching. I love the pain. I grab two bottles from the fridge and hand her one. With a large gulp I finish mine, enjoying the cool water. When my gaze locks on her, I stare at the water on her mouth and the drops fall to her breasts. She has not looked sexier than she does now.

“What?” She asks when she glances at me, she does not understand what the fuck she does to me.

“Fuck this!” I can’t stop myself anymore, grabbing her I throw her over my shoulder. Like a fucking caveman, but I don’t care, I need her now.

“Lucien! What are you doing?” Spanking her ass, she yelps and I chuckle. “Put me down!” Fuck, I can’t wait to see her sweet little ass pink. In my bathroom, I set her down on the counter top and proceed undressing. I grab the tank top she’s wearing and shred it from her body.

“Lucien.” Her breathing hikes and her pules riots in her throat. Those mocha eyes are glistening with hunger and need that I myself feel. I undo the bra restraining her tits and when they fall free, I lean forward and devour them. My mouth suckles them, just the way I know she likes it. I bite down on her nipple and she whimpers. She likes a bit of pain, and I realize she must be soaking wet. I move my mouth to her other breast and show it the same attention. She tastes too good. Like honey and sweat. Soft and feminine. I want to make sure I am the only one that she aches for.

In one quick movement I pull her shorts and panties off. Her scent is intoxicating and so fucking sexy. I seal her mouth with a kiss, her lips open for me and I lick into her. The sweetness on her tongue has my cock hard as steel. I break the kiss and head to the shower. “I want you wet and slippery.”

Once I turn on the taps, I concentrate on her again. I stroke her thighs, massaging her. Just enough pressure to send tingles straight to her pussy. Her lips part and a soft moan escapes her lips. She’s so fucking ready for me, but I restrain myself, it will be so much better when I finally drive into her, in the shower.

I undress and her hungry gaze is enough to tell me that she wants me. “Do you know what you do to me, sweetness?” She shakes her head hastily. This girl will be my undoing, she already is. Fear constricts my heart when I look at her, there is something close to love on her face and I can’t have her love me. Yes, I can. Fuck. My emotions are in turmoil. The last time someone loved me, I couldn’t handle it. Honesty, that’s what I need to give her, but I need it from her as well. I know there is something she is hiding from me. “I just don’t want to fuck this up. You need to always be honest with me okay, baby?” I am pleading with her. Can she see it?

Something flickers across her face and she hops off the counter and steps into the shower. Fuck, Verán, you’re making her sad. What the fuck was that though? Why is she pulling away now? I follow her in and close the door. “Cassandra.” I turn her to face me. With my index finger, I trace a slow line from her ear to her chin, lifting her face. I need eye contact. The need to see what she’s feeling. I wish I could read her mind that’s the only way to know for sure if she wants this. Why can’t she see I care about her? I want her for fuck sake. She needs to stop running from me, but I know as soon as she learns my secrets that’s exactly what she will do.

“I care about you, I want you. Please stop running?” Her touch is like a drug to me, quelling my fears, lighting my darkness. The ugliness that lies deep inside me. We’re both standing there soaked from the warm spray, her body pressed against mine and I know she can feel I am rock hard. I lift her up, pin her against the wall and slide into her. “Your pussy is perfect, so tight, hot and slick. Just for me.” My drives are slow, taking her higher, and she takes me. I want her to feel every inch of me inside her tight body. Her pussy is amazing. Tight, warm, and mine.

The dark need to possess her tugs at me and I grip her neck. My thrusts become urgent, pinning her back flush against the tiles. Like I did last night, I hold her in place. She accepts me like this. Her moans are raspy. I want to hear her moan all the time. For me. While I am inside her. I want to heal her, hurt her, possess her, and make her mine completely. With her earlobe between my teeth, I bite down. She flies over the edge and I feel her come around my cock. Her arousal coating me. Her body convulses and her eyes flutter closed as she rides out her orgasm. Fuck, she’s perfect. “You are mine Cassandra, entirely mine.” For the third time in the past two days I claim her, my release fills her, marking her as mine. Taking her straight to hell with me. This sweet innocent girl is mine. Tomorrow we go back to LA and I don’t even know how I will introduce her into my world. Will she run as I expect her to? Or will she give me a chance?




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Snowed in With the Alien Doctor: Warriors of Etlon by Abigail Myst, Starr Huntress

Benjamin: A Single Dad Shifter Romance (The Johnson Clan Book 1) by Terra Wolf

A Taxonomy of Love by Rachael Allen

Nice and Naughty: A Christmas Collection by Julia Sykes

Royal Love (Last Royals Book 1) by Cristiane Serruya

Sack Time by A.M. Willard

The Hooker and the Hermit by L.H. Cosway, Penny Reid

Convincing The Alpha’s Omega: M/M Shifter Mpreg Romance (Alpha Omega Lodge Book 2) by Emma Knox

Once Upon a Wedding by Joann Ross

One Extra Dirty Scot by Donna Alam

Gods & Monsters by Saffron A Kent

Paranormal Dating Agency: Oh, Bite Me (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Guardians of the Deep Book 1) by Chris Genovese

Captured: Devil's Blaze MC Book 1 by Jordan Marie

Dirty by R.L. Kenderson

Holding On by Allie Everhart

Draw Blood (Lone Star Mobster Book 6) by Cynthia Rayne

Softhearted (Deep in the Heart Book 2) by Kim Law

Forbidden Love - Part One: Thou Shalt Not Love by Zane Michaelson

Montana Gold (Rocky Mountain Romances Book 3) by Diane Darcy