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Cascade: Unapologetic: Book Three by Ann, Pamela (15)

Chapter 15


Hopelessly drunk and sensationally stuffed from all the food I ate, we transferred from the dining room to the rooftop balcony. A line of cushioned loungers, a good-sized infinity pool, a jacuzzi, a fire pit, and lanterns were randomly placed everywhere, and in the middle of it all, there was a pretty arrangement of desserts beautifully arranged in a six-tiered porcelain stand, embellished with tiny beautifully crafted hanging crystals on each tier. Neatly stacked with colorful marzipans, a vast array of macrons in every color in three different sizes, mini eclairs and all sorts of other variety my taste buds would definitely and oh so thoroughly enjoy.

“Don’t mind if I do.” Like the ultimate gorger I am, I didn’t hesitate before trudging along, taking liberty at the delish delights laid out before me. “Aren’t you going to try any of these pretties?” I threw the question at the man who just took it upon himself to situate his towel-covered sexy ass in one of the loungers, casually lighting a cigarette before taking a long sensuous drag of smoke then shaking his head.

He directed his gaze back to the sky as he lavished on his cancer stick. “I’m fine. Maybe I’ll pick some of yours.”

Even if I couldn’t properly see him due to the dimness of the night, I could tell he was grinning from ear to ear. “Fat chance,” I retorted like the selfish fat-ass that I am. No one messed with my goodies. He knew better.

While I my attention was consumed by more food, I stood right next to the circular table, testing whatever my palette desired. River, on the other hand, got up from the lounger after he finished smoking, went inside for a few minutes, and then came out with a tray of vodka, wine, a bucket full of ice, and two tumblers.

“Vodka, party of one,” he announced as he passed by me before parking back in his old spot, lazing on the recliner in all his almost naked glory while he casually sipped on his iced liquor.

Even from this angle, his eight-pack was downright incredible. And just as I expected, my body’s response fluidly reacted. The power of my mind could dampen and deflect everything—almost anything—except stifling the lewd attraction toward his magnetizing sex appeal.

“Feel free to join me anytime, Cara,” said the sexy bastard.

How could he tell I was staring at him when he was looking at the damn sky? Had he acquired some telepathic tendency I didn’t know about?

Slightly frowning, I weighed my options. As much as it unsettled me to be close to him, I knew I had to join him sooner or later. The thing was, we’d been so comfortable with each other, talking, drinking, just catching up like old friends would. I didn’t realize it was so easy to fall back into the old pattern, and for a time, it seemed the past no longer mattered. We were simply two people talking, exchanging stories about our lives. And as much as I hated to admit it, a part of me missed his friendship.

“You’re going to tease me until I go crazy, aren’t you?” he mischievously yelled just as he stood up, impishly eyeing me with a wild grin.

“Can I … make you go crazy?”

“You have no idea,” he playfully responded.

Without disconnecting our gazes, the mad, brazen, hellish man instantaneously pulled his towel, superbly demonstrating his blatant arousal, showing just how much I affected him.

My cheeks were beyond inflamed, but I couldn’t look away. How could I? I wanted him. It was difficult to deny that.

Hand planted on hip, I arched my brow, grinning like a mad woman. “Look at you and your snooty, proud dick.”

“It is proud and a little impatient.” He roared a string of chuckles, amusement dancing in his eyes as he wistfully gazed at me. “But we’ll wait … always prepared to serve whenever you’re ready.” He even dared to make a mocking salute just before he dove into the pool.

The desserts, as lovely as they were, no longer held the appeal they had moments ago. My appetite’s fixation was now focused elsewhere … on the man who captivated me like no other men could.

While River swam, I abandoned the sweets and strode toward the tray that sat on a rattan table next to the loungers. I’d been indulging in wine, so I opted for vodka on the rocks, like he preferred his. Then, instead of taking a recliner of my own, I took his. Before I got to finish my drink, River emerged from the pool, giving me an amazing view of his steel sculpted buns before diverting his attention toward the jacuzzi. He raked a hand through his wet hair before spreading his hands alongside the rim of the tub. Relaxed, he hung his head back then closed his eyes, inhaling deeply, evenly.

“Cara…” he breathed out.

It was a plea.

He was begging me to come to him without having to say words aloud. I’d been purposely trying to keep him at arm’s length for quite some time now, and even then, there were tell-tale signs he’d been having a tough time trying not to touch me whenever he could. Yet, somehow, he managed to do so. A great feat for a man who rarely exhibited restraint when it came to sex. But the moment had come to a pass. It was high time we put this to an end. He’d given me enough time, accommodated me enough, to get accustomed to him—to his sheer presence.

