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Broken (The Captive Series Prequel) by Erica Stevens (11)

Half-asleep in his arms, Genny curled against his chest as they rode back toward the clearing where they'd originally met. His arms tightened around her when she nestled closer to his chest. His lips pressed against the top of her head as he bowed his head to hers. A smile curved her mouth, her hand wrapped around his powerful bicep and she inhaled the enticing scent of man, horse and leather that adhered to his smooth skin. She could also detect the scent of her blood within him now, flowing through his system. It was a link that no vampire sought to share with another, and yet it made her feel so incredibly whole and secure that all she wanted was to taste him again.


"Hmm?" she murmured.

"What just happened…" She stiffened against him when his voice trailed off and braced herself for him to say that it couldn't happen again, that he regretted it, or that it had been a mistake. She didn't think she could take that kind of a blow; it would devastate her more than Felix's fists ever could. "I love you Genny."

Her head shot up, unexpected tears burned her eyes as she met his shadowed gaze. His jaw clenched; he looked as fragile as an icicle as he braced himself for her response. She rested her palm against his cheek, the stubble already beginning to form there prickled against her palm. "I love you too," she whispered.

The distant look faded from his eyes, his tempting mouth curled into a smile that warmed her all the way to her toes. He pulled the horse up before bending his head to taste her lips. Pleasure swirled through her; she fisted her hands into his shirt and held him against her.

There was no thought of Felix when she was in Atticus's arms, Marie ceased to exist, and even Camille became a distant presence. He pulled his head back from hers; let go of the hold he had on her hair and repositioned her in his lap. Yes, in his arms was where she was supposed to be; she knew that as surely as she knew that the birds would sing come morning. He rested his palms against her cheeks and kissed away her tears. He had the most radiant smile, she decided, as she grasped his hands within hers and held them against her cheeks.

A rustling of leaves caused his head to shoot up. He moved so fast that she barely even realized she was moving before he had her swung around and planted firmly behind him on the horse. Genny struggled to grasp hold of his waist as she found herself staring at his rigid back. Though it was his cousin that emerged from the woods Atticus didn't relax. He stared relentlessly at the man riding his horse into the center of the clearing.

Merle's eyes briefly settled on her before focusing upon Atticus. "I've been sent to find you."

Atticus's brow furrowed as he frowned at him. "For what?"

"I'm not entirely sure, but we've both been summoned."

Atticus's jaw clenched, his hands tightened on the reins as a shudder went through his body. She was curious to know what was wrong but she knew it wasn't her place to ask. She would never question what went on in their world, it was a piece of his life that she could never be a part of, but she'd never seen that look on his face before. It radiated defiance, anger, and yet a strange resignation that she'd never thought she'd see from him.

She was the one that was resigned to the plight of her life, but he shouldn't be. He had money, power, security and influence over their world. She didn't have any of those things but she was beginning to realize he might have even less freedom than she did.

Atticus bowed his head in acquiescence. "I'll be there shortly." Merle hesitated; he glanced at her again as his horse backed up a step. "What is it?" Atticus demanded.

"I was told not to return without you."

She could actually hear Atticus's teeth grinding together as his nostrils flared. "I see."

He glanced back at her, squeezed her hands at his waist and gently pulled them free. He slid from the saddle and turned to her. Grasping hold of her waist, he plucked her from the saddle. The sensation of her body sliding down his as he leisurely lowered her to the ground caused a shiver of delight to run through her. The icy look left his eyes, the left side of his mouth quirked into a cocky half smile that told her he knew exactly what he was doing to her.

She had expected him to release her immediately now that they were in front of his cousin, instead he held her against him and kissed her sweetly. She stared up at him dazedly when he pulled away and rested his forehead against hers. "I'll see you tomorrow," he vowed.

She glanced at Merle who looked hastily away. He became extremely intrigued by the treetops over his head. Genny would have laughed at the innocent expression he plastered to his face if it wasn't for the fact that she was troubled about why he had been sent here to begin with. "Are you sure you'll be able to get away?" she whispered.

