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Dare To Love Series: Daring Return (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Jennifer Perkins (5)

Chapter Five


Two days had passed since he’d been to her apartment and he hadn’t left a message for her, so Rose decided to go to Bruce. She left the elevator and slowly walked the hall to his condo. This was a place she’d visited many times since they’d met at Paradise. A place that excited her when they’d left the club to follow through on their negotiated scene. She remembered his place well, and each time she’d closed her eyes she pictured herself inside.

Running her hand over the bag that held his knee brace, the butterflies in her stomach were active and she wondered why. It wasn’t as though she’d ever hesitated to come here, but today was different.

Before leaving her apartment, she took the time to make sure she wore just the right amount of makeup. She’d also taken extra time to carefully consider what she’d wear, choosing a black and white scoop-neck top with a red skirt and black heels. Sophisticated, yet sexy. She took a deep breath and pressed the doorbell.

“Hi,” she said to the man who answered the door. His eyes were a deep chocolate and his smile held a dimple, similar to Bruce’s. But that’s where the similarities ended. Instead of the wavy, ginger-brown hair and rugged build like Bruce, this man had frizzy, root beer-brown hair and a slim, closer to skinny, build. Clearly this person wasn’t who she expected to see open the door.

“Well. Hello, beautiful,” he said. He took her hand and gave it a soft kiss and stood aside for her to enter. “I’m Randy, and you are?”

“Nice to meet you, Randy. I’m Rose. Rose Perez. I have something to drop off for Bruce. Is he here?” She bit back a laugh having seen Randy’s face drop.

“Um. No. Want to come in?” Randy’s shoulders slumped as he walked into the living room leaving her at the door.

What’s up with him? Was he expecting a blind date and thought I was that person? “So,” she said after entering and closing the door. “Do you know where he is? Is he expected back soon?”

Randy looked up from a local baseball game that he was watching on the large screen television and shrugged. “He doesn’t tell me much. You’d think being blood relatives he’d be a little more open.”

“Ah. So you’re his brother.”

“Well, I’m certainly not his sister,” Randy laughed. He went to the refrigerator and grabbed a beer and then held it out to her. “Would you like one? We can kick back and watch the game.”

“No. Thank you. And actually, my favorite sport is football.”

“Yeah. Sure. Because of Bruce.”

“Well, he does make it look exciting.” She pulled the knee brace out of the bag and headed for Bruce’s bedroom. “If you don’t mind, I’ll leave his brace in his room and then I’ll be on my way so you can watch the game in peace.”

“Hey, hold on.” Randy put his beer down and took the brace from her hands. “This is a compression brace. My old man had one of these. Twisted his knee in a drunken bar fight and his buddies had to carry him back to the house.”

“Oh. Um, sorry?”

“Nah, it’s good. He was back on his feet in no time. I can put the brace in Bruce’s room if you’d like.” Randy weighed it in his hands. “It’s heavy. So. This is why he hobbled in last night. I knew he was hurt. When I asked about it, he claimed he had leg cramps.”

“It’s possible he doesn’t want you to feel obligated to help him.”

“Obligated. Haha, you’re pretty funny.” Randy’s smile disappeared when he noticed she didn’t laugh. “Oh. You’re serious.”

“Of course. You’re his brother. I figured you’d want to help him.” She thought about her own sister and how they’d go out of their way to help someone who was hurt. Such a difference from Randy. “Although, I was told he didn’t want anyone to know he was hurt. Possibly because he knew they’d react like you just did.”

“Hey, he’s my brother. I’d help him out if he came to me.”

She was skeptical, but never having met Randy, she vowed to keep an open mind. When she headed toward the kitchen, to throw away the bag she’d brought the brace in, her arm brushed over the mail at the edge of the counter and sent all of it flying to the ground.

“I’m sorry.” She rushed to pick up the envelopes and handed them to Randy to place on the counter when she noticed a pink lacy postcard. “Bean Annual Charity Ball,” she read aloud.

“Hey, I’ve heard of that.” Randy took the postcard from her and read it silently to himself before speaking. “Don’t they have a Bean Pot Food Drive this time every year? I bet that’s what this is.”

“I think so. But I didn’t mean to read it.”

