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Dealing Double (A Heartbreaker Novel Book 2) by Tamra Baumann (10)

Chapter Ten

Curiosity filled Gabby as they pulled up to Jake’s one-story pueblo-style home in Albuquerque to get his passport. She was eager to see how Jake lived. At home, would he be a slob, a neat freak, or something in between? He’d been almost obsessive about keeping the cabin tidy, but maybe that was because it didn’t belong to him.

She gathered her things in the front seat as the garage door rumbled and closed behind them. Just as she reached for the handle, Jake opened the passenger door for her. “Thank you.” She hopped down from his 4x4.

He nodded and closed the door behind her. “Excuse any mess. Maid’s year off.”

Uh-oh. She braced for what was to come. Probably a typical bachelor pad with dirty dishes in the sink and stray clothes scattered about. “How long have you lived here?”

He held a door open that led into a tidy little laundry room. “About five years, I guess.”

Then they crossed into the kitchen. It had shiny stainless-steel appliances and granite countertops. Not a dirty dish in sight. Nothing out of place. A plug-in air freshener made the kitchen smell like baking cookies. “This is nice, Jake.”

“We renovated the place a few years ago. Want something to drink?”

“No. I’m fine. Thank you.” The “we” he referred to probably meant him and Dani.

She wandered through the dining room with its tall table and four chairs, like those in bars, and then into the living room. There were pictures of beautiful Southwestern landscapes on the walls. He had a big leather sectional that looked comfy for watching his huge TV. No dirty glasses on the coffee tables or magazines anywhere. Two remotes lay perfectly aligned on a side table. It was as if no one lived here. Like it was staged for an open house. “You are a tidy one, Jake.”

“More like I’m not home much.”

“But when you are . . .” She turned and raised a brow, waiting for his answer.

He shrugged. “I like order. Maybe too much. The department shrink said it’s my way of making up for my disorderly childhood. If you believe in all that headshrinking stuff.”

“That makes sense to me.” It still hurt to think of his past. “And I know that wasn’t easy for you to share. So, thank you.”

He jammed his hands in his pockets. “You don’t judge my past. I like that about you.”

“If I refuse to judge my father, then I have no right to judge anyone else.” She continued her perusal. A bookcase stood on a far wall, with only a few comic books in plastic sleeves, like collectibles. And not a knickknack in sight. “Give away all of your books?”

He moved beside her and stood so close that his spicy aftershave lit up her senses. And other body parts.

“Dani used to read. A lot. I don’t have the time. Well, until recently, I guess. Want to see the rest?”

She turned and met his eager gaze. “As in your bedroom?”

He nodded. “That’s where my passport is.”

She did want to see his private lair. “Okay, but keep your hands to yourself, please.”

“Understood.” He turned and started walking down a long hall. He glanced over his shoulder and grinned. “But if you change your mind after you see my sexy bathroom, just say the word.”

That piqued her curiosity. “What makes a bathroom sexy?”

“You’ll see.” He kept walking down the hall toward his bedroom.

She probably shouldn’t be following a guy like Jake into his bedroom, but she trusted him. He was a big flirt but, at the same time, respectful. He wasn’t one of those handsy guys always trying to cop a feel. He was a gentleman. It might be one of the things she liked the most about him. Well, that and his sexy smile. And his butt. Her gaze dropped to that particular part of his body covered in jeans that fit just right as he walked in front of her. Yeah, that made for a nice view.

Jake stopped at his door and held out a hand for her to go first. “After you, Ms. Knight.”

She stepped inside and scanned the room. There was a king-size bed with just two pillows—nothing fancy—a cherry wood dresser, and some photographs on one wall. The other walls were bare.

She crossed to the pictures and studied them. All were of his brother dressed in his army uniform in various posts, based on the backgrounds. Ben and Jake looked amazingly alike. But Jake was still handsomer.

Only one of the pictures had the two brothers together. Jake looked to be in his midtwenties. His brother had a military school uniform on. They both had ice-cream cones in their hands and mile-wide grins. “This is a nice picture.”

“Yeah.” Jake stood beside her, beaming a proud smile. “Ben’s graduation day.”

