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Defending Hayden: A Second Chances Novel by L.P. Dover (14)


I followed Kate to another room where medical supplies were stacked high on both sides. “I had no clue Derek was dating again,” she said happily. She grabbed a handful of gauze and I helped her.

“Oh, we’re not. We’re just friends.”

“Even so, it’s nice to see him bring someone around. He hasn’t done that since…” She stopped and regarded me with a sad smile.

“I know about his girlfriend,” I told her. “He doesn’t talk to me about it, and I don’t bring it up.”

She frowned. “He doesn’t talk about it anymore. In fact, he doesn’t really talk to anyone. I keep wondering if he’s okay.”

“He seems to be. We’ve been together a few times this week, and I haven’t noticed anything abnormal in his behavior.” Except for the time when Evan was around, but I didn’t want to bring that up.

“That’s good. Maybe he’s starting to come around.” She grabbed more gauze and loaded it into a bag she had slung across her shoulder.

“How is it working with a bunch of football players?” I asked.

Bursting with laughter, she started for the door and I followed her. “It’s an adventure, I can tell you that. But I love those boys to death. They’re like my brothers, but Evan is my real brother.”

“I met him the other day. He’s really nice.”

“His wife, Summer, is really sweet, too. You might have seen her around if you ever go to the Carolina Tavern. She’s the owner.”

“Wow, it’s a small world around here,” I said, laughing.

The crowd started to cheer outside, so we headed that way. “Have you ever been to a game before?” she asked. We walked out; I’d had no clue I was going to be on the field with the whole team. Eyes wide, I scanned the stands, gaping in awe. “I’ll take that as a no.” She giggled. “Don’t worry, you’ll love it. Let’s go.”

The place was full of energy and even more so when the players rushed out onto the field. Derek winked at me when he ran out, and the heat rose to my cheeks. They were going to win, I could feel it.

The Cougars won 24–7 against New York, and the crowd went crazy. I didn’t know all the rules, but it was still fun to watch. What made it even more exciting was that Derek was hoisted into the air by his teammates and carried off the field.

“I haven’t seen him this happy in a really long time,” Kate admitted. “Whatever you’re doing, keep it up.”

“I have no clue what I’m doing. I think it’s all him.”

We walked off the field and inside toward the locker room. “Either way, it’s working.”

“Are you going to the party tonight?” I asked.

She nodded. “I wouldn’t miss it. You?”

“Yep, I guess I’ll see you there,” I said.

She led me to the medical supply room so she could put everything back. It wasn’t long before Derek came up behind me and lifted me in his arms. I squealed and he let me down. “What did you think of the game?” he asked.

His hair was still wet from the shower, and he smelled like soap and cologne. I breathed him in and smiled. “I thought it was amazing. You looked so good out there.”

Kate watched us, trying to hide her smile. “I think I’m going to leave you two alone. I’ll see you both later.”

As soon as she left, Derek put his arm around my shoulders, his whole body crackling with energy. I’d never seen him so excited. “I was thinking maybe you should follow me to my house and we can ride to the party together. Is that okay?”

“It’s fine with me. Whatever you think works best.”

We walked down the hall, but at the door there were reporters with their cameras poised and ready to fire. “Uh-oh, it looks like we’re not going to be able to dodge them. Are you ready for this?” he asked, sliding his arm off my shoulders.

No, but I had no choice. He opened the door and microphones were thrust in his face, cameras flashing all around. All I could do was smile and stand by his side. “Derek, how does it feel to be back on the team?”

“Great,” he answered. “We played well today, and I can only hope we do that for the rest of the season.”

While Derek answered questions left and right, a reporter sneaked up to me and held out her microphone. “Did you enjoy the game?” she asked. She was around my age, late twenties, with jet-black hair and a ton of makeup.

“I did,” I answered.

“We saw you on the sidelines with Kate Davis. Are you working for the team?”

I shook my head. “No, I’m just a friend. Derek was nice enough to ask me to the game.” I glanced his way, but he was too busy answering questions. I was afraid I’d say something wrong. When talking to the press, one minor word change could be construed to mean something else.

“Are you and Derek McLaughlin dating?” she asked, thrusting the microphone back in my face.

“No, we’re just friends.”

