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Christopher & Ethan: A M/m Humiliation Play Romance (Beautiful Shame Book 3) by M.A. Innes (14)

Chapter 14


I wanted to know, but I didn’t want to know—and Ethan knew it.

“How about we just say—”

He cut me off before I could come up with another half-assed bargain. “Do you really want to know?”

He was so frustrating sometimes.

“But he’s your friend?” We’d been over it already, but I had to ask something to fill the time.

“Yes.” Ethan reached out and set his hand on my leg, then started slowly caressing me. It was probably supposed to be soothing, but my cock was finding it fabulously interesting instead.

But there was no way he was going to let me come again…not after last night’s oops.

It was really his fault. He should have given me some warning he was going to say something that erotic. What had he thought would happen?

“Tell me again.” I wiggled around in my seat so I could lean over and rest my head on his shoulder. I really thought he should be driving a motorcycle, but the older-model pickup was more practical—even though he was not a truck kind of guy.

It would work for a while, though.

Ethan’s shoulder jerked as he tried to suppress his laughter, but he didn’t tease me about being nervous. “Well, I went to school with Derek. He was a few years ahead of me and worked at the shop part-time in the summers.”

Closing my eyes, I tried to picture what they’d looked like as young, rough-looking teenagers. My dick liked the images I was coming up with. Ethan must have noticed my traitorous dick’s reaction because his hand came up and his fingers started stroking my cock as he caressed my leg.

“He went to college for two years, but then decided not to get his bachelor’s. He wanted to open his own business.”

“So he opened a sex store?” Not my first thought of potential careers.

Ethan chuckled. “He calls it his adult paradise play store, but yeah, it’s an adult store that has all kinds of fun stuff.”

“How many times have you been there?” I didn’t really care, but I was curious.

“Just a few times. Mostly when it’s not open to the public because then it’s easier to ask questions and just hang out for a while.” He said it like it was nothing.

“Questions?” That was new.

“Of course, like for the cages today, he can tell me which ones are safe long term, and of those, which will be most comfortable. Sometimes it’s hard to tell from reviews and descriptions online.” Again, he said it so reasonably.

But he’d still talked about showing me off to his friend, which wasn’t quite reasonable—but was stupid fucking hot.

“And he…won’t mind…showing…” The combination of his fingers and my own imagination made it hard to find the words.

Ethan gave a low laugh. “No, he doesn’t mind opening the store early and won’t mind helping me out.”

That wasn’t what I’d wanted to know.

Before I could figure out another way to find out what would happen, we pulled up to a building on the outskirts of town. It was plain and looked like a small house until you noticed the sign that said Derek’s Adult Novelties in the window.

We were there.

The sign on the door said closed, but that didn’t seem to stop Ethan. He just gave my leg a pat and turned off the truck. “Let’s go.”

He was so excited. My cock loved that too.

Master or boyfriend, I liked it when he was happy.

Slowly getting out of the vehicle, because I couldn’t tell if I was nervous or excited, I made my way around to Ethan, who was waiting patiently in front of the truck. He looked like he’d wait no matter how long I needed, which was both cute and frustrating as hell.

As I walked up to him, he wrapped his arms around me and tilted my head to look up at him. “Do you need to use your safeword?”

“No.” I didn’t have to think about that answer.

“Do you remember what I said earlier? You can use it at any time if we go too far.” He’d given me that lecture twice already.

“I remember.” I knew he’d stop if things got out of hand, but that still didn’t tell me exactly what would happen.

All that he’d said was that he wanted to be able to show me off and that he wanted to make sure we got the right cage. On their own, the ideas weren’t crazy, but it was the look on his face that made me squirm.

“I have a question.” And if it kept us outside for a few more minutes, that was fine with me.


I leaned up and kissed his lips before curling back against him. “Am I going to be shopping with Master or Ethan?”

He paused for a moment then started running his hand up and down my back. “In my mind, I thought Master would be taking you shopping, but which would be easier for you?”

“Master.” It was easier to breathe with the information decided. “Less to think about and worry over.”

His hand reached down and gave my ass a smack that made me let out a breathy moan. “I’ll be good, Master.”

Then another thought occurred to me. “Can I call you Master in there?”

I looked up to see him smiling. “Yes, I promise that no matter what we’re doing, Derek won’t be shocked. He knows all kinds of people in all kinds of different relationships. It wouldn’t surprise me if he knew Trent and Hayden.”

That was an image I didn’t need in my head. “I’m not picturing my friends going sex toy shopping…thanks.”

Ethan laughed and smacked my ass again. “Come on.”

He took my hand, then started leading us to the front door. He gave it a firm knock, but in seconds, it opened and a short twink stood there smiling. “I wasn’t sure if you were going to change your mind.”

This was Derek?

A Derek was a big, rough guy who matched Ethan…but then again, Ethan didn’t match Ethan.

Instead of standing there stupidly, I waved, which probably looked just as dumb. “Hi.”

