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Cyborg: A Scifi Alien Romance (Galactic Gladiators Book 10) by Anna Hackett (6)

Chapter Six

Ever tried to scream as she fell, but the sound was locked in her tight chest. Oh, God. She closed her eyes, wrapping her arms protectively around her belly.

Suddenly, strong arms clamped around her from behind. Magnus’ big body shifted to close around her like a protective shield.


They hit the floor, but held tight to his chest, Ever didn’t feel a thing.

She opened her eyes. There was no pain, nothing. Magnus had absorbed all the impact from the fall.

He stood, holding her in his arms. She looked into the fierce lines of his face. “Oh my God. Are you okay?”

He nodded, silent intensity radiating off him.

She saw that they were standing in a small crater in the floor of the market. She reached out, running a hand over his face. She didn’t see any damage on him. “You saved me.”

“I’ll always save you.”

The words made her quiver. “I saw them shoot you.” Her gaze dropped to his shoulder.

“A graze. It’s already healed.”

“Magnus.” Jaxer appeared.

House of Rone gladiators converged on them, and surrounded them, weapons up.

“Back to the House of Rone,” Magnus ordered.

Ever found herself carried out of the market by Magnus, surrounded by the wall of gladiators. With adrenaline surging and nausea threatening, she curled her arm around his shoulders, and decided to enjoy the ride. The set, deadly look on his face didn’t welcome any talking.

They were almost back to the House of Rone when she started shaking. God, it was stupid. She was safe and unhurt. But in her head, she remembered the feel of the glass giving way beneath her. She shuddered. She knew it was a normal reaction, but she hated the show of weakness. Her aunt had berated her for crying when she’d been a little girl. Magnus’ arms tightened around her.

Finally, they approached the double doors of the House of Rone. In the center, a beaten metal circle graced the doors and etched into it was the logo of the House of Rone—a gladiator helmet resting on crossed swords.

When they stepped inside, Ever couldn’t say that Magnus relaxed, but she sensed the tension in him lessening slightly.

“Tell Avarn to come to my room,” Magnus barked. “I want him to give Ever a thorough check.” One of the gladiators nodded and strode off.

Magnus stalked through the corridors, and then entered a large doorway not far from her room.

Ever swallowed. His bedroom. As he set her on the bed the size of a small lake, she looked around. The room wasn’t cluttered and had simple, masculine lines. Everything was decorated in shades of gray and blue. It suited him.

He loomed above her, his hands in tight fists by his side.

“Magnus,” she murmured.

“I need to make sure you’re okay.” His voice was gruff as he knelt beside the bed.

“I’m okay. Because of you.”

He reached for her, and before she could say anything, he yanked her shirt over her head. She gasped. “Hey!” She hadn’t bothered with a bra and quickly covered herself.

He gripped her wrist. “I need to see for myself.”

Ever shivered. His face didn’t give much away, but she felt the protective need pumping off him. He pushed her back to lie on the bed and pulled her sandals off. Then his hands ran down her arms and along her sides. One warm and one cool. Seconds later, he snagged the waistband of her trousers and skimmed them off, leaving her in her panties.

He smoothed his palms over her shoulders, kneading her flesh. The metallic skin of his cybernetic hand was cool, but not hard. It was strangely soft.

He stared at her, his gaze intense. His hands slid down, cupping her breasts. She swallowed a moan, arching into his touch. She studied the contrast of the silver-gray metal against her skin.

“Are these larger now?” he asked, his voice husky.

“What?” She was too lost in the pleasure of him stroking her to fully comprehend what he was saying.

“I’ve read several articles about pregnancy. It says it is common for a woman’s breasts to enlarge when she’s with child.”

Her belly clenched. “Yes, they’re larger.”

“More sensitive?” He flicked gently at her nipple and she moaned.


He kept shaping them, tugging at her nipples until they were hard nubs. “Our child will suckle here.”

Oh God, she was on fire.

“I also know that men kiss their lovers here.”

She raised up on her elbows, her gaze on his face. Had he never kissed a woman’s breasts before? She had to admit she liked the thought. His eyes were glittering as he stared at her.

“Kiss me, Magnus.”

His neon eye glowed, and then he lowered his dark head.

He pulled one of her nipples into his mouth and sucked. He rolled his tongue around it, and she cried out, her hands gripping the covers. He made a growling sound, sucking harder.

Moaning and writhing, Ever kept her gaze locked on his handsome face. It still had a cool expression on it, but ruddy color filled his cheeks.

He lapped at her for a few more moments, and then moved to her other breast. The sensations were so incredible. She’d never had anyone show her breasts this much attention. Desire wound through her, and with every suck on her nipple, she felt a tug in her womb. Her panties were beyond damp.

“Magnus. I’m going to

Her orgasm hit her fast, and she cried out, arching up into his mouth. Shattered, she collapsed back on the bed, her chest heaving.

After a moment, she opened her eyes. A very satisfied-looking cyborg was watching her. It was only the faint curve to his lips that gave him away, but he looked pleased with himself.

His hands slid down, over her belly. He spent time there, stroking where their growing child rested. As his hands continued downward, caressing her legs, Ever was shocked to feel desire growing again. Damn hormones.

He stroked her feet, then circled her ankles. The look on his face made her breath catch. Like he was mesmerized. His hands slid upward, caressing her legs. Then his hands went back to her belly and his eyes closed.

“I’m okay,” she murmured. “We’re okay.”

He leaned down and pressed a kiss to her belly. Ever’s insides turned to mush.

“I should stay away from you.”

Her pulse jumped. “What? Why?”

Neon blue eyes looked at her. “You deserve a man who knows how to care for you. Who is good with women and relationships.” He lifted his palms. “Who wasn’t created to be a killer.”

