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Coming Unraveled (Welcome to Carson Book 5) by Renee Harless (2)

Chapter One

“YOU KNOW, YOU ARE allowed to eat a lunch every now and then instead of working through the break,” Everleigh’s technician, Tamara says from her perch on the stool in front of the computer at the pharmacy drop off station.

“As are you, my friend,” she retorts as she scans out another prescription before tossing it in the bin to put away for pick up.

Tamara laughs, her melodic giggle echoing in their large space, before adding, “I snack all day long; where you barely do anything but drink water. I don’t know how you survive.”

“I eat,” Everleigh argues as she packages another medication before turning her attention back towards Tamara who cocks a meticulously tweezed eyebrow in her direction. “Fine, I’ll make sure that I actually eat when we close for lunch, ok? Does that make you happy?”

“Indeed. You can start today. I ordered you a sandwich from The Grill. And if you want to grab me one of your sister’s amazing cupcakes while you’re there I wouldn’t be opposed to it.”

At the mention of a sandwich, one she knows will be absolutely delicious because her sister’s husband Dylan is an amazing chef, an embarrassingly loud grumble sounds from her stomach and her pharmacy technician chuckles behind her hand as she moves to ring up a customer.

“You know, if I leave for lunch I have to lock up the pharmacy and you can’t stay.”

Tamara had come to her about two weeks ago, after graduating from a pharmacy technician program at a local community college in Asheville, looking for a job. It all worked out in Everleigh’s favor because the technician that had previously worked with Doc Nelson, the original owner of the pharmacy, had opted to retire as well. The older man hadn’t been able to adjust to the more technological advances Everleigh planned on creating in their quickly expanding pharmacy. Advances that she is excited to bring to her community such as an advanced computer system, medication therapy management, an automated refill and pick up reminder program, and a robotic dispensing machine to help fill the prescriptions of the hundreds of new patients they had recently acquired. So, Tamara’s seeking of a job came at the perfect time. The young woman is efficient, eager to learn, and has a take no prisoners attitude, all things Everleigh admires about her.

She had already set up the new computer system when she purchased the rights to the business from Doc Nelson and it has made her day to day procedures much easier and she spends fewer hours at the store after closing filling out paperwork.

Doc Nelson had been an amazing mentor, teaching her more in person than the five years in pharmacy school ever had, but now she is excited to do it her own way.

The bell above the door tinkles, alerting her and Tamara to another customer, adding to the five they already have waiting in line. Monday’s were always the busiest since she only had half day operating hours on Saturday and closed shop on Sunday. Something she and Tamara had discussed changing in lieu of all the new people moving to their town and surrounding counties.

Carson, North Carolina is small, a population of about fifteen hundred, and a good mix of age ranges, but that number is steadily increasing. The production plant across town was bringing in a slew of young people, all with medical and prescription insurance, and the baby boomers in the town were all finding themselves retired and on medications they had never needed before. And with talks of an upscale retirement community being built halfway between Carson and Asheville, Everleigh needed to prepare for a high volume of prescriptions being brought to her small pharmacy.

They were looking to hire a new pharmacist and technician to expand their hours and cover more shifts for the current staff.

“How are you doing, Miss Everleigh?” Fred Fitzgerald calls out as he steps into the line.

Fred had been the town Sheriff until her sister Sydney’s ex, Preston Savage, had decided to move to town.  Preston had previously been an undercover FBI agent with Sydney’s, now-husband, Dylan, and when his cover had been blown he decided to make Carson his home. Fred saw the opportunity to retire and with Dylan using his chef skills to run The Grill with his wife, Preston stepped up to fulfill the role. As much as Sydney wanted to hate the man for everything he had put Sydney through early in their relationship, he seemed to be truly happy that she was with Dylan, and that is all that mattered to Everleigh. She learned to stay out of people’s business if she didn’t want hers dug into.

Looking up from the computer where she had zoned out, Everleigh responds kindly that she is doing well.

“Have you seen that the new doctor is back in town? I heard he came back from visiting his grandmother. Sad thing that is.”

Everleigh startles, dropping the bottle of medication in her hand, the tiny pills falling and scattering across the floor. Fred always seems to be in the know, it was considered both a blessing and curse in their town.

