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Cry of the Pride by Lacey Thorn (20)



Chapter Twenty



They were almost to Riverton, the drive going smoother than Lyra had anticipated. She’d wanted to go to Chicago to get her stuff first, so they didn’t travel with the rest of the group. Tony had flown ahead with Daniel, helping Gideon keep a watch on the wounded shifter. Daniel’s lion still wasn’t responding. He’d gone to sleep and hadn’t woken up. Reno had wanted to wait for Lyra, but Daniel’s condition dictated otherwise.

Nathan had caught a ride back to Chicago with them, saying there were some things he needed to check. From there, she wasn’t sure where he’d gone. When they’d gone back to the apartment they’d dropped him off at, it had been empty. Nathan was gone. Lyra knew Aleksy was concerned, but he hadn’t said anything yet.

“What are you thinking so hard about?” he asked, reaching over to tug a lock of her hair.

“Tony,” she answered. “And Nathan.”

Aleksy shrugged. “Whatever’s going on is between them. Tony will talk if he wants to.”

“I still can’t believe he stayed in Riverton,” Lyra said. She’d expected Tony to drop everyone off then head back to meet them. She wondered if he needed the distance. Not just from Nathan but from Aleksy and his ability to know what was going on with Tony.

“Trust me. Tony does what Tony wants,” Aleksy assured her. “Don’t overthink it.”

“How long do you want to stay?” she asked.

“I’m leaving that up to you,” he said. “We’ll stay with the pride for as long as you want.”

“I’m not much of a group person,” she told him. “I might be ready to leave before you.”

“I doubt it.”

She laughed then shook her head.

“I don’t think I’m meant to stay with them. Not yet, at least.”


“I’ve been thinking about what Narda said. Her group heard Tah the same night he appeared to me in Chicago. They didn’t see him, but they heard him. I’m not sure how that happened, but I’m guessing it had something to do with them living less than seventy miles from where we were.”

“Makes sense,” Aleksy agreed. “What are you thinking?”

“Tony called me a projector. What if that’s what I’m meant to be? What if I’m meant to travel so Tah can call others to join us? Through me. Then when they find me, we send them to him?”

“You mean he uses you sort of like a…megaphone, for lack of a better word?”

“Megaphone would go with Tony’s projector reference. Maybe, that’s what I do.” She shrugged. “Before Reno left, he told me Tah was trying to figure out how to give an alpha call.”

“Alpha call?” Aleksy asked.

“Reno says it’s something the alpha does that will call every shifter to him. We’ll feel compelled to find him.”

“And that could be dangerous.”

“As opposed to being alone and not knowing who or what you are?” she challenged.

“Okay, I’ll give you that.”

“It’s a theory,” she said.

“Seems plausible to me. Let’s see what happens when you and Tah are face-to-face.”

“Would you want to travel around with me?

“It’s basically what Tony and I have been doing anyway, finding shifters in need of help. It’s what I’m good at. Having you with me will only make it better.”

“Do you think Tony will be okay with it?”

Aleksy laughed. “Tony will take charge of it and plan it down to the minutiae.”

“Speaking of Tony.” Lyra pointed to the gate they approached. “I think we’ve reached our destination. Looks like Zane and Tony are the welcoming committee.”

Tony walked toward them while Zane rolled the gate open.

“You finally made it,” Tony said with a grin. “You’ll love this place. Great group of people. I’ve already bought up the available land around them.”

“You bought land?” Lyra asked. “How much?”

“All of it,” Tony said. “I’ll get my builders here as soon as I close on it. I know the perfect house design. You’re going to love it.”

Aleksy sighed. “Tony is one of those people who has more money than sense.”

“You won’t be saying that once it’s built,” Tony predicted.

“Why the hell did I miss you again?” Aleksy asked with a laugh.

“It’s because I’m awesome,” Tony said. “And I missed you, too. Drive through, and I’ll jump in. Most of the pride is helping Narda’s group get settled in, but Tah and Abby are still at the main house. Tah said you’d be arriving any time. He’s the one who sent Zane and me out here.”

“How did Tah know we were here?” Aleksy asked.

“Ask Lyra?” Tony replied.

“I haven’t spoken with him,” she assured Aleksy.

