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Coming Unraveled (Welcome to Carson Book 5) by Renee Harless (3)

Chapter Two

SHE HAD LEFT THE pharmacy at six on the dot expecting to find Brooks waiting to confront her about the papers she had served him. When she had gone a month without hearing much from him after they arrived back home to Carson, she had assumed this is the path he had wanted them to take. Their quickie wedding must have been a mistake. After seeing the anger on his face as he stormed into her workplace this afternoon she had begun to second guess her actions. But this is better for both of them. She didn’t need to burden him with her past and he deserved someone that could give him everything he wants, and that woman isn’t her, as much as she wishes that it was.

He hadn’t been waiting for her as she had assumed he would be and that had puzzled and annoyed her further. Her body tingles as the emotions manifest deep within and she storms up to her tiny apartment above the shop, refreshes her makeup, and then decides to confront him at his office.

Luckily for her, she runs into Dr. Long just as she turns the corner from the alleyway separating her pharmacy and the hardware store next door. Everleigh had asked her if she knew where Brooks had gone and she had pointed across the street to Horizons.


She has a plan in her mind and as she stepped through the heavy wooden door she is determined to get Brooks to settle their problem as soon as possible.

And that’s what this marriage is, a problem. Not for her, but it would be for him. Brooks is one of the sexiest men she had ever seen. He stands over a foot taller than her with bulging muscles cascading down his body. She had been witness to those muscles back in Vegas and every night when she closes her eyes she can still picture how they rippled beneath her touch. He possesses the combination of tall, dark, and handsome that most women dream about, and she knows from experience that she won’t be enough to keep him by her side. Men like that needed and craved the attention of multiple females.

Her eyes focus in the dimness of the room until she begins to make out the figures surrounding her. Prickles erupt on the back of her neck and she knows that her body is responding to his presence. He has had this effect on her since he had first shown up in her life a year ago. Scanning the room once more she finds him sitting at the bar with her brother and brother-in-law. His inky black hair curling at the bottom of his neck and the waves glisten under the dull light hanging above the bar.

Shaking away her goose bumps she stomps towards them, hoping to keep her fear of confrontation from showing for everyone to see. Logan must alert Brooks to her arrival because as she takes a deep breath, ready to make him a victim of her wrath, he spins on his stool taking her by surprise.

His bright blue eyes crinkle on the edges as he takes her in, every minute detail, scanning her from head to toe. Everleigh’s mouth hangs open as her mind goes blank, instead focusing on the shiver that travels down her spine at his perusal. She has to stamp down her desire to reach up and run her fingers through his hair and scratching her cheek against the scruff residing on his jawline; that perfect mix of sexy and dangerous. And she is in serious danger of melting into a puddle at his feet.

“Well, hello, gorgeous. Miss me already?” he asks as his eyes gleam in delight.

Momentarily stunned, Everleigh can do no more than stand still, slack-jawed expression marring her face.

“Uh, I…” she begins before her brother saves her by standing and wrapping her in his arms, squeezing her tightly, but her eyes never leave the magnetic pull of Brooks’.

The bartender places another round of beers in front of the guys, causing Brooks and Logan to turn on their stool, the captivating pull finally broken.

“Hey, Austin, Logan,” she greets them, purposefully leaving out Brooks’ name which doesn’t go unnoticed by her brother as he narrows a confused glare towards her. She rolls her eyes in response before addressing the man leaning back on his stool against the bar, sipping his beer. “Brooks, you said we needed to talk and I waited for you after I closed.”

“Oh, did you?” he asks innocently. “I got the impression earlier that it could wait.”

“Brooks,” she grunts in agitation, practically stomping her foot in response like a sullen teenager.

“Beautiful,” Brooks replies, the corner of his lips tilting upward in a sexy grin she had come to love about him.

“Hey, man,” her brother bellows with a punch to Brooks’ shoulder. “That’s my sister.”

She watches as Logan laughs, shaking his head as Brooks replies, “Not sorry.”

As her aggravation grows she places her hands on her hips, the silky material of her dress sliding between her fingertips.

