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Christmas Miracle (Believe Book 1) by Shea Balik (5)



Sad blue eyes, so like her mother and uncle stared at him from the other side of the door.  Darius wanted to take her in his arms and shield her from all the pain she was forced to endure since her mother had died.  He also wanted nothing more than to wring Jolene’s neck for causing this little girl even more anguish.

When Jon had been stationed in Killeen he’d started attending Darius’ church. They’d become good friends. That relationship had continued when Jon had married Stacy. She had been such a warm and caring person that she’d easily invited Darius into their family, making him feel more like a brother than a friend.

With Darius being at the house several days a week, he’d developed a special relationship with each of the girls. They called him Uncle Darius and he cherished each of them. Anya often had sought out Darius for advice as she struggled to cope with her teenage angst. He had made it clear to Stacy and Jon what Anya said to him in confidence would be held as such unless it put her in danger. They had appreciated that Anya had someone to talk to when parents just didn’t cut it.

Pulling himself up into the treehouse, he closed the door and sat on the floor opposite her. He sat there silently waiting her out. That was something he’d learned about Anya, she wouldn’t talk until she was good and ready. Glancing at his watch he saw they only had another five minutes before Jon called. Why Jolene felt the need to spew so much hatred, Darius would never understand. She left damage and chaos everywhere she went.

Jon had called Darius after finding out about Stacy and told him his plan to have Ben come and take care of the girls. He made Darius promise to help Ben and more importantly make sure Jolene didn’t try and take the girls away from Ben’s care. It was a promise he easily made, especially since he’d gotten to know Jolene over the past couple of years. The woman was just mean.

“Was Grandma telling the truth about Dad?” Anya’s voice sounded so small and scared. Her head was bowed with her long hair completely covering her face.

Hating that she had to find out like this, Darius told her the truth. “Yes. He was planning on informing you when he calls in the next few minutes.”

Tear-filled blue eyes, so much like Ben’s, finally looked up at him. “Is he going to die too?”

His heart broke at her words. Opening his arms, Darius was glad she was still willing to come sit in his lap as he consoled her. “I wish I could tell you no, but you know what he does and there is always a risk. But you also know he will do whatever it takes to make sure he comes back to you and Zoe safely.”

This was a conversation Jon and Stacy had with Anya whenever Jon was deployed. It was hardest on Anya since Zoe had been too young to understand. Up until Stacy’s death, Zoe had just known she missed her father while he was gone. Now that she was starting to understand death, this news would be hard on her too.

“I want him to come home,” Anya wailed into his shoulder.

Tears sprang to his eyes as he struggled with how to console her. “I know munchkin, but all we can do is pray for his safe return. Would you like to do that with me?”

He felt her head move up and down.

“Lord, we ask that you watch over and protect Jon Harper as he fights for our country and return him to us safely. And lord we ask that you watch over Stacy as she lives with you in Heaven, Amen.”

“Amen,” Anya murmured.


Her body shuttered as she took a deep breath. “A little.”

As much as he would like to give her more time, they just didn’t have any. “Come on, munchkin, your dad’s going to call in a few minutes.”

Anya didn’t waste any time in opening the door before scrambling down the ladder. By the time he’d managed to get down she was almost to the house. When she stopped in her tracks at the sliding door, Darius knew something was going on inside. Rushing to where she stood he could hear the shrill voice of Jolene but it was Anya’s scared look that concerned him the most.

Looking inside he saw what had her so upset. Two cops and a woman in a suit stood next to Jolene as she demanded the children be turned over to her. Several things needed to happen, one of which was for him to let Jolene know how badly she’d screwed up.

Pulling out his phone he started dialing. Placing his hand around Anya’s shoulders, Darius whispered, “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of everything.”

Her little body was shaking so hard he was worried she was having an anxiety attack. “If you need to, go up to the treehouse and bolt the door. Just make sure you open it for your Uncle Ben or myself, okay?”

Nodding she took off like a shot.

If Jolene made them miss their last chance to talk to their father before he went to the front lines, Darius would find a way to make her pay. Those kids needed the limited contact they had with their father right now and he wasn’t about to sit idyll by while she pulled some stupid power play.

It only took two minutes to make the three phone calls that would put a stop to this farce. Putting his phone into his pocket, Darius stepped into the house, shutting the door before he strode into the living room. Ben, face flushed in anger, looked like he was about to hit anyone who tried to take Zoe out of his arms. The two cops didn’t look happy they were being dragged into this mess.

The other lady, he assumed a state social worker, was trying to calm both Jolene and Ben but Jolene wasn’t listening to her as she listed over, and over again, the reason why Ben shouldn’t be allowed to be around children. It was a little amazing Jolene could be heard over Zoe’s screaming she wanted to stay with Uncle Benji while her arms wrapped around his neck in a strangle hold.

If the situation weren’t so tragic he would have smiled at Zoe’s determination. She wasn’t about to let go of Ben for anything. Darius dared any of them to try, Zoe would give them hell.

Clearing his throat loudly, Zoe turned to look at him, her mutinous expression told him she wasn’t letting Darius hold her, but she did stop screaming. Giving her a wink to reassure her, Darius turned to the only person who hadn’t stopped talking, Jolene.

“You need to leave,” Jolene told him, even pointing her finger at the door as if he didn’t understand her words. “This has nothing to do with you.”

The walkie-talkie on one of the cops’ shoulders went off. Smiling smugly at Jolene, Darius didn’t say a word as the officer responded and dispatch requested the officers leave the premises.

Jolene went red from the neck up. For a moment Darius was concerned she was going to give herself a stroke. “What is the meaning of this? This man is a sexual pervert. You can’t leave two innocent children in his care.”

Officer Carmichael, who attended Darius’ church did his best to keep his expression neutral as he answered her. “So far you have not shown us any proof that Benjamin Wilkes is a sexual deviant.”

Interrupting the officer, Jolene screeched, “He’s gay.”

Officer Carmichael’s jaw ticked as he said, “As I said, you have shown no proof he is a sexual deviant. My orders are to leave the premises and the children in question are to remain under Benjamin Wilkes’ care.” Not saying another word both officers left taking the social worker with them.

The computer dinged.

“Daddy,” Zoe exclaimed squirming to get down from Ben’s arms so she could answer it. Clicking on the answer button she saw Jon and started telling him everything that was going on. “Grandma brought the police and told them to take me and Anya away from Uncle Benji because he’s a sessual debiant.” Her head cocked to the side while her index finger tapped her chin, just like her mom used to do. “What’s a sessual debiant, Daddy?