"No matter what it takes, I will be here tomorrow Genny."

She squeezed his forearms before she took a reluctant step away from him. His eyes searched hers, he hesitated for a minute before turning away. He grabbed his reins and swung into the saddle without the aide of the stirrup. Genny took another step away; he stared lingeringly at her before spurring his horse forward. Merle finally looked toward her again. She'd expected him to spurn her; instead he bowed his head to her, lifted his fingers to his forehead and gave her a small wave. Genny tremulously smiled back at him, unreasonable tears burned her throat as she watched them disappear into the woods.

Exasperation filled her at the tears and the weakness she felt creeping through her system, but she couldn't shake the strange gulf growing within her. The sense of loss filling her was even more intense than it had been any other time that they had separated. What had their exchange of blood created between them?

She stood with her shoulders hunched up as she tried to regain control of herself. Her fingernails dug into her palms until blood trickled down her fingers. She had to pull herself together if she was going to make it through this night. Bending down, she wiped her hands on some leaves and rose again. Thrusting her shoulders back, she forced herself to put one foot in front of the other in the opposite direction from where Merle and Atticus had disappeared.

It felt as if she were walking through a fog as she pulled a small purse of money from one of her hiding places. She may not have made it into town today but Felix would still have to be paid. Jogging through the woods, she made it back to the main road that led through the vampire village.

Her thoughts turned to Atticus's reaction to Merle's words. She wondered what he had been recalled to do and if he would, in fact, return tomorrow. The thought made her already constricted chest tighten even more. It took all she had not to turn and run back into the woods after him but there was no way she could bring him back or find out what was going on. If he didn't return tomorrow, he would return as soon as he could, of that much she was certain.

"Genny! Genny!" She didn't know how long Camille had been calling for her but her sister gave her a disgruntled look when she arrived at her side. "What is wrong with you?"

Genny blinked, shook her head, and forced a smile. "Nothing is wrong."

"I've been calling you for the past fifty feet and you just kept walking."

"Sorry," she apologized as Camille looped her arm through hers. "I guess I was daydreaming."

"About him," Camille teased.

Genny forced a laugh but it was difficult to get the sound out when her chest felt like it was being crushed. "Maybe a little."

"Did you enjoy your ride?" Camille inquired as she leaned against her side.

"It was a wonderful time," she admitted.

Camille glanced up at her from under the thick fringe of her lashes. A wistful smile played across her mouth before her head dropped down to Genny's shoulder again. "I'm glad. You deserve some happiness."

Genny kissed the top of her sister's head, she was tempted to tell her about what had happened between the two of them today, but it was still so new to her and she wasn't sure her sister would understand. "I am happy," she said instead.

Camille squeezed her arm as they continued down the street. They passed a few of the Watchmen but by now most of them had retreated to the club in the center of the village for the night to stand guard. They passed by the large stable that served as cover for the club that had been built beneath it. Genny had never been inside this club but just passing by it she could smell the aromas of blood and sex that wafted out from within. No human would ever know it was there, but any passing vampire would be able to find it immediately. Unlike the more luxurious clubs the aristocrats attended, both male and female vampires gathered within the small club that every village had.

The closer they got to Felix's small hut, the more the gulf inside of her became a block that seemed to be tied around her neck. She hoped that he would decide to take tonight's earnings and go to the club but just being inside that hut made her feel imprisoned. The light flickering from the candles inside the other huts they passed looked almost inviting, but the light coming from Felix's seemed more like a bad omen.

Even before they arrived at the rickety shelter, she heard Marie's voice drifting out from within. She exchanged a questioning look with Camille as Marie's high, flirtatious laughter filled the air. "Sounds like she's been drinking," Camille muttered.

Genny nodded her agreement, she forgot all about her concern over why Merle had been ordered to retrieve Atticus when she rested her hand on the knob. Thrusting back her shoulders and lifting her chin, she braced herself before opening the door and stepping into the hovel. "There they are! My girls!"