“How did you two meet?”

The question caught Derek’s attention, and he joined me, his eyes lit with humor. “Did you just ask how we met?”

Grinning widely, the reporter spoke into the microphone. “Yes, I did. I was just asking your friend.

Derek peered down at me. “Do you want to answer, or do I need to?”

“Are you sure you want them to know what you did?” I asked.

He lifted his arms and laughed. “Hey, I tried to make up for it.”

Our bantering drew the attention of everyone else, and their cameras centered on us, the lights bright. “Well, tell us,” the reporter demanded excitedly.

“I hit her with a door,” Derek blurted.

Gasps erupted all around. “Why would you do that?” one of the reporters asked.

Derek and I laughed. “It was an accident,” I said. “He was coming out and I was trying to go in. The door hit me and made me drop my brand-new phone. It shattered the second it hit the pavement.”

“Did you buy her a new one?” a reporter in the back inquired.

I shook my head. “He felt bad for breaking mine, so he loaned me his. I thought it was really sweet.”

“Uh-oh,” the reporter announced, “you’re going to have lots of young women trying to break their phones around you, Derek.”

He winked. “Don’t worry, I’ll be careful from now on.” Putting his arm around me, he pushed us through the crowd and waved, ending the parade of questions. He probably had no choice or he’d be standing there all night, trying to answer them. “Get in your car fast so we can get out of here.”

I got into my car and followed him out of the parking lot onto the main highway toward Belmont. Luckily, we were able to beat most of the traffic. When we pulled into his driveway, he got out with the biggest grin on his face. He opened my door and helped me out.

“A girl could get used to that. I’ve never had a guy open my car door for me.”

“That’s because they’re idiots, or maybe it’s because their mommas didn’t raise them right. I may not be the nicest guy around, but I do have manners…at times,” he added with a wink. “So are you ready to go to the party? We can grab something to eat beforehand if you want.”

My stomach growled and I clutched it. “I think there’s my answer.”

We grabbed a quick dinner from the tavern and headed to the party. When we arrived, there were cars lined up and down the street. “Whose house is this?” I asked.

“Chris’s. The fucktard you met before the game.”

“Ah, yes, how could I forget.” I laughed. “He seems like a nice guy.”

“He is, but stay away from him. He’ll try to flirt with you.”

I could hear the jealousy in his voice, and I liked it. We walked inside the house, and there were people everywhere. “Does that mean you won’t be flirting with all the hot girls in here?” I asked, peering around the room. From the looks of the place, I didn’t fit in at all. I ran a finger across the brown leather sofa, knowing it alone probably cost more than my whole living room and dining set put together. Chris had said he didn’t take me as the type to love art, but there was no mistaking the Van Gogh on the wall. I had no doubt it was an original. What really made the party interesting were the people. I’d never seen such beautiful people in my life. It was like I was in a movie, where everyone was perfect. All the women looked like they could be runway models, dressed in skintight dresses and designer heels. I glanced down at my T-shirt and shorts, suddenly feeling self-conscious.

Derek put his arm around my waist, his voice low in my ear. “Those girls don’t have anything on you. Now, let’s get you a drink.” We walked into the kitchen, and that was where most of the guys were, taking shots and celebrating their victory.

“D, you made it!” Chris exclaimed. He handed Derek a shot glass full of some kind of liquor and patted him on the shoulder before looking over at me. “And you brought the beautiful Hayden.” Taking my hand, he brought it to his lips and kissed it. Derek tensed beside me and I heard a low growl escape his lips; Chris smiled brighter. “Would you like a drink?” he asked. “I have over a hundred different wines in the cellar. I’ll let you pick one.”

“I’d like that, thanks,” I said. Chris took my hand and started to pull me away, but Derek held firm around my waist and wouldn’t budge.

Chris burst out laughing and let me go. “Dude, you’re not going to let me get your lady a drink?”

Derek set the shot glass on the counter. “Not without me, you’re not. I’m not stupid enough to let her go off with you by herself.”

“I was just going to steal a kiss, that’s it. Why are you gonna ruin my fun?” He grinned at Derek and then winked at me.

Derek motioned at the room. “Because you have a horde of other women you can fuck with. Hayden doesn’t want your greasy lips on her.”