“Look, can we get this over with, please? Brooks, you wanted to talk, so let’s talk.”


She watches as he tosses some money on the bar top and smacks Austin and Logan on the shoulders before standing to his full height before her, the tips of their toes practically touching. She takes a deep breath and Everleigh can smell the familiar scent of his cologne whirling around her body, her skin tingling in remembrance.

“Come with me?” he asks as he reaches a hand forward, offering her something more than just their discussion.

Everleigh breathily sighs, “Yes,” finding herself locked in a trance she is unable to pull herself from as she places her hand in his.

They don’t move as he gazes down at her, their eyes silently speaking. No words are needed as something passes between them, something strong, something possessive, something she isn’t ready to consider.

He squeezes her hand gently before moving towards the hallway leading to the restrooms and the back of the bar. Everleigh doesn’t question it as he passes by the door leading to the outside and turns another corner. She doesn’t ponder when he steps into the hidden office and shuts the door. She doesn’t flinch when the lock is turned and Brooks spins her to rest against the door.

Her breath increases, synchronizing with her heartbeat as he steps into her space, brushing his strong calloused hand across her cheek tenderly.

“You look beautiful, wife,” he says as his hand drops down to her neckline, stroking his fingers along her collarbone, causing a shiver to shoot down her body.

“Brooks. I’m not…” she murmurs as she loses herself to his touch.

“But you are, sweetheart,” he argues as his hand skims down her shoulder, sliding the strap of her dress down her arm, the fabric resting on her elbow.

Her body stands frozen in possession, somehow this man commands her with every whisper of a touch.

“Do you remember?” he asks as he mimics his move on the opposite shoulder, the strap mirroring its partner as it comes to rest at her elbow.

The sweetheart neckline is all that contains her breasts, her nipples puckering beneath the material as one of his fingers trails along the edge, stroking her skin.

“Do you remember how you came apart in my arms? How your body reacted to my every command? How you became mine?”

She doesn’t answer, couldn't if she wanted to. Her air intake increases even more into a staccato pulse. Suddenly, her breasts are released from their entrapment, his palms reaching upward and palming the heaviness. She shutters as his thumbs stroke her raised nipples, the motion sending vibrations down to her core.

“Do you remember now?” he adds as he leans down and flattens his tongue against the nub, sucking it into his mouth, and swirling the muscle around the sensitive peak.

Unable to hold back the fever growing deep inside she reaches up and threads her hand into his hair, pushing him away, yet pulling him in for more. He looks up at her, his blue eyes shining from his perch on her breast, hypnotizing her as his tongue moves against her breast once more.

“Yes,” she murmurs, tightening her hold in his hair.

With a pop he releases her breast and reaches forward, placing his hands on her thighs, lifting her up to wrap around his waist. She clings to him as his hips wedge her against the door, her core pressed against the stiff member confined in his jeans. One of his hands reaches up and grasps onto her neck, just below her jaw, allowing him to control her movements. Something she hates, but with him it seems natural. Before that sobering thought has a chance to fester, he tilts his face towards her, his lips only a breath away.

“Good,” he utters against her lips before possessing them.

Everleigh loses herself in the feel of his mouth against hers, his tongue twisting and dancing in time with hers.

Brooks angles her head to better capture her mouth after she cries out, “More.”

His free hand adjusts moving closer to her center, she can feel his thumb massaging against her panties. Brooks growls into her mouth as her wetness soaks through her panties. Everleigh reaches down and begins tugging at his shirt, wanting to feel his body pressed against hers, his skin against her skin.

“Brooks,” she whispers and he pulls back slightly to look at her.

Suddenly, as if a caged animal has been set free, he reaches behind towards his back and yanks the offending shirt from his body. Everleigh stares, mesmerized by the sight of his chest moving up and down as he inhales sharp breaths. He steps away from the door, gently placing her feet back on the floor, before kneeling in front of her. His hands glide up her legs, slipping beneath the skirt of her dress, and hooking his fingers into the band of her panties. He tugs them down to her ankles effortlessly and she steps from them.

