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DIABLO by Gray, Sophia (12)




“Just what the fuck did you think you were doing?” I demanded, feeling so goddamned pissed off that I couldn’t see straight. I wanted to throttle this woman. And I wanted to make sure she was okay, which pissed me off about as much as her leaving did.


Who the fuck did she think she was to get under my skin, anyway?


“I…” For just a second, she sounded like a scared little girl. With huge eyes and blood trickling down her forehead, she looked so damn vulnerable that I felt bad for her. I felt fucking awful. Then she seemed to pull herself together, sucking in a deep breath. “Screw you. Kato has clearly made a miraculous recovery. Which means you don’t need me anymore, right? Which means you can’t keep me here as a goddamned prisoner!”


I clenched my jaw so hard that I thought I was going to break a tooth. I was livid. Who the hell did she think she was? I just saved her damn life because she was fucking stupid and tried to leave, which I tried to prevent. This whole fucking thing was her fault!


“Listen here, baby, you’re done when I say you’re done,” I told her firmly, putting my hands on the arms of the couch, effectively boxing her in. “You don’t get to go running off into the wild blue yonder without fucking telling me what you’re doing.”


She barked out a quick laugh, surprising me. “Oh? What are you, my employer or my father?”


Neither, I wanted to tell her. I was the man that wanted to fuck her senseless and the man who had just saved her life. I didn’t think that fell into either employer or father category. “Fuck you, lady,” I told her hotly. “I’m the man that just made sure three men didn’t kill you.”


The color drained from her face quickly as the memory of what had happened—and what had nearly happened—returned in full force. It hit me, too, and I wasn’t any happier about it than she was.


I was pissed at her for leaving. And I had to admit to myself that a big part of that was because she didn’t fucking tell me that she was. If she’d said something, maybe we could have avoided this whole damn thing. Instead, she ran off leaving me to wonder where she was and what had happened to her.


But really, I was pissed because the whole thing had scared me.


If I’d been just minutes later, things would have gone bad, worse than they already had. Those men had been Chaos Disciples; I knew it. They didn’t wear leathers, which told me they were still trying to be anonymous, but I didn’t need the leathers to identify them. I recognized Mason and Brendan easily. I didn’t know the last one, but it didn’t much matter. Birds of a feather ran people off the road together.


They had put together who she was, at least that she’d been over here enough to be of some importance to us. Maybe they figured she was someone’s girl. It was doubtful they realized that she was our triage nurse.


But it didn’t matter who they thought she was. They figured that she was meaningful to us. That made her a target. If I’d been even a little bit later… My whole body tensed with thoughts of what could have happened. Bad thoughts. Disturbing thoughts.


They could have killed her…or they could have played with her first.


I pushed those unpleasant thoughts aside and refocused my attention on Jamie. She was shaking like a leaf, and I had a moment of guilt at bringing those fears back to her so soon after the ambush. Clearly, she was terrified.




I wasn’t sure exactly what I was going to say, but I didn’t have to figure it out because she interrupted me. Pulling herself together all over again, she fixed me with a glare. “You can’t just keep me hostage here. I can go where I want. I can do what I want.” Her hands were still shaking, but her voice was steady.


“Jesus Christ, are you fucking with me right now?” I demanded angrily. “I just saved your damn life and you accuse me of keeping you hostage?”


A flash of guilt crossed her features, but it disappeared quickly.


“Well, if it weren’t for you, my life wouldn’t have needed saving!”


I gritted my teeth, mostly because she was basically right. If she hadn’t found Kato that night and if I hadn’t insisted she stay to take care of him, she never would have been involved in any of this. But she was now.


“Think whatever you want,” I told her gruffly, because I wasn’t quite sure what to say to that. “But fact is you were just attacked. You really want to bitch to the guy that saved you?”


She rolled her eyes, then winced. I felt bad for her for a minute, glancing over her wounds again. She had glass cuts on her body, some torn through the fabric of her clothes, and it looked like she had a bad gash from hitting the steering wheel or maybe the dash. She needed to get cleaned up and given some orange juice. That was what you gave people who were in shock, right?


Was she in shock?


