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Burning Day (Innate Wright Book 1) by Viola Grace (1)

Chapter One



Corbyn kept watch while her friend, Nexi, finished harvesting the honey from the crimson bees.

With the basket of honeycomb clutched in her arms, she nodded to Corbyn. “Ready to go.”

“Right. Get on the cycle. I will be right behind you.” Corbyn lifted her crossbow and took aim. The bolt shot free and nicked the wing of the incoming bee. The creature hit the ground near the hive and got to its feet, shaking itself.

The first cycle was leaving, so Corbyn waited until Nexi was far enough away before she followed. The crimson bees were three feet long, and their stinger could pierce bone. There was no sense in dying for the treat of honey.

They headed for the ridge that protected their colony. Corbyn kept her gaze on the mirrors on her cycle as she increased the speed to keep pace with Nexi.

As they neared the ridge, the door in the ground opened and they cruised onto the ramp that would take them to the expanded, subterranean city of the bot repair engineers.

Corbyn watched the opening in the surface of the expanse until the door closed. She turned back to Nexi. “How much of a haul?”

“Three hundred pounds. That last load broke a record.”

Corbyn surrendered her vehicle to the automotive clan and helped Nexi uncouple the trailer for delivery to the food prep clan.

“So, do you think it will make it to the celebrations?”

Nexi chuckled. “I think that ten percent will. The rest is going to the brewers.”

Corbyn chuckled. “Good. I have to go to the armoury and check in the bow. See you this evening?”

“If you can. I doubt you will be able to see your hand in front of your face during this party.”

“You aren’t wrong. Well, then, Happy Burning Day.”

Nexi nodded. “Happy Burning Day.”

Corbyn cradled the bow in her arms and headed toward the armoury. Her last job of the day was done, and now, it was time for the party of the year, or every five years. Burning Day was an epic celebration. She had to take a shower and wash the dust from her skin.

Tonight was about getting back to her birth-guild and celebrating their bot’s ability to fire his systems, stand, and return to his resting posture. Her week of acting as security was over, and it was time to be home with her people.


* * * *


Xaia checked and double-checked the sensor readings for the bot of clan Turo. The hydraulic levels were low, and she suspected a leak. With a sharp whistle, she brought in two more engineers, and together, they put their skills to the problem. Everything had to be perfect for Burning Day.


* * * *


The tomatoes were growing well, but they weren’t ripe enough for harvest. Lido selected other fruits and vegetables that would do as well for the evening banquets.

The moment that the ration train from the city was gone, they were going to bring out the good stuff. They didn’t want to irritate the city into ignoring the important part of the shipment. They didn’t need food anymore, they needed the possibility of life and that would hopefully be on that train.

Lido pushed her harvest cart from one grow station to the other until her cart was full. Her food was in the hands of the preparers from that moment on. Food prep was the rarest of engineering skills, and it was highly prized. Lido didn’t have that skill, so she had to make up for it by encouraging her garden into amazing feats of production by using calculations, precision, ingenuity and a lot of interesting seeds. She was doing her best for her people, and today, she would get to see them enjoy her best at the after-party. She loved Burning Day.


* * * *


Nyvett scrambled to finish up her paperwork. She could hear the murmur of voices preparing to escalate into a roar. The added sense of urgency didn’t help her calm.

The requisitions had to be in order and all items filed into the city archives. If the burn were successful, all that Bot City wished for would come whizzing along on the monorails.

She really despised the slacker who had her job during the last Burning Day. If she ever had a chance to greet her in the exercise ring, she would kick some serious organizational ass.

Nyvett ignored the sounds of gathering crowds outside and kept her focus on making sure that Bot City requested everything that Gleaming City had to offer. They were running low of male genetic material from the pilot lines, and that was a dangerous situation. Their population depended on infusions from the city and since everyone in Bot City was female, they were at a distinct disadvantage when it came to maintaining their population without it.

Nyvett was beginning to hate Burning Day.


* * * *


Hima was finishing her rounds, and it didn’t take long. There were only two new mothers in the ward, and they were repeat offenders so had their new ones firmly in their control.

“Don’t fuss over us, Hima. Get to the party. You want a prime spot to watch the bots fire.” Keddeela smiled.

Limra agreed, “We will be fine. The babies are both latching, they are thriving, and we are as safe as we can be. You head topside and watch the burn. You have earned it.”

Hima checked on them and updated their charts. “Fine. Wow, you two are bossy.”

They chuckled and Limra murmured, “Of course we are. We have two years before these little darlings head to the crèche. This is our time to boss folks around and bend them to our will.”

Hima rolled her eyes.

“Which bot are you assigned to? Which clan?”

Hima wrinkled her nose. “Dbor clan, Bot Len. He’s a good guy with a lovely sense of decorum. I was lucky that he had such a friendly and forgiving temperament.”

Keddeela twisted her lips. “I am of Clan Turo with Bot Ai. He is one tense guy. It must have something to do with his being our first line of defense.”

“That might do it. I am always amazed at how bright the AIs have remained.”

“Well, any guy personality with women crawling all over him, buffing him, wiring him and keeping in him like-new condition should be glad of company and practice their wit.” Hima smiled. “Len has gotten a little lazy on that front, but a nice round of chess usually perks him up.”

She stayed with the ladies until she couldn’t avoid it any longer. It was time to wear clan colours and get to her section.

It was going to be an excellent Burning Day for Clan Len.


* * * *


Duel slowly completed the burial of the eldest member of the Aka clan. Durina had been like a mother to her and was definitely kin.

The stone that Durina was settled in would mummify her, and from there, the keepers would move her into a memorial monument.

Duel completed the seal of the capstone, and she stepped back, announcing, “The burial of Durina of Aka is complete. You are dismissed.”

The tiny crowd bowed slightly to her, and then, they left the underground catacombs.

Duel leaned against the sarcophagus, and she sighed. “This was not the day or the way you wanted to go, Darina, but climbing bot exteriors is not an old woman’s game. Still, I know you wanted to go out on your bot, I just wish it hadn’t been for one last climb.”

She patted the cover stone fondly. “You will be missed Great Grandmama.”

A voice called from the catacombs, “Duel, get to your post. She will be there to chat with tomorrow.”

“Yes, Mistress Rasa. I am on my way.” One final pat and she left the dead behind. She had a Burning Day to attend.





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