“Take off your dress,” he rumbles as he stands to his full height and begins to unfasten his jeans.

Everleigh remains silent as she reaches behind her and slips down the zipper of her dress, allowing it to pool at her feet. Brooks’ shoes bang against the wall as he toes them off and kicks them away in his hurry to have her. His socks and jeans follow until he stands before her in all of his glory. And what a glory it is.  His hardened cock extends upward, saluting her as it reaches his navel, its thickness overshadowing the ripped muscles and v-line of his lower abdomen.

His eyes meet hers and the lust crackles between them, igniting the passion furrowing deep inside.

“Are you wet for me?” he asks gravely, the tone demanding.

Unable to find her voice she nods her head in response. Instantly his arm reaches out and snakes around her waist, lifting her up as if she weighs nothing more than a feather and she wraps her legs around him for the second time. Brooks holds her against the door once more, his arm never leaving his clutch of her. He takes his erection into his other hand and strokes it along her center, slicking himself in her juices.

Words aren’t exchanged as he positions himself at her opening. Instead, he captures her jaw and tilts her head towards his, possessing her lips once more. Everleigh feels her sex growing in impatience as it waits for him to slide inside her body.

“You’re mine, Everleigh,” Brooks commands as he adjusts his hold on her waist and slams her down on his cock.

His punishing thrusts bring her back to their moment in Vegas where he dominated her body to take him, all of him. This instance is no different in his ownership of her person. Everleigh finds herself rocking against his pulsations, rubbing her clit against his hips at every plunge into her center. The waves begin to build deep inside her walls and she grips him tightly, bringing his mouth back to hers.

She whispers against his lips, “I’m going to come.”

“Wait for me,” he demands and her eyes widen in surprise, she has no idea how to hold back any longer.

“But I can’t.”

Instead of responding, he acquires her mouth once more, and the feel of his tongue exploring the area has her forgetting about the release rising to its crest.

Pulling back an inch his lips rub against hers as he orders, “Come now.”

Everleigh explodes in his arms as he erupts deep inside her womb. His arm cocooning her until her shaking subsides.

As her body settles she realizes her grave mistake.

“Brooks, I’m not yours. I don’t want to be yours,” she argues as she pulls away from him and slides down his body.

Gripping her dress, she pulls it up her legs and waist, zipping it back into place. She finds her purse haphazardly tossed to the side and grabs it, placing her panties into the inside pocket. Turning around she finds Brooks standing in the same spot, his magnificent naked body still on display.

At first, she startles at his lack of dress but she compiles herself quickly and points into his chest.

“I am not a possession and I want an annulment.”

“Not going to happen,” he says as he shrugs his shoulders.

Distracted by the movement she demands that he get dressed and he does so slowly.

“Thank you. Please just read over the papers. It will be better for you, I swear.”

“I’m not signing the papers, Everleigh.”

“Why!” she cries out, her arms flailing into the air.

“Because I want you,” he declares as he opens the door to the office and steps into the hallway, leaving her confused and alone.

She spends a few minutes standing in the office collecting herself and making sure they left no evidence of their tryst. Adjusting the strap of her purse on her shoulder she pushes through the door, determined to ignore Brooks’ gaze and head back to her apartment. Everleigh is surprised when she finds Austin waiting for her at the end of the hallway, a concerned look weighing in his eyes.

“Are you alright? Brooks said you all had a pretty heated exchange, some screaming involved.”

Confused by the lie she answers her brother sounding more like a question, “Yes?”

“He asked me to make sure that you got home ok.”

“That is surprisingly nice of him,” she mumbles following him out of the bar.

“I’ve found Brooks to be pretty nice all around. Everyone here seems to like him a lot. You’re the only holdout.”

Everleigh turns her gaze towards her older brother, the man that had liked her first and only boyfriend, the man that causes her to stay away from relationships. She wonders if he would question his own judgment then.

They cross the street, Austin tucking her close to him.

“I reserve the right to have my own opinion about people.”