We’d been over this, but compared to the sudden rushed moment we shared earlier, this time, it felt more familiar. Something had been altered. Was it the shared laughs? The ease we fell into conversation, like the past didn’t exist? I couldn’t be sure. But I knew something had changed. To think we had mated like animals merely an hour ago...

This unexpected shift—the altered energy between us—filled me with trepidation, heavily accompanied by a natural high. One that readily occurred at the thought of having him inside me again.

Finishing the last of my drink, I gently placed the glass back down on the table. Ever so cautiously, I held my head high as I strode over to where he was still in the jacuzzi with his eyes closed.

Standing right across from where he sat, I eyed him without hesitation as the hot steam rose from the tub.

He looked downright magnificent just like that—eyes closed, relaxed, with no care in the world, the sophisticated arch of his brows, his toned broad shoulders, the stubborn jaw, and those strong large hands of his, soft and rough due to years loving a guitar. Skin what was once milky was now tan and golden.

Just fucking beautiful, I shamelessly thought. My desire to have him escalated as the seconds ticked away.

Unhurriedly, my right hand began to undo the loose knot on my terry robe before casually shrugging it over my shoulders, dropping it on the floor. It landed with a soft thud, a sound that made River snap his eyes open, only to find me standing before him, naked and ready for another round of passion.

Those dark, beautiful bottomless pools held me in a trance. The mask had come undone. His gaze held raw, unadulterated ache, one so consuming—so pure—it left me breathless.

The erratic beat of my heart was the only sound I could hear echoing in my ears as I slowly approached the steaming tub. Gradually, I stepped into the hot water, gently submerging my body into another world—his very own realm.

The way those eyes held me—so carnal, so undeniably hypnotizing—the impact so profound which should’ve terrified me … yet I was mesmerized, spellbound by him. My body yearned for him in ways I couldn’t even begin to explain.

I expected him to hold out his hand, a gesture of some kind to welcome me of some sort, but none of that occurred. Instead, the man simply gazed at me, anticipating, as I crossed the hot body of water, passing over jets before reaching him. The moment I did, I postponed for a beat or two, hoping he’d take the initiative, but I was left wanting.

River was giving me the helm, another unexpected gesture.

So how did I go about with this? My mind drunkenly tried to conjure a sexy scenario, but River was distracting me from doing so. He made it difficult to think when those penetrating eyes explicitly watched me, and when that notorious tongue stuck out to lick the bottom of his lip, my nipples instantly hardened just as a potent surge of slickness trickled out of my slit.

Yes, my body couldn’t lie. It was profoundly aroused watching him watch me.

This pseudo-mental dance, this erotic ritual, the heady rush, the intoxicating way our eyes conveyed our lustful desires—it was driving me insane. Damn him for being so calculating all the time. Why couldn’t he just yank me again like he did an hour ago? Why put me in such agony? Fuck.

Okay, this isn’t a big deal, Cara. Calm your titties, babe. You can do this.

Could I?

I so could. This wasn’t a huge deal. I’d seduced men. Heck, this wasn’t my first rodeo. So, take charge. Rock this bad-boy’s fucking world. Hell, go for the damn universe while I was at it. River wouldn’t know what had hit him.

Newly induced by sexual confidence, I leaned over him, planting each of my hands on the side of his head as I gently lowered my body, gradually straddling him until the tip of his cock hit the edge of my opening.

Upon the rush of impact, River and I stared at each other, mouths ajar, slightly panting as the steam enveloped us. Giving us privacy, as if we were in our own little world. No one and nothing else mattered as we held each other’s gazes.

His throat bobbed, eyes dilated as he regarded me with raw hunger and awe. “I want you, but don’t fuck me yet,” he gruffly huffed out. “Let me enjoy you … Do me slowly, Cara.”

I incredulously gaped at him, wondering if he just lost his mind. But his determined face said it all. He had meant what he’d said; hence prolonging this mad yearning I could barely control. He was requesting restraint, a strange notion I hadn’t mastered when it came to sex and River combined.

I came to him, thinking we’d both get what we wanted. Now I must learn the art of delayed gratification. A huge part of me urged to fight it off, but another part argued this could be a great opportunity to show him I could control my needs, as well. Just as easily as he did.

