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Cottage on a Cornish Cliff: Don't miss this heartwarming and emotional page-turning story by Kate Ryder (39)

‘For God’s sake, Dee,’ Oliver says in exasperation, ‘it’s not the end of the world.’ He stares at the striped lawns leading down to the lake.

‘So, you didn’t think it was worth bothering to be at home when I returned.’ Deanna seethes.

Oliver pinches the top of his nose. These increasing arguments are an ever-tightening noose and he’s desperate for a change of record.

‘Anyway, what came up in Cornwall that demanded your urgent attention?’ Deanna says through gritted teeth.

‘I had to sign some paperwork for the house,’ he lies.

‘And they couldn’t post it to you?’ she asks scathingly.

Oliver doesn’t respond. He watches the moorhens dabbling amongst the reeds at the edge of the lake.

Deanna, too, remains silent. As the seconds lengthen to minutes, each listens to the other’s breathing down the phone. Eventually, Oliver breaks the impasse.

‘Dee, I promise to be here next weekend.’

‘I don’t want empty promises, Oliver,’ Deanna says firmly. ‘If you say you’ll be there I expect you to stand by your word.’

‘OK, OK,’ he says, his voice strained.

Deanna controls her emotions. Why is it, these days, Oliver winds her up so easily?

‘Anyway,’ she adds, ‘it’s all gone really well for me, thanks for asking.’

‘It’s not that I’m not interested…’ Oliver says, but the sentence peters out as he runs out of steam.

‘Well, you hide your interest well,’ she says, on a roll now. ‘Pins and his friends show greater concern.’

‘Is that all you can talk about these days,’ growls Oliver, ‘Pins and his merry men?’

‘They’re great fun and give me purpose, which is more than can be said for the state of our marriage!’ The words escape from her mouth before she has a chance to stop them. Deanna holds her breath. Has she gone too far?

‘You’re right, Deanna,’ Oliver says, steadying himself. ‘Our marriage could be a lot healthier.’ His voice is dangerously low. ‘But, I have gone along with your plans and temporarily abandoned my career in order for you to pursue yours, even though it’s not a clever situation for either Sebastian or Jamie.’ His gaze rises above the treetops to the wispy cirrus clouds gracing the pale blue sky. ‘And I came back,’ he adds quietly. ‘What more do you want?’

‘Came back?’ Deanna exclaims. ‘I dragged you back, Oliver Foxley, to face up to your responsibilities.’

‘And I stayed,’ Oliver says in a voice little more than a whisper.

Even though it broke my heart.

‘Yes, you stayed,’ Deanna says, softening her voice. ‘But you need to do more than just stay. You have to evolve within the new set of circumstances. We can do this, Ollie. We can create a new life for us all.’

‘We shall see.’

‘We shall see?’ Incredulously, Deanna repeats his words. ‘What does that mean?’

‘Just that.’

‘No, Oliver, you need to actively embrace this challenge,’ she says, finding her trademark strength. ‘Put some effort into making it work. I will be back late Saturday night and I expect to find you there. I do not presume to come home to an empty house.’

As the line goes dead, Oliver replaces the handset in its cradle. Summer is fast approaching and he has every intention of evolving within the new set of circumstances Deanna has inflicted upon the family, but it may not be in the way she imagines. He rubs his temples. Why do their conversations always bring on a headache these days? As the ‘grey mist’ threatens to descend, Oliver squeezes his eyes shut. Physical exercise is what he needs. He will give his body a workout in the gym.

He’s half out of the chair when he notices an email in his inbox from Heather.


I have arrived, and I am so excited to be here I can hardly contain myself. Six months of unadulterated fun and games! At the moment I am up to my neck in rehearsals. It would be wonderful if you’d come to the opening performance on Saturday. In anticipation, I have put aside tickets for you and Sabrina (if you’d like more please let me know).

I am so looking forward to reacquainting myself with you. I’ve never forgotten our connection. I know that not every person who walks into your life is meant to stay, but we don’t know what tomorrow will bring. The only thing we really have is right now and you, Oliver darling, have been in my thoughts a great deal lately. I would so enjoy spending time with you once again. Do say you will come and play…

As always, with love and affection.

Heather x

Her playfulness jumps off the screen and Oliver smiles wryly. He remembers what it was like to work with her; she was always so skittish, it was hard not to be swept along by her flirtatious attitude to life. Spending time with Heather is fun, and he could do with some of her radiating energy in his life just now. Opening night. Oliver frowns. He’d like to support her, but it’s the night Deanna has demanded he is home. Damn it! His wife cannot expect him to put his life on hold until it’s convenient for her to play at happy families once again. He will arrange for someone to keep an eye on the boys for the evening and ask Sammy if she’d like to accompany him. By the time Deanna leaves her theatre he will already be home. Without further hesitation Oliver replies to Heather’s email.

Again he rises from his chair but an incoming email halts him once more. As he reads the contents of his solicitor’s email his stomach tightens in anticipation. It is so very close. Attached is the financial statement for his purchase of the old coastguard cottages. Once he has agreed this they can exchange contracts. Oliver prints off the document, checks it through, and then phones his solicitor to advise him funds are on their way. As long as Mr and Mrs Richardson are in agreement he proposes a completion date for a week on Friday.

Leaning back in his leather captain’s chair, Oliver gazes up at Cara’s canvases. In his mind’s eye he sees her jogging along the beach towards him with her faithful dog at her side. Excitement bubbles in the pit of his stomach and a hesitant smile tugs at the corners of his mouth. There’s a promise of change in the air. Life will be different. Once the old coastguard cottages are his, he will take the boys to Cornwall for a few days and they can enjoy some adventures together.