His smile widened, and he reached out with his arms open. He was a hugger too? There was only so much crazy my brain could handle. Ethan released my hand, and I automatically reached out to let the twink hug me tight. “Come on in. I can’t wait to show you what I’ve got.”

He was so excited.

He was excited about showing me sex toys.

Was he excited about seeing Master use the sex toys on me?

“You’re going to look so cute in a cage.” He smiled like it was the most reasonable thing in the world to say.

I was longing to know where Master had gotten some of his nonchalance from.

“Thanks?” What was the right response to that statement?

He giggled and looked up at Ethan, who seemed to tower over him even more than he did me. “He’s so cute!”

“I told you that already.” Ethan didn’t seem to find anything odd about the situation at all.

“I know, but I didn’t believe you.” Derek waved his arms around excitedly. “The last couple of guys I saw you with were so boring, but Christopher’s so cute!”

Christopher was also standing right there…but I didn’t say that.

Ethan chuckled and wrapped his arm around me as we headed into the store. It was brighter and cleaner than I’d expected. Not that I’d been sure what a sex toy store looked like. If I’d bought something from a store like that, my parents would have had a cow.

Derek led us through long rows of…stuff and toward the back of the store. Passing the cash register and some displays with lingerie and costumes, Derek headed to a section that was right by a dressing room.

He smiled and started gesturing wildly around the store. “I know you’re just here for the cage today, but I got some new plugs in this week and you should look at those. They’re really comfortable.”

Oh. My. God.

Okay, no more teenage girl moments. Derek knew his merchandise was comfortable; that was perfectly reasonable for a businessman.

“Thanks.” Ethan seemed to be considering it seriously, and his hand wandered down to cup my ass, squeezing it. “I think that’s a good idea.”

He was trying to kill me.

I just walked quietly, grateful that they were talking over me and not to me. When we reached the array of cages and cock rings, I was stunned. I’d goofed around online and had seen some in porn, but I’d always been more interested in the humiliation aspect or just the straight-up sex parts and not the control that Ethan seemed to love.

There were little ones and big ones and they came in a variety of materials. Between Ethan’s not-so-subtle touches to my ass, Derek’s excitement, and the sex toys spread out in front of me like a naughty buffet, my dick had gone from curious to hard and aching.

When Derek grabbed one off the shelf and started waving the box around wildly, Ethan moved his hand up my back only to slide it down in my pants. When his hand went from stroking over jeans to caressing bare skin, little bolts of pleasure started shooting through me.

Derek just smiled and kept up his explanation, but I’d lost my focus. He said something about chafing, but it was at that point Ethan stroked a finger over my hole and I moaned.

Derek winked at me. “He’s so responsive. I love it.”


Ethan chuckled. “Oh yes, my boy is very responsive.”

“Which is why you need the cock cage…I’m starting to see the problem.” Then Derek smiled at me with an innocent expression. “I bet you come quickly too.”

Dead…I was dead of a humiliation-induced heart attack because all the blood in my body was in my dick.

I squeaked as Ethan’s finger barely breached my hole.

Ethan chuckled. “That’s a yes.”

Derek smiled, and while I could see desire in his eyes, he honestly seemed excited to help. He held out a package that looked like a medieval torture device. “This will be perfect, then.”

He was clearly trying to kill me too.

Was I supposed to take the package? After that—then what?

“I…” Thankfully, Ethan decided to stop torturing me and took his hand out of my pants to take the box.

Derek didn’t seem to think there was anything weird or the least bit gross about that.

They were both insane.

And so was my dick.

“We might end up needing a bigger one, but from what I can see, I think this size will be perfect.” Derek’s gaze was centered on my groin, and it felt a little bit like a suit fitting that had turned into a bad porn movie…or maybe a really good one. It was hard to decide.

Ethan took the box from him and started reading through the information. “Yeah, I think that will work.”

Then they both turned to me.

Derek spoke first. “Would you like to use the changing room? Normally, that’s just for some of the costumes, but in this case, I want to make sure it fits.”

I’d fallen into a dirty Twilight Zone.

That was it. Last week I’d been abducted by aliens, and they were keeping me peaceful by filling my head with the craziest, most perfect fantasies ever.

“That sounds great.” Ethan wrapped an arm around me and pulled me in front of him, then reached down and caressed my dick through my jeans. “I’ve done some research, but I’ve never put one on a sub before.”

I almost came. The only thing that helped me to hang onto the thread of control that was left was the vague promise Ethan had made last night about what would happen if I was good. Coming unexpectedly last night might have ruined that, but I was keeping my fingers crossed.

Derek gave me another of his sweet, of-course-this-isn’t-weird smiles. “Are you ready?”

To come?

To die of a hard-on induced heart attack?

Ethan stepped in to fill in the gaps in my brain. “Are you ready to try it on?”

Answering that question would have been easier if he’d stopped playing with my dick, but telling him that required more brain power than I had at the moment. So I nodded.

Cock cage?