Jake obviously loved his brother. It was sweet to see it in his expression.

“Is he a minimalist? Like you?” She swept her hand out to include the rest of the room.

He glanced around, as if noticing for the first time how bare the walls were. “I suppose I should hang something else up. I had lots of pictures of Dani and me, but my last girlfriend pointed out that it was tacky to make love to her with my ex watching. So I took them down.”

“I bet you didn’t throw them out, though, did you? Just hid them so the girlfriend wouldn’t see them?” He still cared for Dani, even though they hadn’t worked out. Gabby liked how they got along. It said a lot for his character.

“Funny you should say that. The day she found them in the spare room was the day she broke up with me.” He turned and headed for the big walk-in closet. “How’d you guess?”

“You’re not the big mystery you like to think you are, Jake. I’ve got you pegged. Ask me a question about you. Bet I’ll get it right.” She followed him, curious to see if his closet was as neat as the rest of the house.

He had lots of jeans. And button-down shirts. And five pairs of cowboy boots. Along with some tennis shoes and a few pairs of dress shoes. Nothing gross, like stinky socks on the floor. Points for him there.

“You think you have me all figured out?” He pushed some shirts aside and tapped in numbers on a safe’s keypad. “Okay. Then, after a long day at work, what’s my favorite thing to do?”

He didn’t read, and he couldn’t stand his own company. He liked beer, so maybe he’d go to happy hour? But maybe not with his work crowd. Cops talking about their day probably wasn’t so relaxing. It’d most likely be something he could do alone. “Go to the movies?”

His jaw dropped. “How did—” He crossed his arms. “What kind of movies?”

She smiled at her victory. “Not romantic comedies, that’s for sure. Action movies?”

“That’s a safe bet for most guys.” He turned his attention back to his safe. “What kind of action movies?”

She had seen his collectible comic books earlier. “Animated. Superhero stuff, most likely. Bet you like those mutant ones the most.”

“Everyone likes those.” His lips thinned as he dug through his safe. “What’s my favorite color?”

She glanced at his shirts. Most were a variation of the same color. “Blue. Seriously, Jake. I’ve got your number.”

He followed her gaze to his shirts and smiled as he slid his passport out of the safe. Then he reached up and grabbed a duffel bag off the top shelf. “Okay, cheater. What kind of music do I like?” He sat on a bench and tugged off his cowboy boots.

She thought back to their conversation in his truck earlier for any clues. They’d talked all the way from the cabin to Albuquerque, never turning on the radio. He’d told her about being a cop, and she’d shared about her work. The three hours had flown by. Jake was deeper and more serious than he let on. He really cared about justice being served.

“Not country music, even though you wear cowboy boots. You’d hate all the emotion in those songs. Feelings make you itchy.” She tilted her head and studied him. “Classic rock.”

“Yep.” He narrowed his eyes. “You like happy pop music, right?”

“What can I say? I hate depressing songs.” She leaned against the doorframe. “What do you prefer, cats or dogs?”

“You mentioned your border collie named Einstein. So dogs would be my guess for you.” He passed by her and crossed to his dresser. She was impressed he’d remembered her dog’s name.

“Yes, but I was asking about you. I think a cat. Less commitment. They can take care of themselves a little more.” She studied his shoulders. Besides being wide and sexy, they were rigid. His jaw was set as he dug through a drawer. “Am I making you uncomfortable? Seeing inside your chamber of deep, dark secrets?”

“No. That you care to guess so much about me means you’re interested in my life. That’s a good start to a relationship.”

“Agreed.” So did he want a real relationship? “I’m still trying to decide what I want from you, Jake. And I’m a little mad at you still. For not telling me you’re a cop and at myself for telling you so much about my father.” But she hated how attracted to him she was despite his making her angry. She only gave passes for bad behavior like that to the people she cared for. It scared her. “So, why are you all tense right now?”

“Because I have a beautiful woman in my bedroom and I can’t touch her.” He locked gazes with her while he unbuttoned his shirt. “I need to change. I wouldn’t mind if you watched, but you’d probably rather go check out my bathroom.”

No, she’d rather watch. But she made her feet move toward the bath anyway. “Take your time.” She walked into the bathroom and the lights came on all by themselves. “Oh. My. God!”

