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Casting Curses by Yasmine Galenorn (9)

Chapter 9


AUNTIE TAUTAU LIVED in a cottage set off from the road. It was on a big lot, covered with a tangle of vegetation. Huge overgrown trees, huckleberry bushes, waist-high ferns, and rosebushes filled the yard and shrouded the path to the porch. You could barely see the house through the knotwork of green, and the smell of growing things filled the air. Even in November, when all the flowers had died back and the leaves had fallen from the trees, it was like walking through a ghostly jungle to get to her place. The ivy was still green, though, and it covered the walls of the cottage.

The pathway was lighted by grinning jack-o’-lanterns on stakes, and her porch was outlined with orange and purple faerie lights—her nod to the season. Using a stick, I brought down the spiders that built their webs between the bare branches of the trees, covering the sidewalk. There were always a plethora of the orb weavers here, and I had a feeling Auntie Tautau encouraged them to keep strangers away. I brought down web after web, shaking the spiders off onto the sides of the path. I wasn’t afraid of them, but neither was I fond of the creatures.

As I knocked on her door, I could hear the rustle of movement inside, and then she was peering out, her eyes twinkling.

“Why, Maddy, what brings you here this evening?” She opened the door and let me in.

I breathed a sigh of relief as I stepped into the cottage. It was filled with bric-a-brac, but it didn’t look cluttered. It reminded me of an Irish grandmother’s home, filled with keepsakes and pictures. And I had known plenty of Irish grandmas over the years.

Auntie Tautau herself was a squat, sturdy woman. Most often she wore a Hawaiian muumuu, but tonight she was dressed in a tidy floral shirt dress, with a checkerboard apron tied around her waist. Her hair was long and gray, and she had braided it back and tied it off with a pretty bow. She wore her straw hat, as always, and on the brim perched a crow. The crow was alive, and his name was Merriweather. He let out a squawk when he saw me, but I recognized it as a greeting rather than a threat.

“Auntie Tautau, I need your help. I’m in serious trouble, and so is my family.” The frantic mess of the past few days hit me full force and I dropped to the sofa, bursting into tears. I was tired, and the magic that was pervasive throughout Auntie Tautau’s house was making me queasy. I felt sick to my stomach, and tingly around the lips.

“What’s wrong, girl?” Auntie Tautau sat down, reaching across to stroke my hair out of my face. “Oh my, you are in trouble, aren’t you?”

As I looked up, I see the worry in her eyes. I stammered out my story, punctuating it with an occasional flood of tears. I finally finished, adding, “Have you ever heard of Lilis Spencer? Did you know her when she lived here?”

Auntie Tautau leaned back against her chair, folding her hands on her lap. “I believe we need some tea for this.”

I didn’t want tea, but I knew better than to rush her. You never could rush the Aunties—they worked in their own time, on their own schedule, and I had learned that sometimes it didn’t matter how long it took. What went on in an Auntie’s house often happened outside of time as we knew it. Sometimes I would leave Auntie Tautau’s house and find that it had been merely moments since I had entered, even though it felt like hours.

I started to follow her into the kitchen, but she motioned for me to sit down. “Breathe. Just breathe.”

I curled up on the sofa, sliding my shoes off so I could sit cross-legged. I tried to do as she said, breathing deeply, clearing my head. But the incessant tingle of magic made me jumpy, and my throat felt raw and slightly swollen. After a moment, Auntie Tautau returned and handed me a cup full of something that smelled like woodland mushrooms and moss.

“Drink this,” she said. “It will help you handle the magic in my house for now.”

Even though it smelled like pungent dirt, I gulped down the liquid, eager for anything that would help. It tasted as bad as it smelled, but a moment later I began to notice a decrease in my agitation. I could breathe better and focus better.

“Thank you, I needed that.”

“There are reasons that you can find no more mentions of Lilis after 1932. She vanished into the Witches’ Protection Program, for her own safety.”

I groaned. “Please tell me that you know how to break this curse. I was hoping she would be able to tell me what to do if I could find her, but if she’s in the WPP then there’s no hope for that, I suppose.”

“Not necessarily.”

“Not necessarily what? That you can help me break the curse, or that there’s no hope to meet her?” Even though my agitation was decreased, I was still stressing like crazy. But the moment I said it, I realized how churlish I sounded. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap.”