They continue walking in silence, stopping in front of the back entrance to the stairwell that will lead her to her apartment. He holds the door ajar and gestures her forward where he trails behind.

They enter the apartment and Austin looks around before tugging her into a hug.

“I just want to see you happy and Brooks seems to like you. Maybe you could give him a shot to change your mind.”

Stepping back, she tosses her purse onto the chair next to them.

“I am happy and I don’t need a boyfriend to do that.”

He nods, knowing that this isn’t an argument he needs to be having and looks around her space once more. Her tiny apartment is half of the open space above her pharmacy, stands at about 700 square feet, and all of her furniture is crammed into the rooms.

“Have you thought about moving? Buying a house?”

“I have, actually. Since I used my trust to buy the pharmacy and I make money from the rental unit next door I’m in a good place to look at buying. I was waiting for the pharmacy purchase to finalize before I started looking. And, well, I’m hesitant for another reason.”

“Rich,” her brother adds without hesitation.

All her family knew is that they had a bad breakup their senior year of high school. Everleigh never went into the details of that breakup, and she has no intention of starting now.

“I don’t know why you don’t want to work with him. It’s ancient history.”

“Because it’s weird and awkward. Maybe you can help me and work on my behalf?” she asks fluttering her eyelashes dramatically at him.

Laughing loudly, Austin holds his hand against his stomach as he leans forward.

“Ok, how about I find you some properties and you can check them out with your sisters?”

Launching toward him, she wraps her arms around his neck, squeezing him tightly.

“You’re the best big brother.”

“I’m your only big brother,” he interjects as she steps back. “And you will have to be near Rich if we find a house you like. I don’t have a realtor license and he’ll most likely represent the sellers.”

She sucks her lower lip into her mouth, biting the soft skin as it puckers.

“You’ll be there though, right? You’ll stay with me?”

His eyes narrow, wondering if there is more to her story, but if she hasn’t cracked in seven years she isn’t going to now.

“If you want me there, I’ll be there. I’ll start looking at listings and send you a list in the next few days.”

“Thank you, Austin.”

“Yeah, yeah. I’m the best big brother,” he says as he turns to leave her apartment, opening the door leading to the enclosed stairwell.

“Only because you’re my only one,” she adds with a laugh mimicking his earlier declaration.

Everleigh hears her brother chuckle and then shout, “Lock up!”

She steps towards the door and engages the lock, then heads towards her kitchen. Grabbing a bottle of red wine from her wine rack she pops open the cork and pours herself a glass of Malbec. In the freezer, she shuffles through the boxes and lands on a frozen dinner. Normally she would cook, but she just doesn’t have it in herself tonight. Popping the dinner in the microwave she slouches onto a bar stool, resting her head against the countertop.

She didn’t need to only take her brother’s advice and lock up her apartment; she needed to remember to lock up her heart.




IN THE PAST FEW days, Brooks feels as if he has seen Everleigh everywhere, much to her dismay. First, he had noticed her wavy blond hair in the deli section of the market while he was scanning through the produce. Being the mature adult that he is he had walked over to where she stood to wait for some sliced roast beef and noticed a display of sausages. He couldn’t resist. Grabbing the largest and thickest packaged meat in the stack he snuck closer to her and stood beside her cart, sausage poking from his hip, and resting on the edge of the wire frame. He chuckled when she turned with her package of deli meat in hand and noticed him standing there. At first, she didn’t spot the sausage until she tossed her roast beef into her cart. She had whispered his name with a gentle blush coating her cheeks and her eyes glanced around wildly. He simply asked her if she liked the sausage he had chosen, but instead of giving him a bit of her anger fueled condemnation, she gripped her cart tightly and huffed away. He stood there, sausage in hand, Ms. Shirley Fitzgerald staring at him in awe, thinking he had just made things with Everleigh worse until he heard it, a faint giggle coming from where she stood. His ears had perked up, yearning to hear more of her beautiful laugh, and he was rewarded when she turned her head over her shoulder and flashed a brilliant smile in his direction. She had said that the sausage didn’t quite measure up and left him and Ms. Fitzgerald staring at her with bug eyes. But now he knew, he knew how to keep her. His girl had a sense of humor he is sure many didn’t get to witness. He planned to do whatever he can to make her laugh the rest of her life because she never looked more beautiful to him than when she has a smile on her face.