“No big deal. It’s not like it’s in a sealed envelope.” Randy looked at the date and then at the calendar on the side of the refrigerator, before turning back to her. “It’s tomorrow evening. Are you going?”

“Yes. My boss wants several people from my company to attend. It’s just that Bruce said he wanted to take me to a charity event, so when I saw it I thought this might be the event.” What made her admit this? Was it nerves? Randy seemed to have a way of enticing her to say more than she wanted. “But I’m sure he meant a different one. I’d bet he gets a lot of them.”

“Nope. I probably would have heard about them if he did. He’d tell our mom and you know how moms are. They want everyone to know what their golden child is up to.” Randy placed the invitation on top of the other mail. “So, what’s up with you two? Are you his girlfriend or something?”

“His girlfriend?” Rose felt her face flush, and with a nervous laugh, she turned away from Randy and toward the mid-day Manhattan skyline. Having been hurt in the past, and then closing off her heart so she wouldn’t go through more heartbreak, she didn’t want to admit the feelings she’d been developing for Bruce. “Um. No. Besides, what business is it of yours?”

“He seems to be secretive with where he’s going and who he’s with. I came here all the way from Florida so we could hang out and he’s being Mr. Mysterious. And then you show up with his knee brace, and you’re attending the same charity he got the invite for, so I figured you’re his girlfriend.”

“Well, I’m sure Bruce has his reasons for being, as you said, Mr. Mysterious. And as far as my relationship with your brother, it’s really none of your business.” Rose rubbed her arms and then put her hand out to Randy. “Nice to meet you, but I think it’s time for me to leave.”

Not having taken her hand, he walked back to the television and turned it off. “Let me ask you something. Have you ever heard of the club Paradise?”

 “P . . . Paradise? Wh . . . Why do you ask?”

“I found a membership card in his room and thought I’d use it. But then, I met Ginger downstairs in the gym and got sidetracked. We got to talking and she said she’d once had a crush on Bruce. She had seen him in the neighborhood where Paradise is located and tried to catch up to him to ask if he wanted to hang out, but he had gone into Paradise. She found out what kind of club that was and realized she couldn’t afford the membership.”

“It is rather pricey.” She felt her face turn red hearing herself admit what she just said.

“Ginger said she’d seen him leave with someone. She even followed them home a few times and she said she recognized the car the woman drove. That car actually matches yours, and you come here every month or so. I’m thinking if you’re a regular visitor, then maybe that’s where you two met.”

“You know,” Rose said. “I think I will be going. Have Bruce give me a call when he’s back.” She headed toward the door with Randy right behind her.

“I’m assuming I guessed right.” He stood close with his hand on the door keeping it shut before she had a chance to leave. His breath warm as he lowered his voice against her ear. “You’re blushing and never answered me directly. You admitted it’s pricey and couldn’t even say the name of the club without stuttering. I’m thinking that is where you two met.”

Every muscle in her body tensed. Her brows furrowed and she turned to face him. I despise you right about now. “Again. That’s none of your business, and I certainly don’t need to justify myself or my actions to you. Now, if you—”

“I’m thinking I guessed correctly. You’ve been there and that’s where you both met.” Randy stepped away from the door so she could open it. “I find it fascinating that he’d need to go to a club like that to meet someone like you.”

“I don’t know what you’re after, Randy,” Rose said after she walked into the hall. “But if this is how you’re treating Bruce, then no wonder he’s Mr. Mysterious. Family is one of the greatest groups someone can be a part of, so you might want to tread carefully.”

Always having been told to trust her instincts, Rose didn’t trust Randy. She couldn’t tell what he was up to, but she was glad to be out of the condo and decided she’d only go back if she could be sure Bruce was there.

With her car idling, she closed her eyes, hugged her shoulders and thought back to those special times she spent with Bruce in his condo. Their sanctuary. A place where she was free to explore her sexual fantasies. She licked her lips and then smiled and wondered if he still kept her leopard encased handcuffs in his nightstand. It’d been a while since they’d used them. Her eyes snapped open and she sat up straight. Were they getting too comfortable with each other? Was this the start of a serious relationship when they both said they weren’t looking to get involved with anyone? She drove away knowing this was new territory for her. For them. And she wondered if Bruce felt the same way.

Less than twenty minutes later she stepped off the elevator onto the floor of her apartment. Her breath caught when she saw him standing by her door with flowers in one hand and a box in the other.