“Where…” she begins, her mouth immediately growing parched. She licks her lips attempting to calm the increasing beat of her heart thundering in her ears. “Where did you hear that?”

“Oh, well, I was seeing Dr. Chamberlain this morning for my heart appointment. Ya know, that boy keeps telling me I need to slow down some, but I ain’t meant for slowing down.” Everleigh stares hard at the older man, silently requesting that he get back to the subject at hand. “Oh yes, well, Dr. Chamberlain said that his babies had a checkup this afternoon with Dr. McCafferty, so I took a little stroll on my way here and saw his pretty red car parked in the lot.”

Shit, she murmurs internally as she bends to begin picking up the pills she spilled everywhere.

“You ok there, Dr. Connelly?” he asks as he turns his body some to look at her from around her counter.

Smiling brightly, Everleigh looks up and pretends that she is ok when deep inside her gut churns.

He’s back and he’ll find something she left for him while he was gone. Something she didn’t have the courage to give him in person. She had a hard time being in his presence, her mind seeming to leave her body and she finds herself controlled by her heart. And she hates it. The last time she led with her heart she found herself in deep trouble. The kind of trouble that wakes you in your sleep drenched in a cold sweat.

“I’m fine, Mr. Fitzgerald. Just mentally taking note of each of these tablets so I can adjust my inventory.”

Everleigh hopes that her overly cheerful voice is enough to sway the husband of the town’s President of the Lady Busy Bees, a group known for their charitable work and gossip skills. If he just so much as has an inkling of her fibbing, then the entire town will know about it in less than two minutes.

Luckily, as his eyes begin to narrow in her direction Tamara calls him to the register, giving her a moment to take a deep breath and calm herself. She keeps her head down towards the ancient hardwood floors, picking up the tiny peach colored pills until she hears Tamara send him off.

“Have a good day, Mr. Fitzgerald.”

“You too, Doc. And you better make your move on that new man before someone else sinks their nails into him.”

She cringes remembering the way Tiffany, the town trollop, had hung all over Brooks at the baby shower for her sister and sister-in-law. It was something she had grown to deal with, seeing women throw themselves at him, but the pain of the sting never lessened. But she hates him, most days. He reminds her of everything she despises in his controlling and sexy package. She won’t ever be controlled again. So, as far as she is concerned Tiffany or anyone else can have him. But why does it hurt so bad when she forces herself to ignore his advances?

Especially now after all the trouble she caused a month ago, the night she let tequila make her decisions. Everleigh could barely remember standing up for her sister Sydney and Dylan as they got married in a tiny chapel in Vegas. She can almost recollect dancing on a table at one of the casino bars. But the sex? The sex was out of this world. Eveleigh’s dreams have been plagued by the visions of Brooks merging their bodies into one, the way he slipped himself deep inside her, the way she cried out his name after her body shattered in his arms. Those images were clear as day to her.

As she collects the last tablet and twists the cap back onto the bottle Everleigh stares at her left hand, huffing as she glances at the blankness on that finger.

What would it feel like to ever wear a ring on that finger? His ring? She wonders to herself. Her actions last week are going to make sure that that never comes to fruition.


“Yes, boss lady?”

“Let’s close for lunch. Did you want to go with me to get your sandwich?”

“No, see I have plans with Trevor back at our apartment, if you know what I mean.”

Everleigh internally winces as she acknowledges that her twenty-year-old employee is getting laid more than she is.

She smiles gently and nods while replying, “I do know what you mean. Enjoy yourself, but be back by one.”

“Yes, ma’am,” the raven skinned woman exclaims as she removes her white pharmacy coat and hangs it on the rack by the door. “Oh, and don’t forget Missus C. that Pro RX Robotics is sending their Senior Account Manager for a meeting at two.”

“Thank you for reminding me,” she says as she glances down at her light wash jeans and loose shirt covered by her pharmacist jacket. “I guess I’ll need to run upstairs and change before I come back to work. Enjoy your lunch break.”

Everleigh watches as Tamara strolls confidently through the door. Besides the beautiful color of her obsidian colored skin, Tamara has a striking confidence that surrounds her, which makes her even more breathtaking. She keeps her dark hair relaxed and long, with a subtle wave, playing up her milk chocolate eyes shaped like large almonds. Even more so, Tamara stands at a staggering five foot eleven, towering over her own minuscule five feet three-inch stature. Tamara is a force to be reckoned with if she wants your attention or is mad, so Everleigh is forever grateful that the young woman seems to idolize her. Secretly, Everleigh idolizes her as well for her confidence and carefree personality.