The second time he saw her this week she had been in the hardware store next to her pharmacy. He observed how she pleasantly greeted everyone, but always held a piece of herself back. He wanted to change that. The world deserves to see Everleigh Connelly in full force. So, when he saw her walk down the aisle where he was congregated he grabbed the package of screws he had been searching for and headed her way as she glanced at the cabinet pulls. As she was lost in her own world he had moved to stand behind her and leaned closer into her space. With a smirk he asked her if she needed a good screw and, just as expected, she turned her head quickly bringing her mouth a few inches from his. His name became a whisper on her lips, drawing his attention to her supple mouth. And instead of balking at his innuendo she simply replied that she didn’t, but he probably needed to get nailed. He laughed, she laughed, and her eyes sparkled in the freedom of her worries. Without a second thought, he snaked his hand into her hair, slanted her head back and captured her lips in an abrupt and frenzied kiss that he ended far quicker than he had desired. As he pulled away, he saw how her eyes had dilated and grown heavy, and a smile remained on her face. With his job done, he turned and left the store, not even grabbing the paint he had ordered the week before.

Even after all their bickering, he couldn’t help himself with her, heck he even let her give him a black eye without any retaliation. As he takes a bite of his sandwich and reminisces about the moments with Everleigh.


They were all gathered at a table in the private area of Angie’s. A place, Avery had told him, they frequented every Sunday. And since he is soon to be a permanent fixture in Carson they had welcomed him to dinner. Of course, the appeal of seeing Everleigh and doing whatever he can to gain her attention appeals to him as well.

Cassidy and her new boyfriend joined the dinner and helped to keep him from staring at the woman beside him all evening. He would reach out every so often and run his fingers along her arm and leg, taking pride in the way she would mask her shivers.

“Brooks, right? Cassidy tells me you work in pediatrics,” his neighbor inquires, extending a hand.

Removing his hand from Everleigh’s knee Brooks shakes the hand of the musical genius beside him.

“Yep. And I will go ahead and say that I am a huge fan.”

“He’s also a jerk,” his opinionated table partner shouts from over his shoulder.

“Everleigh!” Cassidy exclaims from her seat beside Harlan. “I have no idea why you hate Brooks so much.”

“Because he butts into other people’s business.”

“You mean like you did just now?” Brooks replies, ignoring the eyes widening in his direction.

Everleigh’s eyes narrow towards him, the vein in her neck pulsating as her rage builds. She stands suddenly, her chair almost falling backward at the movement, and she exits the room quickly.

Knowing he needs to make things right Brooks then stands from the table and apologizes to everyone before quickly following Everleigh from the restaurant.

The walk to her apartment above her pharmacy is short, only two blocks, but with the anger growing in each of her steps Brooks feels as if it is miles.

“Talk to me, Everleigh,” he shouts from behind her.

She ignores him, quickening her pace.

“Come on, talk to me.”

“Go away,” she barks but he can hear the subtle quiver in her voice from her building tears.

Needing to make it right, make them right, he picks up the pace and practically runs to catch up with her. Brooks grabs her arm just as she turns the corner and forces her to face him.

He stares down at her, her cheeks reddened from their speed and her eyes watery with unshed tears.

“Everleigh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that you butt into people’s business.”

“Yes, you did. And you’re right. I don’t want people to know about my life so why should I care about anyone else’s,” she retorts as she jerks her arm in his grasp.


“Please, let me go,” she whispers, her words holding more meaning than the physical.

“I can’t.”

And in a swift movement, he yanks Everleigh closer while his head sinks closer to her. He captures her mouth in his and the world spins around him. She stiffens at first but then relaxes in his hold, her tongue peeking out to taste him. It lasts just a second, a moment in time etched into his mind forever, until she pushes herself away from him.