Jake called out, “Told you.”

Her bathroom at home was nice. Had all the best amenities, but Jake’s bathroom was like walking into a spa combined with what she’d guess a makeup room on a movie set was like. The lighted area had a beautiful chair like she’d seen in expensive hair salons, and enough counter space to host a makeup party for an entire cast of a Broadway play. The mirror had settings for all different types of lighting. Evening, daytime, harsh office. Amazing.

Behind her was a sauna, a steam shower, and a tub big enough for ten. A couple of naked people could find lots to do in there. But then she spotted the shower. It had vertical bars with tiny holes and jets on the sides, along with four shower heads above. A remote showed more than fifty settings for fun times.

Jake’s warm breath tickled her ear when he whispered, “Bet you can’t guess which setting is my favorite.”

She pressed buttons until she found one that shot pulsing jets of water from the sides and a waterfall setting from all four heads on top. “This one’s nice.” Visions of him inside, naked, filled her head.

“Amazing. You guessed right.”

“See? I’m good.” She turned off the alluring water show. It made her want to rip Jake out of the sweats and T-shirt he’d changed into.

She wandered over to a mirrored sliding door. Inside was a huge closet with jewelry cases, shelves for purses and shoes, gown racks, and a big center island with drawers. “Wow. This is impressive.”

“Annalisa gave this whole setup to Dani for her birthday one year. They knocked out a bedroom and a study to make it.”

“And yet it’s empty.” She turned to see his reaction.

Jake frowned. “My last girlfriend said that I didn’t use it because I wasn’t over Dani. Like the closet is sacred or something.”

“I’d guess you don’t use it because it’d feel weird to put your stuff in here. It’s clearly meant for a woman.”

“Thank you!” He lifted his hands in victory. “I told her I had plenty of room in my closet, but she insisted on making a big deal out of it.” He leaned close and whispered, “Maybe you do have me all figured out. I can’t decide if that’s good or bad.”

She wasn’t sure, either. She’d guessed at a few things based on his house, but deep inside, it was as though she’d known him all her life. She’d never had that kind of connection with a man before. “It’s definitely bad for you and good for me.” She turned and walked toward his living room. His bathroom was too sexy and dangerous. Her resolve was slipping.

He grabbed a bag off his bed and caught up. “Why is it bad for me?”

“Because you don’t want people to see what’s behind the cocky, cowboy boot–wearing cop facade.” She shrugged. “But I like the real Jake just fine.”

He leaned closer. “I’ll have to work on upgrading ‘just fine’ to ‘a lot.’”

She started walking toward the garage again. “You’ve got some work to do there. Ready to go?”

“I’m always ready, Gabby.”

She smiled. “No doubt about that.”

Jake found a radio station for Gabby that played her happy pop songs as they drove to Annalisa’s house. When she started singing along, so out of tune it had to be on purpose, he laughed. “If you’re doing that to be annoying, it’s working.”

“I was.” Gabby hit one of the preset stations, and screaming guitars filled the cab of his truck. “Do you realize you were cringing, even before I started singing?”

He hadn’t. “It’s just not my kind of music. Like, what does that ‘funk you up’ song really mean?”

When she smiled, her dimples showed. “It means, well, you know. Like you’re having a night out dancing in the big city, showing off what you got.” Gabby’s shoulders moved to the beat in a way he’d never seen her move before. It was sexy. “Like the song says, do everything right, and the ‘girls hit your hallelujah.’”

“So sex. It’s about getting laid.”

She rolled her eyes. “Aren’t most songs, at their core?” She held a hand out toward the radio. “You can use guitar riffs or a dance beat—it all leads to the same happy ending.”

“Ah.” He listened more closely to the sixties classic song playing. He’d never paid the words much attention before. “This is about sex. Who knew?”

She shook her head. “For a man who spends so much of his life talking women into bed, you’ve been missing a pretty powerful tool.”

Gabby would probably be surprised how few women he’d slept with. He didn’t do one-night stands, either. The “touching” thing with a stranger was too much to bear. “I don’t need any extra tools. I have all the equipment necessary for a good time.”

