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Detour (An Off Track Records Novel) by Kacey Shea (26)


She wanted to run. The minute the guys came back last night she was tempted to bail. Had it been any other woman I would have let her. But this was Lexi, so instead, I made her come. All selfishness on my part; I’m pretty sure she’d have kicked me out of her room if I hadn’t. If only to keep up the pretense that we weren’t “together,” but that’s not what I wanted. No, I want everyone in the world to know we’re together. That she is mine. But I didn’t want to scare her, so I settled for delivering orgasm after orgasm until she curled into my side. We both found sleep, limbs intertwined, my heartbeat in harmony with hers.

The stop, go, and slow of the bus jostles me awake before it does Lexi. Her cheek rests on my arm, using it for a pillow, but as much as I love having her curled up at my side, my fingers tingle with the loss of blood flow. I place a kiss on her forehead and roll her to her back, flexing my fist until I can feel my fingers. She stays asleep, her hair spilling every which way atop the pillows. Her face holds no lines. No worry or pain or irritation. I study her profile, the unaltered beauty she is, and my longing for her grows. She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on. I think I love her. I want to punch myself in the balls just for thinking it, but it’s true. I want to tell her, show her, until she believes me.

Of course Mr. Trent is on board, hard and ready to prove himself.

I shouldn’t wake her. It will be a busy day of press and practice before tonight’s show. We didn’t get much rest. But when she sighs in her sleep, parting those fantastic plump lips, I make the executive decision that rest is overrated.

Gliding my fingers along her skin until they hit the edge of the sheets, my mouth completes the same trail. Her altered breathing indicates she’s awake, but I don’t meet her eyes because I’m a man on a mission. I pull down the blanket and scoot lower until my face is inches from her center. Alternating from one side to the other, I kiss along her inner thighs.

She moans and my lips pull wide with a grin. Her scent begs for attention, and when I drag my fingers through her folds, the wetness spurs my lips forward.

The room becomes a mixed tape, the chorus of licks, moans, and her wet pussy stroked to the edge of orgasm plays on a loop while her pleasure urges my mouth, tongue, and fingers to work harder, move faster. I want her release.

She comes, a writhing mess of moans, and her back arches off the bed. I suck her release, the taste my favorite treat, holding down her hips to lick her center until her breathing evens out. My dick is hard, painfully so, craving a turn, but I have to stop a minute to just stare. My muscles strain when I push up on one arm to take in her lush lips and the depth of her eyes. She’s gorgeous.

“Oh, God. Trent.” They’re the only words she can manage as her legs stretch along my side. I’m a greedy bastard because I want to watch her come again.

I grab a condom from the floor and rip open the wrapper. Sheathing myself with the latex, I crawl over her body, but she only surprises me by pushing me back.

“What?” I say. But before I can wonder, she straddles my hips. Oh, hell, yeah. Ride me.

Her hands, delicate but expertly sure in their movements, grab my cock and align it at her entrance. She lowers herself by degrees and we both groan aloud, her core so much tighter at this angle. With my cock deep inside she leans back, finds a hold on my thighs, and rocks her hips.

“Fuck . . .” I exhale. My eyes don’t know where to go. From her bouncing tits, to her face flush with pleasure, or to where our bodies connect. My hands roam all along her skin, her hips, ass, and breasts before they settle at the apex of her thighs. My fingers dig into her flesh while my thumb finds her clit and massages in a circular motion that causes her breath to quicken and hips to rock harder.

“Ride me, Lex. Fuck me ’til you come.” This time I lay back, arms folded behind my head to enjoy the view. With each swivel of her hips I thrust up, and her breathing becomes unsteady. Now, this is what a good morning is supposed to be about. With her body over me, and my cock inside her, she races for her climax. It’s the most gorgeous sight. Damn, I could get used to this position.

Even with the layer of latex to help hold off my release, I’m close to coming. Her pace increases, but when her knees open even wider and her fingers dig into the tops of my legs, I almost shoot my load. Fuck. I need her to come first.

My hands go back to her hips and one thumb finds her swollen clit. Rubbing over the bundle of nerves is all it takes. Her climax rocks her entire body, her lips parting in that perfect, sexy O while her abs tighten and spasm with each wave of her release. My thumb slows but my hands dig into her waist, shifting her body over mine, pumping my cock in and out.