“That was…” he begins as a smile begins to grow on his face but it quickly diminishes as he watches her cock her arm back.

Brooks doesn’t have a moment to respond, nor would he choose to. Her fist collides with his face and he grunts at the connection.

“I suppose I deserve that,” he explains as he hunches over slightly and presses his hand to his eye.

She shakes her hand freely as she tries to subdue the pain in her appendage.

“Just leave me alone, Brooks.”


“Why not?” she asks as she stomps her foot in exasperation.

“Because you don’t want me to, not really.”

“You’re delusional. Maybe I need to hit you again to knock some sense into you.”

“I’ll take you any way I can. Now go up to your apartment and ice your hand. It’ll be swollen in the morning.”

“So, what?” she inquires as she looks down at her blush-colored knuckles.

“I care about you too much to see you hurt. I’ll wait here until you get inside.”

He holds the door of the stairwell open until she reaches the top, watching her hips sway with each step.

“You know that kiss rocked your world.”

“God, do you ever stop?” she questions as she places the key into her apartment door.


“Good night, Brooks.”


Bringing him back to reality, a few finger snaps break him of his musings and he notices that his booth at Angie’s begins to fill quickly.  First, Nikki slides into the vinyl bench across from him, followed by Sydney, her sister-in-law. Cassidy, a world-famous designer and a member of the Connelly clan pulls a chair from the table next to them and tucks herself in at the end of the table. Avery finally slides into his booth, pushing him with her hip until he moves towards the inside.

“Well, ladies, it’s a pleasure, but unexpected. What can I do for you?” he asks as he unleashes the smile he has been told could make any woman lose their mind.

This time is no different.

“Turn it off, Brooks,” Avery demands, immune to his charm. “We have a mission and I need them coherent.”

He laughs, but brings the sandwich up to his mouth, effectively breaking the spell.

“Damn, I thought only Harlan could render me speechless,” Cassidy explains as she shakes her head, looking like she was coming out of hypnosis.

Her sisters nod in agreement, but then they turn their attention back to him and he officially begins to worry.

Wiping his mouth with his napkin and taking a sip of water, he leans back into the booth, stretching his muscled arm behind Avery, and gives the women his full attention.

“I’m sorry, ladies. What is this mission you speak of?”

Avery turns towards him, the woman not appearing as if she had twins two months prior.

“We want to help you.”

Sydney finally chimes in and he turns to glance at her, her hair pulled back into a messy bun on her head, looking the most like the sister he is infatuated with.

“Our sister can be…well…stubborn. She buries herself in work so that she has something else to focus on instead of focusing on herself. Something happened when she left high school. She isn’t the same sister I used to climb trees with or swim with in the creek behind the house, and we want that sister back.”

Brooks nods, knowing that Everleigh doesn’t show her true self to anyone. He has only seen it once when her friend Tequila paid a visit. He liked Everleigh however he could get her, but the Everleigh that had been uninhibited is the one he craves.

“And you like her even though she goes bat-shit crazy around you,” Nikki chimes in. “And really, we all think she likes you too. I mean, what’s not to like?” Nikki gestures towards him, moving her hands up and down.

Brooks cocks an eyebrow at their perusal and asks, “Should I tell your husbands?”

The girls motion their shoulders in unison as Nikki speaks up, “Austin knows that I love him. He also knows I’m not blind.”

“Anyway, back to the task at hand,” Avery interrupts. “We have on good authority that Everleigh is looking to buy a house. Austin has sent her some listings and she wants to go view a few of them.”

“Ok, how does that involve me?”

“I am so glad that you asked.” Cassidy breaks in, slamming her hand on the table in excitement. “She has asked us to help her look since she has no idea what she wants, but we have all suddenly become very busy.”

Understanding dawns on Brooks and he threads his free hand through his hair as he says, “And you want me to fill in.”

“I knew you were smart,” Cassidy winks.

Bringing the attention back to herself, Avery adds, “Look, we all love Everleigh and we want her to have what we have. Love and happiness. She deserves to get married, to have kids, the white picket fence, all of it.”