“Look, I just want to go home,” she tried again, and her voice softened a little. It had taken on an almost whining edge to it, not quite pleading with me but close.


I ran a hand through my thick hair, making a frustrated noise in my chest. If she’d just stayed for a little longer, I’d have gotten her out of here and maybe avoided this whole fiasco. Though I’d have had to convince her to leave town that night, and somehow I didn’t think she’d go for it. Clearly, the Chaos Disciples knew who she was, and I had no doubt they could find her wherever she was currently living. It wouldn’t be that difficult.


“There’s a chance those guys weren’t working alone,” I finally told her, not sure how else to get her to realize that she was in some very real danger, not without explaining what she unwittingly walked into, and that didn’t seem wise at the moment.


An emotion flickered across her face, and she hesitated, but before I could be hopeful enough that that emotion was fear, she pulled herself up to sit straight and said, “I can take care of myself. In fact, I would have been fine.”


I stared at her for several long seconds, then I just couldn’t help myself. I laughed. Loud and hard. There weren’t tears in my eyes, but it was close. I laughed long enough for her to get annoyed. She crossed her arms over her chest, but it took me a couple of seconds longer still before I could get myself under control. Finally, I said to her, “Baby, you’re not fine. And if I had been any later, who knows what would have happened to you.”


Unfolding her arms, she placed her hands against my chest and shoved. I moved back, mostly because I was still half amused and watched as she got to her feet. She glared daggers at me, but I wasn’t fazed by her aggression. If anything, she was fucking sexy when she was mad, and I felt the emotions swirling around inside me coalesce into desire. Hot, hard desire.


“Screw you!” she shouted at me, standing up from her chair. She swayed a little, though, and nearly fell back. I reached out to steady her. She tried to shake me off, but I held fast. “Let go of me!”


It was my turn to roll my eyes at her. “Don’t be a drama queen,” I chastised her. “You can’t stand without getting lightheaded, baby. So stop being difficult, and let me get you upstairs and cleaned up. You can be pissed off with me again afterward.”


Refusing to listen to me, she continued to struggle. I got fed up. I wasn’t interested in negotiating with her over whether or not she was in good enough condition to walk up those damn stairs herself. And she needed to get fucking cleaned up. So I, once more, lifted her up into my arms—I found myself surprised all over again by how light she was in my arms—and ignored her cries of protest. She swatted at my shoulders a few times, but I didn’t care. I ignored that, too.


I walked her up the stairs, my boots echoing heavily on the steps and bypassed both our bedrooms for the bathroom. I kicked open the door, then promptly deposited her on the countertop. She momentarily tried to squirm away saying, “You cannot just carry me around like that!”


Still ignoring her, I pulled out the rubbing alcohol and some cotton balls. Not so concerned with being gentle right now—hey, if she wanted to be a pain in my ass, then she could sting a little, too—I doused the cotton ball then dabbed at her forehead.


She hissed at me, squirming away.


“Hold still,” I commanded in a low, gruff tone. “You need to get cleaned up.”


She frowned a little, and I was willing to bet the nurse in her agreed with me. Stilling, she let me mop up the blood on her face and dab at the actual wound along her hairline. I frowned, wondering if it was going to scar. Shame to scar such a pretty face, I thought absently. We were both silent as I worked. I managed to get her face cleaned up easily enough, but there were minor cuts all over her body. Tears in the fabric of her clothing told me where, but I needed her out of her clothes to get to them.


A smile twitched at my lips, and it took everything I had to hold it back.


“Take off your clothes,” I ordered firmly.


Her eyes widened at me, then narrowed. She wrapped her arms around herself, as though trying to cover up, like I’d already stripped her or something. Not yet, I thought, but hopefully soon.


“I am not stripping for you!” she answered heatedly.


I raised a single eyebrow at her. “You’re covered in cuts and scrapes. If you hadn’t been a fucking idiot, then you’d have been fine and—”


“And a prisoner!”


Growling at her, I got in her face, so close that our noses were almost touching. “You stayed of your own free will. I’m fucking paying you to take care of Kato!”


“Who is now better!” she shot back, refusing to back away.