“Oh my dear, if you think that’s snapping, then you haven’t met the true definition yet. Let me go get the cookies and the proper tea now. I’ll be back in a moment.”

As she headed back into the kitchen, I forced myself to breathe. I felt like I was on pins and needles, as though every second was working against me. Once again, I reminded myself that time worked differently in the presence of the Aunties.

She returned, carrying a tray with the teapot and two teacups on it, along with a plate of sandwich cookies. I accepted a cup of what smelled like peppermint tea, along with several of the cookies. Sugar seemed like a good idea, and I realized that I was hungry.

Auntie Tautau settled back into her chair and then, taking a sip of her tea, set her cup and saucer to the side on the end table next to her. Once again, she leaned back, folding her hands across her stomach, staring at me.

“As to whether I can break the curse for you, no. Once a curse is given by a god, only the god can break it. As to whether you can talk to Lilis, that I might be able to swing. It’s been so long, she might be willing to come back for a visit.”

I stared at my cup, at the steaming pale green liquid. “Then you’re saying that Lilis can’t break the curse either? Because Ereshkigal cursed Etum?”

“Yes, my dear, that is what I’m saying. However, Lilis may know the proper way to petition the goddess. And she can answer the question as to why she set up a shrine in what is now your house.”

My heart sank. Right now I didn’t care about the whys, I just cared about the hows.

“Auntie Tautau, what am I going to do? Aegis needs help. His predator is fighting him for control.”

“Essie might be able to help you. I would consult her about that. As to Lilis, sometimes knowing why something happened can lead you to the knowledge of how to take care of it.”

I glanced up at her, a sheepish grin on my face. I swear, sometimes I thought the Aunties could read minds despite their protests that they couldn’t.

“Please, get in touch with her. And I do have Alaysia Weatherhaul and Leroy Jerome on the case as well.”

Auntie Tautau brightened up, a smile springing to her lips. “If Alaysia Weatherhaul is helping you, then all I can say is that you’re in good hands. I know her from a long time back.”

That made me feel better. “How long before you can contact Lilis for me?”

“It will be sometime. Perhaps half an hour. Perhaps a day. Perhaps longer. It depends on whether she decides to answer. No one is at the beck and call of the Aunties, regardless of what you may think.” She urged me to eat another cookie. “You look tired. Why don’t you take a nap?”

I shook my head. “I can’t afford to take a nap. I have to get back to the house and make sure everything’s okay.”

Auntie Tautau laughed. “You know that time isn’t a factor when you come visit me. I will make certain that you don’t lose more time than you can afford. Lie down now, and rest.”

Her words made me tired. My eyes began to flutter, and slowly, I sank down on the sofa, resting my head on one of the throw pillows. The last thing I remembered was Auntie Tautau covering me with a soft blanket as I fell into a comfortable, deep, dreamless sleep.



WHEN I OPENED my eyes, Auntie Tautau was sitting there, a wide smile on her face. I wasn’t sure if she’d even moved, or how long it had been, but I noticed the tea and cookies had been cleared off of the coffee table.

“How long was I asleep?” I asked, sitting up. I felt slightly stiff, as though I’d slept for a long time, but I also felt refreshed and full of energy.

“You slept as much as you needed to. But no worry. As I told you, time works for the Aunties, the Aunties don’t work for time. Meanwhile, I contacted Lilis. She’s willing to come back for a brief visit to tell you what happened. She can’t get here until tomorrow, so why don’t you come back at around noon?”

I thought about Aegis, and hung my head. “There’s no chance she can get here tonight?”

“I’m sorry, Maddy. But no, Lilis can’t get here until tomorrow. Go talk to Essie. She may have something to help your situation with Aegis.” She guided me to the door, and patted me softly on the back as I left the house.

Once back in my car, I reluctantly put in a call to Essie.

Essie Vanderbilt was the queen of the Pacific Northwest vampires. She had been born in New Orleans in 1844, and had been an active part of the Voudou community. She had studied with Marie Laveau, commonly known as the Queen of Voodoo, and later on with Marie’s daughter. Essie had reached the peak as one of the most powerful Voudou priestesses ever, but Philippe, the Vampire King of the Southern States, had fallen for her.

