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Dare To Love Series: Daring Return (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Jennifer Perkins (4)

Chapter Four


“Come in,” Rose said as she opened the door wide to let him through. “Have a seat on the couch and I’ll log into your file at the office. Gone was the towel that hugged her body. Instead, she chose to wear an oversized short-sleeved shirt, comfortable sweats, and flats. She kept her emotion stable and didn’t want him to get the impression that he was there for any other reason. Had they meant something to each other? Was he really starting to have feelings for her? Is that what he had said? She shook her head needing to focus.

“Rose. Look, I’m sorry about what happened earlier today.”

“Did you bring the exercises that Jake gave you to work on?” And with that question, she cut off any attempt he’d made to revisit their argument. Her intent was to keep their visit strictly professional.

He’d opened his mouth to say something but must have decided against it because he shook his head. He shrugged before responding. “No. I left my place in a rush and didn’t even think about it.”

“Of course. Let me see what I can find.”

“Rose.” He placed his hand on hers when she went to the computer. He ran his thumb against her fingers. “I’m sorry. I was irritated earlier when I found out you had a secret. I didn’t give you a chance to explain. If you want to tell me what that was all about, I’ll try to understand.”

“Excuse me,” her voice cracked and she moved his hand from hers. She clicked through a few pages on her computer without looking at him as moisture built behind her eyes. “Here there are. Jake placed a copy in your file. I’ll print them and we can go through them together. Remove your knee brace so we can get started.”

She worked with him on the exercises for the next couple of hours before she stopped him. “I think that’s enough for today.”

“Why?” Bruce sat down. “Jake worked with me longer than this yesterday.”

“You limped when you came here and your knee felt a bit warm to me.” She placed her hand on his knee. “Although it doesn’t anymore, but you should be careful in case of an infection.”

“Fine. Then same time tomorrow?”

“Sure. If you’d liked.” Her feelings for him softened and she wondered if it was possible for them to go back to the way things were. She knew he’d made an attempt to reach out to her so she could explain why she pretended she couldn’t speak, but she wasn’t sure he was really ready to listen. She wanted to wait and determine if there would be a better time for her to tell him what was going on. To find out if he was receptive to listening.

Over the next several days, he came and went as scheduled and neither of them had mentioned the incident since he’d first arrived at her place earlier in the week.

 “You should put your brace back on.”

He had leaned back against the couch and closed his eyes looking like the sexy football player she was used to seeing. She rubbed his knee and then slowly slid her hand a little higher on his thigh.

Bruce groaned, and thoughts of him on top of her, commanding her, filled his head. He sat up and moved toward the edge of the couch. This action alone brought her hand higher. “Grace? What are you doing?”

“I don’t want to lose what we had. I really want to explain what happened.”

“You could have done that when I first came here.” When she removed her hand from his leg he leaned back on the couch and became comfortable.

“Okay. Go ahead.” He seemed to be willing to give her a chance. “I’m listening. Still a little pissed off, but I’ll hear what you have to say.”

“I’m not hiding from a past life. I’m hiding from my current life.” He raised his eyebrow and leaned forward. She continued, “You see, I think a couple of people from the office are suspicious of my, um, activities.”

His eyes crinkled when the corner of his mouth turned up. “Ah. With me.”

“More about the club. But, since you came into the office, yes. It’s now about you.”

“Care to explain?”

She moved closer to him “I was running late a few weeks ago and quickly pulled into the parking lot. My car had blocked one of the staff’s vehicles. I planned to move it during lunch because the managers at my office have been really strict about timeliness and they’ve started to dock people’s pay if they’re late. I didn’t want to chance it, so I double parked in the lot before heading inside.”

“I was with a patient halfway through their session and, Jessica, the staff member who needed to leave, was already on her way out the door, something about a dentist appointment, so I asked Jake if he’d move my car for me. I told him my keys were in my coat pocket.” Rose hesitated. She didn’t want to bring Bruce into any of her work issues. Isn’t this the type of discussion couples had? She looked into his dark eyes, searching his expression for what he might be feeling but she couldn’t tell.


“Oh.” She momentarily closed her eyes to focus before continuing. “My keys had apparently become tangled around a book of matches from the club.”

“And the club’s name and address are on those.”

“Yes. I tried to convince him that I don’t go there and someone else gave me the matches. He knows I like to burn candles but I don’t think he believed me.”

“It’s really none of his business.”