Biting down on my bottom lip, I merely nodded as I cautiously shifted my position, ensuring my entrance wasn’t anywhere near the tip of his shaft, but basically sitting against it.

The need to protest grew thicker as moments went by, but my mind drew a blank when his teeth captured a nipple just as his thumb found my clit, simultaneously stimulating both sensitized areas. His free right hand found my hip, urging it to rock against him, guiding it back and forth, sliding it along his thick, rigid length. The multiple sensations these ministrations induced was downright mind-blowing.

“River…” I begged. “Please.”

Instead of granting me his cock, he basically upped the rhythm, intensely, heatedly rubbing my already sensitive nub further.

I let out a harsh moan, my body tensing as I felt the familiar glorious rush of the incoming tide of orgasm. A second away from release, River abruptly stopped, letting go of his hold on my hip and the thumb putting immense pressure on my button.

While I was feeling out of sorts and beyond outraged to be deprived of release, River pacified me by kissing my breasts, slowly leaving trails as he ventured higher, against the crook of my neck, the edge of my jaw … I let out a muffled moan, one made of frustration.

He chuckled against my neck before biting down on it heartily, sinking those sharp bastards into my skin, the very part where it triggers more arousal. I was about to voice a protest when his most eager hand found my hip again. This time, he need not guide me, I rocked his dick like no one’s business. I was after my own orgasm, chasing the high, hunting the exhilarating climb to the very peak of nirvana that edged on oblivion.

In no time, I experienced the first pangs of the familiar low-throbbing feeling deep inside my womb. If I carried on at this maddening pace, it’d wouldn’t take much until I got what I desired.

I felt crazed, a complete and utter fiend, solely focused on completing my needs. But I was past consciousness. My body had taken hold of me, dictating what it needed, and it needed it immediately. The trickle of wetness became an unstoppable gush, making the friction between our bodies even more pleasurable.

Eyes closed, I threw my head back, gasping, moaning like some wild animal, completely untamed and uncontrollable. And just when I thought I couldn’t bear it, River slid his middle and forefinger into my mouth.

“Keep riding me. Suck on my fingers like it’s my cock you’re sucking, Cara.”

I immediately obeyed as asked.

Completely out of my mind with lust, I felt the first spasm of release, and then another wave came … then another. The hits came one after the other, barely giving me any time to breathe—to think—shuddering as I screamed with each wave. And just when I thought I couldn’t handle any more, River proved to me otherwise. He chose the exact moment to surge his fat dick into my tunnel, pistoning his entire engorged length into my channel in a swift, hasty execution.

From the multiple orgasms to this ... My mind hardly functioned as River took charge and fucked me like he meant every thrust as a lesson. My mind reeled. My entire body tensed. I saw white. I saw black. I panted, screamed, and wailed as my body seized while a new wave of spasms washed over me.

“Damn you… oh, God … OH. MY. Gooooood!!!”

I came again. However, this time I almost blacked out, in and out of consciousness. It could possibly be due to the power of my release. Or my drunken state and the ceaseless onslaught on my body, one overwhelming sensation after the other. Add jet lag and stress … One didn’t have to imagine the outcome of such an intoxicating mix.

I was, without a shred of a doubt, a complete and utter mess. Yet I’d never been so sated—so content—in a very long time. Vaguely, I could still recall River viciously coming inside me while whispering sweet nothings into my ear.

It’d been spotty, but I was damn sure the man carried my mumbling self from the tub to the bedroom. But before depositing me onto the mattress, he tried his best to towel me dry while leaning me against a wall. However, I was so exhausted I’d end up sliding down or almost falling on my face. As a result, he eventually gave up on that and took me to bed, instead. I’d expected him to leave, but he took the spot next to me, gathering me in his arms to cradle me to sleep. I remembered incoherently mumbling some words of protest, but they fell on deaf ears. Maybe they were just some inarticulate ramblings River couldn’t possibly decipher.

It no longer mattered, anyway, because I was too exhausted to care.

Sometime during the night, I felt him again, making love to me.

Out of my mind, spent and exhausted, I welcomed his advances, opening up to him as he fervently took what pleasures he sought from my body.

“Juan…” I moaned, my eyes barely fluttering open as I tightened my muscles around his girth, milking him to the last drop of cream.

For the first time in months, I slept like a baby. Nothing hounded my subconscious.

* * *

“Cara…” a soft voice cooed my name. Soft warm lips kissed the curve of my back gently, enticingly.