He didn’t look like he stepped out of GQ magazine, instead he wore casual grey sweats and a maroon tee, and he looked incredibly sexy. “I see you bribed the doorman to let you in again,” Rose said, and then she pulled her keys out of her purse.

“What can I say, he’s a big fan.”

“I’m going to have to have a serious chat with that man.”

“And deprive me of seeing such a beautiful woman?”

Her tongue darted out and she wet her lips, and heat wrapped around her like a warm blanket as she turned to unlock her door. This was different. He’d never shown up unannounced and never with flowers. They were a beautiful mix of white roses and fuchsia and dark plum calla lilies. Her favorites. Did their relationship step up another notch? With her hormones in overdrive, her brain didn’t seem to want to work with the rest of her body and her hands fumbled with her keys.

“Let’s trade, since the flowers are for you anyway,” he said in a husky voice. His warm breath tickled her ear.

“And what’s in the box?”

“Chinese food. I figured you might be hungry.” Bruce handed her the flowers, placed the box on the floor, took the keys from her hands, and then opened her door with ease.

They stood in the hall for a brief moment staring into each other’s eyes when Rose suddenly dropped the flower bundle on the floor and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her lips were on his and he had backed her up against the wall, driving his tongue inside her mouth seeming to touch every inch. It was as though they hadn’t seen each other for years, when it had been only days.

“Hold still.” His hands easily removed her blouse from her skirt waistband and she slammed her foot against the wall to keep herself upright as he started to unbutton her top. His warm breath was on her neck as he traced his lips along her skin and his free hand cupped her breast through her blouse. She pushed him away from her and saw confusion in his eyes when he turned to hear a throat clear from someone down the hall.

Mrs. Saunders. The widow next door.

“We’re just getting in, Mrs. Saunders. I hope we didn’t disturb you.” Her clothing disheveled, Rose picked up the flowers from the floor and brought them to her neighbor. “These are for you. Aren’t they beautiful?”

Between the tsk tsk sounds, Mrs. Saunders grabbed the flowers from Rose’s hand and hurried back into her apartment.

“You’re welcome, Mrs. Saunders.” Rose held her blouse closed and hurried back to where Bruce stood with the box. Giggling like a school girl, she grabbed him by his shirt collar and dragged him into her apartment.

“Hey,” he said. “I paid good money for those flowers.”

“Well. You can either go get them yourself, then explain to the building manager why the doorman keeps letting you in without informing me, or you can think of those as her way of allowing you to stay so we can continue where we left off the last time we were together.”

“Oh, baby. I’d love to explore where we left off.” He placed the box in her refrigerator before coming back into the living room He looked at her from head to toe and back again, stopping long enough to stare at her breasts. Then his eyes met hers. “Although I think we were working to have less clothes on.”

She pulled off her blouse and kicked off her shoes. “I’ll definitely agree to less clothing.” She laughed when he growled and then she watched him pull off his clothing and drop them next to hers on the floor.

He stood in only his boxers. “If you want these off, you’ll need to remove everything, too.”

“Is this better now?” Having removed her skirt, she was left standing in her black lacy bra and thong. Then he smiled, having raw desire register in his eyes. Pure hunger.

He grabbed her hands and brought her into the bedroom and then he turned her around and spanked her.

The spanking took her by surprise and she turned to him with a smile. “Oh. And what was that for?”

“Someone was little snarky earlier.” His grin matched hers. “Lie down on the bed. On your stomach.”

She did as he directed and then felt another harder smack on her bottom, followed by two more on the other cheek. She moaned, turned on by his actions.

“That’s for giving away the flowers,” he said. “Do you still have your handcuffs?” he asked, his breath was warm against her face.

“No. They’re still at your place.” She rolled onto her side and watched as he opened her nightstand drawer.

“This will be even better.”

“I’m impressed. You remembered.”

The blindfold. A thin black lacy fabric. The one she had purchased when she first met Bruce at Paradise. She wasn’t into exhibitionism, but she remembered how he’d convinced her to wear it when, at the club, he had moved his hand under the slit of her dress and brought her over the edge at their dark lit corner table. It was exciting, daring, and he’d made her feel completely at ease. After several times, she realized she had unknowingly put her complete trust in him and no one even seemed to notice what they’d done.