He had turned her, expecting her to bend to his will, but Essie had a surprise in store for Philippe, waging war with him until she managed to stake him in front of his own court. She had taken the crown, and then moved on up in the vampire hierarchy, coming to the Pacific Northwest later on. Once here, Essie had taken her throne by assassination. She was constantly trying to increase her influence in Bedlam, and she skirted the edge of the law set by the Moonrise Coven. Somehow, over the past year, she and I had managed to become friends—well, as close as I could be a friend to a vampire, other than Aegis.

Shar-Shar answered. Shar-Shar was Essie’s personal lapdog, as I liked to call her. Sharlene was Essie’s secretary and she liked to think herself above most of the other humans in the area. How she got her job I had no clue, but she was officious, pretentious, and altogether an offensive figure. Essie knew exactly what I thought of Shar-Shar, and I had a feeling that she was amused by it, but she did her best to protect her assistant.

“It’s Maddy. I need to talk to Essie. It’s important.”

As usual, the protests began.

“Essie’s busy right now. May I take a message?” That was code for, I want to make you wait and squirm a little.

“As High Priestess of the Moonrise Coven, I can command your mistress’s attention anytime I want. Put me through to Essie right now. I’m in a bad mood, and you don’t want to make a witch mad.” I wasn’t in any mood to cope with her petty pretensions.

Shar-Shar let out a huff, but all she said was, “One moment, please.”

Exactly thirty seconds later, Essie picked up the phone.

“Maudlin, I see you’re back to needling my secretary. What’s going on?” Essie wasn’t one for small talk and that suited me just fine.

“I need to come talk to you. I need your help.”

There was silence on the other end, and then, a puzzled, “My help? Did someone in my nest do something that I should know about?”

“Nothing like that. It’s easier to explain in person. Are you at home?” I was usually more polite with Essie, but I was feeling at my wits’ end. At least I wasn’t exhausted like I had been before I arrived at Auntie Tautau’s.

“I’m at home. Come on over. Leave your boy toy at home.” Essie didn’t like Aegis, primarily because Aegis wouldn’t kowtow to her and refused to join her nest.

“I’m alone.” I hung up and put the car into gear, heading out toward Essie’s.



ESSIE HAD DECKED out her Victorian house and yard to out-goth the Addams family. She was even encroaching on Munsters territory. I parked in the driveway, pausing for a moment before heading toward the door. I made sure I was wearing my silver pentacle. It was uncomfortable, because it was magical, and I was already developing a rash from the metal. But right now, it would save my throat in case Essie went off her rocker. I didn’t expect her to—harming the High Priestess of the Moonrise Coven would be tantamount to vampire suicide—but you never knew when somebody was going to go fucknut crazy.

As I dashed up the stairs, the front door opened. It was Ruby, one of Essie’s personal assistants. Ruby was actually a fairly pleasant vampire, and she and I got along all right. She wasn’t someone I would want for a good friend, but we were pleasant to each other and seemed to have a sort of rapport.

“What, Shar-Shar isn’t going to greet me?” I couldn’t help but laugh.

Ruby suppressed a smirk. “You shouldn’t be so mean, Maddy.”

“I’d like to know why not,” I said, giving her a big smile. It was the first laugh I’d had in a while.

“You’re bad. Follow me, Essie’s waiting in the parlor.”

I looked around. The new decor had held, surprising me. While the outside of the house looked like it was straight out of a horror movie, Essie had renovated the inside, and now it looked very New England Cape Cod. I wasn’t sure exactly what mood she was going for, but it was better than the heavy black drapes and red tapestries the place had sported earlier.

Ruby led me into the parlor, where Essie was sitting near the fireplace, waiting for me. A fire crackled merrily in the hearth, though when I looked closer I saw it was gas and not actual wood. But I welcomed the warmth, and the cheer that the flames brought. I loved fire. It was my element, and I had a sudden pang as I wondered if I would ever be able to conjure it again.

I curtsied briefly in front of Essie. It was proper, given she was a queen.

“Maudlin, sit down, please. You sounded frantic on the phone. What’s going on?” Essie eyed me evenly, but I could hear the curiosity behind her voice. She liked to be in on everything that was happening, and though I didn’t want to tell her about this, I needed her advice.

