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Casting Curses by Yasmine Galenorn (15)

Chapter 15


BY THE TIME we finished talking to Delia, the coroner was on the way to the hospital with Craig’s body, and it was almost nine p.m.

Against my wishes, they also insisted on taking me to the hospital to get x-rayed. I had a broken rib, a bruised hip, and more lacerations and contusions than I could count. Jordan just stared at me as he taped my ribs and tended to my wounds.

Sandy was there with me. Aegis had called her, not wanting to come into the hospital so he wouldn’t frighten anyone. Franny had gone back to the house with Lanyear.

By the time we got home, the only thing I wanted was a pizza, a glass of wine, and some peace and quiet. The glass of wine would have to wait, though. Jordan had nixed it, given the pain pills he had given me for my ribs.

Kelson just stared at me, giving me a look much like Jordan had.

“Well, that ends an era of my life. Craig’s dead. I can’t believe it. I can’t believe he was going to sell me off to a vampire club as a bloodwhore.” I broke down in tears. “I’m so tired.”

Aegis rubbed my shoulders. “I know, sweetie. I know. I want you to rest and get better. Kelson and I will take care of all the business for the next few weeks. You need a long vacation.”

“I’ve got some good news,” Kelson said. “I got a call from Henry. He’s coming home tomorrow. I told him about Franny and he’s truly happy for her. He doesn’t blame her in the least for his stroke.”

Grateful for small favors, I accepted the cup of peppermint tea that Kelson made me as Aegis ordered a couple pizzas. Sitting back, in the glow of the kitchen, the only thing I could think about was that I was in the home that I loved, with the man that I loved, and my best friend sitting by my side.



OVER THE NEXT couple weeks, Henry returned. He was doing well, all things considered, and he and Franny were back to being friendly, although I had the feeling their friendship would never be quite what it was. But they seemed to be enjoying each other’s company again, and I was grateful for that. Franny was exploring the island, whisking this way and that way, coming back with all sorts of things to tell me that I already knew about, but that were so new to her. But I listened, excited because she was excited. She hadn’t mentioned leaving yet, in fact she hadn’t talked about it at all, and I was in no hurry to ask her about it.

Aegis and Max had painted the attic and what was no longer the secret room, putting up drywall to turn the entire attic into an actual usable space. They had hung new lights so that it was bright and cheery, and nothing remained to remind us of Etum and the curse.

Gregory had made it back to London. His conference had gone extremely well. He was already planning his next trip over, which he wanted to make in March.

As far as Craig’s death went, I was still sorting out my feelings on it. I wasn’t distressed, although I was truly sorry that he had fallen to such depths. At one time I had loved him, though that had died along with the marriage.

Thanksgiving was a quiet affair. We had encouraged our guests to go to the community meal so that we could have a quiet evening at home with just Sandy, Max, Jenna, Kelson, and Henry. Bubba and Luna were busy picking over their share of the turkey.

Sandy and Max were in the living room with the others, but I had opted to take a little time to myself. I was sitting in the kitchen, in the rocking chair, holding Drofur—my stuffed unicorn. Aegis entered the room.

He sat down beside me, taking my hand in his.

“What are you thinking about?” he asked, scooting closer.

“Thanksgiving. Craig and everything that happened with him. The curse. You. Everything that’s happened over the past year. My life has turned upside down and inside out. Some of it’s been bad, but some of it—you and Franny and Lanyear and moving to Bedlam—have been the best choices I’ve ever made.”

Aegis nodded, his eyes warm. “Maddy, I want to ask you a question. I’ve been thinking about it for a while, but I think it’s time.”

A sudden fear froze my heart. He sounded so serious.

“What is it?”

“I’ve been thinking about Max and Sandy and what they have together. And I’ve been thinking about us and what we have together.”

He reached in his jacket pocket and everything began to shift. As he pulled out a little black box, I caught my breath. He opened it, holding it forward, and the glitter of sapphire and diamond sparkled in front of me.

“I know that a year is a short time in our life spans, but it feels like it’s been longer and it feels like we’ve known each other before. We’ve been down this road before together, even though we don’t know where it was or when it was. Will you make me the happiest vampire in Bedlam? Will you marry me?”

As I slid into his arms, crying, I realized that it felt right. It all felt so right and everything had led up to this moment. He slid the ring on my finger as I looked up into his eyes. He might be a vampire, and maybe I was one of the best vampire slayers in the world, but love transcended so many different chasms.

I nodded. “Yes. I’ll marry you.” As my lips met his, Sandy, Franny, and Kelson came bounding out from the living room, cheering. Bubba and Luna began to chase each other around the room. Max followed, helping Henry. As I looked around, I realized this was my family. All of them. And even Fata Morgana. They were my family of choice. And Gregory would become part of that.

“You may be the happiest vampire in Bedlam, but I’ll tell you this, Aegis. I’m the happiest witch alive.” And then I kissed him again.




If you enjoyed this book and want to read the rest of the series, then come meet the wild and magical residents of Bedlam in my . (It’s lighter-hearted but still steamy paranormal romance.) Fun-loving witch Maddy Gallowglass, her smoking-hot vampire lover Aegis, and their crazed cjinn Bubba (part djinn, all cat) rock it out in Bedlam, a magical town on a magical island. , , , , , , , and are available.


You might also enjoy my new series . Urban fantasy/paranormal romance, the first three books are out: , and , and . will be available later this year, and there will be more to come!


If you like a far darker read, my is once again available in e-format. Dark fantasy/steamy hot paranormal romance, you will find the series available for your e-reader: , , , , , and .



I also invite you to visit Fury’s world. In a gritty, post-apocalyptic Seattle, Fury is a minor goddess, in charge of eliminating the Abominations who come off the World Tree. The first story arc of the is complete with: , , , and . The second story arc will begin later this year with .


If you like cozies with teeth, try my . The series is complete with: , , , , , and a wrap-up novella: .


The newest book——is available now, and the last, , will be available in April 2019.


For all of my work, both published and upcoming releases, see the at the end of this book, or check out my website at and be sure and sign up for my to receive news about all my new releases.