“Fuck, Lex!” I growl as the tingle at the base of my spine rockets through my entire body. My seed shoots off with my release.

Her lips are too far from mine so I cup her face, bringing her down for a kiss that demonstrates exactly what she does to me. We catch our breaths but I don’t dare speak. Words can’t do justice to the way she twists up my heart, how she owns my mind.

With a deep sigh Lexi crawls off my softening erection. Sitting at the center of the bed, she folds her legs and pulls them under her chin, along with the bed sheets.

I climb off the bed and grab a pair of boxer briefs after I tie off the used condom to toss it in the trash. Picking up my jeans, I roll them up to tuck under one arm. I need to talk to the guys and grab a shower soon, but Lexi’s frown and her nervous habit of playing with her lip ring stops me from leaving the room just yet.

“So . . .” She picks at the blanket, plucking a piece of lint so miniscule I can’t even see it.

“Yes . . .” I grin and steal a kiss when she lifts her chin to meet my eyes. Her gaze is full of something unfamiliar. It’s openness, yes, but there’s more, too. Uncertainty.

“What happens next? With us?”

“Well, I assume we’ll have more mind blowing sex. At least that’s how it was for me. If it wasn’t for you, then, God, that’s embarrassing.” I’m teasing her, and she rolls those fucking gorgeous eyes. I don’t know why it turns me on when she does that, but if she keeps it up I’ll be ready to go again.

“You know damn well it was good for me, too.”

“Thank fuck.” I laugh. “So, what’s the problem, Lexi?”

“I just . . . This is more than a hookup, but what happens next? What do you want from me, from our . . . relationship?”

“I don’t know how this works any more than you. In the past I’ve . . . kept things casual. But with you I want more. I’ve wanted more for weeks. I don’t know what I’m doing, but I’m willing to learn. Together.”

She nods, but her gaze drops again.

“Hey.” I sit on the edge of the bed, set my pants on the sheet-strewn mattress, and lift her chin so she has to meet my stare. “Is that enough for you? Tell me what you need, what you want, and I’ll try to give you everything. I’m all in, Lexi Marx.”

“I don’t know what I want, Trent. I only know that this entire thing, it scares the hell out of me.”

“Don’t be scared. I’ve got you.”

Her eyes widen on an exhale. “That’s what I’m afraid of.”

“Stay for my show tonight? After you play. We’ll go to dinner and figure this out.”


“Come on, Lex, I want to know that you’re watching me the entire time I’m onstage, and the minute I’m done I want you back in my arms.” I can see she’s indecisive, wavering, and I want to respect that, give her the space she needs. But I also want her with me. “Please.”

“Okay,” she whispers. I cover her lips before she can utter another word . . . or change her mind.

She returns the kiss with more force than I expect. Her tongue darts inside my mouth and I groan because it reminds me of how she sucked me off last night. The blanket between us falls when her fingers find their way to my hair. Her gorgeous tits are on display, and my hands skim up her ribcage until they cup her breasts.

Her lips release a breathy sigh and my kisses travel down the column of her throat, and then down the center of her chest. My hand holds the back of her neck and I lean over her body until she’s on her back. Her fingertips massage my scalp, encouraging every nip, suck, and lick as I lavish her body with my mouth.

Dammit! My ringing phone disrupts our fun. Lexi’s body stiffens beneath me. “Leave it,” I say, and try to bring her back to the moment by sucking her pert nipple into my mouth.

“What if it’s someone important,” she argues, and I can tell she won’t relax until I deal with it. Sitting back up, I find my phone in the pocket up my pants. “Mom. I’ll call her back.” I silence the ringer and lean over her on one elbow so I can meet her gaze.

“Are you sure?”

I purse my lips and pretend this is an actual question. “Sexy naked girlfriend or phone call with my mom? Hmm . . . I’m beginning to question your perception of my sexual prowess.”

“Oh, I have no qualms about your virility. But won’t she keep calling until you answer?”

“No. She knows I’ll call her back when I can.”

“Wow. So that’s what a healthy relationship looks like.” It seems to bother her, and from the little she’s shared I can understand why. Her mom is something else, and that’s not a compliment.

But I don’t want Lexi to start today with disappointment or family drama, so I poke fun at myself. “I don’t know if you should use ours as an example. I mean, I am a twenty-eight-year-old man who lives with his mom and his friends.”