The scent of cheap wine filled Genny's nostrils seconds before her mother's palms squeezed her cheeks and then she kissed her puckered lips. Genny recoiled from the wretched scent of stale wine wafting from her and the cool feel of Marie's lips as if she'd been slapped. Marie must have consumed enough wine for ten men if she was willing to touch her again, let alone kiss her. She couldn't remember the last time either of those things had happened.

"Oh Genevieve, always so reserved, sometimes I wonder if you are my child," Marie said in a falsely bright tone.

"So do I," Genny muttered.

Marie laughed as she danced over toward Camille who took an abrupt step behind Genny in order to try and avoid her. The fact that her youngest child wanted even less to do with her than Genny had was no deterrent. She grabbed Camille's arm and tugged her forward. "So beautiful, my Camille. You look so much like me!"

So much like you used to look, Genny thought as she took in Marie's haggard appearance. Vampires usually stopped aging in their early twenties but nearly seventy-five years of hard living had taken their toll on Marie. Her hair was the same wheat blonde color as Camille's but it hung lankly around her face and was currently darker in hue due to the fact that it had a thick layer of grease built up on it. Her skin didn't have Camille's healthy peaches and cream glow but was a sickly pale color that reminded Genny of a human on their deathbed. Even her once red lips were faded to an unhealthy bluish white. Her high cheekbones stood out sharply, and her clothes hung limply on her frail frame. It had been only a few days since she'd last seen Marie, but she appeared to have lost five pounds in that time.

Genny didn't care what it was Marie had been involved with while she'd been away or what she was up to now, just as she was sure Marie cared little about what she had been doing. There was a reason she was here tonight, a reason she was being so overtly loving toward them and Genny knew she would reveal her reasons soon.

Camille's lips skimmed back in revulsion and she finally succeeded in tugging her hands free of Marie's grip. Marie laughed as she twirled away toward where Felix sat in his chair in the corner. There were a couple flagons of wine on the floor at his feet; his brown eyes were bloodshot as they went from Genny to Camille and back again. His brown hair had been slicked back with grease from his narrow face, rat-like nose and stubble lined jaw.

"Money," he barked and held out his hand.

So that's it, Genny thought as she reached into her cloak and pulled out her small money purse. Marie must have run out of her own funds and had now returned to whisper in Felix's ear. Marie slid onto Felix's lap and turned sideways so that her legs draped over his arm, then glanced up at Genny with malice in her eyes. Genny refused to break eye contact with Marie as she moved closer to Felix. The cracks of the open palm she dropped the money into were filled with dirt; his fingernails were ragged and brown. She had no idea how Marie allowed this man to touch her, but then she supposed that they were both perfect for each other.

"Is that all you have?" Marie purred as she batted her lashes at her.

Fury slid though Genny, her teeth clenched. She glared at the woman that had given birth to her. "Yes," Genny replied crisply.

"You've been spending so much time amongst the humans lately that I would have expected more."

A trickle of apprehension slid through Genny as she continued to hold Marie's surprisingly observant, sea colored gaze. Did she know about Atticus, is that what she was getting at? Or did she suspect they had a stash hidden away somewhere? No matter what Marie was getting at, one thing was clear, she was nowhere near as drunk as she pretended to be.

"Are you holding out on me girl?" Felix grumbled.

Genny looked away from her mother's soulless eyes to Felix's sadistic ones. "They're humans, they don't have much money," Genny told him.

"Of course they do," Marie replied flippantly. She began to kick her feet like a gleeful child. "You're just not trying hard enough."

The realization hit Genny harder than Felix ever had before, Marie actually liked how Felix treated her. There could be no other explanation for her mother's efforts to incite his temper.

"I expect more from you tomorrow," Felix growled.

"I'll see what I can do," Genny murmured.

Marie let out a small cry when Felix shoved her inelegantly off of his lap and rose from his chair. Genny would have laughed out loud at the spectacle of Marie sprawled on the floor with her skirts all tangled around her, but Felix had already moved forward to loom over her like a hideous gargoyle. She forced herself not to flinch away from his fisted hands and clenched jaw. A vein stood out on his forehead, his face flushed a vivid shade of red.

