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Burned by Vaughn, Eve (2)

Chapter One

For the first time in almost a year, Sadie knew everything was going to be alright. She loved her new job and the little house she’d purchased with the savings she’d intended to use for her wedding. And most especially she loved not being at someone else’s beck and call. Moving from D.C. to North Carolina had been a big leap but it was something she needed to do for herself. All her siblings had all flown the coop years ago and she’d stuck around out of loyalty to her mother—loyalty that hadn’t been appreciated. But at least she wasn’t far from her sister Lily who resided in Raleigh, a thirty-minute drive away from her home.

Her job wasn’t so bad either. She worked on a college campus in one of the registrar offices. The best part of working for the local university was that she’d be able to take a free class each semester. In fact, she was on her way to class now. Glancing at her watch, she noticed she had plenty of time before it began. Since it was such a nice day she decided to catch up on some reading on one of the benches in front of her building. Once she sat down, however, her mind drifted to earlier events.

This morning Sadie woke up to see her answering machine blinking and was surprised to hear her ex’s voice. It had been a long time since thoughts of Terrell didn’t drive her to tears. A long time since the nights she’d wake up crying and the mornings when she couldn’t think of one single reason to get out of bed. Then there were the days when she didn’t think life was worth living. Sadie shuddered to think how she’d allowed a man to push her to those limits.

How humiliating it had been to walk around with her head in the clouds, secure in the knowledge that she was in love and someone loved her back—only to have the proverbial rug pulled from under her. It was especially embarrassing since it had taken a lot for her to open up to Terrell after her embarrassing break up with Jordan. It was nearly a year ago today when Sadie had been shopping in the mall for some birthday presents for Malia, her fiancé’s daughter. She loved his little girl like her own and was looking forward to being the positive female role model in her life the girl needed because it surely wasn’t Keisha, Malia’s mother.

Sadie had lost count of the times when Terrell would complain about Keisha’s drinking and smoking pot around their child, and how she constantly used his child support payments on her hair, nails and designer clothing for herself. To top it off Keisha seemed to think there was a chance she and Terrell could get back together and made Sadie’s life miserable.

Whenever Sadie and Terrell were together, Keisha would call under the pretense of being concerned about Malia. Sadie didn’t begrudge her man going to his child’s mother for the sake of their daughter but it seemed like every single time they got together, Keisha would summon him. And he’d go running! At first, Sadie believed that history was repeating itself. But instead of her boyfriend leaving her because of his overbearing mother, she feared this one would choose his child’s mother over her. When Sadie had expressed her concern, Terrell had proposed with a beautiful ring, ensuring Sadie that’s she was the only one for him. She and Terrell had even talked about getting custody of Malia once they were married.

As she shopped Sadie ran into one of her mother’s friends. Sadie didn’t particularly care for Miss. Jenkins, a busybody who had nothing better to do than being in other people’s business.

“What are you smiling so big about, gal?” Miss Jenkins approached her without so much as a how are you.

Sadie swallowed the sarcastic retort and forced herself to smile. There was no point in antagonizing the woman who could turn nasty at the drop of a dime. “It’s a nice day. Why shouldn’t I be smiling?”

Miss Jenkins put her gnarled hands on her hips and looked Sadie up and down as if she was expecting something. “Hmph. You’re taking the news much better than I would if I was you.”

She raised a brow. “What are you talking about? What news?”

“About Terrell, girl.”

“What are you talking about? I spoke to Terrell last night. He’s still in New York for business.” Granted he hadn’t answered his cell phone when she’d called him a few times today but she put it down to him being busy. She was sure he’d call her back when he got the chance.

It was Miss Jenkins’s turn to look surprised. “Business trip? If that’s what you call getting married,” she glanced at her watch, “in a half hour than he’s having that trip at St. Charles A.M.E. in N.E. with Keisha. I hear that little girl of theirs is going to be the flower girl.”

Sadie’s mouth fell open. “You’re making that up.” Miss Jenkins also happened to live in the same apartment building as Keisha and it stood to reason she knew all her neighbor’s business.