She barked out a laugh. “That was so lame. Just for that, I’m changing the music back to mine.” Gabby leaned over and found a station she liked.

Some sugary song came on, and he forced his face to stay impassive. When they were almost to Annalisa’s house, he said, “Is this dance beat making you want to funk me up?”

“No, it’s making me want to buy you a better joke book.”

He smiled. There was an easiness about being with Gabby he liked. Whether they talked or not, it never felt awkward or uncomfortable to be with her.

They pulled up to the front gates of Annalisa’s estate, and he said, “Hand me some ID please, Gabby.”

She dug through her satchel. “I have a driver’s license. And my passport. Just give me a second.”

“Whatever you find first will work.”

Out came brushes, string, headphones, and a bag of trail mix.

After a few minutes, he sighed. Why women felt the need to carry everything they owned at all times was one mystery he’d never solved.

Next came tissues, a plastic bag of what looked like hair thingies, and then an e-reader.

“Got it.” She opened her wallet and handed a license over.

“And now I’m a year older. Happy birthday to me. Are you planning to haul all forty pounds of that around Europe, too?”

“Ten bucks says you’re going to be grateful for something in here before our trip is done.”

“You’re on.” He poked the button on the speaker box and held up her ID and his passport. “Jake Morris and Gabby Knight to see Dani.”

Gabby whispered, “You were married to Dani. Don’t they know you?”

The massive iron gates perched between thick stone walls slowly parted in front of them. “Most do. But the security is tighter here than at the White House. No one gets in without ID.”

“Oh.” She was quiet for a moment. “Why are we here instead of the airport?”

“Because your father hasn’t eluded the law this long by being stupid. He told you Dean was on his way to London, knowing full well you’d follow.”

Gabby cringed. “You’re right.”

“Your guards are probably already at the hangars, waiting to grab you. They flew in on your dad’s plane, right? So, they’ll have full access to the private-plane tarmac.” He’d get a subpoena for the flight records. That way they could track at least one of Gabby’s father’s planes. It’d be a great piece of intel for later.

“Right. So how are we going to slip past them?”

“Annalisa’s security team is the best. Dani said they had it under control.”

As they drove up the long, tree-lined drive, Annalisa’s Mediterranean-style mansion came into view.

“Wow!” Gabby’s face lit up, and she leaned closer to the windshield of his truck. “That’s bigger than my whole boarding school. And just lovely. Do you think I can meet Annalisa?”

“Maybe.” He smiled at Gabby’s enthusiasm. “She’s a busy person, though, so don’t count on it.”

Gabby nodded as they pulled under the giant portico. Once they stopped, matching uniformed men opened their doors for them and then unloaded their things.

When the twelve-foot-tall carved wooden doors opened, both Dani and Annalisa appeared in the threshold and rushed toward them. What was up with that? Dani said, “Hey, Jake.” And Annalisa sent him a finger wave.

Before he could greet them, the ladies each grabbed one of Gabby’s arms and pulled her into the house. Dani squealed, “Love your hair, Gabby.” And Annalisa said, “It’s a pleasure to meet the woman who caught Jake’s eye.”

His eye? What the hell?

He quickly crossed the massive travertine-floored entry. He followed the ladies up the stairs and tugged on Dani’s arm. “What’s going on?”

Dani let go of Gabby and stopped climbing.

When the others were out of earshot, she said, “I told Mom you wanted to surprise Gabby with a trip to Europe in style—so you could propose. My mother’s a sucker for romantic gestures. Unlike you.”

“Propose? That wasn’t part of the plan.”

Dani rolled her eyes. “I had to tell my mom you needed the plane for something big. I couldn’t tell her the truth.”

He leaned closer, struggling to keep his voice down. “What’s going to happen when we come back, and Gabby doesn’t have a ring on her finger?”

“You had a huge, messy fight because you’re such a pigheaded guy.” Dani shrugged. “Mom would totally believe that. Why don’t you go supervise the repacking into Mom’s trunks while we fix up Gabby?”

“Fix her up with what?” He was still reeling from the proposal lie.