A tiny smile broke on my lips as I burrowed my face into the pillow before an inaudible sigh escaped me. “What time is it?” hiding a yawn, I blinked a few times before rolling my body over to face him.

“Around one. Lunch is ready whenever you are.” Dressed in dark denim jeans, plain white crew-neck shirt, a growing stubble, and killer smile, River gazed down upon me with a thoughtful look about him. I didn’t escape my notice how his eyes roamed about my naked form, lingering, admiring, yet his hands remained to his sides.

Why wasn’t he in between my legs, rousing me awake like he’d normally do when together? Had that part changed, too? It was nice to wake up to this, but after last night, I expected a little something more, perhaps? This was too mundane. Quite unusual even for the likes of him.

The smile I sported moments ago receded into a worried frown. “Going somewhere?” I eyed him suspiciously before glancing away. The second the question escaped my lips, I already knew the answer to it. I knew him well enough, and I trusted my gut when it was telling me something was amiss.

He pressed his lips together before hesitantly nodding in agreement. “Yeah … um … I am, but I promise to be quick. I’ll be back before you know it.”

My flight was around six something tonight. Seeing as it’s an international flight, I had to be there two hours prior to boarding. So, that gave us a little less than two hours. Where did he have to go that was so important that it couldn’t wait? Had he gotten bored with me since I hadn’t put up a fight last night? Was this what it was all about? Having me beg for him?

My mind conjured the most untasteful scenarios one could imagine. But I could choose to shut up while I continued to wonder the reason for his withdrawal, or I could simply voice it out…and see where it would lead.

The latter won out. The idea of being kept awake while flying across two oceans didn’t bode well with me.

Shifting into a sitting position, I gathered enough sheets to cover my bareness. Obviously, it was rather late to practice modesty, but somehow, I felt as though having some sort of barrier—a shield—would protect me from what River was about to inflict on me. “Mind telling me where you’re going?” I asked just as his phone vibrated in his pocket.

Distractedly, he pulled it out, gave it a bare glance, and then slipped it back into his jeans. “It’s Petra. She slipped by the pool. She’s with a doctor as we speak.” He sighed, but his face remained a mask, giving no indication if he was worried or not.

He had to be, or he wouldn’t be in a rush to go see her.

“Oh,” I said apathetically. “Right. Must not forget about the girlfriend.”

“She’s not—” he insisted rather forcefully before he drastically got up from the bed and sent me a piqued glare.

I indignantly huffed, almost laughing at his reaction. “She kinda is, River…” As for the awkward morning after sex, this topped the worst one to date.

I could feel my cheeks flaming. My body began to heat all over. It wasn’t necessarily shame I felt, but something else. Nonetheless, it was still unpleasant.

River cocked his head to the side, hands planted on his hips before dropping his head to the floor and staring at it for a good ten seconds or so. Then he brought those lethal eyes to meet mine. “I don’t know why, but I feel it’s important that I tell you this. You’re the first and last girlfriend I had, Cara. Petra’s just

“Your resident girlfriend,” I interjected, supplying the answer.

“You’re leaving tonight. Do you really want to spend our last hours together arguing?” He sent me an uncertain look, one that made me almost feel sorry for him.

Almost … but not so much. “Okay, go. Check on her. Hope she didn’t get a concussion. That’d be tragic.” Yes, I was a queen bitch, rotten to the core.


I shrugged, unapologetic.

I mean, what did he expect from me? Was I supposed to bring out the rosary and mutter a prayer for her speedy recovery? The fuck. The twig slipped and bumped her head. No big deal.

River’s glare grew heated by the second. It was as if he was commanding me to apologize for wishing his girlfriend ill.

Fuck you, I wanted to yell so badly. Yet something held me back from initiating a full-on war with him. It could possibly be due to the fact that the best course to take was to appear as though I was conceding. It didn’t mean I was waving the white flag. This was merely a time of reprieve by choosing my fights wisely.

“Maybe that was a little rude.” I almost gagged saying it, but hell, it was either this or risk a full out argument with him. Besides, I preferred not to hear any more about her. Ending this conversation was critical. “That’s the closest thing you’ll get as an apology from me. So, if you’re waiting to hear a heartfelt one, you’re getting none. Now, will you please go so I can get dressed?” I was being impertinent, but I was desperate to leave and seek my own room.

Releasing a disgruntled sound, he wretchedly ran a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry…” he began to say as he started to round my side of the bed. Upon reaching me, he brushed my cheek with the back of his hand, quite remorseful. “I’ll be quick, okay?” He said in a soothing voice, as if it’d be enough to pacify whatever it was that had broken the spell between us.