“Just get naked, lady,” I said to her through gritted teeth. “You’re a fucking mess, and you need to get cleaned up. I’m not going to pick through your damn clothes to get at those cuts, so either take your clothes off or I’ll do it for you.”


Her eyes narrowed at me, and I was expecting still more bullshit from her. Like she didn’t want to get naked with me? As if. I knew perfectly well the reaction she was having to me, how much she really wanted me. She was just being stubborn.


Instead of fighting me harder, she surprised me by lowering her arms and sitting up straighter. She stared at me long and hard, then grabbed the bottom of her shirt and jerked it up over her head in one swift motion. She let it drop to the floor, then cocked an eyebrow at me.


My eyes instantly darted to her plump breasts encased in a lacy bra that just barely managed to cover her nipples. Her tits were squeezed together so tightly that I had the feeling the bra was a size too small—and thank fucking God. My cock jumped at the sight of her fleshy mounds, the urge to reach for them so strong that I wasn’t sure I could resist. Wasn’t sure I wanted to.


Slipping off of the countertop, Jamie kept her eyes on me as her hands moved to her low-riding jeans. Her torso was long, her waist small and trim with a narrow belly button that I had the sudden urge to slip my tongue into.


She popped open the button of those skin tight jeans, and I sucked in a quick breath. My cock got harder as I watched her yank down the zipper. Her hips wiggled as she struggled out of the jeans. I grinned a little as she started to get them down her thighs. They were so fucking tight that she was having trouble, muttering curses as she wiggled. And the wiggling? It did fucking awesome things to her chest. I watched those full, round tits bounce and squeeze against each other, jiggling in that precarious, ill-fitting bra.


Her eyes were so focused on getting those damn jeans off that she didn’t see my smirk or the way my eyes devoured her long, luxurious form.


Damn, the things I wanted to do with her.


When she got to her ankles, she took a moment to kick off her shoes, then slipped her pants off, too. She left them puddled on the floor as she straightened up. Taking a deep breath, she met my heated gaze with a stony one. She was determined to be unaffected by the hunger in my eyes, the bulge in my pants, or the fact that she was all but naked in front of me.


I fucking hate those lacy little scraps, I thought murderously as my eyes darted between her legs where a pair of lacy panties clung to her curves. They were just enough to cover her pussy lips, and it was killing me.


I wondered if I could convince her that she needed to take those off, too. I wanted to make sure I was thorough in getting every one of her cuts…


“Are you going to clean me up?” she demanded. She was trying to sound lofty, I thought, but her words came out too low, too breathy.


My eyes flashed with heat. Clean her up? Oh, no, I wanted to dirty her up. I wanted to make a fucking mess of her. But instead of saying that, I grabbed the bottle of alcohol and the cotton balls again. I soaked one and started dabbing at her right arm first. I went over the cuts quickly, mostly cleaning up blood but also disinfecting the minor injuries. Occasionally, I had to pause to pick out a lingering shard of glass, but thankfully, there weren’t many of those. She looked like she was mostly in the clear.


When I was finished with her arm, I moved down to her hand. That was pretty bad. She must have crawled through glass because her palm was eaten up. I actually ran them under the water first, washing away the blood and paused to pick out several glass shards. Then I cleaned it up with alcohol.


“You should have been a nurse,” Jamie whispered tentatively as I moved on to the other hand.


I grunted. The idea of me being a nurse was laughable. I was not the gentle, life-saving type. Instead, I’d rather beat the shit out of someone, like those guys that had come after Jamie…


My body tensed at the memory of them. What would they have done? Killed her? Kidnapped her? Or worse. Maybe they would have taken her and tortured her. Maybe they would’ve touched her—


I had to let her hand go because the overwhelming need to punch something had my hands clenching. Those fuckers had no right. She was mine, dammit, and I wouldn’t let even one of those assholes lay a finger on them. I’d chop them up into Disciple Bits and get a dog to feed them to. I’d kill that whole fucking club if I had to.


No one was going to mess with Jamie, not while she was mine.