“Clothes. Mom called ahead, and they’re going to do the normal thing they do for her at the airport for her privacy. But the paparazzi always seem to find out and will have high-powered lenses. Jeans and sneakers aren’t Annalisa’s style. We have to upgrade Gabby’s look. You could use a shave, by the way. And maybe put on a suit. Mom doesn’t travel with cowboy boot–wearing bums.” She smiled and headed up the stairs.

His hand flew to his chin. Shaving had been the last thing he’d been thinking about as he and Gabby quickly slipped out of town to avoid being spotted by her goons.

And he wasn’t even wearing his boots. “Fine. But I’m not wearing a damn suit.”

Dani didn’t bother to turn around. She just kept walking away. “It was worth a try. For Gabby’s sake.”

“For Gabby’s sake?”

“Uh-huh. One look at you in that black suit and she’d be yours forever. It’s still hanging in the guesthouse where you stripped out of it like it was on fire the last time you wore it to one of Mom’s parties.”

“Because it’s uncomfortable.” He shook his head and started out for the garage. He had an electric razor in his bag. If he hurried, he could beat Annalisa’s staff before they put his and Gabby’s bags inside the designer trunks to complete the charade for the press. Along with Gabby’s heavy tool bag. They’d leave the guns home, but he’d still have his backup knife. Hopefully, he wouldn’t have to use it and have any explaining to do to his boss.

Maybe he’d grab the suit. Just in case he needed it in London. They were probably fancier there than he was used to.

Gabby blinked at her reflection in the lighted mirror. How was it possible she was sitting in the same makeup chair Annalisa Botelli used? Getting glammed by a handsome man with caramel-colored skin called Almondo. All while sipping champagne.

Having Annalisa fuss over her made Gabby miss her mom. And Dani made her wish she had a sister. Who knew hitting Jake would lead to her having a spa day with two women who treated her as friends?

Dani tilted her head as she studied Gabby’s makeup. “Yeah. I think that looks great. Mom? What do you think?”

Annalisa, who’d just been digging in her gargantuan closet for clothes for Gabby to keep—that alone was enough to make Gabby want to giggle—leaned close to inspect the makeup artist’s work. “Almondo, you have outdone yourself. You look lovely, Gabby.”

Almondo smiled. “Some of my best work, if I do say so myself.”

Gabby had to agree. She’d never looked so pretty. But still not as pretty as Annalisa. No one looked that good.

Annalisa, a younger version of Sophia Loren, had an impossibly sexy body. Women half her age would be proud to have one like it. And she’d just said Gabby was lovely. Gabby had the urge to pinch herself to be sure it wasn’t a dream. “Th-thank you” was all her starstruck brain could think to utter.

Dani laughed. “Gabby, I promise you, my mom puts her diamond-and-emerald-studded earrings in one at a time just like everyone else. No need to be intimidated.”

“No need at all.” Annalisa held out a hand to help Gabby out of the chair. “Now let’s go try on some of the things I picked out for you. And then you can tell me all about you and Jake.”

“Me and Jake?” She cut her eyes toward Dani. What was she supposed to say?

Dani nodded. “You know, Gabby. How you guys have been spending so much time together. And how you convinced him to take a whole month away from work because he needed to relax for a change. He’d hardly ever taken a full weekend off for me, so he’s obviously enamored with you.”

“Enamored?” Gabby’s cheeks heated. Annalisa knew Jake far better than Gabby did. But she knew some things about him. “I think Jake finally figured out he needed some time off on his own. To reflect and learn to like his own company. He has so many off-limit topics he needs to face before he’ll be truly happy.” His suspension wasn’t her story to tell.

Dani quickly said, “Jake discussed the touching issues the first night he met her, Mom.”

Gabby added, “And later, his claustrophobia, as well as the pain of his brother never coming home.”

Annalisa’s brows arched. “Really? He’s told you all that? It took Dani years to learn about Jake’s skeletons. I think that says a lot. And I think we need to pick out a few extra outfits for you to wear in London. Have to be prepared for anything, right?”

Gabby was still focused on all of Jake’s skeletons. But she managed a smile anyway. “This is so generous of you, Annalisa. Thank you.”