Miss Jenkins shrugged, a smug smile curving her lips. “You don’t have to believe me but you’re going to feel like a fool when you find out the truth. Your mother’s always telling me what a sucker you are. I guess she’s right. Don’t worry child, you’re probably better off without him. Men are nothing but dogs looking for a bone. That’s why I ain’t never been married. I’m too set in my ways. Take my advice girl, and get yourself a cat.”

Sadie looked at the other woman and realized she was telling the truth. Feeling nauseous all of a sudden, she dropped all her bags right where she stood and hurried out of the mall. She had to make it to the church if only to prove this was all some horrible nightmare. She sped and maneuvered her car through the streets but had the misfortune of being caught in a funeral procession. Sadie made it to the church an hour after the ceremony was to start—just in time to see a crowd throwing rice at the recently wedded couple.

Sadie couldn’t help but notice the affectionate way Terrell looked at his bride. In that moment, Sadie realized she’d been the other woman all along. It was no wonder Keisha hated her so much. She’d probably been biding her time because she knew Terrell would go back to her. Then Sadie remembered all the business trips, the 911 text messages he’d shrugged off. He’d probably been sleeping with Keisha from the beginning and never stopped. Terrell had made a fool of her—gave her a cheap ring to keep her in line all the while he’d never had any intentions of making their relationship permanent.

To have her mother say she told Sadie so was the final crushing blow, after all, what did she expect? Terrell was handsome and virile, too far out of Sadie’s league to be faithful to someone who was short and had more than a few extra pounds to lose. Granted Sadie had a bit of a complex growing up with three model gorgeous sisters, one of which who was an actual model, but she’d always believed herself to be attractive. Her mother’s biting words coupled with Terrell’s betrayal had been like a hammer to her already bruised self-esteem.

Sadie had made a promise to herself after Terrell’s betrayal: no more handsome men. They were more trouble than they were worth and thought they could get away with anything because of their looks. There were times when Terrell would say things to her that now looking back made her cringe, but he’d give her that sexy grin of his and she’d be happy again. Her number two rule was to leave the guys with kids alone. Men with kids came with baby mama drama and she didn’t think her heart could survive going through that again, because not only had she lost Terrell but Malia as well. Her two crushing breakups had taught Sadie those very valuable lessons.

Too bad her mother had given Terrell her phone number. Not that she intended on calling him back. Hearing his voice on her answering machine helped her to realize she was most definitely over him. She wished him luck with his wife and daughter.

Sadie shook her head to rid herself of the unpleasant memories. Placing her book on her lap, she closed her eyes and tilted her face toward the sun reveling in its warmth against her skin.

“Sure makes a guy wish he was the sun.”

Sadie jumped at the sound of an accented voice. She looked in the direction of the speaker and momentarily lost her ability to speak. It was him! The hot British Anthropology Professor whose class she’d gone to by mistake. It had been her first day of classes and she’d misread her schedule and had gone to the wrong room. By the time she realized her error, Sadie had been too embarrassed to get up and leave. She couldn’t even though she wanted to because he’d held her, as well as the rest of his female students mesmerized.

The man standing before her was a living breathing God. Not since Terrell had someone of the opposite sex had the ability to turn her into a drooling fool. If she was being totally honest, he made Terrell look like a regular guy off the street. Standing well over six feet, he was broad shouldered and solid. She could only imagine what he looked like beneath his black button-down shirt and dark khaki pants. His smile was….nothing short of breathtaking and those eyes, those dreamy green eyes….. aww hell, she was in trouble.

Run away, her brain told her. If she stuck around, Sadie was sure she’d say something stupid. “Uh, I gotta go to class.”

She gathered her purse and book and would have made a dash into the building but she was halted by a large sinewy hand. Shocked that he’d actually touched her, Sadie tumbled forward and nearly fell on her face but found herself wrapped in large capable arms.

“I’ve got you. I won’t let you fall.” Those words were conveyed with some underlying message that made her pause for the briefest of seconds.

She moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue, trying to find something intelligible to say. “I uh…need to go. You can let me go now.”

He seemed to take his precious time releasing her. “Please don’t run off. I wanted to ask you something.”

With a sigh, Sadie turned to face him, eyes downcast. She wouldn’t fall under the spell of his hypnotic stare if she could help it. What could he possibly want from her anyway? “Yes?”

“I recognize you from one of my classes but you only showed up that first day and I haven’t seen you since. I’m assuming you dropped the class because I’ve pretty much matched the names to the faces of all my current students.”

She pushed away a stray braid from her face feeling hot all of a sudden. Wasn’t it enough that he was sexy? Did his accent have to make her want to throw herself at him too? “Actually I wasn’t supposed to be in your class. I went into the wrong room.” Sadie made the mistake of looking him directly in the eyes and she could have just melted.

He smiled. “It happens. Look, I’m glad I caught up with you because I have something that belongs to you. You were in such a haste to leave my class, you left this behind.” Professor Delicious reached into his briefcase and pulled out a black and white notebook.

Her book of poems! Reaching out with trembling fingers she took them from him. “Thank you. I thought I lost this.”

“It’s a good thing I noticed you’d left it. I hope you don’t mind that I read a few of your poems. They were quite lovely.”

There were only a few people she’d shared her poems with and knowing this man had been intimately acquainted with some of her innermost feelings made her even more uncomfortable than ever. “Thanks.”

“Are you an English major?”

She shook her head. “No. I’m only taking a class here and there. The University only allows staff to take one free class a semester. Maybe when I save up I’ll take more classes.”

He raised one devilishly sexy brow. “You’re a staff member? Where do you work?”

Sadie took a step back. If she didn’t know better this guy seemed seriously interested in her. And if that were the case, why her? “I’m a registrar for the Computer Science Department. Look, Professor—

“Rhys. And you are?”

“Sadie. Sadie Flowers.” She could have kicked herself for giving him her full name and more information than he had the right to know. “Okay now, I really have to go. Thanks for returning my notebook.” This time when she turned to go he thankfully didn’t stop her. When she got home after class she’d definitely need to change her panties.


* * *


Rhys couldn’t tear his gaze away from her Sadie’s luscious backside. Damn. Sadie Flowers gave him another reason why he loved America. They didn’t have asses like that in Wales. He’d noticed her the moment she sat down in class, well actually he’d noticed her knees. The skirt she wore had ridden up when she sat down revealing the cutest dimpled knees he’d ever seen. Yes, it was weird to be fixated on such an ordinary part of the body, but hers were particularly appealing, not to mention she was pretty cute with rich dark brown tinted skin that looked as smooth as silk.

She seemed to be a bit older than the average student in his class, not that he didn’t get a few of those on occasion. It was just that none had ever caught his interest the way she had. During his lecture, his gaze would stray to where she’d sat and he noticed the way she chewed her bottom lip and twirled one of her chunky braids as she wrote in her notebook. She was so damn adorable. But she was his student and any thoughts he may have had in the direction of approaching her as anything other than a professor would have been unethical, but hell if he wasn’t attracted to her.

He hadn’t been so interested in a woman like this since his ex-wife. He’d dated around and had even considered committing to a couple of them but he’d eventually lost interest. With this woman, he knew that wouldn’t happen. He couldn’t put his finger on why. She wasn’t the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, but she was quite pretty. There was something about her, an inner glow that attracted him. Whatever it was, Rhys had intended to wait for the end of the semester to get to know her better.

She’d been in such a hurry to get out of his class that she’d left behind her notebook. Wanting to find clues about his mystery lady, he’d kept the book instead of returning it to lost and found. Unfortunately, he didn’t learn her identity but he did get a peek into her personality through her poetry. She’d known pain—been burned by love. Someone had hurt her and strangely it hurt him knowing that she’d suffered.

He’d held on to that notebook holding on to the hope he’d see her again when she didn’t return to class. Luck was with him to see her sitting outside the English building on his way to his car.