“Yeah, frantic is the word, all right.” I glanced over at the desk where Shar-Shar was sitting. Her back was stiff, and I could tell she was eavesdropping. “Can we have some privacy?”

Essie motioned to Ruby, who tapped Shar-Shar on the shoulder and led her out of the room. Shar-Shar shot me a dirty look as she went.

“Why the secrecy? What happened?” Essie relaxed in her chair, leaning back. I had the feeling I was one of the only people she could actually let down her act for.

“I need some advice about Aegis. There’s a curse on my house, and it’s causing his predator to come out. I’ve got him locked in the basement, at his own request. Do you know something that can calm a vampire’s predator instinct? Is there some sort of temporary medication for this?”

She stared at me like I had lost my mind. “You’re truly asking me this?”

“The curse is affecting all of us, including Aegis. Until we can corral the spirit running around the Bewitching Bedlam, I’ve got to help Aegis find a way to control himself.”

Essie shifted in her chair, staring at the fire for a moment before looking back at me. “Tell me everything. I can’t help you unless I know what you’re up against.”

I realized I had no choice. I started at the beginning and told her what had happened. By the time I finished, she was leaning forward, and I realized I had grabbed her interest.

“You’re actually allergic to magic right now?” Her pale eyes flickered over me. I felt like the prize cow at a slaughterhouse. Witch’s blood was an aphrodisiac to vampires, and I knew she could smell the life force pulsing through my veins.

“Yeah, so I’m going to have to double down on my physical protection.” I had forgotten my silver dagger, but she knew that I had one, and she knew just how many vampires I had killed with it over the centuries.

“Warning noted.” She eased back in her chair, resting her hands on the armrests. “There are ways to temper a vampire’s inner predator. Of course, we don’t talk about them with mortals, but if you trust me, I can give you something that will act like a sedative for Aegis.”

It was my turn to pause. How much did I trust her? How much would I trust that she wouldn’t give me something to harm him, or to make the situation worse?

She laughed. “It’s not that easy, is it? Trusting someone who—for all intents and purposes—could be your enemy? I find the irony amusing, although the situation is not. The great Mad Maudlin, the greatest vampire hunter ever known, come seeking my help for her vampire lover.”

I was starting to get pissed. I stood, saying, “If you’re just going to gloat, tell me now and I’ll leave. There’s nothing that says you have to help me.”

Essie frowned, waving me back in my seat. “I’m not gloating. Although if I were, I’d feel I have the right. I’m simply stating that this is an ironic situation. Don’t you think?”

“Call it whatever you like.” I continued to stand, unsure of what to do.

“Do you want my help? If so, you’re going to have to trust me.”

I slowly eased back into my chair. “You have to understand how difficult it is to trust you. I know you don’t like Aegis.”

“Whether I like him or not is moot. Don’t you think it would be stupid for me to do something that would kill him or harm him when he is connected to the High Priestess of the Moonrise Coven? The coven on whose goodwill my entire livelihood in Bedlam depends? Do you really think that I’m stupid enough to let my personal feelings interfere with what’s best for my reign here?” She let out a harsh laugh. “If I let my emotions control my actions, I would have been staked by now.”

Relaxing a bit, I caught her gaze. There was no subterfuge in it, nor any attempt to glamour me.

“You’re telling me the truth, aren’t you?”

Essie shrugged. “I seldom lie. I seldom need to. And yes, I am telling you the truth. I just find it ironically amusing that we’re in this situation.”

Biting my tongue, I tried to keep my ego in check. “Well, you’re right about that. I suppose irony hasn’t had its fill of us yet, has it?”

“I guess that settles matters. As to what I can do, there are three options. One—I can give you a powder that will put him into a deep sleep until you give him the antidote. It won’t kill him, it won’t hurt him. But until you administer an antidote, which I do have, it will knock him out. The second choice is a collar. You lock the collar around his neck, and with a code word you can incapacitate him. Unfortunately, the collar can be quite painful. I use it for punishment.”

The first option seemed possible, the second made me cringe. She noticed my reaction and laughed again. “Would you like to see the collar in action?”

I quickly raised my hand. “No, thank you. You described it quite well. What’s the third option?”