Stepping to the front of the pharmacy, Everleigh turns the locks and flips the sign that they were currently closed. She then steps over to the newly installed walkway connecting her business to that of the new Pediatric Clinic next door, closing the gate. She then moves the sign holding stanchion from where it rests beside the wall and places it behind the cold steel, letting any patients know that the pharmacy is closed.

Everleigh steps back through the enclosed pharmacy area and hangs her jacket on the rack before moving through the fire-safe door leading into their storage area. She follows a narrow passage and opens the exit leading outside onto the loading dock for her deliveries and then listens as the secure automated lock sounds.

Satisfied that the pharmacy is secure she steps through the gravel parking lot at the back of her store and takes a turn down the narrow alleyway that will lead her to the main thoroughfare. As she steps onto the concrete sidewalk beside the main road she can’t help but tilt her head up towards the sky, letting the warm rays of sunshine wash over her skin. In the far-off distance, she can hear the children shouting and laughing with joy as they play outside the school on the jungle gym.

With a smile on her face, Everleigh strolls down the two blocks to Sydney’s bakery, Wake and Bake, which is attached to The Grill. Their mother had been the previous owner of the bakery, but when she decided to retire the entire family knew it would go to Sydney, she had an amazing eye for desserts and artistic concoctions.

Before stepping through the door, she takes in the periwinkle colored awning overhanging the large picturesque window showcasing her sister’s creations. A matching awning covers the window for The Grill where she can see the bar filled with customers as Dylan and his employees cook their masterpieces.

The door swings open and Myrtle, the librarian, holds it wide for Everleigh to step through.

“Thank you.”

“You’re very welcome, dear.”

“Hey, E. What brings you in?” her sister asks as she whisks something creamy and white in a large bowl.

“Tamara kicked me out of my shop and forced me to get lunch,” she responds sullenly.

“Well, heaven forbid you eat. How dare that girl force you to get nourishment,” Sydney chuckles as she steps back into her kitchen, most likely resting the bowl on her infamous butcherblock island.

Rumor has it her and her husband have been caught numerous times in compromising positions while on that counter. Everleigh only hopes that they sanitize the crap out of that thing.

“Do you want to eat lunch with me?”

“Sure,” she shouts from the back. “Let me close out the register while you grab us a table.”

Bobbing her head in agreement, Everleigh steps into the small eating area shared by the two eateries. Her chair scrapes against the tile of the floor and Dylan looks up to welcome a newcomer.

“Hey, Dylan,” she shouts above the sound of the conversations surrounding her.

He takes a moment to whisper something into the other cook’s ear and then steps from around the open grill area and heads in her direction. Instead of sitting down she continues to stand knowing that he’ll want to hug her, and she isn’t disappointed as he wraps his gigantic arms around her shoulders.

“Everleigh, long time no see. What have you been up to?”

Before she has a chance to answer, Sydney comes through the double swinging doors and wraps her arms around her husband’s neck, kissing him as if she didn’t stare at him all day.


“Sorry,” she apologizes, but Everleigh can tell by the twinkle in her eyes that she doesn’t mean it.

“Anyway, the pharmacy has been really busy recently. I’m looking at hiring some more staff, which is a good and bad thing.”

“How so?” Dylan asks innocently, as he pulls out a chair for Sydney to sit in.

“Control,” Sydney whispers loud enough for her to hear.

Dylan cocks an eyebrow, adding to his dark and smoldering looks, and looks at her while Sydney sighs dramatically.

Needing to change the subject Everleigh chimes in asking if Tamara had called in a lunch order for her earlier.

“She did, let me go grab it. And I’ll get something for you, Syd,” he answers as he spins on his heels and heads back towards his kitchen.

Grinning at her sister as she stares at her husband’s backside, Everleigh claims, “It seems like your still in the honeymoon phase.”

“Whew, I hope it stays like this forever. Getting married was the best thing I ever did. You should try it sometime,” she adds, her eyes never leaving her man.

If only she knew.