He was about to kiss my cheek when I averted my head, purposely avoiding his lips.

“Don’t. Save that for her,” I stated petulantly.

His face was so close I could smell his minty breath. And I knew he was staring holes into me, but I didn’t have the capacity to look him in the eye and challenge him. I just couldn’t. He remained unmoving for a minute before he finally decided it was time to leave me be.

From my peripheral view, I could see him retreat before exiting the bedroom. Not once did I move until I was sure the suite was empty. Only then did I begin to get dressed.

This shouldn’t have come as a surprise. I am what I am, and I wasn’t going to be the compliant mistress he sought me to be. He ought to know better.

There was no point in staying in this massive suite when no one was around. Besides, I didn’t need to be reminded of last night. I was mortified at my body’s shamelessness.

I didn’t rush. I took my sweet time dressing. He had made sure there was food to lunch on, but the thought of ingesting food when my mind was in a turmoil made me a little ill.

Leaving my disheveled hair down, I quietly exited the penthouse suite with newfound determination. Yes, it was unfortunate how things were playing out with River, but I supposed it was for the best. What was the point, anyway? Investing time in him would be futile.

I pulled my keycard out before entering the lift and directing it toward my own floor. My anger hadn’t subsided, but I was determined not to dwell on it. I had a few hours to kill. I was sure finding ways to occupy my mind wouldn’t be a hardship.

River had mentioned a driver taking me to the airport. But it’d be best to call the front desk and double check just in case. I couldn’t bear to miss my flight. And quite frankly, I simply couldn’t afford to stay another second in Miami. There was just too much drama around, and it was a little too crowded for my liking.

I couldn’t wait to be away from this, away from all of the nonsense, away from all of him. There was this despairing need to cleanse myself of him that I couldn’t seem to shake.

Upon entering my room, I immediately stripped naked before heading straight into the bathroom to turn the dials on. The water running in the background, I quickly dashed back into the living room for my purse and pulled out my phone. There were several messages, but I chose to read and respond to the set’s organizer, confirming I was arriving back in Hong Kong as scheduled so she could ensure there was a limo waiting.

Once I sent the hasty email, I scrolled to the next one while retreating back into the bathroom to shower.

Everett White: You promised to have an answer for me last week. The week just passed. Do you have one yet, or do I have to make one for you?

I beamed upon reading his message. He was the hedge fund guy I’d been seeing while filming. When he had asked me two weeks ago, I had already made up my mind that I wasn’t going to go, but I’d forgotten to inform him. However, after today’s fiasco, would it really hurt to have a little fun?

It couldn’t hurt. Besides, a change of scene and a new set of friends to travel with could be beneficial for me. They did say spread your wings and fly as high as one could, right? Heck, I couldn’t even remember the last time I had truly taken some time off and gone somewhere new and exotic.

White sand, drunken nights out, new experiences to enjoy, cultures to explore, endless laughs, amazing food, incredible company, and memories to last a lifetime. How could I even dare fathom declining an invitation to paradise? I couldn’t. Not anymore.

Quickly typing my response, I bit down as a smile formed on my lips. Come to think of it, I was actually quite excited now.

Me: I’m in.


Good … It’s all good, I inwardly reassured myself while glancing at my distorted reflection in the foggy mirror coming from the shower’s steam.

Cleansing myself of River

By the time River and I were going to rendezvous again, none of this icky web of confusion would complicate me any longer. The first time always was the toughest. We were getting used to each other, setting and testing boundaries. Round two would be much better. This time, however, River would be kept at arm’s length. He wouldn’t come close to even trying to evoke any sort of emotion from me whatsoever.

Ten minutes later, fresh out of the shower, I placed a robe on as I strode into the bedroom in search of the phone. The first call was to confirm my driver was set to arrive for three-thirty. The second, for room service. Since I wasn’t at all hungry, I opted for coffee and a small bowl of grapes. I realized I had to nibble on something just to fill my stomach, or I’d feel faint. It was right after I experienced a dizzying spell during our first week of filming. After the embarrassing incident, I made sure I didn’t go over eight hours without any food in my stomach. Hopefully, I’d work up an appetite once I was in flight. But for the time being, grapes and coffee should suffice.

By the time I was finished showering, getting dressed, and packing my belongings, I received a call indicating my car was waiting downstairs.

It was time to leave … and with no River in sight.