“Sadie.” He liked the sound of the name on his tongue. Now that he knew she worked for the University, he’d find her again. And the next time he wouldn’t allow her to run away so easily.



Chapter Two

Sadie glanced at her watch for the fifth time. It was so like Lily to be late. The family joked that Lily’s internal clock was permanently set fifteen minutes late. On the verge of pulling out her cell phone, she caught sight of her errant sister striding toward the table looking elegant as usual in a pair of black slacks and matching silk top. Her hair which was usually worn around her shoulders was pulled back in a relaxed bun. It suited her.

Sadie couldn’t remember a time when her sister didn’t look anything less than immaculate. Lily dropped a kiss on Sadie’s cheek before taking her seat. “Hey, little sis, sorry I’m late, but I was at work later than I anticipated. Everyone is running around the office like headless chickens because the new boss is coming to town next week.”

“No worries. I’ve already ordered you a glass of wine and a shrimp cocktail for starters.”

“Thanks, hon. I’m absolutely famished.” Lily lifted the menu and casually perused the items.

“You seem pretty calm about the merger. Are you worried about your job? There’ve been so many layoffs lately.”

Lily shrugged. “If I lose my job, there’s really nothing I can do about it. Thankfully my savings will last a while if I’m in need of another one.” She placed the menu down and smiled revealing deep dimples. “But enough about work; I want to know what’s going on with you. We haven’t seen each other in nearly two months. How is it that now we live closer to each other, I see less of you?”

“We’ve both been busy lately, you with handling the major changes at your job and me getting over the busy registration season. Plus I’m taking a class—creative writing. I like it a lot.”

“And how’s that going?”

“Pretty good, actually. I’ve written a few short stories and I’ve found I like it as much as writing poetry.”

“You’ve always had a way with words. I wondered why you didn’t pursue writing more seriously.”

Sadie shrugged. “I never thought I’d be good at it. It’s a hobby at best and I’m having fun with it.”

“But you loved storytelling. I remember when you were little and you’d make up these elaborate fairytales for Thorn. They made him so happy.”

A brief smile touched her lips as she remembered their brother Thorn who’d passed away five years ago. She still missed him, his smile, his laugh and his capacity to love without conditions. “Thorn was easy to please.”

“You certainly had my attention too. You have the potential to be as good as any other author out there. You wouldn’t believe some of the crap I’ve read recently.”

“You’re being kind. I’m just a dabbler at best.”

Lily shook her head. “That’s where you’re wrong. I think your biggest problem is self-confidence. You let that woman get into your head and it really messed you up.”

Sadie sighed. “That woman happens to be your mother too and yes, she’s said some hurtful things, but this last year I’ve gotten a chance to know me and what I’m worth as a person. Her words can no longer touch me. Maybe you, Rose and Daisy should learn to let go too.”

Lily pursed her lips. “Don’t get started on that again. You most of all should resent the hell out of how she used you when you could have gone to college and gotten from under her thumb.”

“I don’t regret my time with Thorn. Besides, if I hadn’t stayed behind, who would have taken care of him? If I could have, I would have taken him with me and moved out of state, but she wouldn’t let me. Mom didn’t want to relinquish custody of him because she would have lost the disability check she received on his behalf.”

“You should have told us what was going on and we would have stepped in. We thought….”Lily reached across the table and took her hand. “I wish you would have put us in the picture, but that’s really no excuse. I should have checked in more and supported you. I wasn’t mature enough to put aside my differences with Jackie--”

“Mom. Say it. It won’t kill you.”

Lily rolled her eyes and continued on as if Sadie hadn’t said anything. “That woman was never a mother to me nor does she deserve the title. But I’m not laying all the blame at her feet. I haven’t been a good sister. I should have been there for you and Thorn, we all should have.”

Sadie squeezed the hand holding hers. “You’ve been a great sister. Don’t beat yourself up over it. I didn’t contact you three because I knew you’d drop everything and come running. That isn’t what I wanted. You were all doing so well in your careers, doing what you loved. How could I take that away from you?”

