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Cry of the Pride by Lacey Thorn (11)



Chapter Eleven



Aleksy didn’t have time to tell Lyra everything he’d learned from Tony. The shower had turned into an hour of more sex followed by a quick wash in tepid water. They were both weak in the knees when they left the bathroom in search of fresh clothes for him and the same ones he’d originally brought for her. He’d felt her eyes on him as they’d dressed and laughed as her thoughts came to him.

“I’ve heard we’ll have more sex during your fertile cycle,” he admitted. “I agree with you though. I’m not sure that’s possible.”

But I can’t get pregnant right now?

“Do you not want children?” he asked.

She shrugged. Eventually. Someday. But we don’t know each other yet. You rescued me from a man determined to kill me to torment a brother I didn’t know I had. I have an animal inside me that I need to…connect with so I can shift the way you do. My whole world is changing, Aleksy. The last thing I need right now is to bring another life into this chaos.

He nodded. “I need you to know something, Lyra. When the time comes, I can’t prevent you from conceiving. Only nature can decree that. We’ll go at each other until your cycle ends or you become pregnant.”

Am I wrong to hope that doesn’t happen any time soon?

“No. Of course, not. Everything you said makes perfect sense. I want time with you. Time for us to learn of one another. To find our balance together. I want you to know something, though. If and when you carry my child, I will guard you both with my life. And if something should ever happen to me, you can trust Tony. He will protect you in my stead.”

She reached out and cupped his cheek. Let’s not think about something happening to you. Besides, there are things Tony can’t take care of, things only you can do for me.

Aleksy gave a growl as he dropped his lips to hers, covering her mouth and thrusting his tongue inside. His fingers curled in her hair, the long strands like silk against his skin. He’d never thought it possible to need someone as much as he needed her. He was contemplating lying her back on the bed when her stomach rumbled. Fuck! He needed to feed her. What kind of mate was he when he couldn’t even see to her most basic needs because his dick was doing most of his thinking?

“Come on,” he said, holding out his hand. “We’ll head down to the kitchen and grab something to eat. There’s always leftovers from whatever they cooked last night, as well as sandwich stuff, soup, salad and all the staples.”

“Sorry,” she mumbled when her stomach growled again at the mention of food.

“I’m the one who should be sorry. I keep telling you to trust me, that I’ll take care of you, and here you are starving.”

She laughed. I’ve been very satisfied with how you’ve taken care of me, Aleksy.

“Don’t even think about that, or we’ll never make it out of this room,” he replied with a groan. He laced their fingers and tugged her from the room with him, pointing out things as they walked.

“There are three levels in this facility. This is the upper floor, where most of the bedrooms are. Ours is the only one on the left of the stairs. There are six bedrooms to the right, but none of them are in use right now.”

“Why?” she asked softly.

He shrugged. “Tony and I came in alone. He called a team when you were taken, but we left before they arrived back here. They were there when I brought you out. Helped clean up then headed out to track Blane. There are two teams on call if we need them, but Tony and I prefer to work alone most of the time. He’s the only one I’ve ever really trusted.”

She brushed her thumb across the back of his hand, and he felt her sadness…for him.

“It’s okay,” he tried to assure her. “It doesn’t bother me.”

You forget that I know what it is to be alone even when you’re in a crowd. I know what it is to be both ridiculed and feared. And no matter how big and fierce you are now, you were once a small boy, who just wanted a friend.

“I have one. Tony. We’ve known each other a long time. I bounced around to different homes when I was young. The man who saved me couldn’t keep me with him. I was a big kid, already six feet by the time I was twelve, and with these eyes, I was one scary fuck…err…kid. Gotta be careful where you place a kid who not only knows they’re a shifter but has an animal as close to the surface as mine. Tony found me when we were fourteen. Took one look at me and told his dad they were taking me home. His dad didn’t say a word, and I went home with them. Tony’s a brother to me. We’ve gone our separate ways a few times, but I always knew we’d end up working together.”

You love him.

“I do. He’s family. He hasn’t had an easy life either.” Aleksy shook his head as he picked up on her next thought. “That’s his story to tell, if and when he wants to. Hell, maybe the three of us should form the misfit club.”

She smiled. Tell me about the rest of this place.

He was grateful for her easy acceptance. She was so damn amazing. He was a lucky man to have her as a mate. He led the way downstairs.

“Down here is the main level. Kitchen is that way. Main entrance and control room are off to the left. Back that way are several conference rooms and offices.” He smiled at her blush as she recalled what they’d done in one of those rooms earlier. “There are two more bedrooms on this floor. To the right is a staircase that leads to the bottom level. That’s what I refer to as Tony’s domain. His bedroom is down there, as well as a communications room and a lab of sorts. Tony makes the most of his space.” Aleksy frowned. “Now, that I think about it, I’m not sure where Nathan’s staying.”


“I forgot to tell you. Nathan Clary, one of the bouncers where you worked, has joined us. He helped me try to save you before Blane took you. He followed us here and doesn’t seem to be in any hurry to leave. No matter how much I try to scare him.”

He’s always been incredibly nice to me. He never… He didn’t… She shrugged uncomfortably, though he knew exactly what she referred to. He made sure no one bothered me and didn’t ask questions.

More points for Nathan.

“I’m glad he helped you,” Aleksy said as he led her into the kitchen. “Here we are. What sounds good to you?” He pointed her to the table and turned to the fridge, pulling the door open and glancing inside. “No leftovers, so not sure what Tony and Nathan ate last night. I can cook breakfast: bacon, eggs, toast, pancakes or French toast. Or we can do soup, salad, sandwich.”

Breakfast sounds great. Didn’t you eat last night?

“I was with you,” he said as he pulled stuff out of the fridge. “Pancakes or French toast? Or both?”