So much for ‘I’ll be quick,’ I thought drily as I glanced at my phone. Should I even bother sending a text of goodbye?

I considered it for a second before reason took over. There was no point. He was with Petra. Who knew what those two were up to?

Probably catching up, my mind sardonically retorted.

Not that I cared … because I didn’t. It was just irritating; that was all. And quite honestly, I was simply over it. I was ready to leave all of this behind and return to my world.

Packed and ready, I made a swift three-sixty, making sure I hadn’t forgotten anything before leaving the suite.

With my favorite gold-rimmed Ray-Ban shielding me from curious eyes, I strode across the hotel’s lobby before stepping out in the open where the limo driver patiently waited for me.

Greeting him with a smile as he took my one-piece luggage, I was just about to slide into the back seat when I heard my name being hollered somewhere, halting me from moving.

As I spun around to face the jackass, it took everything in me to erase the scowl and replace it with serene calmness.

“River,” I greeted him in a clipped tone. Serenity sure wasn’t my forte. But hey, I tried.

“Hey, I’m sorry,” he rushed upon reaching me. He obviously had been running or was fast-walking because his cheeks were pink from exertion, or it could be from something else, too.

If he had fucked Petra … Well, that’d explain why he hadn’t touched me this morning. The old River wouldn’t pass up the chance for a quickie. I supposed Petra meant something more than he cared to admit.

“I tried to get away early, but …” he paused, seeming flustered. “I hope you’re not mad at me. I really am sorry. I promise to make it up to you next time.”

“Sure,” I mumbled drily as I distractedly placed my purse on the leather seat before glancing back at him. “Well, I gotta go. Take care.” Pressing my lips together, I slid into the passenger’s seat just as I noted the driver was already in his seat and was set to go. Without glancing at the man still standing close by the door, I reached out to shut it until his hand stopped me from doing so.



His head hung closely at the cracked door just enough to see me. “Be seeing you in seven days, right?” he gawked at me, expectantly.

“Fourteen,” I corrected him. “I forgot to tell you I’m going on a short trip with friends.” Even with sunglasses on shielding my eyes, I still couldn’t look directly at him.

“What?” he shrilled with dissatisfaction, face contorting with disbelief and frustration. “That’s not on the schedule you sent me!” he continued raising his voice, garnering some attention from the hotel’s traffic.

Too bad, I wretchedly thought. Things change all the damn time.

“It is now, River, and before you start—” I gasped as I watched him get into the car in pure astonishment before ordering the driver to start the car. Then he had the audacity to activate the partition so we could have some privacy. “What the fuck are you doing, you idiot!”

“You’re fucking punishing me for leaving you, and now you’re making me pay for that mistake!” He was pissed. “What the fuck, Cara? I’m not cool with this!”

No, scratch that. Forget being pissed. River was utterly livid.

No, maybe ... no … yes … most likely? Even if he was, how could I justify this random action while trying to reason it’d benefit the both of us in the long run? I couldn’t, most especially not when he looked like he was about to detonate any second now.

“It’s just an extra seven days. You’re making this into a huge deal when it’s not. What’s another week to you, anyway? I’m sure you wouldn’t even notice the difference.” With his busy schedule, Petra, and all the other distractions readily available to him at all hours of the day, he’d barely notice I had left. I was sure of it.

He seemed wounded by my nonchalant retort. “Fuck off, Cara,” he furiously spat back.

I most certainly will.

Without bothering to voice out my thoughts, I decided to ignore him while mindlessly staring out the window. He was angry, and I guessed, I was, too.

Where and who are you going with?” he harshly demanded, as if he had every right to know the ins and outs of my life.

“Bali and Macau.” I coolly stated without looking away from the passing view of the city flashing before my eyes. “I’m going with Aubrey, Pierce, and Everett.”

“Which guy have you fucked, huh?” He shifted further to my side so our thighs were touching before he leaned over into my ear. “Who’s the lucky man, Cara?”

Oh, he really was going there? Huh. Okay, then. If his goal was to piss me off just as much as he was, then he had effectively succeeded.

Fine. All right.

The kid gloves were coming off.

Let’s play, River … let’s fucking play.

Emboldened, I gave him what he sought. He could take it however he liked. “His name’s Everett. He’s my go-to during my three-months of filming. He’s charming and fluent in Chinese, Arabic, and Spanish. He works under his father in their hedge fund company. Oh, and I forgot to mention, he’s British, and his father’s apparently been knighted by the Queen.” This time, I did turn around as I took my shades off. Unblinkingly, I looked him dead in the eyes. Dark on dark. Eye for an eye. I’d be damned if I was the first to back down and cower from this bastard. “Anything else you wanna know, or have I covered the gist of it?” I threw in for good measure just to sprinkle more salt into the open the wound.