Brooks chokes on his sip of water when the word married flits in the conversation. He wonders how the women would react if they knew that Everleigh already had that part of the plan nailed down, though she is determined to rip it up and toss it away.

He looks at the women again. Nikki exuding the trust she has in those she holds dear. Sydney, a woman he had helped save when Nikki and Austin had found themselves on the wrong side of a gun, presents a sense of bravery and unwavering love. And then Avery, with the pleading look on her face, a woman that has been through hell and came out with more love than she could ever imagine. She is the closest thing to a sister that he has ever had and Brooks will do anything for her and her husband Logan.

“Alright, I’ll help. What do you need me to do?”

Sydney slides a stack of papers towards him and he takes them in his hands, scanning the real estate listings and finding one that he wouldn’t mind growing a family in.

“She is scheduled to see the top three tonight, the next three tomorrow, and so forth. We need you to show up at the second one tonight unannounced.”

The house he wanted.

“Won’t she be suspicious?

“Probably, but just tell her we sent you. We will all text her after Austin leaves to pick her up.”

“And what do I do if she doesn’t want me there?”

“Improvise. You’re smart, you’ll come up with something.”

Brooks scans through the papers again and places the stack back on the diner table.

“Alright, I’m in.”

The women all hug him and thank him for agreeing to their scheme, a scheme that he knew Everleigh wouldn’t approve of.

He finishes his lunch and heads back to his office to come up with a way to get Everleigh to keep from kicking him out of the house he wants to share with her.



BROOKS ARRIVES AT THE two-story Greek revival about fifteen miles from the center of the town just after seven, when Nikki had told him to appear. He takes in the land surrounding the property; miles and miles of open grass and wheat fields. The house stands in the middle of an old plantation dating from the time Carson, North Carolina had been founded. After his research, he learned that the home had been passed through the family for generations, but the youngest owner has been offered a job across the country and doesn’t want the burden of the house.

The home isn’t as large as some of the Greek revivals he has seen in Atlanta, but it suits him just fine. The stark white exterior with three windows on the second floor and two on each side of the red front door were flanked by black shutters. The columns were only prominent on the one-story side addition which showcases an inviting porch.

He hasn’t even stepped inside and he is in love with the home.

Finally, a pair of headlights shines in his mirror alerting him to Austin and Everleigh’s arrival. She doesn’t realize his attendance at first until Austin notices him walking up and he extends his hand in greeting.

“Thank you for coming, man.”

“What are you doing here?” Everleigh seethes.

“Well, I don’t plan on renting forever so I want to get a feel for the market.”

He swallows hard as she narrows her eyes in his direction.

Spinning on her heels she jabs a finger into her brother’s shoulder.

“You knew about this, didn’t you?” she accuses.

“Well, I…” Austin flounders.

Needing to save his friend, Brooks places an arm around her shoulders and tugs her to follow him.

“Look, we’re all here at this beautiful home. Let’s go take a look and I promise I won’t get in your way.”

She yanks her body away from his hold and huffs her way towards the stairs. Brooks looks back at Austin and they share a knowing glance before they nervously stroll to enter the house.

Inside, Austin offers to wait for them to explore on their own and if she likes the house then he can walk through again with them and he can point out the best features.

Brooks loses Everleigh quickly, she glances around each room and then moves onto the next as he stands in the center of each room taking in the architectural details of the trim and built-in cabinets.

The house is everything he has imagined, he can only hope that Everleigh feels what he did when he walked onto the property, it feels like home. The more he explores the more he falls in love with the property. He can see the two of them preparing meals in the large kitchen together, relaxing on the couch after a long day, and chasing their children through the many halls. It is his fantasy, his dream, and he only sees Everleigh as his partner.

Making his way up the sweeping staircase, Brooks steps into two of the bedrooms and bathroom, Everleigh nowhere in sight. Finally, he climbs the steps leading to the third floor. At the top, he turns right and he finds her resting in a chair looking out a triangle shaped window with a view of the backyard. A small set of bookshelves rest against the far-left wall and a desk is placed on the other. Of course, she would feel at home in the office, where she can hide behind her work and lose herself in a book.