Oh yes.

Master controlling when I’d get to orgasm?

Sounded good to me.

Derek watching?

Yes…but I wasn’t going to question it because I had a feeling I’d checked my sanity at the door.

Derek gave me a long look. “Do you have a safeword?”

I nodded again and managed to actually force out a word. “Yes.”

It sounded slightly strangled, but it was enough to please Derek. “Very good. Let’s see how it fits.”

Yep…we’d somehow leaped into the porn version of The Twilight Zone.

Ethan thought that sounded like a wonderful idea, though, because he followed a bouncy Derek over to the curtained-off section that he called a changing room. With the half-circle of curtains slid to the side and the mirror on the back wall, it would have been perfect for a dirty movie. In fact, it looked like one I’d seen on a free site a few weeks ago when Ethan had been at work.

Ethan seemed to understand I was operating on the barest brain power at the moment because he positioned me in the small space and then crouched down in front of me. As he unbuttoned my jeans, he kept up a running commentary to Derek who just watched, all wiggly excitement and smiles.

“I want to make sure it’s not visible under his clothes.” Ethan eased the zipper over my cock. “At some point, having him displayed like that at a club or event might be fun, but I don’t want to have to worry about what I dress him in every day.”

He wanted to pick out my clothes?

That probably shouldn’t have been hot.

“No, this one is very streamlined. It might look like he has a nice package, but that’s about it.” Then he gave my dick a long look. “He seems to be hard a lot already. So if no one’s commented on that, then you shouldn’t have an issue.”

Ethan pulled my pants down, nodding to Derek. “Yeah, I was looking at some photos online and that’s what I was thinking, but I’ll still feel better once I get it on him.”

It was almost like I wasn’t there—which was so perfectly humiliating that I knew my briefs were probably damp with precum…and that just made the whole turned-on part even worse.

Master knew exactly how to send me to the point of exploding faster than anything or anyone ever.

“I understand. If you’re going to humiliate him, you want it to be under the right circumstances and not accidentally.” Derek watched as Master started easing my briefs over my erection painfully slowly. “You know, I have an adorable new line of panties you might want to look at for him. The white ones he’s got are super cute, but I think you might have fun dressing him up in something more overtly sexy. Oh, and there are a few jocks he’d look great in. I have to see if I have those in stock.”

I could feel my brain flopping around like a dead fish as my dick grew harder.

“I agree completely.” Master bared my cock and shoved the briefs down to my jeans, then wrapped his hands around me to cup my ass. “He’s got a great ass. He really needs a few jocks.”

I might have moaned. Just a little.

They both smiled like I’d done something cute and went back to analyzing my ass. By the time they were done, I was so hard I was starting to drip precum on the hardwood floor and they’d decided I’d look good in pink panties but nothing too brightly colored, and Derek was going to find some really feminine-looking jocks that they both thought would be perfect for me.

As they finalized their discussion, Master stopped stroking my ass and reached for the package Derek was holding. “Let’s see how this looks.”

Derek pointed to my erection. “You’re going to have to decide if he gets to come or if you’re going to find another way to take care of that.”

Another way?

Master shook his head. “I’ll let him come. I want all his pain associated with pleasure, like his spankings.”

I moaned again and more precum dripped to the floor. Derek was going to have to mop.

Derek reached out and squeezed Master’s shoulder. “You guys are so cute together.”

I had a feeling he didn’t know what that word meant.

Master just smiled warmly and moved his hand to start stroking my dick. “He’s special.”

It was the wrong time and the wrong place and the wrong situation for the way my heart clenched, but it did anyway.

The incredible sensation of Master playing with my dick helped keep me from saying anything stupid. Telling him how I felt for the first time shouldn’t be when I was naked and someone else was watching him get me off.

At least, I thought it should be at a more romantic time. Right?

I gasped as Master ran his thumb back and forth under the head of my dick. I couldn’t help the way my body arched and my hips thrust forward to chase the pleasure. Master chuckled and brought his other hand to wrap around my cock, starting to slowly jerk me off while his other hand kept up the concentrated pleasure right at the head.

He wasn’t wasting any time making me come.

Master started moving his hands faster, and I felt every muscle in my body tighten. What sent me over the edge was Derek saying, “Oh, look at that mess. Aren’t you a naughty boy?”

I came.

Ropes of cum drenched Master’s hand, and I got so lightheaded that Derek jumped close and wrapped one arm around me. “There we go.” He hugged me like I was a long-lost friend while Master forced the last of my orgasm from my body. “You’re going to look so cute in your cock cage.”

Yep. Twilight Zone.

“And then we’ll pick out some panties for you to try on.” He was trying to make me hard again. That was the only reason he would start saying things like that. “Are you alright? I want to go grab a towel to clean you up before Ethan puts on your cage.”

Fuckin’ Twilight Zone.

But for some unearthly reason, I just nodded and smiled.

I’d been abducted by aliens, but I was going to enjoy it while the fantasy lasted.




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