“I dare you to fuck him! I fucking dare you!” His nostrils flared, dark eyes wildly flashing at me as he closed the gap between our faces, the tip of our noses touching. “If a finger or a fucking tongue—any fucking thing—gets inside that pussy, Cara … You know what’s coming for you.”

Bastard to the tallest order.

You dare me? You dare me!” I let out a cruel laugh before incredulously shaking my head, disgusted with his easy use of coercive tactics these days. “No, River Ellis, how fucking dare you resort back to threats again!” God, I was so incensed I was tempted to smack him stupid. I wasn’t known to resort to violence, but right this instance, I could’ve almost slapped him silly with anything I could get my hands on. A terrifying thought, but I didn’t have much time to dwell on my savage sadistic tendencies, because the deplorable man didn’t seem to flinch from my reaction.

He was a cold, mercilessly cruel, calculating son of a bitch.

“I’m just letting you know what’ll happen if you break the contract,” he stated. His menacing tone left nothing to the imagination.

His intention was as crisp as it was clear. Once he confirmed I had violated the agreement, he’d send the hounds to chew me alive.

There was no mistaking it; he’d fully commit to it, too. River Ellis was my equal match when serving a cold dish of vindictiveness. We knew each other too well. We knew which spot to target and which part to make one come to heel. We exploited each other’s weaknesses like the bastards we were. We already lived in a cruel world, but we were unapologetically harsher with each other. When we loved, we loved with every fiber within us. When we hated, we hated with every single atom in our bodies—to the last drop of blood, to the very last air we breathed. Like a goddamn vendetta, it could only be settled when the opponent no longer lived and walked this earth.

When together, we soared. When apart, we waged a silent war.

River had been the yin to my yang. We understood that the only way to part was to part as enemies. It was just the way of life. It was just how we were wired. No matter how we painted it, folded and unfolded it, rearranged the puzzle, the truth would always resurface. It would always prevail, poetically and tragically, unchanged.

Lovers or enemies … Those two were the only options on the table.

The latter had been us. Soon, we would resume back to being foes.

We were, as of this moment, at an impasse—a gridlock, courtesy of His Royal Assholeness. So, until the day came when the get out of jail free card arrived, I could not pass go and collect my two hundred.

I wasn’t broke, but obviously not having a fat bank account with millions at my disposal surely put me in the broke department in the world of Hollywood. The contract he had landed for his album was unbelievable. I shuddered to think how much he was worth these days. But instead of doing good with all the wealth he had acquired, River Ellis was quite content to live his life terrorizing mine, instead.

“I can’t wait for this to be over already! I can’t fucking stand you! You’re fucking ridiculous!” Hate was too soft a word to justify what I was feeling at the moment. Nothing could simplify it.

I’m ridiculous?” he snorted, slightly shocked by my exclamations. “Your insatiable cunt thought otherwise.”

“I was drunk!” I furiously shot back. “I get horny like most women do when they’ve downed enough alcohol to nourish the entire Russian army!” They preferred vodka, obviously, and I also knew I drank a good variety of other liquors, but it wasn’t the point. I had to spout something ridiculous to match the ridiculous situation.

“Figures…” he muttered under his breath. “I guess I should thank you for clarifying things, Cara. I understand you better now,” he scornfully grated before he granted me space by moving to the farthest end of the seat, putting a vast distance between us.

The distance wasn’t that far per se, but it could’ve been oceans between us. The shift was palpable.

He understood what precisely? The question lingered as I swiftly glanced at him, skimming the side of his profile for any indication—an emotion I could identify—but he appeared to be lost in his own world.

The silence stretched. It festered. The air felt so stifling that even the simplest task of breathing made my lungs hurt.

“I promise to meet you in two weeks.” I found myself saying, as if to reassure him that I wasn’t going to run off into the sunset and never come back to serve my end of the bargain.

He remained undeterred, unflinching as he silently simmered in his own stew of stale bullshit.

Yes, I was beyond furious, but this silence was irking me to the ends of insanity and it had to end. How did I make him talk when he had already decided there was nothing left to say to me?