“You’d think. Working so many hours, I haven’t had time for a social life. So, I go to the club a few times each month to unwind.” Rose pictured his lips on her skin and she wanted that back. She wanted him back. “Unfortunately, we’re looking at a tight budget year. With new competition and insurance regulations, there’s been a drop in the number of clients and there are rumors that one of us may get laid off. That’s why they’ve docked people for being late. We believe they’re hoping someone will quit. But Jake’s been hinting that if someone had some extracurricular activities that were questionable, that person should be let go.”

“And he’d try to see that you lose your job?”

“Of course. The managers are ultra conservative and wouldn’t tolerate anyone being involved with that type of club.” She choked back tears. “Jake’s bragged that he’s friendly with people who could convince the managers that he’s not the one who would need to be fired. So I have to be careful. This is my first job in this field and my dream is to eventually open my own office.”

“So, it’s important that you keep a professional image.” She nodded when he finished her thought for her.

“I know I’ve seen Jake’s car around here and he’s actually followed me a few times. I thought I saw him in the club yesterday, but it was someone else. I’m just worried he might have a membership just to see if I go there.” She saw his body stiffen.

“Now I understand the wig,” Bruce said softly. “And the notes.”

“Yes. I have a cousin who’s deaf so I learned to sign long ago. The wig is just something I picked up. I’m afraid if I bumped into Jake on my way in or out, he’d hear my voice and know it was me. That’s why I signed, so no one would hear me.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you about this when you wanted to explain. The whole thing makes sense now. Does anyone else know you’re a member?”

“No. If my family found out, the news would devastate them. My dad offered to help finance some of the cost of starting my own therapy office once I have the right amount of experience. I don’t think he’d help if he found out about the club. I can’t let anyone know.”

“I’m friendly with John, the monitor at Paradise. Maybe I can talk with him and make sure Jake doesn’t have or can’t get a membership.”

 She shook her head. “I’m afraid if Jake found out you were involved, he’d just make something up even if he couldn’t prove it. Right now, he’s only suspicious. As long as I don’t show up there for a while, at least until the budget gets worked out, he shouldn’t have any reason to say anything. Right now he has no proof. You can’t get involved.”

“Oh, Honey, I am involved.”

“I’m sorry. I know this is a lot to throw at you. Especially since we’re not really a couple.”

“You don’t think so? I guess that’s something that could change.”

“Well, I’ve really only gone to the club for one reason,” she said. The times they’d been together after finishing whatever scene they agreed to, he’d talk a little about his family and she’d use a notepad to tell about hers and to teach him simple sign language. Soon, they knew more details about each other, about where they’d been and where they wanted to be in a few years. They used it as an ice breaker, to push through their communication difficulties, but she’d realized their time had become more intimate.

Silence filled the air between them and, for a moment, Rose assumed he’d heard enough and would walk out her door not wanting to be here. She brought her hand to her chest and wondered what he was thinking. After all, she did mislead him.

But she never thought their relationship would get to a level beyond a simple friendship. He was her reason for going to the club each month. After having gone through several bad relationships, and one that almost ended with her getting a black eye, she was weary about starting over. The club’s rules that governed the members made her feel safe, especially when she became involved with Bruce. He treated her with respect, something none of her other boyfriends had done.

“So. Now what do we do?” She let the question linger.

He cupped her jaw and brought his lips to hers. He kissed her and trailed his lips down her neck and along her shoulder and she bit back a moan. “We can do whatever you’d like or we can do what I have in mind. Especially if you won’t be going to the club,” he said.

“We might actually have the same idea.” She moaned and breathed in his masculine scent. She ran her fingers through his hair and kissed him on the lips, her tongue reaching for his. She felt his hand pull on her shirt and then slip underneath and glide upwards cupping her breast inside her silky bra. He pinched her nipple sending a surge of heat through her, and dampness pooled between her legs.

His mouth was on hers again plunging his tongue inside, and when he leaned into her, she felt the hardness of his cock. Her hands explored his back and she pulled at his shirt, releasing it from his pants. She slid one hand down to his ass and squeezed and then she slid it around to his front when he lifted his hip.

“Oh, baby,” he groaned.

She massaged his hard length that she knew needed releasing. She unbuttoned his pants and then unzipped them when she heard the sound of swarming bees.

“What the hell?” he said.

She watched him pulled out his cell phone in frustration and looked at the display. He had placed his head on her stomach for a second before he sat up and answered.