“If he pledges himself to me, he’ll have to take my authority to heart. And if he won’t, he’ll be destroyed.”

“No—for the sake of the gods, no. I don’t want him destroyed. Neither do I want to see him kowtowing to you. I’d say no offense intended, but I doubt you’d believe me.”

“I’m glad we can be so open with each other,” she said, her eyes glowing around the rims. Oh, she was enjoying this game of cat and mouse, that much was apparent.

“I suppose the first option is the best. You’re sure you have an antidote?”

“Quite sure. I’ll make certain you have some when you leave. Both are powders, and you have to blow it in his face. It’s only good close up, obviously, and it can’t be injected into his system. It has to make skin contact with his nose. Regardless of the fact that vampires don’t breathe, the powder will enter his body that way.” She rang a bell, and Ruby entered. “Get me one package of Xanafeeb, and a package of the antidote.”

Ruby raised her eyebrows but disappeared out the door without a word.

“Essie, I want to thank you for this. I know that we’re on opposite sides, and I know that you’d rather not even have to bother with me, but I truly appreciate it.” I realized just how much trust she was placing in me. I had never heard of the drug before—in fact, most people thought there were no drugs that worked on vampires. But apparently we were wrong. If this got out, vamps everywhere would be in danger.

“I like to think we’re more than adversaries. We may not be friends, but we each have our place in the scheme of things. And all power systems must have a check and a balance.”

Ruby returned, carrying a plastic bag with her. I peeked inside. There were two small containers filled with powder. One had a big “A” printed on the top.

“The one with the ‘A’ is the antidote?”

Ruby nodded. “All you have to do is open the container and blow it in the face of whoever you’re fighting. If they’re a vampire, it will immediately knock them unconscious.” She paused. “Do you need some help?”

I considered her offer, but then shook my head. “No, but thank you. I think I’d better do this myself.” I accepted the bag, and stood. “I need to get home. I don’t want to be gone too long.”

Essie stayed seated, but she looked up at me and I thought I almost caught a sympathetic glance in her eyes. “Let me know how things work out. I’m truly curious to see what happens.”

With that, I took my leave and headed back to my car.



I GOT HOME to find things just about the same as I’d left them, with Aegis still in the basement. I thought about my next step. While Aegis had just texted me again, I wasn’t sure how much I could trust him. If his predator had taken over, it would be easy for him to text me whatever he thought I wanted to hear. And while I trusted Aegis implicitly, that predator inside was another matter.

“Well, what do you all think?” I asked Kelson, Sandy, and Max. “I’ve got to blow this powder in his face. I have no clue if he’s still in control of himself.”

I shuddered, staring at the basement door. If Franny wasn’t trapped in the picture, I could send her down there to find out. Briefly regretting that I didn’t know any more ghosts, I hesitated, trying to figure out how to best go about this.

“You could ask Bubba for help,” Max suggested.

I shook my head. “No, way too fraught with variables. Even if Bubba didn’t do anything to mess it up—and I doubt he would—just his very nature could throw a monkey wrench in the business. And I don’t want to put Bubba in danger. No, I have to go down there. But I can load myself up with silver. Kelson, can you run upstairs and grab my jewelry box?”

Sandy shook her head. “I dunno, Maddy. Are you sure you want to take the chance?”

I shrugged. “I have no choice. Because his predator is running so high, there’s always the chance it could break through and take over. Aegis wouldn’t hurt us for the world, not normally. But once a vampire’s predator gets free and takes control, you can’t trust them. And as much as I love him, the very fact that he told me his predator was trying to take over shows me that he wants us to be careful.”

Kelson returned with my jewelry box, and I quickly sorted through it, putting on as much silver as I could. Wearing gloves, she handed me a thick silver chain that served as a belt.

“Won’t the magic of the powder affect you?” Sandy asked.

I frowned. I hadn’t even thought of that. But she was right. Since it was a magical powder, being around it when it was released into the air could cause an adverse reaction.

“Let me do it,” Max said. “I’m stronger than either of you—and I’m stronger than even Kelson. And I can wear silver, whereas she can’t.”

Silver affected werewolves just about as much as it affected vampires—meaning very bad. It was like iron was to the Fae.

“You make a good point and I can’t argue it. All right, let’s get you all dolled up here.”

