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Broken (The Captive Series Prequel) by Erica Stevens (19)

Atticus strode into his father's manor the next day and glanced around the massive front room. "Where is my father?" he demanded of one of the passing servants.

"I think he is in his private solar milord," the man gushed out before scurrying away.

Atticus hurried across the rush covered floor to the stairs. He climbed them swiftly and briskly walked down the hall of the second floor. Raising his hand, he knocked on the door to his father's solar and entered when he heard the gruff, 'come in,' issued from the other side. Opening the door, he stepped into the dim candlelit room. His father sat at the head of the table with a golden goblet beside him and some parchments spread on the table before him. Atticus glanced around the room for some of his father's servants, or his uncle, but they were alone.

"New details of the truce and The Council," his father said and gestured absently toward the parchments. "I see you've finally decided to return."

Atticus ignored his father's disapproving tone. "There is something we must discuss."

His father lifted his goblet and took a sip of it. The potent scent of blood drifted up from it as he studied Atticus over the rim. "Such as?"

From years of experience he knew it was best not to hedge at things around his father. There had never been a time he'd openly disobeyed his father before. However, there was far more on the line here than what country they would be in or what his schooling and training would be. There would be no falling in line this time, not when it had to do with Genny.

"I'd like to discuss my betrothal to Anna."

"What of it?" his father inquired.

"It is to be called off."

His father quirked an eyebrow as he leaned forward and poured himself some more blood from the tankard at his elbow. "I see that the woman you've decided to play house with is far more skilled at the art of seduction than I had given her credit for."

Atticus's hands fisted at his sides. "Don't talk about her like that," he grated from between clenched teeth.

His father snorted with laughter. He took another drink and leaned back in his chair to survey Atticus with a twist of his upper lip. "One would think she was your first with the way that you're acting, but we both know that's far from true."

"How do you even know about her?"

"I'm not a fool nor am I blind. With the way you've been behaving these past few weeks I knew something was amiss. I have my ways of finding things out."

Arturo or Merle wouldn't have told his father anything, of that much he was certain. That left only one way for his father to know about Genny, he was spying on him. Atticus placed his hands on the table and leaned toward his father. "You tell your men to stay away from me and especially her."

His father dropped his goblet on the table. "You will not speak to me like that again. You may have your mother's blood in your veins but I am stronger than you, boy. I own you, and I will do as I please with you and my men. You are not free in this world."

Frustration swelled through Atticus as he glared at the man across from him. His father was stronger than he was, he would not be able to overtake him, not now while he was still so young. "I am not marrying Anna," he said bluntly. "Merle has offered to marry her in my place…"

"Of course he has. It will give him an advantage over you that he's never had before." His father believed those words but Atticus didn't. "Especially if you're insane enough to think that you will marry that village girl. It seems your cousin has more common sense and drive when it comes to the intrigues of politics than I'd given him credit for. My son, however, appears to be an imbecile."

He fought the urge to drive his fist into his father's face but he refused to rise to his father's baiting. "You can arrange it so that Jane or another of Silas's relatives, whichever he chooses, will have the opportunity to marry my firstborn son," Atticus continued as if his father hadn't spoken.

A cruel smile twisted his father's mouth. He poured himself another goblet of the viscous blood. "You think they aspire to be linked to the child of a prince and a gutter rat?" he scoffed.

His teeth ground loudly together. "You and I both know that you have your ways and that you could work something out with them if you tried."

"Yet again you're speaking to me as if you have a choice in this matter. Let us get this straight right now, you have no choice here. This marriage will benefit us all; do you think this truce amongst the nobles will last long? We must have the House of Salaze on our side when the truce collapses, that won't happen if you try to get out of this marriage. We will not be making an enemy out of them because you're caught up on some village whore."

The blood rushed to his face; before he could stop himself he banged his hands on the table. "I told you not to talk about her like that!"

His father slammed his goblet down, blood sloshed out the sides of it and onto the table. Before he could even blink, his father was upon him. Atticus's fingers flew up to claw at the hand squeezing down on his windpipe as his father thrust his face into Atticus's.

"And I told you not to speak to me like that again!" he spat. "You're not strong enough yet, boy."

Drawing on Genny's blood and the connection they shared, power swelled up to surge through his veins. His upper lip curled into a sneer as he lifted his forearm and smashed it against his father's hand with enough force to knock his father's hold free. Surprise flickered briefly over his father's features but he suppressed it quickly and stepped back to straighten his tunic.