“You’ll enjoy this,” he whispered in her ear. “Close your eyes.”

She closed her eyes as he placed the lacy blindfold over them. Lying on her stomach, she felt him spank her again before he rubbed her ass which alleviated the sting and heightened the arousal it brought her.

He kissed her, first on one cheek and then the other before he pulled off her thong, and she felt him unclasp her bra. “Roll onto your back,” he told her. When she did, her breasts were released from the delicate fabric.

“God, Rose. You’re beautiful.” It was something he’d said before, but it never sounded so purposeful. So decisive. Until now.

She heard him wince. His knee. “Are you okay? Shall I remove my eye cover?”

“Leave it on. I’m fine,” he hissed. “I want you to enjoy the experience.”


He cared about her feelings. She’d had precious few relationships where someone put her before themselves.

“Just remember your safe word if you want to stop.”

Red. Their agreed safe word. She’d never asked him to stop because she knew he wouldn’t hurt her. He always made her feel safe. Protected. The mattress compressed around her as she felt his legs straddle hers. She reached up to touch him and rub his arms but he gently took her hands off him and placed them above her head.

“Don’t move. Don’t touch me. This is for you.”

Even though he said he wanted her to enjoy the experience, she was still concerned about his knee and thought there were better positions they could enjoy to alleviate any pain he might have. Interrupting her thoughts, his lips were on one nipple as he ran his thumb over the other. She arched into him as her breasts became sensitive when he gently pinched her nipple between his fingers. Then his tongue was on them and he licked around her hardened nubs. She caught herself moaning with pleasure and dampness pooled between her legs.

His mouth disappeared from her breasts and then she smiled and licked her lips when she felt his breath near her again. She groaned when she felt Bruce lick the sensitive spot on her collar bone.

“I’d say you’re enjoying this,” his whispered breath was warm against her ear.

“Yes.” She felt him continue his slow decent to her nipples again, one being licked and the other stroked between his finger and thumb. Licking the valley between her breasts and he slowly continued along to her stomach and down one thigh. “Oh. God. Yes.” Her hands fisted the sheets when his tongue found its way between her legs, and her hips arched in response.

“Oh. God. Bruce.”

“I’d bet you want me to remove your eye cover.” His breath was warm against her.

“God. Yes.” Her breathing became uneven and she struggled speaking. “P . . . Please.” She could barely think, but she knew she wanted to see him, watch him make passionate love to her.

“In time,” he said.

The mattress returned to its natural state and she realized he’d moved off the bed. She turned her head in the direction to where she heard him move. “What’s wrong?”


Hearing the tear of a wrapper, she smiled when she remembered he’d always kept a condom in his wallet. “Well, well. Aren’t we prepared,” she teased.  As he straddled her legs again, she brought her hands to his chest and then his arms. She felt his erection brush against her.

He kissed the palms of her hands and placed them by her side. “Just enjoy. Like I said, this is for you.”

“Oh. God!” she yelled when his tongue flicked back and forth along her sensitive flesh, while his hands massaged her breasts, and his fingers pulled at her nipples. She clutched the sheets and her clit pulsed with desire when his tongue ran over her arousal, with steady intensity. “Bruce. I’m going to explode!”

“Not yet.” He released her from his mouth, removed the blindfold, and moved his hands on either side of her. His eyes were dark with desire.

She held his gaze and felt his hips move against hers and his cock slide back and forth teasing her pussy. His growl told her that he liked this as much as she did and then he eased into her. Her body began to tremble and she tightened around him.

“Now,” he said. “Come for me.”

Her eyes closed and she matched his rhythm as he moved in and out, deepening the sensation until she cried out in pure ecstasy as her body shattered from the orgasmic high.

Her tremors started to subside when Bruce’s body shook and he moaned. “Shit. You are so hot.” She felt him explode inside her and her body clenched him until he had nothing more to give. When he came down from his high, he lowered his head to her chest and kissed her breasts.

With the gentlest movement, he kissed her shoulder and then rolled off the bed. “Don’t go anywhere. I need to get rid of my condom.”

When he returned and joined her under the covers she pressed her body into his and he wrapped his arms around her. Her body was relaxed and she dozed off into a deep sleep dreaming that this was real. This was how they were meant to be.




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