An hour later, and a fresh wardrobe change into the soft peach dress she wore for Avery and Nikki’s baby shower, Everleigh welcomes the representative from Pro RX Robotics into her small conference room used mainly for consultations with patients.

She was surprised when she found the man waiting for her to open the pharmacy doors as he appeared to be in his late thirties, with a maturity about him that oozed sex appeal. He is on the taller edge of average height, about as tall as Tamara, and his dark blond hair is slicked back with a signature wave running through it. Truthfully, he reminds her of a lighter version of Don Draper from Mad Men.

As Everleigh guides him to the conference room she watches as Tamara fans herself with a flyer she grabbed off of the rack by the register. If this is how Pro RX Robotics planned on sealing the deal to get her contract, then she has to applaud them on their follow through. Once they sit down and he shakes her hand introducing himself as Paul Miller, Everleigh forces herself to stay seated and not run to grab a flyer of her own to fan herself with.

The meeting is quick and she signs the contract she and her lawyer had already read through and they begin designing the automated dispensing machine for her facility.

“Would you like me to show you where I am thinking of placing it? That way you can get a feel for the size I need. Obviously, you know more about the machine than I do. I’m just hoping to get about 50 of my fastest moving medications into the device.”

“Absolutely, I’d like to get a feel for the placement. And a 50-cell holder should be an easy robot to customize for you.”

“Great. If you’ll follow me,” she directs as she opens the conference room door and steps through the locked barrier blocking customers from the filling area of the pharmacy.

Paul whistles as he takes in the area since she had ushered him into the conference room rather quickly upon his arrival.

“This is really neat. You don’t find many independent pharmacies like this any longer.”

“You’re right, the major retail chains are buying them up left and right, but we’re holding steady. Most of these buildings are on the National Historical Registry, so they’ll never be torn down unless it is absolutely necessary. And the town works hard to keep the big block stores from heading this way. Just last year they fought and won against a big department store trying to move in near the highway.”

“Well, that’s something you don’t see every day.”

Everleigh isn’t sure if he’s referring to the way the town holds on to its preservation or the man stomping towards her, his face reddening with each step.

The man that just so happens to be her husband.




BROOKS STEPS OUT FROM the small plane and takes a deep breath. His trip to Atlanta had been far from the vacation he probably needs, but it was worth every agonizing day of humidity to spend time with his grandmother. The woman that spent most of her elder years raising him and is now plagued with late-onset Alzheimer's disease. Her memories were so far gone that she didn’t recognize him during his month-long visit, but around him, she was calm and relaxed, the complete opposite of how she acted towards her stay-at-home nurse. He was shocked to see his gentle and sweet grandmother lashing out in a cruel manner towards others, but the nurse went about her duties, offering a peace of mind when she explained that mood changes were par for the course with the debilitating disease.

He didn’t know. He had been gone for so long, unable to witness the destruction that the illness was taking on her body. His trip home also helped solidify the fact that he needed to let the past go. He still holds bits of resentment towards his parents for the way they had dragged him through their divorce as if he was a pawn in their sadistic game. After witnessing the annihilation of their marriage Brooks vowed he would only marry when he knew for certain that the woman is the love of his life, his other half, his soul mate. He realizes it is corny, but his uninterested parents had decided to send him to live with his grandmother who spoke daily of the remarkable love she had with his late grandfather. That is what he wants. That love of the ages.

As he grabs his bags from the conveyor in the airport baggage claim he thinks back to the scintillating and aggravating woman that beckoned him from the moment he laid eyes on her.

His shoulder was acting up, the old baseball injury flaring from its overuse as he carried his bags through the airport this morning, and the alcohol he had consumed a few minutes prior at Horizon’s wasn’t helping. His friend Logan notices as he rotates his shoulder a few times.

“You don’t have to come with us.”

Brooks shakes his head but continues. He is intrigued at the prospect of meeting the rest of Avery’s family, especially the sister he had hoped to meet the day before, the sister that can help him with the clinic Avery wants him to head.

“You called and said it is an emergency and I want to help. Plus, Nikki is my friend too.”

They knock on the front door only to be ushered in quickly by Austin, who stands there holding the door ajar as more people hurry into the space.