“It’s nothing.” She waved a hand. “You taking these gives me room to buy new. Let’s try this first.”

Gabby stood with her arms out like a paper doll as Dani and Annalisa draped clothes on her to see if it matched her coloring. She should be checking out the rows and rows of designer handbags and shoes because she’d never see a collection so great again, but her concern for Jake filled her mind. He really did need someone he could talk to about his past. She had her aunt, who understood what it was like to change her identity, hide, and have secrets her whole life, having been married to her mobster uncle until he was killed.

That’s what Jake needed. Someone with a messed-up past like hers who could understand his pain and anger. Maybe then he’d be able to have that family he said he wanted.

Jake’s most pressing problem loomed at the airport, though. “Dani, what’d be the best thing to help Jake get through the long flight tonight?”

Annalisa chuckled as she packed the fourth outfit away in a leather satchel that lay open on the center island. “I find having sex with an attractive man the best way to make any flight go faster, Gabby.”

“Stop.” Dani swatted her mother’s arm. “She doesn’t want to hear about your mile-high-club adventures, Mother.”

Gabby asked, “Do either of you have some over-the-counter sleeping pills Jake can take?” Because Jake was an incredibly handsome man who might tempt her to try sex on a plane for the first time. He’d be a lot less appealing and unable to flirt his way into her pants if he was incapacitated.

Annalisa nodded. “I’ll go get the pills. He probably won’t take them, but you can try. I still say sex would be the better answer.”

After Annalisa had left the closet, Dani whispered, “Sorry about that. I told my mom you guys were a serious couple looking for a nice vacation so she’d lend you her plane. How’s it going with you and Jake?” Dani laid a pair of black stilettos at Gabby’s feet.

Gabby slipped into a luxurious, silky dark-blue dress, stepped into the buttery-soft shoes, and then turned for Dani to zip her up. “He just told me he was a cop, so you can imagine how well I took that.”

“Yeah. I figured.” Dani swept Gabby’s long hair over her shoulder and then pulled up the zipper. “But you guys need to get past that part. Be a team when you get to London, okay?” Dani laid her hands on Gabby’s shoulders and gave a quick squeeze. “You’ll be staying in my mother’s house in Mayfair. There’ll be security during your stay, so you’ll be safe there, but be careful, okay? My dreams showed the people who want that statue are dangerous.”

Gabby studied her reflection in the mirror. She wore a designer dress, had beautifully styled hair, and makeup covered up her freckles. She almost didn’t recognize herself. “Do you know who those people are?”

“No. I only got bits and pieces.” Dani huffed out a breath. “I know Jake can come off as bossy, but there’s no one I’d trust more with my life than him. And for the record, he flirts and teases a lot, but he’s the most loyal person I’ve ever met. He’d never betray you, Gabby.”

“He’d arrest my father in a heartbeat.” Something she’d best not forget. She’d never forgive herself if her relationship with Jake caused her father to be arrested.

Dani nodded. “He would. Because he wouldn’t see it as a betrayal to you. He believes in the oath he took when he became a police officer. But that doesn’t mean Jake is incapable of bending a few rules. Just be sure you keep your father as far away from Jake as you can.”

“That’s the plan. We have to get past my bodyguards first, though. They’re probably waiting for me at the airport.

“Good luck.” Dani gave Gabby a hug. “I’ll look forward to hearing all about it when you get back.”


Annalisa returned with the bottle of pills and handed them over. “Here you go.” Then she tied a scarf over Gabby’s head and slipped a pair of oversize Chanel sunglasses onto her face. “When you get out of the limo, throw your shoulders back and glide across that tarmac like you mean it. Enjoy your adventures in London, Gabby.”

When Annalisa drew her into a tight hug, Gabby smiled. How had these wonderful, generous ladies come into her life? She hated that she’d probably never see them again if her plans to disappear worked out as she’d hoped. Every time she watched a movie Annalisa starred in, Gabby would always have a warm memory, at least.

As they approached the private tarmac, Jake closed his eyes and drew a deep breath. He needed to focus on getting Gabby onto the plane and past the guards, not on the long flight ahead. The dark tinted windows in the limo would get them close, but those last few feet were the kicker. Even though it was dark outside.