Chris puckered them up and blew me a kiss. “Who knows, she might like it.”

“Don’t think so, but thanks for offering,” I teased.

Slapping a hand to his chest, Chris groaned. “You just broke my heart, darling. But if you get tired of McLaughlin, you know where I’ll be.” He waggled his brows and then focused on Derek, who shook his head, a humorous glint in his eyes. At least he wasn’t angry. I guessed this was the way these guys joked around with each other. “Take her to the cellar. She can pick out whatever wine she wants.”

Derek shook his hand. “Thanks, fucker.” Before Chris could walk off, Derek stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. “Is Jax here? Do you know if he’s coming?”

Chris snorted. “Don’t know, don’t care.” Derek’s smile faded, and Chris backed up with his hands in the air. “Dude, calm down, he’s not here. I’m pretty sure he’s not going to come. He said it himself.” Turning on his heel, he left us to go mess around with some of the other guys while Derek nudged me down the hall toward a dark wooden door. It was much quieter away from everyone, and I really wished we could stay there, hidden. There were more paintings on the wall, and when I inspected them, I thought they were originals, too. I didn’t want to imagine how much Chris paid for them. It was probably my salary times five. Derek was amazing and down-to-earth, but I couldn’t help feeling like I was out of my league with his people.

“Who’s Jax?” I asked.

“Our kicker. He got in trouble with Evan last season, and it put a sour taste in everyone’s mouth. Basically, the team shunned him. I don’t like the guy, but he’s one hell of a kicker. He needs our support.”

I nudged him in the side. “Sounds like you have your work cut out for you.”

“No shit,” he said. When he opened the cellar door, all I could see were stairs leading into a dark abyss. Derek chuckled and grabbed my hand. “It’s just the wine cellar. I promise nothing’s going to jump out and grab you.” Taking the lead, he started down the stairs. With each step he took, the lights overhead started to come on and light our way.

I could finally see the cellar, all lit up, made out of stone, with bottles of wine everywhere. “Oh, wow, this is awesome. Although I never pictured Chris having something like this. I figured he’d be a beer-and-liquor kind of man.”

“Oh, he is, but he likes to show off for the ladies,” he informed me.

“Is that the kind of stuff you like to do, too?” I questioned. He hadn’t with me, and I liked that, but that didn’t mean he didn’t do it with others.

He shrugged. “Not anymore. I haven’t really found the need.”

“Why? Because they all fall at your feet?”

His gaze turned serious. “No, because I haven’t cared about fucking around. You’re the only woman I’ve been around in a long time.” He guided me toward the wine, clearly ready to change the subject. “Pick a bottle so we can get some fresh air.”

I studied the bottles and found the Riesling that I wanted. He carried it up the stairs and grabbed a corkscrew and wineglass from the kitchen before guiding me out the back door. There were people all around, even swimming in the pool and hollering out his name as we passed. He simply waved and kept walking.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

He pointed to a pair of trees with a hammock connected between them. I prayed we weren’t going to sit on the hammock. When he stopped in front of it, I groaned. “You okay?” he asked.

I sighed. “The last time I tried to sit in a hammock, I fell out and landed on my face. I broke my nose.”

“Holy fuck, are you serious?” He tried to hide his smile and failed. “That must be why your nose is crooked.”

Cheeks burning, I smacked his arm and covered my nose with my hand. “It’s not crooked, jackass.”

Chuckling, he pushed me toward the hammock. “I’m just kidding. I promise I won’t let you fall out.”

“If I do, you’re paying my medical bills,” I joked. The last thing I wanted to do was fall on my ass in front of him.

Setting the wine and the glass down on the ground, he slowly got into the hammock and beckoned me forward. “Take my hand.”

I did as he said, and he helped me get in, but I sat the opposite way so I could face him. That way I wouldn’t be so close to him and be tempted to kiss him. It took a while for the hammock to steady, and when it did, he opened the wine and poured me a glass. I wasn’t the type to get drunk, but I did enjoy a couple of glasses every now and again.

“Thanks,” I said, accepting the wine. “You don’t want any?”

He shook his head. “I haven’t had a drink in months.”

I took a sip of the wine, which tasted so good it slipped right down my throat. “That must be why you didn’t take the shot.”