Brooks can’t help but wonder how so many of these people were up and ready at five in the morning. But before he can ponder any longer he watches as a streak of golden silk skirts into the room and takes a seat next to Austin’s mother.


This must be the elusive sister he had yet to meet. Something about her draws him in, mesmerizes him, leaves him in a puddle at her feet. There is nothing he can do but stare. The pull is too strong to turn away. He hasn’t even taken in any of her appearance, just the beautiful golden strands and the profile of her slightly upturned nose and plump lips. He is hooked.

Breaking him from his gawking, an older man in a sheriff’s jacket calls him out for leaving Horizon’s not too long ago.

“Yes, sir. Just trying to get to know my neighbors.”

He listens carefully most of the conversation, taking in the FBI agents plan to trick the people after Austin. Brooks was fine with sitting back, letting the family decide the best things to do for themselves until a strong proclamation comes from the beautiful woman that had captured him from her entrance.

“I’ll do it,” she says as Dylan asks for someone to pretend to be Nikki since she is with child.

His muscles lock tight at the thought of harm coming to a single strand of her hair.

“Like hell, you will,” he bellows from his perch in the corner.

“Excuse me? Do you think you have a say in this? I don’t even know who you are,” she returned with more venom than he thought possible from such an angelic looking woman.

Everleigh continues to spout off the reasons for her decision and his temper flared with each excuse until his blood boiled beneath his skin.

“You know what? Fine, forget that the people here are those that care about you,” Brooks concludes. “Austin, I’ll be here until Sunday. You know how to reach me for everything else.”

His body radiates in fury as he pushes off the wall, his mind ignoring the surprised and concerned stares from his friends.

Brooks’ heavy boots stomp towards the front entrance of the home, the walls shaking with every step, glass vibrating in the antique chest against the hallway. His hand settles on the doorknob and, taking a deep breath, he turns to glance back in the kitchen once more. His eyes lock on Everleigh’s, they stare back at him with a mix of confusion and anger, and if he isn’t mistaken, attraction.

That feeling of protectiveness surges through him again and he knows at that moment that everything in him is for her. His heart, his soul, his being.

As he walks back to his car, heavy feeling in his chest, he can’t help but feel like he’s met his match.

A few days later Dylan had orchestrated the fake engagement plan during the Carson New Year’s Eve Festival. He felt it was a sure-fire way to capture the people hell-bent on killing Austin and embezzling his millions.

Things were going smoothly and the exchange between Nikki and Everleigh had just taken place while Brooks waits against the side of the bakery, Wake and Bake. Maybe she had been right and he made a fuss out of nothing, but then his heart had stopped when a shadow emerges from around the parking lot, eyes narrowed, gun drawn. Right at Everleigh.

Brooks was frozen, immobilized. There wasn’t anything he could do or say at that moment, all he can hear is his heartbeat bursting in his ears. Finally, his legs move on their own accord as another FBI agent steps around him with her own gun drawn.

“Drop your weapon,” Alexis, the agent, shouts.

But all Brooks can make out is the soft whimper coming from his heart’s desire as the gun presses against her back.

Suddenly, Austin finds an opportunity and yanks her away from the gun’s point and tosses her towards him. Brooks captures her in his arms and tucks her against his body, shielding her from the situation before them. Before he has a chance to check her over, to speak to her alone, the gun-wielding woman points it in Everleigh’s direction once more and it’s all Brooks can do to keep her protected underneath his hold.

“I’ve got you, sweetheart,” he whispers to her as he tucks her head under his chin.

Alarming them all, a shot rings out and a loud wail quickly follows. Brooks watches as blood pools from the figure's shoulder and he grips Everleigh tighter. Wanting to her hold her in his arms just a moment longer.

She pulls her head back slightly and stares at him, her eyes blinking rapidly as she searches his.

“Hey, are y’all alright?” Austin asks as Everleigh pulls away from Brooks’ hold and chastises him for calling her sweetheart.

He doesn’t get a chance to respond as she storms over to her brother, leaving him in a mix of being exhausted and excited – and in love.

Everleigh had a vivacious attitude that drew him in, even when she fought against him with everything she has. It only took the elopement of her sister and a few shots of tequila for her to confess her desire for him.