This should have made me happy, but I wasn’t. It only left me worried. I didn’t want to leave in this state—a place not of anger, not of hatred, but of apathy. This could be a dangerous, damaging place for me specifically, and truth be told, I simply couldn’t afford to put him in a shady mood. River’s unpredictability would bite me in the ass if I didn’t fix this before I left for Hong Kong.

“How’s Petra?” I tried again. This time, my voice sounded rather upbeat. Trust me, the last thing I wanted to hear was anything about Miss Twig, but what the hell? I was getting desperate.

If I thought saying her name would magically open the doors to the kingdom, I was sadly mistaken.

Startlingly, he could carry on being confined in this small space of a moving tin can and pretend I was nonexistent. He took heartless to another level.

Instead of thawing his frozen heart, River shifted on his seat before pulling out his phone as casually as he could. Then he began to text someone.

Um, hello??? What the fuck was he doing?

I wanted to scratch his eyes out and feed them to the birds. He had achieved this feat so effortlessly that I openly stared at him, shocked and perplexed by his unfeeling audacity.

He was shutting me out, successfully so, which made me reflect on my unreasonable actions and distasteful choice of words. I couldn’t shake it off any longer. The question nagged. It gnawed at me … how I’d reduced this situation into something more.

Had I really decided to join Everett because I felt a teeny, tiny prickle of jealousy toward Petra?


My throat began to itch. My stomach churned, appalled at the very accusation my mind callously pointed out.

This time, when I slanted my head to look at him—to really look at him without malice or any ill-feeling or emotion—my heart began to contract.

I was in the wrong. Unbelievably so. River had easily caught my bullshit, but stubborn me couldn’t fathom to be outdone, so I had done what I did best. Hence, this shitty feeling. It was no wonder the triumphant feeling of getting him to shut up didn’t feel so triumphant after all. I’d been so caught up in being this vindictive bitch who ran with an eye for an eye mentally for so long that I found it hard, sometimes impossible, not to choose to be one each time I was confronted instead of finding an alternative way to handle it, a course which didn’t result in hostility.

I should say sorry, yet I couldn’t bring myself to apologize. The words should’ve been easy to say. I didn’t even have to mean them so long as they achieved the same purpose, but I couldn’t seem to have the words come out of my mouth.

The more I realized I was in the wrong, the shittier I felt. “Talk to me,” I implored with a good deal of desperation.

But the long-standing stretch of silence remained, a deafening sound of nothing.

“Please.” My desperate plea made him lock his jaws, so I reached out to him, softly touching his hand, testing his resistance first, and when none came, I fully took hold of his hand. “I promise I won’t break any of the rules. I give you my word. I’ll even swear on Mattie.” Adding our caretaker gave my promise credibility. She meant a great deal to us, so he should know when to take me seriously.

It worked.

Even though he wouldn’t glance in my direction, he gave my hand a hard, tight squeeze, a good sign he was finally opening to me again.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I really am. I hope you know that, but is it too much to ask you to cancel it?”

He wasn’t letting it go. Why did it still bother him even after I had promised not to violate our contract? He’d been adamant about it, and since I’d given him my word, it should’ve mollified him, yet that wasn’t the case. “River…”

He twisted his head, pinning me with those deadly dark jewels of his. “I waited three weeks to see you for a little over a day. If that isn’t already hard enough, now you’re telling me it’s going to another two to see you next. By the time it swings by, you’ll have what? Two, three, maybe more tops, until you leave for Toronto to shoot Clover?”

River wasn’t going to make this easy.

Nervously licking my lips, I lamely responded, “I already gave him my word. I can’t just not go, not after confirming it.”

“So? People always change their minds all the damn time. It’s not a fucking crime, Cara,” he argued. “Unless … It’s you. If you really wanna go, then I can’t stop you. It’s your life, after all.”

The car came to a full stop. We’d arrived at the airport, and we still hadn’t managed to resolve this.

Shit. Shit. Triple shit!

My eyes scoured the scene outside, filled with people bustling as they scrammed to get to their gates. I should be doing the same, but my chest felt too heavy to simply depart while feeling as though we had something unresolved.

“Two weeks will be here before we know it…” I cheerfully said, while torn at the idea of darting out the door or leaving him a sweet quick peck on the cheek.

His handsome face was crestfallen. “All right, I guess … That’s that, then. I’ve said what I have to say…” He let out a disappointing sigh.


He shrugged, dropping his gaze to our attached hands before he slowly released mine, leaving my outstretched hand in between us. “Enjoy Everett, Cara.”

Not anymore, I won’t. You ruined it for me.




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