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Dear Desmond: a Christmas Love Letter (Love Letters Book 4) by KL Donn (4)

Three a.m. and the snow is only now beginning to slow its descent as I approach my condo building. Andy—I swear the man never sleeps—holds open the door for me. “Officer Rowe, glad to have you home again.”

“Thank you, Andy. Is she still here?” My weary stare strays to the elevator. The last obstacle before I have North in my arms for the first time.

“Yes, sir. She hardly leaves.”

I look to him then. “Hardly? It has been nearly a month.”

“She went shopping a couple times, had a big ol’ tree brought in tonight. Though, that was more my doing than hers. But she doesn’t leave too often.”

Interesting. I figured she was a bit of a loner from her letters, but I thought here she would get out some. Explore the city. “Merry Christmas, Andy.”

“You as well, sir.”

I can hardly stand still as the elevator ascends the few floors to my condo. Once the ding announces the arrival, I’m off and through the door in seconds. The fresh smell of pine and cinnamon greets me as I put my bags down and lock the front door once again.

The city lights shine in the big window, highlighting the tree North had brought up and decorated, as well as the stockings on the mantel. My girl went all out for us, even not knowing if I would be home in time.

Reaching into my pack, I grab the presents I got for her and place them under the tree, anticipating her surprise when she opens them.

Quietly walking down the hall towards the master bedroom, I’m not shocked to find North curled up in the middle of the bed. She has the blankets piled so high it looks like a small mountain. Walking towards the dresser, I take my clothes off and toss them in the hamper. Upon opening the second drawer where my t-shirts normally are, I’m not shocked to find the drawer empty.

Shaking my head with a smile on my face, I go one drawer down and slip on a pair of basketball shorts and undershirt. Dressed, I go back to my bed. One I’d saved for over a year to purchase. I may have to sleep on the ground half the time, or on a hard cot, but when I’m home, I want comfort. This mattress brings all of that, and so I understand her desire to sleep in it.

Nerves cause me to stall when it comes time to draw back the blankets. What if she doesn’t want me in here? What if we don’t click the way I desire us to?

Nothing earned, is nothing gained, I guess.

Sliding in behind North, her warmth sucks me into her body like a forcefield. Immediately, I can feel my body succumbing to her tantalizing curves. Without thought or permission, my arms wrap her body against mine.

Her hips fit perfectly into mine, and her legs tangle with me as she settles down. “North,” I breathe into her ear, “Merry Christmas.”

“Desmond?” she sighs and turns.

“Yeah, baby. I’m here.”

“I knew you would come.” She buries her face in the crook of my neck and is out cold within seconds.

“I’ll always come,” I promise into her hair as I breathe in her scent. My shampoo and body wash smell better on her than it does on me.

I don’t sleep, I only hold North, enjoying the feel of her in my arms. Savoring the sensation of a woman’s softness against me for the first time in more years than I care to admit.

North is everything. So quickly she went from troubled kid to friend, to a woman I can’t see my life without.

I don’t know how or even when it happened, but my heart has started to claim her as its own. It’s not quite love, but something close to it. More than lust. A deep need for companionship with the right person.

North is that person.

The sun rising with a fresh fall of snow has North stretching in my arms. Her ass pressing against my groin has my morning wood growing at a rapid pace.

She freezes, and I wait painfully for her reaction. “You’re really here?” she whispers so quietly I almost miss her words.

Kissing the back of her neck, I say, “I’m really here,” just as quietly.

Her hand reaches back and grazes along my chest, up my neck, and to my face. Her nails in my beard are sinful. “You have a beard,” she murmurs, turning in my arms. “You don’t in any of the pictures.”

“Came home and crawled right in with you. Didn’t feel like shaving.” I nuzzle her hand, loving the feel of her exploring my face.

“I like it. A lot.” She watches me as we lay quietly in the morning light. “I missed you,” she finally confesses. “It’s ridiculous and corny, but I missed your words.”

“Oh yeah?” I chuckle when a blush hits her cheeks as she nods. “I missed yours, too.”

“I got something for you.” Her excitement is contagious, and in this moment, I see the teenager in her. The one who hasn’t gotten to break free very often as she drags me from the bed and into the living room. “Sit.” She pushes me onto the couch. The same one she took pictures on, and I can’t help fantasizing about what else we could get up to. “Here.” She pushes two gifts into my lap.