Atticus hadn't been expecting to break free of his father's hold. Even with his breeding, it never should have been possible. His father had almost four hundred years on him but he wasn't about to be pushed around, and he most certainly wasn't going to make Genny unhappy by being forced into a marriage that he didn't want. His father could probably still take him in a fight to the death but neither of them were willing to let this escalate to that point. They would both be losers then.

"Merle will marry the girl," he said as he straightened his own tunic and stepped away from the wall.

His father released a harsh bark of laughter. "Merle can only marry the younger daughter. Silas will not accept a substitute that has a lower pedigree than his own daughter. You will marry Anna. You need only bed her often enough to get her pregnant with a son then you can go about your life with this village woman as you see fit."

"There are others amongst us that would prefer not to see this marriage happen. I'm sure if I bring this new arrangement up to The Council they will be more than happy to see Merle replace me. If it comes to that we will lose an alliance with Silas."

His father's mouth pursed, the flicker of red in his eyes shocked Atticus more than his sudden attack had. His father was never ruffled, never showed any signs of losing his composure, but that flash of red revealed just how agitated he was right now. "If you continue to refuse to marry Anna, I'll have the village woman killed."

Red suffused Atticus's vision at his father's blunt threat against Genny's life. Before he could stop himself he took four steps toward the man. He came back to his senses before he launched himself at his father and started the fight to the death that he hoped to avoid. If he lost the fight, Genny would be left alone and defenseless in a world that was becoming increasingly hostile for her.

"Don't threaten her," Atticus growled.

"You will do as you're told and I don't care what I have to do in order to ensure that. You will marry Anna or I will have the girl killed. I don't care if it takes me years, I will find an opportunity to destroy her if you refuse this contract or if you bring any other option up to The Council."

Atticus's hands fisted, his nails dug so deeply into his palms that blood spilled free. He didn't know what to say or do, with that one threat to have Genny killed, his father had taken all options away from him. "Stay away from her."

"The wedding will be moved up to the end of next month. I'd suggest finding a more suitable place for your mistress so that your bride doesn't become aware of her existence." Atticus took another step toward his father. His father lowered his goblet to the table and turned to face him. "You're valuable to me but don't think I won't beat you into submission and lock you away until the marriage can take place. If you force my hand, I will hide the girl from you and you'll never know where she is until you've produced an heir."

"Stay away from her," he enunciated each word vehemently.

"I'll stay away from her if you remain the dutiful groom."

His teeth ground together so tightly that he thought he might shatter a few of them. "So be it."

"Is that a yes?"

"Yes." It was a lie, he knew it was a lie, but he forced himself to hold his father's gaze as he uttered the words, "I will marry Anna."

"Good," his father said in a cheerful tone that made Atticus's eye twitch. "Now get out."

Atticus waited for a minute before spinning on his heel and storming out of the room. He wanted nothing more than to escape this manor. He had to put some distance between himself and his father, but there was something that he had to retrieve before he could escape here.

He hurried to his room, gathered what he needed and left the manor. It was just beginning to rain again when he stepped outside. Merle was waiting for him where he'd left him by the stable. "Went that well did it?" his cousin inquired as he handed Atticus the reins to Drago.

"He threatened to have Genny killed."

Merle looked at him as if he'd just told him that it never rained in England. "Atticus…"

"I'll find a way to destroy him if he ever lays a hand on her," he vowed as he swung onto his saddle.

Merle's mouth pursed, his eyebrows drew thoughtfully together before he turned to look at Atticus. "I know you don't want to hear this but maybe you should marry Anna. It doesn't have to be for a long time."

"I told him I would marry her but that is not going to happen. I have to get Genny out of this country and somewhere safe." The only problem was he didn't know how he was ever going to be able to do that, or where they could possibly go that his father and the other aristocrats wouldn't eventually find them. "Somehow."

Merle turned toward him as they entered the woods and rode through the rain toward the vampire village. "I may know of a way," he said. "And a place that will be safe."


"There is a woman at the door for you, milady."

Genny looked up from the game of dice she'd been playing with Camille and frowned at the guard Atticus had left behind. Arturo was standing in the doorway with his shoulders thrown back and a blank expression on his face. She'd asked him numerous times to stop calling her milady but he insisted upon it.

