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Cunning Linguist: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance by Alexis Angel (104)

Five hundred thousand.

That’s how many copies Big Dick has sold since we published it. All I wanted was to make a comeback, but I ended up becoming one of the best-selling writers in the US. Crazy.

Even though Big Dick’s quick stay at the #1 spot lasted for only a few minutes, it was enough to keep us in the Top 100 for weeks. Which means that I’m no longer a broke and starving writer; now I’m back in the big leagues, babe.

Sure, I have to split all the profit with Aidan, but that’s not a problem. I doubt the book would’ve had this type of success if Aidan hadn’t helped me write it. Besides, it was this collaboration that brought us together. As far as I’m concerned, even if Big Dick had been a major flop, Aidan and I crossing paths would've made it all worth it.

Since that night at Python, we’ve grown closer too. I spend most nights at his apartment now, and I don’t think you need me to tell you what happens every day, do you? Well, I’ll tell you anyway; we fuck until we both collapse, our exhausted bodies glistening with sweat, and drift off to sleep. And then we just do it all over again when we wake up.


Three to five hundred.

That’s how many orgasms I’ve probably had since I met Aidan. And that’s just a rough estimate. Doubt me? Well, aside from all the sex I’ve told you about—where I always end up coming God knows how many times—we end up fucking almost every single day. His body is an drug ... and I’m a serious addict now.

Yeah, you’ve probably heard that before, haven’t you?

I mean, you’re talking to someone who writes romance novels, remember?

But trust me when I tell you, that this man is insane.

Can you believe we’ve even fucked in public? It happened a couple of days ago; we decided to go for a stroll at the beach after an interview on the local radio station, and then I just couldn’t help myself. I reached for his cock, squeezing it until he became hard, and then it was only a matter of finding somewhere private enough. Which we did—hidden from all the beach goers by tall dunes, I hiked my skirt up, slid my thong to the side and rode him hard into ecstasy.

Seriously, it’s crazy. I thought that the urge to have sex started fading away the longer you were in a relationship, but with Aidan it’s just the opposite.

Wait, did I say ‘relationship’?

Yeah, well, I guess there’s no other way around it; we’re in a relationship. But it’s not like it’s official, you know? He isn’t my ‘boyfriend’, and he sure as hell hasn’t proposed. But we spend most days together, we fuck every day and…

I love him. I really do.

I started realizing that when we did our first book tour. The fans wanted (or, rather, demanded) book signings, and so CJ and Cheryl devised a plan that kept us busy for two weeks.


Thirteen states.

We visited thirteen states during these two weeks. I never thought I’d have hundreds of people lining up just to get my signature on a book, but that happened every single time we held a book signing.

Readers wanted to see the faces of the writers behind the book they loved so much, and I can’t tell you how surprised everyone gets when they find out that the authors are already on the cover. That always gets them even more excited to get our signature—well, my signature. All of our female readers are always more interested in taking selfies with Aidan, but that’s alright. If I were in their shoes, I’d do the same.

These two weeks were grueling; I never thought that flying from place to place could be so exhausting. We spent almost every night in a different city, no place to call home but a hotel room. I was glad when our book tour was finally over, but it was during these two weeks that I realized that I felt something more for Aidan.

During these weeks, we had no place to call home, but every morning I woke up right by his side, I knew that home was wherever we could be together.

It wasn’t love right away, you know? I looked at him like a woman looks at a rugged adventurer—someone to show you new and exciting things, to take you on a wondrous ride. And then someone you kiss goodbye and remember fondly forever.

But traveling across the US with Aidan made me realize that I didn’t want to kiss him goodbye.

I want him by my side—as a writer, and as a man.

Of course, there’s one more thing I haven’t told you, and I discovered it with ...


One test.

The kind of test you have to pee on. Yeah, that’s right; I’m pregnant. I still have a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that Aidan’s baby is growing inside of my belly, but that’s what’s happening. And you know what? I couldn’t be any happier about it.

Still, I haven’t told Aidan yet. Why? I’m not sure… I guess I’m a bit nervous about what his reaction is going to be. I want him to be happy about it, as happy as I am, and deep down I know that’s what’s going to happen. But I can’t stop myself from worrying; what if this changes the way he feels about me? What if, instead of bringing us closer, this drives a wedge between the two of us?

So, yeah, I’ve been keeping this secret for a few days now. I guess I’m waiting for the perfect moment to tell him. We also haven’t decided if we’re going to keep collaborating as writers, so I’ll tell him when we figure that out.

I want to keep writing with him, but I know he still hasn’t reached a decision. Despite Cheryl urging me to pressure him, I don't want to do that. I know that if we keep working together, we can launch a few heavy hitters into the market and then… well, the sky’s the limit. But he’s still on the fence between going back to modeling and assuming his role as a writer, so I want to give him all the time he needs to find out what he really wants.

Just between you and I, though, I think I already know what his decision is going to be. Soon enough, we’re going to be more than just co-authors.

We’re going to be one and only, and that for life.

I just know it.