Between Sandy and me, we blinged out Max, including my silver belt. It barely fit around his waist, but that didn’t matter. As long as it was on his body, it was going to help. Another thought hit me. I turned to Kelson.

“Doesn’t Aegis have some edible silver leaf in the kitchen that he uses for fancy desserts?”

“I think he does. Let me go look.” She returned with a small container filled with silver powder. For a long time I had thought gold and silver leaf were both just colored sugar dust, but I had found out they were both created from minute bits of the metals.

“I need a brush. I’m going to brush this around his neck and his wrists.”

She vanished again, returning with a basting brush. I dabbed it in the silver leaf and quickly covered every square inch of Max’s skin that was showing. He looked like he was getting ready for a low-budget costume party.

He picked up the packet of powder that Essie had given me. “So I blow this in his face, correct?”

I nodded. “You have one chance. She only gave me that one packet. It should knock him unconscious.”

“Then unlock the door and let me go down. Shut it after I go in. I’ve got my phone and I’ll text you when it’s safe for me to come out again. I’ll text you the code words ‘The tree fell’ so you’ll know it’s me. I doubt if he’ll be able to do much damage to me, as covered in silver as I am.”

Taking a deep breath, I unlocked the door, and Sandy and I unfastened the locks on the chains. Max prepared to dash through the opening.

“Remember that there are stairs leading down. You’re not running onto a landing. So if you just charge through, make certain you don’t go tumbling down the steps.” Sandy gave him a long look. “You come back to me, you hear?”

At that moment I got a text message. It was from Aegis.

what’s going on up there? i can hear you guys doing something.

I stared at it for a moment, tempted to text him what was going on. But he could be in predator mode, just trying to take me off guard. Not knowing was hell. I didn’t answer, just turned back to the door and nodded at Max.

“He can hear something going on, so be prepared in case he’s lying in wait.”

We opened the door, and Max ran through. I could hear him clattering on the stairs as we slammed it behind him and locked it again. We prepared the silver chains, holding them ready to fasten just in case Aegis tried to break through. There was a loud noise from below. We waited, Sandy looking on edge. I didn’t blame her. Regardless of how much silver Max was wearing, Aegis was still an incredibly powerful vampire. We waited another beat, and then Max texted me.


he’s down for the count. i’m coming up. the tree fell.


I breathed a sigh of relief. “Max did it.”

Then I texted back.


can you get him into his coffin and close it? there’s a lock there that can keep it shut. the padlock is in his valet box.

10-4. will do.


Five minutes later, Max exited the basement.

“He’s in his coffin, and it’s locked. He was hiding in the shadows, but when he saw me, he came out. I could tell by his eyes that his predator was really pushing him, but he managed to hold himself in check. I’m not sure what he thought I was going to do, but he stood still as I got close enough to blow the powder on him. Sure enough—he fainted immediately. At least he didn’t try to fight me.”

Relieved, I slumped into a chair. I hated pulling a trick on Aegis, but at least it would take care of that part of the problem for now. And he couldn’t get out of his coffin with the padlock holding it shut. We had talked about the possibility of something setting off his predator before, and he had ordered the coffin built to be strong enough so that he couldn’t break through if it was locked. That alone showed me how much he trusted me. We had never told anyone else about it, and now only Sandy and Max were privy to his secret.

“Don’t tell anybody else about the coffin and the lock. It makes him vulnerable, but it’s a safeguard that he wanted me to take. And now I’m glad he did.”

“So what do we do next?” Max asked as he began to remove the jewelry and the belt. Kelson brought him a wet cloth to wash off the silver leaf.

“I guess we wait until I can talk to Lilis. And for Leroy and Alaysia to come up with some sort of solution. I feel beat down, I can tell you that. I’m exhausted, even though I took a long nap at Auntie Tautau’s. And my chat with Essie wasn’t a barrel of laughs, either. Oddly enough, I think she and I have developed a mutual respect for one another.”

“It helps to have somebody in the loop with the Vampire Queen,” Sandy said. “So tomorrow, you talk to Lilis?”

“Yeah, and my brother comes into town. He would show up right in the middle of all this mess. But I want to meet him. I just hope it goes better than everything else has gone lately.” And with that, Kelson called us into a late dinner, and we straggled into the dining room.