Rose stood and adjusted her clothing. She saw his dark eyes follow her as she put away his file and shut down her computer. She listened in to his half of the conversation.

“Are you nuts? I’m busy here. There was already enough food in the refrigerator if you were hungry and . . . What? That wasn’t left for you. No! Randy, they won’t . . . listen, you just can’t . . . Damn!” He disconnected and then raised his phone above his head like he was going to spike a football, but he stopped when a jaguar ringtone sounded. He looked at the display and shook his head and swore before answering. “Hey, Rick. What’s up?”

She knew Bruce had her number because of Rick, and wondered what ringtone he used for her. Was it sweet? Sophisticated? Sexy?

“Yeah, I know. I just spoke with the loser. Wait, what? I can’t leave now.”

She wanted to grab his phone and chuck it out the window. His eyes looked sad and the only thing she wanted to do was to take him in her arms to love him and make him forget about the conversation he was having with Rick.

“Wait, you can’t blame that on me. I know, I know. So, what do we do? Okay, fine, so what do I do?” Bruce ran his fingers through his hair and leaned back on the couch. He looked at her and winked. “Seriously? Can I get out of that? Fine. I’ll do it. I know, you’re right. I did. Yeah, I’m here now. No, Rose agreed to continue to work with me. We’re good.”

Are we really? She almost hesitated, but then nodded and gave him a thumbs up. Yes. We’re good. She hoped.

He ended his call and put his cell away. With a frustrated sigh he stood zipped and buttoned his pants, not bothering to tuck in his shirt. His body stiffened when she placed her arms around him. “You’re tense. Is everything okay?”


He lurched back when she brought her hand up to touch his cheek. “I’m sorry. I have to go.” He pocketed his cell and looked into her green eyes, her breath was warm against his cheek.

“What’s wrong?” He saw the worry in her eyes and couldn’t remember if they’ve ever just sat and talked. That small amount of intimacy is something he craved. To be with Rose, to hold her hand, to sit and have a casual conversation would be special. But was he capable of that right now? He knew a little bit about her family and she knew a little bit about his, but he never went into detail about how he’d become the financial provider for his brother. Wasn’t that the kind of discussion couples had? Too much was happening and could spin out of control and he didn’t know if he’d have the strength to be a part of a couple. At least not yet.

“Nothing’s wrong. I . . . wait. Don’t move.”

She started to bring her hands up to his face but he stopped her. He took her hands and brought them back to her side.

“I told you not to move. Hold still,” his voice deepened. He held the back of her head and brought her forward and devoured her lips. Like he was meant to, like he used to. The Dom in control.

His tongue thrust against hers and he moved his free hand down her back to squeeze her ass. Her moan letting him know she was enjoying this momentary respite. When he released her, her breathing was ragged and his cock hardened. It pained him to walk away, but he knew he didn’t have a choice, especially when his brother could place his club membership in jeopardy. “My brother showed up at my place today. He’s going to do something stupid, so I have to rescue him,” he said. “How about I make it up to you? Take you someplace special?”

“Oh, sounds interesting. What do you have in mind?”

“There’s this charity event Rick wants me to attend. He’s still getting the details together, so I’ll have to let you know when and where. Then you can put on something sexy with nothing on underneath.”

 “That certainly sounds like a party I can get into.”

“Oh, baby. Me, too. Besides, if I’m caught limping, and anyone asks, you’re the perfect person to come up with an excuse that would steer away from the obvious.”

“Ah. So I’m your wingman. The second fiddle. Well, a charity event isn’t what I had in mind. I don’t know if I want to go with you anymore.”

He slapped her on the ass when she turned and then she feigned a shocked look. “I’ll have to come back and punish you for that snarky remark,” he said.

“And I look forward to every minute of it,” she teased. And then he walked out the door to the elevator.


Not having had his brother’s number programed in his cell, he looked through his call list. Once he found it he tried calling only to receive voice mail. “Randy, it’s Bruce. You’re not a member at Paradise. Don’t be stupid enough to go there. You’ll fucking get me in trouble and I can lose my membership.” He disconnected knowing nothing he could say would resonate with his brother. He hit a number on his speed dial.

“Hello sweetheart. How are you doing?”

“Fine, Mom,” his voice softened. “Hey, why didn’t you let me know ahead of time that Randy was going to be here? I mean how did he even get here? Did you give him money for a flight? Have you been giving him money?”