“Well, he was right. After I jump in, we can head up to the house. Zane’ll close the gate and join us.”

Lyra listened to the talk but focused on the house as it grew closer, or more accurately, she focused on the man standing on the porch and watching their approach. He stood by himself, arms open and hanging loosely at his sides. There was an air about him, one that called to her and made her want to go to him.

As soon as the car stopped, she opened the door and stepped out.


I’m fine. I just… I need to go to him.

It’s a good thing I’m not the jealous type, he joked.

Aleksy’s love wrapped around her, but her gaze was on the man descending the steps as she approached them. She was ready to sink to her knees when he caught her hands with his and gave them a squeeze.

“I’ve been waiting for you to get here,” he said.

“I…” She laughed nervously. “I’m not sure what to say. You look taller in person.”

He laughed, the sound rich, melodious and comforting.

“This must be your mate.” Tah held out his hand to Aleksy as he joined them. “I’ve heard a lot about you, Aleksy.”

She saw Aleksy cast a glance toward Tony.

“Only the good stuff, I swear,” Tony vowed.

“I like to find out the nitty gritty on my own,” Tah said. “Come in. My mate went to check on our daughter. She’ll be here to greet you in a minute.”

“Regan, right?” Lyra asked, and Tah nodded. “Amia said you’d named him after Reno and your friend, Logan.”

“And she has both of them wrapped around her little finger,” Tah said with a chuckle.

“How’s Daniel doing?” Aleksy asked, and Lyra caught the worry in Tah’s eyes.

“He’s healing, but slowly. We’re not sure what’s going on.”

“His animal still hasn’t kicked in to heal him?” Lyra asked.

“No,” Tony answered. “We’ve been running tests. One of the pride, Professor Mueller, thinks Daniel might have been given some type of drug to make his cat sleep, preventing it from healing him, but nothing’s showing up in his system.”

“We’ve run into feral cat fever more than once when it came to hunters,” Tah said. “They might have laced the bullets Daniel was hit with. So far, we haven’t found anything.”

“What about Murphy?” Lyra asked. She’d liked the Irishman.

“He texted Zane that he’s gone after Blane. He checks in every few days. Texts. Says he can’t call. His brother, Finn, is threatening to go after him. Says something feels off. Finn’s mate is pregnant though, so he’s sticking close for now.”

“You’re here.” A beautiful brunette walked in, holding a cherubic little girl on her hip. “You’re right. She does look like Reno.”

“Our mothers were eerily similar,” Lyra offered.

“They were. And the fact you have the same father probably plays into it. I’m Abby, by the way. And this angel is Regan.”

The girl glanced toward Lyra, but her gaze snagged on Aleksy and held there. Her little arms reached for him as she bounced on her mother’s hip.

“Ah, she’s found another heart to steal,” Abby warned, handing her daughter to a bewildered Aleksy. “Watch out, Lyra, or she’ll have your mate wrapped around her finger, too.”

Lyra glanced at Aleksy. He’d automatically pulled the baby into his chest. Her bottom sat on his forearm, and her head rested on his shoulder. One hand grabbed a lock of his hair as she settled in. Lyra felt her mate’s heart melt as he watched the baby girl.

“He’s a goner,” Abby whispered to Lyra then surprised her with a hard hug. “Amia’s told me a lot about you. And your brother… I’ll always love Reno.”

Tah growled and hauled his laughing wife to him. “Watch it, woman.”

“You know it’s true,” she told him, and they bantered back and forth.

Tony laughed and cut up with them as if they were old friends. She glanced toward Aleksy, who seemed to be falling in love with Regan. It all felt right, normal. There was no hostility or judgment here, or at least not with the members of the pride she’d already met. Funny how the three people Aleksy had referred to as the misfits club all seemed to fit in here.

Lyra didn’t have all the answers, but she wanted to help find them. She’d spent her whole life running away from people and places, never once considering what or who she might be searching for. She knew now. She’d been waiting for Aleksy. She’d wanted family, and now, she had it. Her mate, her brother, her alpha and a pride to be a part of. Funny how almost dying had opened her eyes and shown her how to truly live. Now, here she was, in the one place she’d never believed existed—not for her anyway.
