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Cyborg: A Scifi Alien Romance (Galactic Gladiators Book 10) by Anna Hackett (18)

Chapter Eighteen

Ever rolled over in the bed, patting the sheets beside her. Empty. No hard, muscled cyborg beside her.

Sitting up, she pushed her hair from her face, then crawled out of the bed and pulled on her robe.

Five days since they’d returned from Zaabha. Three days since she’d woken in Medical to see her exhausted, grief-ravaged cyborg watching over her.

He still wasn’t sleeping well. Every night, they went to sleep wrapped in each other’s arms, and every morning, she woke alone.

She lifted her hand and flexed her new cybernetic fingers. She thought they looked pretty cool, even though she was still adjusting to her new hand. She’d already gotten back into her lab. Her stealth suits had worked pretty darn well in the field, and helped save her life. She had big plans to get them working perfectly and upgrade them. Even the House of Rone’s temperamental head weapons maker had asked for a demonstration.

Flexing her fingers again, she smiled. She liked that she was a cyborg now, too, just like the man she loved. The man who’d risked it all to save her. She patted her baby bump. “You don’t mind if your mommy has some metal fingers, do you, peanut?”

Her belly was getting bigger every day, and her back was killing her. She pressed her hands to the small of her back. Today, the ache was especially bad. She’d been having practice contractions as well. Avarn told her she probably only had a couple more weeks before she delivered.

And then she’d be a mommy and Magnus a daddy.

Knowing exactly where she’d find her cyborg, she moved toward the balcony. As she opened the door, she saw his strong, muscled form leaning against the railing.

Magnus was looking out over the quiet arena below. He was washed in morning sunlight, and it gleamed off his metal arm.

She moved up close to him and wrapped her arms around him from behind.

“Ever,” he murmured.

“You’re thinking of Galen and Sam.”

His muscles flexed. “Yes.”

“Have Raiden and the others had any luck tracking Zaabha?”

“Not yet.”

He was so tense. She slipped around in front of him, leaning in close for a hug. “We’ll find it again.” She reached up and cupped his cheek, her cybernetic fingers stroking his skin. “We won’t give up.”

He nodded, his face still somber.

Leaning up, she nipped at his lips. “Now, how about you show your cyborg woman how much you love her?”

He gripped her new hand, turning it over so he could press a kiss to her palm. His lips moved over the soft metallic skin of her fingers, nibbling gently. She felt each touch, the sensation different, but just as strong.

“I’m so sorry, Ever.”

She shook her head. “I’m not. You saved my life, Magnus. I don’t know how many different ways I can say that. I’m grateful for everything you did out there.”

He stared at her for a moment, then he moved to her organic hand, his tongue tracing over her fingers and licking in between them. She sucked in a breath, heat arrowing between her thighs.

“Hormones again?” He smiled now. A full, honest-to-God smile.

He was so handsome. She pressed against him, cupping the growing bulge in his trousers. “Yes.” But something told her that she’d feel exactly the same, even when her pregnancy hormones were gone. “Are you going to take care of that for me?” He hadn’t made love to her since they’d returned. He kept telling her that she needed time to recover.

Pfft. She needed sex. She needed him.

“We have a meeting at the House of Galen shortly.”

She groaned. “How long have we got?”

“Thirty minutes.”

She smiled. “Luckily, my cyborg knows how to be very efficient.” She stroked his lips. “I need you, Magnus.”

He backed her toward the doorway. “I do live for efficiency, and I live to please you.”

In minutes, Ever found herself bent over the bed, her clothes gone, and one warm and one cool hand holding her thighs apart. Magnus’ mouth was between her legs, his tongue stabbing into her.

“Yes. Harder.”

But just as her orgasm was threatening, he pulled that clever, efficient mouth away.

“What? No!” She reared up.

A firm hand pushed her back against the bed. “So impatient and hungry.”

A second later, she felt the brush of a thick cock between her legs. Heat turned molten in her belly. She pushed back against him.

Magnus entered her with one solid thrust. Ever groaned. God, he filled her up. All the empty spaces.

He started a firm, punishing rhythm. “You will not get hurt again,” he ground out.

She made a choked sound, her hands clenching on the bed.

“You will not die, Ever. Never.”


“Everything I am is yours. Without you, I’m empty, with no heart or soul.”