“Is he causing trouble? I told him to behave himself before he left. He promised me he would.”

Deflection. It’s what his mother did best, and it’s what kept her from falling completely to pieces when their father decided he’d rather see what a younger woman had to offer. His father contacted them, years ago, when Bruce’s picture appeared in a national magazine, and it was Bruce who stepped up and convinced his mother that she was better off if he took care of their family. Thinking a guilt trip would be the best way to get money from him, his father tried to make it seem like he had no choice but to leave. Bruce had given his father some money and told him there’d be no more. He told his father never to come back, that they were no longer family.

But in his family, money bred greed. Bruce had learned his father tried to contact his siblings for more money, but they didn’t have any and that was the last time they’d heard from their father. Bruce, however, wasn’t as lucky. Their father continued to call him so he changed his number after giving their father more money and a threat to keep away from them. Unfortunately, Randy learned from their father that any problem could be pushed aside and you could leave anytime life got hard.

“What did he do this time?” his mother asked.

Telling her about Paradise isn’t something a son shared with his mother. “He took something of mine. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it.” He groaned when he realized he sounded like he was back in grade school telling on his brother to his mom.

“Please don’t be too mad,” she said. “He’s really not a bad kid.”

Not a bad kid? Bruce wanted to remind her that Randy was twenty-eight and no longer a “kid,” but he realized there was no point in saying anything. To his mom, Randy would always be the little boy who acted out only because of their father.

Pulling into his garage, after his mother ended the call, he checked his voice mail. No new messages, which meant nothing from Randy. It was possible that his brother wouldn’t have tried to get into the club, but then he realized that was the just the type of person Randy was.

Soft music greeted him when he entered his condo. Randy’s jacket and another unfamiliar one were thrown over a chair in the dining area. Dishes in the sink were carelessly stacked and they dripped with the remnants of food. An empty pizza box was left on the dining table, wine glasses were left on the living room table, and an empty wine bottle rested on the floor, against the leather couch. This was starting to look like a college dorm room. “Hello? Anyone home?”

“Hey, Dude. What’s up?” Randy asked. He came from the guest room wearing shorts and pulling a shirt over his head.

“Don’t Dude me. Where the hell’s my membership card and what makes you think you can just take what you want?”

“Well, that’s not a nice way to greet your brother,” he said. “And in front of house guests, too.”

A blonde, wearing black leather pants, had come out of the guestroom adjusting her tight V-neck shirt. She walked over to Randy, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him on the lips, moaning when Randy kissed her back. “I love your place. Maybe I’ll see you later.” She turned to Bruce and held out her hand. “Hi. I’m Ginger.”

Bruce folded his arms across his chest and stood in place, chewing the inside of his cheek, a habit he picked up when he was younger showing when he was stressed.

“Not a conversationalist?”

“Um, you should probably go, babe. He’ a little on the grumpy side today.” Randy walked her to the door, wrapped his arms around her skinny waist, and gave her one more kiss.

She took one glance at Bruce before addressing Randy. “Your roommate’s not a very friendly guy.” Ginger winked at Randy and gave Bruce a finger wave before shutting the door behind her.

Randy turned and laughed. “Sweet girl.” Having noticed that Bruce didn’t laugh back, or even smile, he proceeded to pick up the pizza box and toss it on the counter. Then he pulled his coat on and picked up the other that was left over the chair in the living room. “Whoops. Looks like Ginger forgot her coat. I guess I should return it.”

Almost with the force of a 290 pound player tackling someone in the end zone, Bruce grabbed Randy by the back of his coat and swung him against the living room wall.

“Hey! What gives, Dude?”

“I’m not Dude! I’m not your roommate! And I’m not your mother! I’m your brother, the one you’re visiting. While you’re here, as my guest, you’ll keep my place clean and not leave your crap around. Clean up your shit before you take off or you can leave the spare keys on your way out. I’m beat and I’m going to bed. And you can put my membership card on the counter.” Turning, he almost fell and grabbed the back of a chair in the living room to keep himself steady.

He rubbed his knee. I can’t believe I forgot my brace. Bruce took out his cell knowing he’d need to text Rose, and then he limped toward his room.

“What’s the matter?” Randy asked. “Are you hurt?”

Bruce stopped, frozen in place, he momentarily panicked. Keep a low profile, Rick had told him. He turned and his eyes narrowed. “No. It’s a leg cramp.” He continued to his room silently cursing to himself. With any luck, he’ll believe me.




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