“Yep. I used to be a heavy drinker. It got me into a lot of trouble.”

“I bet.” I laughed. “I can totally see you getting rowdy with all your friends.”

He shrugged, his piercing blue eyes staring right at me. “That’s not important to me anymore. I used to think partying was the best time of my life, but I was wrong.”

I drank my wine and he poured me another glass. “I never cared much about parties. I had Michael and Emily; we were always together, getting into our kind of trouble.”

“Which was?” he asked, lifting his brows curiously.

Thinking back on those memories made me smile. “We used to skip school together back when we were teenagers. Other than that, we mainly went to the movies, raced go-carts, or went hiking. I was a nerd in school, so academics were very important to me.”

His lips pulled back into a smile. “Let me guess…you were valedictorian?”

“Close. I had the second-highest grade point average in my class. We were only a half a point away from each other. You have no idea how pissed off I was about it.”

Guffawing, he rested his hands behind his head, the muscles in his arms flexing with the movement. I wanted them around me so achingly bad. “You are a nerd, aren’t you?”

I shrugged. “Hey, at least I can say I’ve done something with my life. I’ve run into plenty of my classmates back home, and not many of them can say they’ve done the things I have.”

He nodded in agreement. “You’re a dedicated woman, Hayden. I’ve never met someone with your kind of drive.”

“Thanks. I want to make a difference in this world, even if it is just rescuing animals.”

The wine had already made me feel warm and fuzzy, so I carefully set my glass down on the ground, hoping like hell I didn’t fall out. When I sat back, the hammock swayed in the wind. It was the most relaxed I had felt in a long time.

“You mentioned your friend Emily. Is she still back in Raleigh, or did she move down here with you and Michael?”

The sting of her betrayal made my stomach clench. “No,” I grumbled, unable to take the bite out of my tone. “She’s still there, married to my ex and expecting their first child.”

“Fuck, that’s messed up. How long did you date him?”

Lifting my gaze, I focused on the trees above as the memories came flooding in. I could still see Jake and Emily the day I caught them in bed. I was so upset I threw a water bottle at Jake’s head. “Jake and I dated for three years. Only I didn’t know that he was screwing around with my best friend for over a year of it. I was too wrapped up in school to notice.”

“What a fucking prick,” Derek said angrily. “How long ago was this?”

I blew out a heavy sigh. “A little over a year ago now. I found out right before I graduated from college. So when the opening at Stonebrooke became available, I saw it as an opportunity. I guess you can say I ran away from my problems.”

Derek placed a hand on my knee and rubbed my skin soothingly; it sent chills all through my body. “I’m sorry, Hayden. That guy’s a fucking idiot.”

“That he is, but if it hadn’t happened, I wouldn’t be here today,” I said, meeting his gaze. “Things happen for a reason. If I hadn’t run away from my problems, it wouldn’t have led me to an amazing job. And I never would’ve met you.”

His fingers moved up and down my leg, and I thought I was going to go insane with his touch. The way he stared at me had me trembling. “Do you regret meeting me?” he asked, his voice low.

I shook my head, feeling more confident than I should have. I didn’t want him to know how I truly felt because I was worried about getting hurt again, but what if I never got the chance to tell him? What if I let my insecurities keep me from being happy?

Taking a deep breath, I sat up and clasped my hand with his. “I don’t regret a single minute of it. Just being around you has made me feel things I never thought I could feel again.”

His gaze darkened, his hand clenching in mine. I knew what he wanted because I could see it in his eyes; I wanted it, too. “What do you want from me, Hayden?”

My heart pounded so hard I could hear it in my ears. “You. Just you.”

“Are you sure? You can always say no,” he murmured.

I shook my head. “I don’t want to.”

Without another word, we hopped in his truck and started the short trip back to his house. My heart felt like it was going to pop out of my chest, but I was excited more than anything. Derek kept hold of my hand the entire ride, his thumb tracing circles on my palm. Everything inside me tightened. I’d fooled myself into thinking I didn’t want him, but it was all a lie. I’d wanted him from the very beginning.

Once we arrived at his house, the energy in the car spiked. It had been so long since I’d been with a man, I didn’t know where to start or what to say. The feelings I had for Derek went deeper than simple infatuation, which was scary but also exhilarating. He parked his truck and glanced over at me, concern in those light blue eyes.