Genny braced herself as he placed his index finger in her shoulder and shoved her back a step. "You'll do better than 'seeing what you can do'." She had to force herself not to wipe away the spittle he sprayed in her face with each word. "You will bring more home tomorrow or you will regret it."

Before she could respond he backhanded her across the face. The inside of her cheek split open, blood pooled inside her mouth. Her hand flew to her stinging cheek but instead of cowering away from him, her head snapped back around and she glowered at him. She was tired of being pushed around, beaten senseless when the mood struck him, and treated as if she were less than a rat. Tired of her pathetic mother, her drunken lover, and being frightened.

Without thinking, her hand flew up and she slapped Felix with enough force to knock him back a step. Maybe it was Atticus's pure blood in her veins, maybe it was because she was so infuriated, or maybe it had always been in her, but strength surged through her veins as his head came back toward her. Behind her Camille gasped and her hand flew to her mouth, Marie stopped trying to fix her cumbersome clothing and simply gawked at them.

Felix's eyes were a fiery red color when they focused on her. Those eyes made her realize he was going to kill her but even as panic slid down her back, so did pride. He'd try to kill her, but for once she was going to stand up for herself against him and Marie. She may not be a manipulative wreck like Marie was but up until now she'd been acting like a spineless coward when it came to this man.

He grabbed hold of her tunic and yanked her forward so forcefully that her head snapped back on her neck. Genny's hands wrapped around his as he lifted her up and held her off of the ground. She stared defiantly back at him, refusing to show him any fear as she grit her teeth together and thrust out her jaw. He pulled her so close to him that their noses nearly touched and his rancid, wine soaked breath washed over her.

"You'll pay for that," he snarled before throwing her across the room as if she weighed no more than a ragdoll.

Genny hit the wall with enough force that the whole hut shook. A small cry escaped her as the distinct crack of one of her ribs echoed in the air before she crumpled to the ground. The grinding of her ribs caused her to wince but she put her hands on the floor and pushed herself up as he came at her again.

"No!" Camille cried and ran toward her.

Camille grabbed hold of her arms but Genny shook her off. Her sister came stubbornly back at her though. Genny thrust out her arm and pinned Camille against the wall as Felix knelt before her. She should be scared but instead she found herself strangely focused on the bloodshot veins running through his eyes.

"You'll bring me more money tomorrow or it will be her." He thrust a finger at Camille. "That will be paying me back." For the first time Genny felt true terror course through her, he must have seen it on her face as a sadistic smile twisted his mouth and he leaned closer. "Oh yes my dear, and believe me I have no desire to bruise her flesh. At least not in anger anyway."

Bile rose up her throat at the implications of his words. Camille shuddered and shrank away from him. "No," Genny whispered.

His hands rested on either side of her legs as he leaned even closer. "Bring. Me. More. Money," he enunciated clearly.

All the fight went out of her; she swallowed heavily. "I will."

He stood up and walked away. Camille leaned closer to her but Genny couldn't bring herself to look at her sister. Her mother smiled coquettishly up at Felix and took hold of the hand he extended toward her. Hatred for her mother blazed through Genny. Marie's false laughter trailed behind her as they disappeared into the small room they shared.

"Are you hurt?" Camille asked anxiously.

"I'll be fine."

"What were you thinking Genny?" she whispered.

Genny turned her head to look at Camille. Her eyes were filled with worry and there were fine lines around her pinched mouth as she stared anxiously back at her. "That I want to be free," she breathed. "That I've had enough of being scared of him. But it seems I've only made things worse."

Camille shook her head and curled up against her side. Genny draped her arm around her sister. A small cry escaped her as the movement jarred her broken ribs but she pulled Camille closer. "They can't get any worse," Camille said.

Genny thought over Felix's parting words and knew that things could definitely get worse; they could get much worse. Her fingers involuntarily drifted to the healing marks on her neck that were hidden beneath her tunic.

Maybe I should tell Atticus, she thought. It would be embarrassing and awful, but she was willing to endure that humiliation if it meant Camille would be safe from Felix.