Things got a little crazy as the rest of her friends and family had filed out of that small white chapel in Las Vegas, Nevada, while she had sat in one of the small pews pouring out her heart to him. She wanted a family, she wanted to be loved, she wanted everything her siblings had found, but she couldn’t bring herself to act on it. She was scared. So, Brooks had made a promise to her, to be with her through thick and thin and to love her above all else and surprising even him she had reiterated that promise. He knew then that she was meant to be his and he made it happen. This is his love of all ages, whether she knows it or not.

No one knew the wiser that they too had eloped on that wild trip and she wasn’t about to disclose that bit of information to her family. Brooks had wanted to make things more official when they arrived home, but he had been called to his grandmother’s estate and he left with barely a goodbye. He had explained to Avery, the woman that had fronted the money for his new clinic, that he would now miss the grand opening, but as he explained the circumstances she understood.

Now if only he wasn’t so worried that his wife wouldn’t understand his abrupt departure and inability to contact her. He has her number. Her email. But he had been afraid of her lashing out at him. Yeah, he is scared of the tiny five-foot-three vixen that holds his balls in her fist.

But now that he is back on solid ground, and in his red Audi A5 swerving through the back roads leading to the small town of Carson, he is ready to face his judge.

An hour later he turns his coupe into the driveway where he rents a house from Dr. Fields, a colleague of Avery’s. The house had been previously rented by his friend and fellow physician, Logan before he got married and had a baby with Avery. They had recently renovated a home farther away from town and the timing was perfect for Brooks to snag this bungalow. He loves the layout and the finishes, and it works perfectly for him.

Walking through the door his exhaustion finally catches up. Deciding to take a much deserved nap he tosses his bags towards the laundry room and makes his way towards his bed. The Stantons, a local family that provides cleaning services, must have come by yesterday because the house smells of lemon scented wood polish and a mixture of flowers and bleach. Opening his bedroom door, the stark white bed summons him towards its cocoon and he willingly obliges. His eyes close without command, the need for slumber controlling his body. But his mind is vigorous, projecting his memories as dreams. The memories of a sensual being once she lets down her guard. A woman that has a body made for him. His woman.

The coldness of the room meshes with the darkness as he opens his eyes. Brooks must have slept a lot longer than the hour or so he had been planning. Reaching into his back pocket, he grabs his cell phone to check the time. The screen reads 4 a.m. and several windows alert him to some missed messages. A few from his ex-teammates on the Atlanta Braves and one from Avery welcoming him back to Carson. He rubs his eyes as they adjust to the brightness of his cell phone and he replies to some of the messages. Realizing that he is up for good, he decides to go to workout in the small gym he placed in the guest room and get ready for the day.

He forces his body to take on more weight than normal. Needing the push and pull of his muscles to awaken his body completely.  An hour later and drenched in sweat, Brooks steps towards his kitchen counter where the Stantons had been placing his mail. He flips through the bills knowing he had paid each one electronically while he was gone before his hands grasp a large white envelope with an attorney’s emblem and address in the upper left-hand corner.

Nausea sinks deep into the pit of his stomach. There are only two things that would be coming to his home from an attorney’s office. He quickly rules out anything regarding his grandmother since her lawyer is located in Atlanta, not Asheville. Sliding his finger through the seal of the envelope he pulls out the papers and comes face to face with a nightmare. Translucent red tabs mock him as he flicks through the pages, his anger boiling deep down as he scans over the thick legal paper.

An annulment.

Mental incompetence.

Void of Marriage.

The papers glare at him, ridiculing the fact that she claims that she wasn’t in sound mind when they were married. That their marriage is false.

Who does she think she’s kidding?

Breaking him from his simmering rage, his alarm sounds on his phone and he sets the papers with his work bag before heading towards his bathroom, plans forming in his mind.

Did she think she could pull one over on him?

“Ha,” Brooks chortles into his empty space.

Everleigh just met her match.




“Thanks, Dr. Long,” Brooks says as he opens the door to his office.

Dr. Long is a pediatric specialist that he had hired with Avery’s permission to work as his second hand. She is amazing at what she does and offered Brooks a sense of comfort at running his clinic while he was gone. If anyone is able to hold down the fort, it would be her. They were looking to hire another pediatrician once patient numbers increased so that he and Dr. Long didn’t have to balance all of them.

“Did you have a nice time?” she asks as she places a stethoscope around her neck and leans against his door jam.