“I only want you,” she murmured. “You just have to let me in.”

Needing more contact, she sat up, wrapping her arms around him. She pressed her mouth to his. They’d barely deepened the kiss, Ever tracing her tongue over the seam of his lips, when there was a knock at the door.

Magnus groaned. “Avarn.”

With a squeak, Ever realized she was naked. She tore at the covers, yanking a sheet around her body.

Magnus stood, and she watched as he adjusted the large bulge in his pants. She stared. Oh, God. She knew exactly how that long, thick cock felt inside her. Her belly burned. She wanted to feel it again.

“Ever. Stop looking at me like that.”

She dragged her gaze off his crotch. “Sorry.”

That faint smile was back. “No, I don’t think you are.” He strode to the door to let the healer in.

“I hear you’ve had an eventful morning, Ever?” Avarn called out.

“Something like that.” Ever tried not to feel embarrassed about the fact she was naked, and that the healer probably had a good idea what she and Magnus had been up to.

The healer pulled out a small scanner and checked her over. He studied the screen. “You’re perfectly fine. Although I suggest you avoid falling through any more glass ceilings for a while.”

She rolled her eyes. “I’ll see what I can do.”

Avarn winked. “I suggest you avoid it at any other time, as well.”

Magnus made a strangled sound. He didn’t look happy that they were joking about her fall.

As the healer packed up his gear, Ever tried to control the faint trembling in her body. She was so turned on. She desperately wanted to get her hands on a certain cyborg imperator.

She pressed her thighs together and shifted restlessly on the bed.

Magnus saw the healer out. He closed the door and turned. The hot look in his eyes made her gasp.

He took one step toward her…and there was another knock on the door.

Magnus’ head bowed. “What?” His voice was a dark growl.

“Imperator Galen is here to see you.” A worker’s muffled voice. “And there are several women from the House of Galen demanding to see Mistress Ever.”

Ever cursed under her breath and dropped her head into her hands. When she looked up at Magnus, she clearly saw disgruntlement on his face.

She grinned. Oh, yes. He might fight them tooth and nail, but this cyborg definitely had emotions.

* * *

Magnus stood at the side of his bedroom, watching the Earth women fuss over Ever.

They were all here, including Harper, the human gladiator now bonded to the champion of the Kor Magna Arena. Curvy, blonde Regan stood with redheaded Rory, who had a tiny baby strapped to her chest. Just behind them, dark-haired Madeline and Winter sat with tiny, fair Mia.

Magnus stole a glance at Rory’s baby. It didn’t seem possible that soon there would be another child among the Houses—his and Ever’s. He glanced back at Ever.

She was now wrapped in a silky, green robe. He’d selected it for her only days before. He’d liked the color because it matched the green of her eyes. She was smiling at the women, clearly happy to see them.

“Did you settle on a name?” Ever asked Rory.

“We did.” Rory tilted the little guy. “Meet Finley. It’s a good Scottish name, meaning ‘fair-haired hero.’”

Ever smiled. “It suits him.”

“So this merchant Halla has been to Zaabha,” Galen said with a scowl, interrupting Magnus’ musing.

“Apparently.” Magnus forced his gaze away from Ever. “She also warned us that the Thraxians wanted Ever back.”

“Hmm.” Galen’s scowl pulled at the scar on his cheek. “She might know something they don’t want us discovering.” The imperator’s gaze went to Ever. “So there are no invites going out to Zaabha at this time.”

“Correct,” Magnus said.

Galen shook his head. “The Thraxians wouldn’t have closed it down.”

“Agreed. It’s too valuable to them.”

“But they must have a plan.” Galen let out a harsh expulsion of breath. “We just don’t know what it is yet.”

“Do you believe that Sam Santos is still alive?” The woman had helped them escape from the Zaabha arena. Her captors wouldn’t have been happy with her.

A muscle ticked in Galen’s jaw. “Yes. She’s tough.”

Magnus looked again at the women in the room. Ever was laughing. Not for the first time, he wondered if perhaps she would be more comfortable with the women, back at the House of Galen. The reason she’d come to his house in the first place was to have the implant removed, and that had been done.

Then she looked up, her gaze connecting with his. She smiled at him. The sight struck Magnus deep inside, and a feeling of protectiveness crashed over him.

No. Ever was his, and she wasn’t leaving him.

“I’ve offered many incentives for any information on Zaabha.” Galen’s face hardened. “Nothing yet, but I hope an informant comes through, sooner rather than later.”

“Someone out there knows something.”

Galen nodded. “Yes.”

Whatever it took to protect Ever, he would do it. For Magnus, this wasn’t just about rescuing Sam, it was about ensuring no one came after Ever again. That meant dismantling Zaabha once and for all.

His gaze was drawn back to her. Like she was a magnet and he was helpless against her pull.

Galen made a sound. “Not you, too, Magnus.”

He met Galen’s single, ice-blue eye.

The imperator shook his head. “You’re falling for her.”

“She’s carrying my child. I’d give my life to protect her.”

Galen shook his head, a slightly bewildered look on his normally stern face. “These women of Earth wield some sort of dark magic.” The man crossed his arms over his chest. “The strongest men I know are falling for them every time I turn around.”

For the first time in a long time, Magnus felt the need to smile. He couldn’t quite get his lips to fully form the movement, but they quirked. “One day, you’ll understand.”

Galen held up a hand. “I have a house to run, gladiators to train, and unlawfully kept slaves to save. I do not need a woman.” Then his gaze narrowed. “Are you smiling?”


Galen made another rude sound.

But Magnus’ humor faded. “I will not stop until we find Zaabha. We have to end this.”

Galen nodded. “Agreed. If I hear anything, you’ll be the first to know.”