Her lips pull up with a smile. “She also cooks for you, doesn’t she?”

“Yeah . . .” I scrunch my nose, and when she laughs lightly my chests fills with so much damn pride. I want to be the man who makes her smile.

“Cleans?” She raises her brows.

“Nah, we have people for that. She cooks because she loves it.” I wink and lean over her to capture her lips in a sweet kiss.

“You’re a good son.”

“I fall short more than I should, but I try. Now . . . back to my face between your tits.”

She stops my head with her hands. “Actually, I have to get ready soon. And since I reek of sex, and my hair is . . .”

“Freshly fucked.” My body can’t help but prickle with need.

She rolls her eyes. “Yeah, I was gonna say rank. I need a shower.” She pushes at me and I roll to the side, sitting up when she crawls off the bed.

I grab my jeans and tug them up my legs while I watch her pull on panties and a big shirt. “But tonight. After the show and after dinner. We’re bailing early and not leaving this room. And I’m making you come until one of us passes out.”

“I like your naughty plans.” She turns from the dresser and smirks, and then gathers up the rest of her stuff for a shower.

A pout pulls at my lips because once she leaves this room, once we break this temporary hideaway, we chance the world crashing down on the happiness we’ve basked in all night.

She turns her chin, solemnly regarding me before she twists the door handle. The little worry lines, they’re back, and she opens her mouth to speak, but pauses instead.

“Tonight.” I sit up and say it like a promise. Because it is.

There’s no way I can walk away now. Last night was merely a taste, and if I thought I was addicted to women before, I was wrong. Nothing compares to what Lexi and I share.

Her lips purse together before they pull up at the edges. “Okay. Tonight.” She finally gives in to a smile, and with that one look I know my day will be all right. She slips from the room and seconds later I hear the spray of water in the bathroom.

Picking up my phone, I click on Mom’s name to call her back. It only rings twice before she answers.

“There’s my boy.”

“Hey, Mom.” A shuffle against the receiver, almost like the rustle sheets make, cuts me off and I swear I hear her tell someone to be patient and wait their turn. It’s muted though, as if she’s covering the phone with her hand. Fuck, what’s going on?

She comes back with a winded exhale. “How are things going?”

“I was about to ask you the same thing. How’s the gardener? You’re not letting Tony prune your rose bush, are you?”

“You mean Fernando? And we don’t have roses. You must be confusing them with the calendulas.”

“Mom!” Who the hell is Fernando? What happened to Tony?

“Son, you’re acting strange. Is everything okay? You’re behaving yourself, aren’t you?” She asks as if she doesn’t believe I am.

The vision of Lexi’s smile, a memory I can’t seem to get out of my mind, arrives with Mom’s question and I have to laugh. “I am, actually. I think you would be proud.”

“Do tell.”

“I have a special someone.”

“Special? As in the special women who frequent the house every week when you’re home?”

“No, Mom. Never mind.” I rise from the bed and search the floor for my shirt from last night.

“Sorry. I couldn’t help myself! This is just too good to believe. Who is she? Do I know her?”

“You’ve actually met her. Things are really new still, but when we get a break to come home I want to introduce you. She’s smart, funny, so damn talented, and I really think you’re gonna like her.” Fuck. I remember where my shirt is. Out in the other room, along with Lexi’s sweater. I need to get out there and run interference before the guys give her shit about that. I’m not sure they heard us last night, but they had to put two and two together with my absence.

“If she can turn you to a one-woman man, I’ll love her!”

“Mom. Jesus. You make me sound like a sex fiend.” I lean in closer to the small mirror over the dresser and mess with my hair until it lays the way I like.

“That’s exactly how you’ve been acting. Don’t try to deny it.”

“Well, not anymore. At least, not with anyone other than her.”

“I’m happy for you. Don’t screw it up.”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence.”

“Listen to me, Trent. I’m not being rude; I’m being honest here. You don’t know how to be in a relationship. They’re hard work, even when the attraction is there. If you want her, put in the work.”

“Oh, I know all about that. She’s not easily impressed . . . At least, not by my fame or money.”

“That’s good. Just don’t bail when things get difficult. Because they will. They always do.”

I know exactly to whom she’s referring. “Like Dad.”

“You are nothing like your father, Trent.”

Her defense of my character plants my ass back on the edge of the bed. I run my fingers through my hair, not bothering to tuck it back behind my ears when it falls in my eyes. “Sometimes I wonder if I’m more like him than I realize.”

