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Claiming His Love : An M/M Shifter MPreg Romance (Scarlet Mountain Pack Book 2) by Aspen Grey (20)



I awoke alone in my bed, but I wasn’t worried. I knew Bryce was near. I could smell him.

He was an important member of the pack and must have had duties to attend to. Of course it would have been magical to wake up in his arms, cradled as the small spoon I was last night, but after three years of being alone, Bryce was finally nearby. And that was enough for now.

I was a sticky mess, covered in the remnants of last night. Smiling, I stretched both arms above my head and felt the hardness I’d woken up with brush against the sheets as I swung my legs out of bed.

I took a deep breath and looked around the room. It was sparse: off white walls, the bed, a dresser and a closet door. Obviously not much had been done to this room yet, but the prospect of making it Bryce’s and my home was enough to put a smile on my face.

I found the attached bathroom and a towel which had been hung for me and switched on the water. Waiting for it to get hot, I looked at myself in the mirror. My face was flushed and my cock was standing straight out with morning wood.

If only Bryce were here

The sight of my arousal turned me on even more. Now, when I woke up hard, there was someone around to appreciate it. There would be someone around forever, if we managed to pull off Bryce’s plan.

I wasn’t alone anymore, and as I stepped into the shower, I closed my eyes and leaned back against the wall and pictured our lives together.

Bryce would take me. My heat would come soon. I knew it. I don’t know how I knew, but I did. He’d slide that monstrous cock inside of me and fill me with so much seed I’d have no choice but to get pregnant.

My belly would swell and my chest would grow and I’d be his dutiful omega and give him the pup he deserved. Boy or girl, it didn’t matter. All that mattered was we would be together and we would have a family.

My erection was going nowhere, and the scent of Bryce was everywhere, so I decided to take full advantage of the situation. My mind played out my impregnation in my mind as I stroked my cock beneath the hot water raining down on me.

Bryce’s lips brushed against mine…his cock pressed against my belly

Then I was on my stomach, pressed against the bed, my dick aimed up and rubbing against the sheets as he fucked me.

His cock was huge and my ass was stretched over it

I was about to cum.

“Bryce,” I moaned to myself in the shower as I felt the warmth of my cum against my fingers as my orgasm swelled over me. My body went hot and I felt flushed as I came, imagining Bryce filling me with his seed as mine spilled out of my dick.

I sighed as my orgasm began to subside and turned the temperature of the water down to cool off. I grabbed the soap and lathered up, washed and switched off the shower.

I could get used to this life.

Stepping into the bedroom, I found a set of clothes laid out for me. They were obviously Bryce’s. The pants were too long, so I cuffed them and cinched a belt tight against my waist. The shirt was oversized, but kind of cute in a way, like those boyfriend shirts they sell at the store.

The upstairs was quiet, but I heard the sound of voices downstairs. When I came into the living room, I saw Osana and the foxes sitting on the couches.

“Clarence,” Osana said, her voice soothing like the tea she’d given me last night. “How are you, dear?”

“I feel great,” I said, probably grinning like a doofus. “Have you seen Bryce?”

“He’s with Tate and Martin,” she said. “He should be along shortly. You’ve met Kitchi and Red?”

“Last night,” I said, nodding to both of them. “I have to thank you for what you did for me.”

“Of course,” Kitchi said with the nod of a soldier. “It’s what we do.”

“Can I ask you something?” I asked, slightly timid. “You are foxes, right?”

“We are,” Red replied, that same regal tone in his voice.

“How did you end up with us? Wolves?”

“We shared a common enemy,” Red replied. “An alpha named Lucas. He thought he owned Kyle, Tate’s fated mate. He also was infringing on our territory, so we joined forces.”

“They needed a doctor,” Osana added. “It seemed like the right move for all of us.”

It warmed my heart to hear them speak. They really considered themselves part of our pack – our pack. The thought of belonging to a pack like this was almost too much to comprehend. The memory of Jeremiah was still fresh in my mind.

Most shifters generally stick to their own species – wolves with wolves, foxes with foxes, bears with bears. It wasn’t common to crossover, and that made me understand even more the amount of love that must be in this home.

There were no prisoners here.

“You’re his fated, aren’t you?” Osana asked me, her eyes sparkling. I almost blushed, but the pride overwhelmed me and I smiled at her.

“I am.”

“Two fated pairs in one home,” she mused. “It’s almost too much to believe.

And then it hit me – the scent of my fated, and I knew before looking that he was coming in through the back door. I looked as he emerged from the kitchen, and when our eyes met, my stomach twisted like I was a middle-schooler with a crush again.

“Bryce,” I said, my voice almost a whisper. I saw a flash of love in his eyes, but there was something else there as he smiled at me – determination.

Another alpha, obviously the pack leader stepped up beside him.

“You must be Clarence,” he said to me. “I’m Tate.”

“He’s our pack leader, Clarence,” Bryce told me. “And this is Martin. He may dress like a fashion model, but he’s a tough bastard.”

Bryce was right. Martin did dress like he’d just stepped out of a men’s fashion magazine, or off a runway in Milan or Paris. He was wearing an expensive-looking pair of black pants, with a tucked-in black button-up and was much more groomed than the rest of us.

“Nice to meet you, Clarence,” he said with a smile. I nodded back.

“Now, everyone,” Tate said, stepping up with an air of authority. “We have some things we need to discuss.”

“Trouble?” Red asked.

“You could say that,” Tate said firmly. “Clarence is here to stay with us now, but there are some things we need to do to make sure that can happen.”

“Good,” Kitchi said, with a devilish grin. “We could use some excitement around here.”