God. Her orgasm pulled her under and shattered her. She cried out his name, and then held on as his thrusts increased. A moment later, his hands gripped her hair as he groaned in her ear. His release was warm inside her.

Ever felt like liquid. She nuzzled her cheek against the bed, enjoying the feel of Magnus’ big, strong body pressed against her, still inside her.

“I love you,” she said.

He pressed a kiss to the back of her neck. “You taught me what love is.” He was silent a moment. “I hope you’ll help me love our child, and show him what he means to me.”

She looked over her shoulder. “Him?”

Magnus smiled. “Just a guess.”

“Not very exact for a cyborg. And it’s a girl.”

Magnus grunted and rose.

Ever glanced at the timepiece beside the bed and squeaked. “Looks like I’m teaching you some bad habits, as well. Like being late.”

He followed her gaze and cursed. “Get dressed, my sweet cyborg.”

As it turned out, they were ten minutes late reaching the House of Galen. Ever fought not to feel guilty about enjoying being alive and in love. Galen and Sam were trapped at Zaabha, and she hated to think what they might be suffering.

As they entered the long corridor lined with beautiful wall hangings woven in red and silver, Ever hoped the glow on her face didn’t scream “I just had several orgasms.”

They turned a corner, and the sound of footsteps reached her. Several women were hurrying in their direction.

“Ever!” Rory called out.

She found herself engulfed in warm hugs, and with gentle pats on her belly. Then Magnus got a few hugs as well, which left him looking stiff and perplexed.

“Oh, wow.” Rory grabbed Ever’s new hand. “I’m sorry it had to happen to you, Ever, but I would love something like this.”

“What matters is you’re safe,” Harper said. “And for that, we are very glad.”

“Thanks.” Ever tugged Magnus with her, as the women ushered them toward the meeting room. But her happiness didn’t last long.

When they entered the living area of the high-level gladiators, she saw the tense, grim faces of the gladiators sitting around the table. The rest of the House of Galen allies were there, as well. Rillian beside Dayna, Ryan sitting in a chair with Zhim standing behind her. Corsair and Neve were near the end of the table.

When her sister saw her, Neve strode over. Ever met her halfway, and they wrapped their arms around each other.

“You’re okay?” Neve hugged her hard, not letting go.

“I’m fine. The baby’s fine. No need to kill my cyborg.”

Neve had been to see Ever every day since they’d returned from the desert. Her sister’s gaze dropping to Ever’s hand. “How’s the new appendage?”

Ever flexed her fingers. “I like it. I’m getting used to it.”

She’d expected Neve to lose her mind about Magnus amputating Ever’s hand. But strangely, her sister had looked at Magnus with grudging respect. She’d even stopped calling him “the cyborg.”

Raiden rose, clearing his throat. He stood near the head of the table, beside Galen’s empty chair. The room quieted.

“Galen dedicated his life to me.” Raiden’s direct gaze moved over all of them. “As my royal bodyguard, my friend, my mentor, and my imperator. Everything he’s done has always been to better my life.” Raiden blew out a harsh breath, and Harper shifted to stand close beside him. “He is the best man I know, and I will do the same for him.”

Murmurs of agreement and assent echoed around the room.

“And Sam Santos is a good woman,” Harper added. “She’s been through enough.”

Raiden straightened. “Whatever it takes, we bring Galen and Sam home.”

“Yes,” Thorin’s voice boomed.

“My desert informants are working overtime,” Corsair said. “If they find out anything about Zaabha, they’ll let me know immediately.”

“Ryan and I have search bugs out everywhere in the system,” Zhim said. “Any mention of Zaabha, and we’ll know in an instant.”

Rillian gave a nod, his arm wrapped tight around Dayna. “If any of my contacts come through with information, I’ll call straight away.”

Harper slipped her hand into Raiden’s. He slid an arm around her, pulling her close, like he needed the support.

“We are all a part of this,” Harper said. “The Thraxians ripped us away from our home, and Galen took us in. He gave us a new home.”

All around the room, the people from Earth leaned into their loved ones.

“And we will fight to protect our home,” Harper said. “And our new family.”

“For honor and freedom,” Raiden said.

“For love,” Harper added.

Magnus twined his arms around Ever, his big palms resting over her swollen belly. “For love.”

She smiled at him. Her home and family were right here. And Harper was right, she would fight to protect them. She would stand with the cyborg who’d captured her heart.