"Who is it?" she inquired.

"She claims to be your mother." The man's face remained expressionless as he spoke but she heard the tension in his voice.

A shiver ran up Genny's spine, the hair on her neck stood on end. She could tell Arturo to send her away and he would, but Marie would only continue to come back until she was finally seen. Camille stared at her with troubled eyes, the dice clattered on the table when Camille placed them down with a trembling hand. It was the palest Genny had ever seen her sister.

"Why don't you go upstairs," Genny suggested gently.

"You're going to see her?"

"She'll only return and I think it's best to get this over with."

Camille glanced apprehensively at the doorway before shaking her head. "I'll stay with you."

"You don't have to."

"I want to."

Genny nodded her agreement and turned back to the guard. "Send her in."

"Are you sure milady?" he inquired.

"Yes." Genny rose from her chair as Arturo turned away and left the doorway. She had to fight with herself not to twist her hands before her. There was no way she was going to reveal to Marie just how much she dreaded what was about to unfold. Marie wouldn't be here if she didn't want something, or if she didn't suspect something about Felix.

The front door opened with a small squeak and closed again with a click. Genny thrust her shoulders back as Marie appeared in the doorway and entered the room with her usual grace. Arturo stood behind her, his distrust evident in the watchful eye he kept on Marie as she moved forward. Genny bowed her head to his unspoken question when he looked toward her. He glanced at her mother again before turning away from the doorway. She wasn't fooled into thinking he went far.

"I was so worried about the both of you," Marie said in a sickly sweet voice that made Genny's stomach roll. "I didn't know where you'd gone when I came home to find the both of you and Felix no longer there. Are you alright my darlings?"

A low snort of disdain escaped Camille as she shifted beside Genny. "We're fine Marie," Genny answered.

Marie glanced around the manor before focusing on the two of them again. "What is all of this? I could scarcely believe it when some of the villagers told me that you had moved in here. Where is Felix, is he here?"

"Is he not at home?" Genny inquired innocently.

"No, he hasn't been seen in a few days. I know he wouldn't leave me," she moaned.

"Why not? Everyone else has," Camille muttered.

Genny elbowed her and shook her head disapprovingly. Camille was right of course, but Genny didn't like the idea of her sister stooping to Marie's malicious taunts. Marie's eyes narrowed on Camille but she didn't respond with some scathing retort like she normally would have. Genny didn't understand why she held her tongue; she never had before.

"Felix was different though," she said and folded her hands before her demurely. "He cared for all of us so much."

The sad thing was Marie actually did believe the man had cared for her. "Now that you've seen we're fine I think it's time for you to leave," Genny said quietly.

Marie barely glanced at her though before focusing on Camille. "Whose home is this?" she inquired.

"That's none of your business," Genny told her.

"Is the man of the house here?" Marie pressed her voice taking on a desperate edge. "I would so like to meet him."

Genny's jaw locked as she realized Marie's purpose here. Marie thought that perhaps there was a chance she could get to Atticus and that he would take an interest in her if they were to meet. Marie had a way with men but Genny knew there was nothing she would be able to say or do that would entice Atticus, but the thought of Marie trying to sink her claws into him made her hands fist.

"He's not here," Genny replied briskly.

Her mother gave her a scathing look before focusing on Camille and smiling radiantly at her. Confusion rolled through Genny, she didn't understand what was going on and Camille appeared just as baffled as she shot Genny a puzzled look. "My beautiful daughter!" Marie declared loudly as she approached them once more.

Marie went to take hold of Camille's hands but she took an abrupt step away and shot a flustered look at Genny. "Leave her be," Genny ordered.

"This conversation has no place for you in it, Genevieve," Marie replied dismissively. Camille took another step away but this time Marie was able to seize her hands. "My beautiful girl, you remind me so much of me when I was young. You most certainly inherited my beauty."

"Let go of me!" Camille spat and jerked her hands free of Marie's grasp.

Marie grabbed at her again but Camille retreated hastily. "I have no one to take care of me now, and I gave up everything for you," Marie whined as she took another step toward Camille.

Genny stepped in between them and thrust her shoulders proudly back. "Leave her be," she commanded briskly.