“Ready to go inside?” he asked.

I nodded, hoping my voice didn’t shake. “Lead the way.” I was nervous, but it was an exciting nervous. My whole body ached to have him inside me, and fighting it wasn’t going to do any good. He held my hand as we walked inside, and as soon as the door shut, he pushed me against it, his hands clutching my face as he kissed me. I melted in his arms and opened myself up to him. His lips were firm, his tongue thrusting deep as he tasted me. Breathing hard, I caught my breath the second he let me go and rested my forehead against his.

“Fuck, I should’ve done that days ago,” he whispered heatedly.

“Then why did you stop?”

He lifted me in his arms, and I straddled his waist as he carried me up the stairs. “Trust me,” he said between kisses, “I didn’t want to.” The hallway was dark, and I could barely see a thing, but he carried me into a room that smelled exactly like him. He pressed a remote on the wall that turned on the lights and then dimmed them to a seductive glow. He laid me on the bed, and I sank into the mattress, watching as he took off his shirt. I wanted to run my fingers over his skin and trace every inch of him with my tongue. I’d never felt so needy in my life.

As he covered me with his body, I moaned; he rubbed his arousal against me. His hand slid up my shirt, cupping my swollen breast. He groaned and massaged it, pinching my nipple between his fingers. I arched off the bed and cried out.

“Does that feel good?” he asked, sucking my bottom lip between his teeth.

I nodded. “I want more.”

Groaning, he thrust himself against me and lifted my shirt. The second he closed his warm lips over my breast, I sucked in a ragged breath. I wrapped my fingers in his hair and pulled as he ravished my body with his tongue, sucking and biting both nipples, one after the other.

“You taste so fucking good,” he growled.

Once my shirt and bra were completely off, he unbuttoned my shorts and threw them across the floor. Sliding off the bed, he raked his gaze up and down my body as he took off the rest of his clothes. He watched me squirm impatiently, and in return, he stroked himself, torturing me in the process; I wanted to touch him. Climbing back on the bed, he crawled up my body, spreading my legs with his knee. My whole body shook in anticipation.

As soon as he got closer, I wrapped my fingers around his cock, massaging his length. He sucked in a breath and groaned, his heated gaze on mine the entire time. “You’re killing me, love. I won’t last if you keep doing that.”

“How long has it been?”

He kissed me hard. “Way too fucking long.” Grabbing my wrist, he pulled my hand away and held it above my head. “It’s my turn now.”

With his free hand, he traced a finger over my breasts and down my stomach. My clit throbbed, and I knew that the second he showed it some attention, I’d be pushed over the edge. He slid a finger inside me and I gasped. When he pushed another finger in, I screamed in ecstasy as everything exploded from the inside out.

“You’re so fucking wet. How long’s it been for you?”

My eyes rolled back into my head and I squeezed his hand. “You have no idea.”

He pulled his fingers out and put them in his mouth, moaning with his eyes closed. When he opened them, all I could see was raw primal need. Reaching over, he opened one of his dresser drawers and pulled out a condom, keeping his eyes on mine as he put it on. Clasping his face in my hands, I leaned up and kissed him as he positioned himself between my legs. He pushed in just a bit, and I stiffened with the pleasure and pain. It had been so long.

“Are you okay?” he asked, concern etched across his face.

I nodded and held him tighter. “It’s just been a while, that’s all. I promise I’m fine.”

Closing his lips over mine, he kissed me gently as he slid the rest of the way in. I wrapped my legs around his waist, squeezing as tight as I could to keep him there. I wanted to feel all of him, as deep as he could go. He slowly started to move against me; our bodies slid against each other. I couldn’t think of anything else but the two of us, our bodies connected as one. You would never believe Derek was this big bad-ass football player by how tender he was with me. He was letting me see a whole other side to him.

Picking up his pace, he grunted with his thrusts. My orgasm kept building, and the more he pushed against me, the closer I was brought to the edge. “Derek,” I screamed, digging my nails into his back. Holding me tight, he finished inside me, his cock pulsating with his release. He collapsed on top of me, his breaths coming out in huffs. I had never felt so happy in my life.




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