She traded a glance with her sister, and Neve nodded, before turning into the arms of her own man.

“We’ll meet again tomorrow.” Raiden gripped the back of the empty chair at the head of the table. “Daily war meetings until Galen is back in this chair. Whatever it takes.”

Ever knew that no one in this room would give up.

“Let’s go, my love,” Magnus murmured. “I’ve been analyzing your hormone levels, and I believe you’ll be needing my help in about ten minutes.”

His voice carried, and from nearby, Zhim snorted.

Ever slapped Magnus’ shoulder. “You just told everyone we’re going home to have sex.”

His gaze dropped to her belly. “Something tells me they are aware that we have sex.”

Suddenly, her stomach contracted, like a hard band was squeezing her. She gasped and felt Magnus go rigid. A gush of fluid rushed between her legs.

“Ever?” His hands gripped her shoulders.

She raised her head to look into panicked blue eyes. “Um, I think I’m in labor.”

* * *

Magnus paced the corridor outside of Medical in the House of Galen.

He’d been ejected from the room a few minutes before. It had taken Jax, Acton, and Mace to pull him out. He’d already tossed Thorin into a wall and knocked Raiden into a bed.

Everything had happened so fast. Ever’s labor had moved at lightspeed and they hadn’t even had time to get back to the House of Rone. Avarn had arrived to aid Galen’s Hermia healers. But Ever had been screaming. The baby was too big for her small body.

He’d gone crazy and they’d dragged him out.

He should never have touched her. He raked his hands over his head. If something happened to her

Sensing a presence at his side, he looked down and saw Neve. Ever’s sister was standing there, staring at the doors like she could will them to open.

Without a word, she slipped her hand into his. He closed his eyes and held on tight.

“She always wanted kids,” Neve said. “We lost our family when we were so young. She always dreamed of making a new one.” Green eyes flicked up to him. “She always dreamed of a man by her side who loved her completely. I’m glad she found you.”

He felt like she was carving out his insides. “I love her more than anything.”

“I know.”

The doors opened and Avarn stepped out. His face was sheened with sweat but he was smiling. “Imperator Rone, congratulations on becoming a father.”

Magnus felt like his legs were going to go out from under him. He pushed toward the doors. “She’s okay?”

“Both your females are perfectly fine,” Avarn said.

Magnus’ breath caught. Ever was propped up in a bed, cradling a tiny bundle to her chest. He reached her, grabbing her hand.

“Magnus.” She beamed at him. “We have a little baby girl.”

He dropped his mouth to hers before looking at the baby. His daughter had a shock of dark hair and was fast asleep. He drank her in. A miracle. She had tiny, perfectly formed lips.

“I love you, Ever.”

She smiled. “I know. And this little beauty will share our love. We made this perfect little being.” She held the baby up to him.

Drak, she was so tiny. Avarn appeared, helping Magnus settle the baby in his arms. Emotion like he’d never felt engulfed him and he welcomed it. He had a new addition to his House. No, to his family.

There was commotion as all their friends pushed into Medical, ignoring the Hermia healers’ complaints. Neve rushed to her sister and Magnus found himself surrounded. There were oohs, ahhs, and pats of congratulations.

Jax slapped Magnus’ back. “Well done, my friend. You deserve this.”

Magnus looked at his sleeping baby. He had so much more than he’d ever dreamed of having in his life. Once, he thought of himself as empty, just a flesh and metal shell created in a lab. But now he was filled to bursting.

He looked around the room. They’d all made something special and meaningful here. His daughter was a symbol of that. They’d made a life, a home, a family here on Carthago. And every person in this room would give their lives for it, and that included bringing Galen and Sam home.

He caught Ever’s shining gaze. She watched him holding their child, love on her face, and she smiled.

Magnus knew she’d fight with everything she had to protect all of this, just as all these humans would. Just as he and the gladiators would.

The Thraxians had no clue what was coming at them.

* * *

I hope you enjoyed Magnus and Ever’s story!

Galactic Gladiators will continue with IMPERATOR, the story of the imperator of the House of Galen, Galen, and champion of the Zaabha arena, Sam. Coming in mid 2018.

But wait! Does that mean Galactic Gladiators is coming to an end? Well, let’s just say that we haven’t seen the last of the desert world of Carthago yet.

For more action-packed romance, read on for a preview of the first chapter of Marcus, the first book in my best-selling Hell Squad series.

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