He turned to Gabby. “Your bodyguards know your mannerisms, so just—”

“I’ve got this, Jake. Annalisa told me what to do. She also gave me some sleeping pills for you to take once we get underway.”

Ignoring the pill comment, he said, “When we stop, wait for me to come around and open your door. Grab my arm and head straight for the steps. I’m going to assume that’s your father’s plane right there, because there’s Sal loading a bag.”

Gabby whispered, “Dammit,” under her breath as she scanned the tarmac. Then she said, “Our pilot still has to file a flight plan even though it’s Annalisa, right?”

“Yep.” He pulled out his field glasses and spotted the paparazzi right where Dani said they’d be. “Annalisa is going to France. To visit an ailing friend. Dani put the word out on social media in case your goons are smart enough to check on this plane. We’ll get ourselves to London from there without filing another flight plan. And avoid the London airport where your guards will be waiting for you. Sal is only yards away.” He glanced at her. “You look beautiful tonight, Gabby, but you’re taller and not as curvy as Annalisa in the hips. A fan, and especially a male one, might notice that up close.”

Gabby’s eyes grew wide. “What are we going to do?”

“We’re going to hope your protection squad is still monitoring the credit card I took from your wallet.” He grabbed his phone and texted his friend. Telling her to put their plan in place.

The driver called out, “I’ll unload the luggage, while you guys sit tight.”

After the front door had slammed shut, Gabby said, “You stole my credit card?” She shook her head and crossed her arms. “You could’ve just asked, Jake. Don’t keep me in the dark like I can’t handle the truth. You’re as bad as my father. I should just ditch you once we get to London.”

He tucked his phone away. “I sent you a text while I was loading up our luggage. You were too busy being primped apparently to look at your phone. We needed a plan B.”

“Oh.” Gabby reached for her phone. “Wait. What’s this new app?”

“It’s a tracker. In case we get separated. It’s all explained in the text. Along with how you should be more discreet when you type in your phone’s password.” When her lips thinned with annoyance, he reached out and laid a hand on her leg. “And please don’t ditch me in London. I’ll be scared all alone.”

“Funny.” Gabby swatted his hand away and then crossed her arms again. “Maybe I’ll send you a text explaining how I secretly drugged you with sleeping pills tonight. You could read it after we land.”

“Touché.” He smiled as he peered through the glasses. “There’s Louie coming down the steps of your dad’s plane. He’s probably in a hurry because you just got charged for a flight to Dallas that connects to London. You’ll be heading toward security any minute now.” He noted the call numbers on her father’s Gulfstream, then typed them into his phone.

She watched him as he typed in the information. “Don’t bother. I’m telling my dad you know that belongs to him now.” Gabby put Annalisa’s sunglasses on. “The ticket was a good idea.”

“We’re not out of the woods yet.” He gave her a soft shoulder bump. “I’ll come around and open your door. Put your phone against your right ear, and let’s roll.”

He tugged down his baseball cap and jogged to the other side of the limo, keeping his face lowered. It was dark, but there’d be security footage her guards might watch later, so he’d left his cowboy boots at home. His white T-shirt, black sweats, and tennis shoes were as nondescript as it got.

When he opened Gabby’s door, her hand was the first to emerge, and her fingers dangled in front of his chest. He stifled his grin as he helped her out. Her normally chipped nails were light pink with white tips now. One long, sexy leg and then the next slinked out of the limo. She beamed a bright smile and said, “Thank you, Blondie.”

He tucked her arm through his as she added an enticing sway to her hips and strutted on her high heels to the steps. He held a hand out, indicating she should go first, and then he followed her up the steps. “Blondie?”

She whispered, “That’s for all the times you called me ‘Red.’”

He followed close behind as they climbed. “It’s how I restrained myself from calling you babe.” He moved his mouth near her ear. “Are we good after the credit card thing? I don’t want you to think I’m not a team player. I’d never keep you in the dark on purpose.”

She nodded so he wouldn’t push any further.

Once inside the plane, Cindy, one of Annalisa’s two usual flight attendants, greeted them. “Welcome aboard. Nice to see you again, Jake. If you’ll choose your seats, we’ll be on our way shortly. Champagne to start, Ms. Knight?”