"I am not speaking with you Genny." Tears actually swam in her sky blue eyes when Marie focused on Camille again. "Please baby, I've done so much for you over the years. Please find it in your heart to give me a room here. I'm sure if you ask your lover…"

Marie's words were drowned out by Camille's harsh bark of laughter. "You stupid, stupid woman," Camille choked out between her loud guffaws.

"Camille don't," Genny warned.

Marie's eyes were filled with confusion; she glanced between the two of them before focusing on Camille again. "I promise you won't even know I'm here. Just please have it in your heart to take care of me as I have taken care of you."

"I'm not the one Marie," Camille managed to interrupt though she was still giggling behind her hand. "You've latched onto the wrong daughter today. It seems you really don't know men as well as you think you do."

Marie's gaze slid toward her, Genny braced herself while Marie's eyes ran scathingly over her body before settling on her face. They were full of disbelief as she stared at her. "That's not possible," she murmured.

Genny thrust her chin out. She was used to Marie's dismissive and callous demeanor toward her but she couldn't deny the stab of hurt that the words caused her. No matter how much she wished it didn't, it bothered her that her mother so openly disapproved of her.

"It's time for you to leave," Genny told her in a surprisingly stable voice.

Marie's disbelieving demeanor vanished; she batted her eyelashes as she rapidly switched tactics. "But Genevieve, I have nowhere to go. You cannot expect me to live on the street."

"Perhaps Felix will come home; you can stay there until he does." Genny felt no compunction about lying to Marie. The woman would have lied to her with far more ease and would have no problem with seeing her living on the street. She'd treated her no better than a piece of meat when she'd tossed her over to the wolf that had been Felix.

"You have so much here," Marie moaned.

"It's not mine," she replied crisply. "And even if it were, I do not want you here."

Marie's eyes flared red as she took a threatening step toward Genny. Refusing to back down, Genny held her ground and stared down at the woman that had given birth to her but would just as easily allow her life to be snuffed out. "Everything you have is because of me!" Marie hissed through her teeth. "I'm the one that taught you how to get your way with a man! I'm the one who has made you what you are! You wouldn't have any of this if it wasn't for me."

"I'm nothing like you Marie," she replied. "I don't use men; I don't manipulate them. I'm here because of a good man that I love and who loves me. That is something that you could never understand. You are not welcome here; do not come back."

"You ungrateful little bitch!" Marie spat.

Marie's hand shot up so fast that Genny barely saw it moving until it was slicing through the air toward her. She recoiled, instinctively expecting the sting that accompanied such an action but Marie's hand never fell. Genny's eyes flew open, her mouth dropped when she spotted Atticus standing behind Marie with his large hand encircling her thin wrist. She had no idea where he'd come from, he'd been nowhere in sight just seconds ago, but he was there now and he looked livid enough to kill. His eyes were the color of fire as he stared at Marie. Marie's mouth hung open; her eyes bulged from her head as she gawked up at him.

"That would be the worst mistake you ever made," Atticus growled at her.

Marie tugged at her hand, a small mewl escaped her, but he didn't let her go as he continued to glower down at her. Genny stepped forward and rested her hand on his arm in an attempt to calm him. The fire faded from his eyes, his shoulders relaxed as he looked to her. He flung Marie's arm away with the same care he would have given to a dead rat.

His hand slid into hers, he pulled her closer and held her against him. He fixed Marie with a look of loathing. "Your daughter is nothing like you. Now get out of this house. If you come back here I'll kill you myself," he vowed.

Genny's fingers curled into the material of his tunic as Marie's gaze darted back and forth between them. She took a few stumbling steps back before regaining her composure and turning on her heel. Watching her walk away, Genny began to realize that she no longer hated the woman. She pitied her, yes, but she found it impossible to hate Marie when she had so much happiness in her life now.

Though she never wanted to see her again, something drove Genny to speak to her once more. "Marie." She waited until the woman turned to look at her. "I forgive you, for everything."

Atticus's hand squeezed her waist. Marie stared at her hatefully before turning and storming out of the house. "You're better than me," Camille said. "She doesn't deserve any forgiveness."

"Forgiving her will bother her more than our hatred of her ever could. We have a new life ahead of us and we'll never have to see her again," Genny murmured.

"No, you won't," Atticus promised and kissed the top of her head. "Did she hurt you before I arrived?"

"No," Genny assured him.

He kissed her again and rested his chin on her head. Camille slipped from the room as Genny closed her eyes and leaned into his reassuring embrace.




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