“You aren’t. Trust me. The only thing you gained from him was his height and the curl to your hair. I didn’t mean to be such a downer. I’m happy for you. You deserve a good woman, Trent. I love you, and I will always want the best for you.”

I hope she’s right. But if not, then I really do need to put forth the work. I want to be the kind of man who deserves a woman like Lexi.

“Love you, too, Mom.”

My mother’s soft laughter comes through the line, and though I know she moves her mouth away from the phone or covers the receiver, I overhear her say, “Oh, Tony. You just want all of my attention, don’t you?”

“Mom!” I stand straight up and pace the tiny area alongside the bed.

“I’ve got to run, Trent.” Her voice returns clear and loud.

“Mom, what the hell? Who’s with you right now?”

“We’ll talk later. Bye!”

“Mom! Wait!” But as I pull the receiver from my ear it’s clear she already ended the call. “Fuck!” I shout to no one, frustration filling my chest. I shouldn’t care that she’s with some man, but I’m not used to this. This territory is uncharted, but I’ve always been her number one. She deserves to find happiness, too. The way I have with Lexi. That thought straightens me the hell up. I’m a mama’s boy, admittedly, and I’m more okay with it than I should be. But my mom’s happiness is as important as mine. I only hope this Tony guy is not a fucking prick. He better treat her right or he’ll have me and the rest of the band to deal with.

My eyes flick to the door. I better get out there and face my walk of shame before they harass Lexi. I don’t really know what to say to them. Lexi and I need to figure out so many things. I’m not sorry for going back on my promise, though—the one to keep my hands off her—because last night was worth all the shit they’re gonna give me. I only hope it doesn’t cause problems for us as a band. Lexi’s so chill I don’t see how it could, but there’s always the possibility.

“Sack up,” I mutter to myself and pull the door open. The quiet sounds of movement and hushed chatter echo from the kitchen area and fill the bus. At least they’re awake. With another step forward a sweet, deep, melodic voice comes from behind the bathroom door, and just like that a smile I can’t prevent pulls at my face. I’ve never heard Lexi sing in the shower before. I can’t help but feel responsible for that. My heart fills as quickly as my pride.

“Well, lookie what the cat dragged in.”

“Still got some lipstick on your face.”

“Probably your dick, too.”

I grab a mug and fill it with coffee before meeting their amused grins. “Are we done yet?”

“Not even close. Sit down and take it like a man. We’ve been working on these all morning.” Austin pats an open chair at the table and I drag myself over to face the music.

Another twenty digs and I’m crying from laughing so hard. The bathroom door bangs open and shut, followed closely by the bedroom door, and Sean regards me with an expression that says we’re done with playtime. Iz leaves to get something from his bunk and Austin clicks on a video game.

“Just say it, man,” I urge Sean because his glare doesn’t leave my face.

“Don’t hurt her. Because if you do, none of us are okay with that.”

I let my lips pull into a grin because I love that my friends don’t want to see Lexi hurt, that they’re protective. And even though it’s directed at me, I understand.

“What? It’s not funny, Trent. She’s not some girl you fuck and send back to the store when a shiny new model becomes available.”

“That’s not why I’m smiling, Sean. I’m not trading Lexi out for anyone. She’s a limited edition. Only a fool would do that.”

“I’m glad to hear you say that.”

“You guys are really okay with this? Lexi and me together?” That catches the others’ attention.

“No matter to me. Just don’t hurt her,” Iz comments before tucking a joint in his pocket.

“Only thing that pisses me off is that your dumb ass gets the room again. Nice loophole, by the way. Fuck. That means you’ll weasel your way into taking the room the rest of the tour.” Austin smarts before focusing his attention at shooting up some computer animated bad guys.

Sean stands from the table and pats my shoulder before walking over to the fridge. “If you’re happy, we’re happy, man.”

That I even questioned they wouldn’t understand brings a bigger smile to my face.

“Fuck. Just stop with that.” Sean resumes his seat across from me, bringing his protein shake to his lips to guzzle. I look around, knit my brows, and throw up my hands because I have no clue to what he’s referring.

“Your face. It’s so fucking happy.” He shakes his head and twists his features into an expression of disappointment.

I am happy. And it’s too bad if he doesn’t like the new look.

But he better fucking get used to it.