Seeing her excitement, I unwrap the larger one first. Shocked, I look from her to the battleship and back again. “Where did you find this?” It’s one I’d been searching for.

“That hobby shop over on First Street. They had just gotten new stock of everything in.”

“How’d you know?”

“You told me to look around, explore, make myself at home. So, I did. I also found all your models and thought this would be great.” Her grin is wide, self-satisfied. “You do enjoy building them, right?”

“Hell yeah, I do.” I look at North intently. The light in her eyes, the passion in her smile. This, giving me something I like, pleases her. “Sit.” I point to the spot next to me. As she does, I get up and grab her gifts. “It’s nothing fancy.” I shrug as she takes them.

“Thank you.” Her whispered words are full of amazement, making me wonder, once again, what the hell is wrong with her father.

“Desmond,” she gasps as she opens the first box. “This is stunning.” Carefully pulling out the hot wax paint set I’d found, her face is full of more life than I’ve ever seen on anyone. “I can’t believe you remembered.”

“Of course, I did. I remember everything about you, North,” I tell her sincerely.

Placing everything to the side, she crawls into my lap. Her gentle touch on my neck as her stare meets mines is full of such emotion. “This was incredibly thoughtful,” she murmurs, leaning forward and kissing me lightly.

That small touch isn’t enough, though. Not for me. And if her blush is anything to go by, not for her, either. “Come here,” I demand and pull her in closer. The first touch of our lips is soft, slow. A buildup of what we both crave.

“You’re here.” She breathes in deeply, savoring my presence.

* * *


Despite where I am, and how I got here, I was somewhat afraid that Desmond was a dream. A figment I made up to keep me sane. I had been terrified of waking up this morning and him not being here.

I don’t want to be lonely anymore. I want the promise of what we could be, and after the light touch of our lips, I feel like it’s within my grasp. Just moments before becoming a reality.

“I’m here, baby.” His soft words wash over me like a waterfall. Beautiful in their intensity.

“When do you leave again?” We never got too into specifics about what he does, and how often he leaves. I regret not preparing for that now.

“I have six weeks of leave.”

“Six weeks,” I repeat. My heart both cramps and sings with happiness. “Can I stay? Here…with you?” Asking that, it goes against everything I am.

“I’d be pissed if you left, North.” My eyes stray to his. The conviction in his gaze and tone make me smile. He wants me.

“I don’t want to leave.” I rub my cheek against his beard, loving the smooth hairs. Nuzzling in his arms far surpasses anything I’d dreamt of.

“Did you have plans today?”


“Ever been ice skating?”

His excitement is infectious. “Of course. But not since I was a little girl.”

“Get dressed. We’re going to Bainbridge Island to skate. Then we’ll go look at lights and come back for hot chocolate and whatever else you want.”

“Christmas movies?”

“Works for me.”

Rushing to get dressed, I marvel at how quickly my life has changed in just a few short weeks. All because a man who cared about a perfect stranger wrote me.

“When I first got your letter,” I begin to say as I join Des in the living room, “I was going to throw it out.”

“Oh yeah?” He stands taller, like he’s waiting on bad news.

“I’m really glad I didn’t.” More than I could ever express to him.

Des walks closer to me, his hands immediately running through my hair to hold my head. Leaning forward, he murmurs, “So am I,” just as our lips touch again. This time it’s deeper, harder. There’s more than gratitude and thanks in it.

There’s lust. Need. Want.

There’s everything we feel but haven’t spoken yet.

My body wakes up for him, screaming for him to take control. I want this, us, Desmond. Everything it will entail and so much more.

Gasping when he nips my lip, I moan as his tongue slides inside my mouth, tangling with my own. He doesn’t hesitate to press our bodies together intimately. Pushing his hardness into my stomach, a shiver works its way through my whole being, and I shake in his arms.

Des deepens the kiss, and I’m breathless. Panting, wanting more.

“Wow.” I inhale as he pulls back.

“Yeah.” He leans his head forward against mine as we calm our breathing down. “Now imagine what it’ll be like when I have you under me.”

Holy smokes.

I already can.