“So instead you took the entire burden on your shoulders. That doesn’t exactly make me feel any better.”

“Stop it. Things worked out the way they should have. Thorn is in a better place where he’s no longer in pain. You’re head of your department now, Rose is probably one of the most recognizable faces in the world and Daisy is getting paid to argue.” Sadie laughed. “Remember when we were kids she used to have mock trials where she’d be the prosecutor and defense attorney and one of us had to play the criminal?

Lily laughed. “Yep. Now she gets paid the big bucks to be annoying.”

Sadie grinned. “You’re too much, girl.”

Well, it’s true. Surviving the Jackie Flowers experience has made us all head cases. You’re a better person than me, for keeping in contact with her.”

Sadie shrugged. “Like I said, she’s still our mother. And to be quite honest, I feel sorry for her more than anything. She’s a lonely bitter woman who was used to getting everything because of her looks. Now they’re going away, she has nothing. Dad and Thorn are dead, you, Rose and Daisy won’t even talk to her. I honestly don’t think she even has any real friends. I mean, there’s a few ladies she gossips with, but the way she talks behind their backs makes me think she doesn’t care for them very much. She’s to be pitied.”

“I wish I could be as charitable as you. You have a big heart, hon.”

“I realized it takes too much energy to hate anyone. I don’t even hate Terrell or Jordan for what they’ve done. We simply weren’t meant to be. Terrell called me by the way.”

Lily released Sadie’s hand and crossed her arms beneath her breasts. “Tell me you’re not talking to that dickhead again.”

“I said, I don’t hate him, not that I’m stupid. I’ve learned my lesson on that front. I don’t know what he wants and I don’t intend on calling him back to find out.”

“How did he get your number?”

“Mom gave it to him.”

Lily rolled her eyes. “Figures. She won’t stop until everyone is as miserable as her.”

Sadie groaned. “Let’s not start that up again. As for Terrell, I should have known better than to get involved with him in the first place. He must have seen sucker written on my forehead from the beginning. I mean why else would a guy who looked like him want anything permanent with me?”

“Would you not get on that tangent again? You’re gorgeous, sweet, and you have the biggest heart of anyone I know.”

“You have to say that because we’re sisters.”

“I never say anything I don’t mean. And I’ll give it to you that Terrell is a good looking man, but I pegged him for being a tool from the very beginning. I just wish it hadn’t taken so long for you to figure that out or find out the way you did.”

“Why didn’t you ever say anything?”

“You seemed so happy, I didn’t have the heart. Besides, I’m not sure if you would have listened. You didn’t listen when I told you about Jordan so I figured you’d eventually see through Terrell’s bullshit. He had you wrapped around his finger so tightly, I was scared if I did say something it would cause a rift between us. Daisy and Rose felt the same way.”

How crushing it was to find out that everyone had seen through Terrell’s smile and bedroom eyes while she’d had her head in the clouds. “I must have looked pretty stupid.”

“No one knew he was still sleeping with his child’s mother but he talked down to you and you seemed to jump whenever he called your name. I wanted to throw up whenever I saw you two together.”

“I didn’t realize how much I’d sacrificed for him until it was over. But you know how I am. I’m very cautious with my heart and when I give it, I love so hard and deep. Terrell said all the right things, did all the right things. There was a sweet side of him he hid when everyone else was around. That’s what I fell in love with.”

“And he took advantage of your kindness and loyalty because he’s an asshole, not because he’s a good-looking guy. Don’t judge all men based on what one idiot did to you. Well, two if you count Jordan but I don’t count that overgrown mama’s boy as a man.

Sadie’s response was stalled by the appearance of their server bringing their starters. Once their orders were placed, she briefly contemplated what her sister had said. Even though Jordan had hurt her what she’d felt for Terrell was much deeper. It wasn’t that she was basing her entire opinion about gorgeous men on her experience with Terrell. She’d dealt with it most of her life. The only time drop dead gorgeous guys wanted anything to do with her was because they were using her for something: either for the answers to a quiz, a tutor or to get closer to one of her sisters. It was enough for anyone to develop a complex.