Not wanting to divulge too much he simply spins in his chair and says, “It was nice to visit my grandmother.”

She shakes her head as she smiles and informs him that Millie Rae is his nurse and is ready to go over patients with him. He places his bag and offending package on his desk and closes his office, ready to see what’s in store.

By the afternoon Brooks finishes assessing the three infants, wiggling aimlessly on the crinkle paper stretched across on the examination bed. He is fond of all three of them since they were his friend’s twins and their slightly younger cousin, but most of all he had helped deliver the twins in some extraordinary circumstances. Avery had gone into early labor during her baby shower, confusing her contractions with those of Braxton Hicks. At a month and a half early, she gave birth to baby Caroline with little complications. But Caroline’s twin, Everett, was another story. He had been delivered with the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck three times and wasn’t breathing. Brooks had performed CPR successfully and gave that baby a bit of his heart that day.

It was also the day he had given Everleigh the remainder of his heart. She had watched him in astonishment as he performed the skills he had been taught in medical school. And when Everett gasped his first breath he had looked up into her eyes and found the amazement in hers mirrored back at him.

As she picks up Grace, Nikki asks, “So, how do they look?”

He laughs as both mother and baby rub noses against each other.

“They look spectacular. All three are developing on rate. I’ll print their growth charts for you on your way out.”

“And Everett?” Avery inquires from her position crouched in the corner where she is busy securing him into his carrier.

Small towns. It is the only place he had ever practiced where families scheduled all of their appointments to take place together at the same time. HIPAA is a rare thing he found here.

“So far he seems to be right on track and he is almost the same size as his sister. I don’t believe you’re going to have anything to worry about.”

He watches as Avery takes a deep breath and relaxation finally settles across her shoulders. She had been worrying night and day about Everett while he was at the Asheville Medical Center NICU. Hell, Brooks had been worried too, but the infant made a speedy recovery with the help of his twin sister. The babies were notorious for holding hands and lying right next to each other while in the incubator.

“Good. That’s good.”

“Well ladies, do you have any other questions for me?”

A look crosses their faces as they gaze at each other and then glance back towards him as he closes his laptop.

“So, we haven’t seen you for a while.”

He bobs his head in confusion.

“Where did you go? Anywhere exotic?” Nikki asks as she rests Grace on her shoulder and pats her back.

“No, just to see my grandmother, she isn’t doing very well. And then, of course, I went to watch Ryker and Harlan in Vegas.”

“Ah, yes, Vegas. Anything fun happen besides Sydney and Dylan eloping? Everleigh has been a grouch since she came back,” Avery adds trying to dig up some dirt.

She and her siblings had been adamant that there is a history with them. Unfortunately, the only history they had is him feeling a sense of protection over her when they first met, which triggered her anger, and that anger in the past few months has resulted in kicked shins, black eyes, and a bruised ego; all from her.

“It was fun, did a little gambling. Pretty uneventful.”

He isn’t convinced that they believe him when he watches them whisper to each other as they scurry from the room.

“Have a good day, ladies. The front desk will set you up for their next appointments.”

“Goodbye, Dr. McCafferty.”

Knowing that Avery and Nikki were his final appointment for the afternoon, he heads towards his office to decide his next plan of action. Brooks removes his stethoscope and plops down in his chair before opening the packet once more and skimming over the legal documents. He drops them with a huff and plants his elbows on his desk, resting his head in the palm of his hands.

What would make her do this without discussing it with me first? Is it because I had to leave so suddenly? Is it me? Brooks questions himself as his anger and confusion swirls profusely in his stomach. No, it has to be something more. She has to feel this between us.

With a new resolve pulsing through his veins merging with the rage still bursting inside, Brooks slams his office door as he walks through the threshold, heading for the glass walkway leading him to his destination.

His Heaven or Hell.

As he passes through the edge of her pharmacy he stops abruptly to find a well-dressed man, a good-looking one at that, standing next to his woman. She is gesturing wildly with her hands, something Brooks realizes that she does when she is nervous, and then they both look over in his direction. As if pulled to her by an invisible force, Brooks stalks towards the entrance of the production area.

Gravely, he asks, “Can I come in?”