“That’d be lovely. Thanks.” Gabby smiled as she slipped into one of the big captain’s chairs, looking as calm as he wished he felt. Just stepping through the cabin door always sent waves of tension through his body. He reminded himself to take deep breaths.

“The usual for you, Jake?” The smile Cindy sent him was filled with invitation. “And maybe a relaxing shoulder massage later?”

“Just the beer, thanks. How long until we’re cleared for takeoff?”

“The captain said they needed some additional paperwork, so another fifteen or twenty minutes probably. Be right back with those drinks.”

As Cindy disappeared into the galley, Jake glanced around the familiar cabin with its big leather seats, couches, and dining table for six. Annalisa had added a work desk in the rear by the bedroom that hadn’t been there before. Maybe he’d use the new computer on that desk to pass the time, get lost in a war game or something.

After wiping the sweat from his upper lip, he grabbed their awaiting carry-on luggage and stowed it in a side bin. He sat in one of the large swivel chairs beside Gabby and peered out the window. “All that pomp and circumstance helped get you on the plane. It won’t take long for your guards to think they missed you before you got through security, though. They’ll probably be back soon. Then try to beat you to London. Be waiting at the airport there for you. I wish I could’ve bought us more time.”

Gabby’s calm expression turned pinched as she glanced out the window. “I’ll buy us some more time. Hand me your knife, Jake.”

“What are you thinking?” He pulled out the knife strapped to his leg but stopped short of handing it over.

“I’m not going to be a team player, that’s for sure.” Gabby stood and grabbed her backpack from the bin. “Especially when my teammate is a cop who’d arrest me for slashing tires on a plane. But technically, it’s my family’s plane, so no harm, no foul. Be right back.”

He jumped up, followed her to the bedroom, then closed the door behind them. “I can’t let you do that. There are security cameras out there. Tampering with an aircraft is a federal offense.”

“Unzip me, please. Quick.” She turned her back to him. “You forget something, Jake. Bad guys don’t report crimes. They’ll know I did it to slow them down.”

The silky material slithered down her body and left him breathless. And wanting to touch. Badly. It made it hard to think with her standing in front of him in just her bra, skimpy red panties, and heels. He was going to be thinking about that the whole flight. “I thought you wanted to discuss things together first.”

She slipped the sweater she’d been wearing earlier over her head. Then she turned around and danced out of the shoes. The sight of her in just a sweater and tiny panties was going to be etched on his brain forever.

She said, “You know this makes sense.” Gabby ruined the view when she pulled up her jeans, then sat on the bed to tie her sneakers. Then she ran to the sink, rinsed off all her makeup, and wiped her face with a towel. “Let me have your hat, please.”

Her idea was a good one, dammit. It could slow the men down for hours if they had to have replacement parts flown in. A smaller airport might not have the right tires for Luca’s plane. Or they might rent another plane, but chances were they’d fix Luca’s.

“Okay. Be quick about it, though.”

He handed the cap over, and she punched it inside out so the emblem on the front wouldn’t show. Next, she stuffed all her hair up under it. The dark-blue hoodie she pulled out completed the outfit. With the loose jacket, it was hard to tell if she was male or female.

She was better at sneaking around than he’d given her credit for. “Head down at all times, Gabby. Away from cameras.”

She smiled and held out her hand. “I bet this is just killing your cop’s heart, isn’t it? Knife, please.”

She was killing him, but not in the way she thought. The bold version of Gabby made him want to lock the door, throw her on the bed, and show her how much he wanted her.

He handed her the knife and whispered, “Don’t make me have to visit you in jail.”

“Awww. You’d visit a lowly criminal like me?” She laid a hand over her heart. “Not hate me for my crimes?”

She wasn’t anything like his scum parents, but there was no time for that debate. “Only for the conjugal part. Now go.”

She tucked the sheathed knife into her jacket pocket. “Be right back.” She opened the bedroom door and started to leave but stopped and turned around. “I’m still undecided about the conjugal part.” Then she turned and jogged down the aisle.

He hoped to God she’d decide quickly. He couldn’t take much more.