French toast and bacon.

“Woman after my own heart,” he said with a purr and went to work preparing food for his mate. Silence settle for a bit while he concentrated on what he was doing, and Lyra seemed content to watch him. He liked the feel of her eyes on him.

“Tell me—” Aleksy began but was interrupted when someone else joined them.

“You didn’t tell me—oh, sorry. I thought you were Tony.” Nathan walked in, looking as if he’d just rolled out of bed. Aleksy glanced over at the other male, inhaled then turned back to the stove. He firmly told himself it was none of his business.

“It’s good to see you, Lyra. You look good,” Nathan said, and Aleksy couldn’t contain the growl his beast gave at the other man complimenting his mate.

“I mean…better than last time I saw you.”

Aleksy growled again at the reminder of what Blane had done to her.

“I mean…fit and strong.”

Another growl.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Nathan bit off angrily. “Maybe, you should just tell me what I can and can’t say. Or is there some weird rule that I’m not allowed to speak to Lyra now that you two are mated?”

Lyra laughed, and Aleksy turned to see the way it lit up her face. She looked more than good, more than fit and strong. She was the epitome of heaven on earth, of everything beautiful in the world wrapped into one individual.

“You can…speak to me,” Lyra said slowly. Aleksy knew she was still testing her words, feeling the way they flowed across her lips. He figured she was also startled by the sound of her voice. He felt the surprise in her every time she spoke.

“He’s just…growly,” Lyra said, and Aleksy growled again just to hear her laugh.

“You can say that again,” Nathan said as he joined Lyra at the table. “I was coming to grab something to eat. Thought maybe this was where Tony disappeared to. I fell asleep while I was reading through some of the material he gave me. Woke up, and he was gone.”

“I’m making plenty,” Aleksy offered, sensing the other male’s emotions and feeling a bit sorry for him. “Why don’t you grab some plates and utensils, and I’ll dish it up for us?”

“I can help,” Lyra offered.

Aleksy started to decline, but he felt her need to do something. “Why don’t you get drinks? There’s water, juice, milk and iced tea in the fridge. Or I can do coffee or hot tea.”

Orange juice looks good.

“Same for me,” Aleksy agreed.

“Same what?” Nathan asked then glanced between them. “Are you two talking to each other without talking?”

“Sorry,” Lyra said.

“No, that’s cool. That must be a highly useful skill,” Nathan said. “Roomful of people and you can discuss every single one of them with no one the wiser.”

Aleksy nodded. “It’s a mate thing. We’re both having orange juice.”

“Make that three,” Nathan said.

Lyra poured. Nathan set the table, and Aleksy finished cooking. He made a fourth plate for Tony and set it aside for when his friend wandered in hungry. Aleksy was sure there wouldn’t be any leftovers, so it was that or make Tony fend for himself.

“This is amazing,” Nathan said as he bit into the French toast.

“Mmm,” Lyra agreed around a mouthful.

Aleksy smiled, pleased his mate enjoyed his cooking. French toast wasn’t much, but he took pride in her satisfaction. They were just finishing up when the lights flickered, and there was a soft pulsing sound. Aleksy immediately moved to his feet.

“Let’s go,” he ordered.

What’s going on? Lyra asked.

“What’s going on?” Nathan asked at the same time.

“Someone’s triggered the perimeter alarm. We have company. Follow me.” He took Lyra by the hand and tugged her after him, expecting Nathan to stay with them as Aleksy moved quickly through the main floor.

He took them to the room he and Lyra had used earlier. The smell of their sex lingered in the air, and he did his best to ignore it as he pulled her toward the closet. He slid the back panel open and punched the required code into the box on the wall. A piece of the wall swung open, revealing a safe room inside. Humans often referred to them as panic rooms. Shifters called them safe rooms. It was a place they could place their families to ensure they stayed safe in the event of an attack. Every home Tony owned came with one built into it. Some of his houses had more than one. Tony took no chances.

“I’m going to head out, find Tony and figure out who’s out there. You two are going to stay in the house and keep watch from the control room. If anything happens, the two of you head here. Before you argue, Nathan, I need someone I can trust to stay with my mate. And don’t you start, either, Lyra. You’re still healing.”


“I know, baby, and I don’t think you’re weak, so get that out of your head. A weak person wouldn’t have survived what you just went through.” He moved to her, cupping her shoulders and giving them a squeeze. “You blow me away with your strength, and my strength depends on you staying safe. If you go out there with me, all my attention will be on you, leaving us open to attack.”

I don’t want to be the reason you get hurt…or worse.

“And I don’t ever want to see you hurt the way you were.”

“I get you two are having a moment, and that’s great. Trust me. I’m pro Aleksy and Lyra. But Tony’s out there somewhere, alone, and there are intruders. I’ll stick here with Lyra. We’re both smart and know that the best thing to do. She’s still healing, and I don’t know the layout here as well as you do. I’ll guard the house and your mate. You find Tony and make sure you both stay alive. You two can have your touching moment later. Sound good?” Nathan glanced back and forth between them. “Great. Let’s go.”

Aleksy snorted. Nathan had balls. More importantly, Nathan was right. Tony was out there somewhere and they needed to get moving so Aleksy could find him.

“Promise me you’ll protect her,” Aleksy demanded.

“With my life,” Nathan swore.

Aleksy heard the pledge in the other man’s voice. He’d never again question Nathan’s choice to join them. The man was willing to die for Aleksy’s mate. Nathan had made a friend for life.

“Follow me. I’ll take you both to the control room. There are monitors with live feed from all the cameras Tony has installed around the property. It’ll give you a heads up if someone approaches the bunker.” Aleksy turned, grasping Lyra’s hand and moving quickly toward the main entrance.