Nope. She’d definitely learned her lesson and when she gave her heart again, it would be to a man in her own league….without children. The having no kids part was just as important. Terrell’s betrayal had hurt doubly because Sadie had developed feelings for his child. She’d been prepared to raise Malia as her own and not being in that little girl’s life fucking hurt. No more hotties, and no more baby mama drama. And definitely no Rhys Edwards.

After that first encounter she believed it would be the last she saw of him, but to her surprise, he’d come by her office today to ask her out for lunch. What could he possibly want from her? Not that it mattered. He was off limits.

“A penny for them,” Lily broke into her silent musings.

Sadie shook her head to rid herself of the memories. “Huh?”

“What were you just thinking about? I lost you for a minute.”

“Nothing really, it’s just…” Should she tell her sister about Rhys?

“It’s just what?”

Sadie took a long sip from her water glass before answering. “There’s this guy at my job, a professor. He returned my poetry notebook I’d left in his classroom. I’d gone to his lecture by mistake but apparently, he remembered me. He came by my office today and asked me out.”

“And what was your answer?”

“No, of course. He’s….gorgeous for lack of a better word.”

“And you turned him down, why?”

“He’s also white.”

Lily shrugged. “You make it sound like that should be a deal breaker. It doesn’t matter the color as long as he’s a good man. I never thought stuff like that mattered to you.”

“It doesn’t, it’s just….he seems like the kind of guy who’d have a willowy blond or an exotic redhead on his arm. He works in a different department than I do so I can’t quite figure out what his angle is yet.”

“Did it ever occur to you that he wants to get to know you better? That he’s interested in you as a woman?”

Sadie snorted. “I doubt it. You should see this guy. I can’t even think of a description to adequately describe him because he’s so…wow.”

Lily grinned. “He must be something else.”

“I’ll say. But like I said, he’s not for me. He’ll probably lose interest within the next few days as soon as a tall leggy blonde walks his way. I don’t want to talk about this anymore, it’s pointless because nothing will come from it.” Even though the words had come out of her mouth, it still hurt her to say them. That a practical stranger could provoke these feelings within her only reinforced her resolve.

“I’ll drop it if that’s what you want but for someone who claims to have moved on with their life, you have an awful lot of hang-ups.”

* * *


Rhys ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. Damn if that woman hadn’t gotten under his skin. He couldn’t stop thinking about her, that voluptuous frame her warm smile, the way her eyes lit up when she was pleased about something and her cute giggle.

After the first time they’d talked, it had taken him a few days to gather up his courage to seek her out again. He might have left well enough alone since she’d seemed to be in a hurry to get away from him, but for one brief moment, a certain look had flashed in her eyes. She was attracted to him, and it was for that look he’d clung to hope.

He’d peeked into her office and had seen she was on the phone. A smile had curved her sensually full lips to reveal a slight gap in the middle of her two front teeth. Rhys thought it was utterly enchanting. And then a twinge of jealousy shot through him. Who was on the other end of the line that had put that adorable grin on her face? He felt like a creep for eavesdropping but relief hit him when he realized she was talking to a woman. That relief, however, didn’t last when she’d turned him down flat. He politely took no for an answer that time around but he’d ask again. Something told him Sadie Flowers was definitely worth pursuing.

She wasn’t the type he normally dated. For some reason, he seemed to attract model type women who were more into themselves and material possessions like his ex-wife than in building meaningful relationships. Or women who were as his daughter called them, bimbos. Was it some kind of vibe he sent out or was there a big neon sign over his head that read women with narcissistic tendencies and gold diggers welcome? He’d given up on dating for a while to focus on his job and being a good father. And he knew if he ever did start dating again, it would be to a woman who he not only found attractive but was warm and genuine. He sensed that in Sadie.

She would be his friend, the perfect companion, lover and she’d be good to his daughter. He hoped the two of them would get along. God, he hoped so because he believed he’d finally found his dream woman.










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