He watches as she places her delicate hand on the man’s arm, her fingers splaying across his suit jacket, which, from his expression, he doesn’t seem to mind. She turns her attention towards Brooks and walks in his direction, stopping just inside the pharmacy counter and not opening the small door for him.

“Can we discuss this later? I’m meeting with a vendor.”

“No, we cannot,” he growls as he holds up the papers rolled in his hands.

Her eyes skirt over to the contents and she shrinks a smidgen, just enough for Brooks to see that she is worried about his reaction.


“Well, hello there, doctor. My name is Tamara, and whew dog, you look mighty fine in that white jacket,” the exceptionally tall woman details as she comes to stand beside Everleigh.

As she extends her hand to shake, Brooks mimics her as he introduces himself.

“That’s a sexy name right there. I once had a fantasy about playing doctor and nurse with my boyfriend, but he was afraid I’d take it too far. How about you, doc? You ever role play?”

Baffled and a bit impressed with the woman’s unabashed questioning he glances over to where Everleigh fidgets beside her employee.

“Uh…Everleigh can we please talk?”

“Well, doc, you see my boss lady is in a very important meeting. You’re just going to have to come back. We close at six,” Tamara declares as she places an arm around Everleigh and steers her back towards the man waiting in the back of the pharmacy.

He has been dismissed and it isn’t even by his wife.

Reaching into his pocket he takes out the small bag he brought back with him from Atlanta. A treasure that belongs to his family.

“Tamara,” he calls out as she whispers something into her boss’ ear.

She peeks over her shoulder, her eyes wide in nervousness, before turning around and coming to stand before him.

“What can I do for you, doc?”

“Can you give this to Everleigh, please?” he requests as he slips the velvet bag into her waiting palm, cursing the fact that he really wants to call Everleigh Mrs. McCafferty.

“Sure thing.”

He turns to walk down the pathway he came from but stands just inside the threshold so he can watch the exchange.

“What is it?” he hears Tamara ask.

He doesn’t have to guess when Everleigh finds the antique ring nestled inside, he can hear her gasp of breath and Tamara’s whistle of astonishment.

“Is that what I think it is? Dr. Connelly, what are you going to do?”

Turning on his heel Brooks turns to walk away, knowing that Everleigh will realize he isn’t giving up without a fight.

Two steps in, he hears her say, “I have no idea.”

And he smiles for the first time in a month.

Strolling casually back to his office, Brooks sits in his office signing off on patient’s charts. A knock sounds on his door and in strolls his friend Logan.

“Hey, man. Dr. Long said that you were done with patients for the day. Do you want to head to Horizons with me and Austin?”

He chuckles as he asks, “Won’t your wives mind?”

“Naw, they’re headed to Avery’s parents’ house. They’ve been asking for some baby time and Avery was hoping she could catch a nap while she’s there.”

“Well, I’m definitely in. It will be like old times.”

He follows Logan out of the clinic and down the street to Horizons, the only available bar in Carson. Austin waves at them from his perch at a high-top table, but not before Tiffany saunters towards him.

“Good luck,” Logan voices with an expression to match.

Brooks and Tiffany had hooked up a few times when he had tried to push Everleigh from his mind, but he had thought he had convinced her he wasn’t doing it anymore. From the way her nails bite into his skin she apparently didn’t get his memo.

“Where have you been?” she pouts, rubbing her enlarged breasts against his arm.

“I’ve been busy and I’m not interested. If you’ll excuse me.”

He turns to walk away, hating at how callous he sounds, but he knew from experience that you had to be mean to get those types of women to listen.

“Well, that didn’t take as long as I had expected,” Austin jokes from behind the beer glass tilted to his lips.

“Thanks for the vote of confidence. Hey man, can I get one of these,” he says to the bartender, gesturing towards Austin’s beer.

An hour passes as the guys ask him questions about his time playing baseball before Logan knocks Brooks on the shoulder.

“I think you’re in trouble.”

“Why do you say that?” he responds to Logan.

“Because my sister-in-law just walked in and she is heading straight for you.”

Brooks turns on his stool and observes as Everleigh stalks across the bar, an irritated expression on her face causing her lusciously plump lips to pinch together. As she comes closer, her mouth opens as if she is about to start sprouting her monologue, but Brooks shuts her down quickly.

“Well, hello, gorgeous. Miss me already?”