He takes in the way the setting sun gleams on her golden hair and alabaster skin, making her appear more alive than he’s seen her before.

“You look beautiful like this,” he says unintentionally, as the thought rings through his mind, but he doesn’t regret her hearing the words.

She turns to glare at him and as she is pulled from her private moment begins to stand from the cushioned chair.

“No, stay there,” he insists and she wearily sits back down. “I like seeing you like this; relaxed, like you don’t have the world on your shoulders.”

What happens next isn’t what he expects. Brooks anticipates Everleigh to argue, to fight against him, instead, he watches as a single tear slips down her cheek, following the setting sun as it settles beneath the trees, projecting the skies in a stunning kaleidoscope of oranges, pinks, and blues.

He kneels in front of her uncontrollably and raises his hand to wipe away the lone tear. He then follows her line of sight to the playground off in the corner of the fenced in yard.

“I used to dream of living here when I was a little girl. The house used to have tours and they would show what life was like on the plantation. My school would take field trips here every year until the owner’s wife passed away, then the tours stopped. I missed coming here. I’m just remembering that’s all.”

Taking her hand in his he interlaces their fingers and rubs his thumb gently across her knuckles.

“You have your chance to buy it now. To have your dream.”

“This is a family home. I couldn’t.”

Brooks feels her pain, wondering what secrets she keeps locked deep down inside, but he knows she will only divulge them when she’s ready, and right now isn’t that time.

He smirks, hoping that he is able to break through her tough exterior.

“Hey, you’re already halfway there. I can knock you up if you’d like. It would be my pleasure, actually.”

Her steel armor finally breaks and she smiles. It’s small, just the corners of her pert mouth tilting upward, but it is a smile none-the-less.

“Why are you being so nice to me? You know what people say about me, right? They call me a frigid bitch because I won’t give anyone the time of day around here. So why you? Why do you push me?”

He knew her fright is what is closing her off, bringing forth her need to fight against him. But he knew the fight is all of the passion she keeps locked tight inside her vault.

“I push you because I know you’re more than you let everyone see. You’re more than this woman who has her defenses up twenty-four seven. You’re more than this woman angry at the world. You’re more than the career you’ve worked so hard for. You’re just more, and I want to be the one to break you free.”

She stares at him unmoving, letting his words wash over and sink in.

In a whisper so soft he barely registers her voice she says, “What if I don’t want you to?”

Without giving him a chance to reply, she stands from her chair and he falls back on his heels, watching as she exits down the stairwell.

As he follows in her wake he hears her speaking with Austin at the front foyer.

“I don’t know, Austin. It’s the right size, but I think the property is too big. How would I maintain it?”

“Well, we can hire people to care for it. The Julian’s have that landscaping business and we can work with them.”

“Also, it’s ready for a family. I’m just me and I don’t want to take that from someone else.”

“Everleigh, if you don’t like the house you can just say so.”

“No…I…” she begins.

Something about this house calls to her and he’d be damned if he let this slip through her fingers.

“If she’s not interested I’ll take it. I love the house. It reminds me of a smaller version of my grandmother’s home in Atlanta.”

“Wait! I mean I’m still thinking.”

“You snooze, you lose, gorgeous,” Brooks mentions as he pulls a pen out of his back pocket, looking towards Austin ready to sign the papers.

“Dammit!” Everleigh shouts as she snags the pen from Brooks’ grasp. “I want this house. It's mine.”

He chuckles as she rips the offered papers from Austin’s hands and stalks towards the small table against the wall.

“I knew you loved the house and couldn’t give it up,” he laughs.

“I hate you,” she argues as she motions for Austin to step towards her to explain the paperwork.

“I’ll see you later, sweetheart,” Brooks declares as he opens the front door to leave.

Turning his head toward her one last time he adds, “Congratulations.”

She peeks at him over her shoulder and she smiles, her chocolate colored eyes shimmering in joy.

And he watches as her armor cracks just a little more.




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