Her soft voice brought me back. I looked over at her. Her eyes were wide, her expression soft. I had to remind myself that she wasn’t mine, but that didn’t work. She was standing mostly naked in my bathroom, sleeping in my guest bedroom, and wearing clothing that I had bought for her. I didn’t care what our arrangement was or what she thought it was, she was mine. And I would prove it to her right now.


I moved fast, my hands cupping either side of her face to hold her still while my mouth latched onto hers. She let out a gasp of surprise which allowed me to deepen the kiss. My tongue snaked inside her, tasting her, playing with her own. I held her in place, not letting her leave. She wouldn’t get the chance to back up this time. She wouldn’t get away. It was about damn time she realized that she wanted me as bad as I wanted her.


I kissed her until a whimper slid up her throat and into my mouth. That was when I broke apart, putting just enough space between us that I could speak to her. “I won’t let them fucking touch you,” I growled at her. “Because you’re mine to touch. No one else’s.” When she opened her mouth, probably to contradict me, I slid my hand over to half press against her mouth. “Don’t fucking argue, woman. You know it’s true. Listen to your own damn body.”


I don’t know if it was my words that finally convinced her or if it was a reaction to everything that had happened tonight, but she finally caved to me. Her hands fisted into the front of my shirt, and she jerked me back against her. Our bodies crashed together, one of her long, shapely legs tucked in between mine as her breasts collided with my chest. Her lips fused with mine and there was no mistaking that she was kissing me just as much as I was kissing her.


My hands moved from her face to track down her body. I felt over her smooth, bare shoulders, catching on her bra straps and bringing them down with me. My hands moved around to her back to find the clasp of her bra, and she didn’t protest when I undid it quickly. The material sagged, and it was held in place only because her tits were pressed so tightly against my chest that the fabric was trapped.


I growled in annoyance.


My hands made it to her hips, thumbs hooking into the waistband of her lacy little panties. They were flimsy, silky things in my hands, and I was too impatient to deal with them. I got a grip on them, then jerked them away from her body.


Jamie broke the kiss to let out a gasp as the material encasing her pussy ripped, the shreds of lace dropping to the bathroom floor near her wadded-up pants.


I took this opportunity to push our bodies back a little. I wanted that damn bra off already. She let out another gasp, falling back against the counter when I shoved her. Staring up at me with wide eyes that were hazy with lust, she let her arms fall to her side. The bra slipped down them easily, exposing those large, perky tits.


Fucking perfect.


Her breasts were pale with rosebud pink tips, crinkled into hard peaks. The rounded underside of her breasts were just a little heavy, creating a nice slope along the tops of them to peak at her nipples.


My gaze trailed down her smooth stomach until it landed on her, now exposed, pussy. It was smooth, and I could tell that she was wet. Her inner thighs were glistening, her skin coated with her own sweetness.


If I got any harder, I worried I’d just bust out of my jeans. My cock strained against the zipper all the same, aching to be inside her.


She reached for me, but I held her back, my palm laying against her breast to hold her in place. I felt her heart jump beneath my touch, her skin hot against mine. But I held her at bay long enough to grab my own shirt by the collar and jerk it over my head. I released her so that I could strip it off and throw it to join hers on the floor somewhere. I heard her sharp inhale of breath but mostly ignored it as my hands went to work on my jeans. I popped the button and got the zipper down, finally releasing my cock.


Her eyes dipped low to my pelvis, riveted to my large manhood. Eyes widening slightly, she actually licked her lips.


I grinned wickedly. I knew exactly what I had. My size was plenty to write home about, and I knew how to pleasure women with it. I was hell-bent on stretching her wide open, stuffing her as full of me as humanly possible until she screamed my name.


And she would, too.


Shoving my pants the rest of the way, I paused just long enough to get my boots and socks off, too. Then I went to her. I grabbed her by the hips and lifted her up by the ass. She slid onto the counter, giving a slight gasp. “Cold,” she muttered.


“Better stoke that fire between your legs, then.”


She moaned at my words. I pulled her to the very edge of the counter, then spread her legs as wide as they would go, settling myself between them. Her pussy was as pink as her nipples and dripping with need. I pressed my cock against it, rubbing it along her opening to gather the moisture there. She groaned at each touch, her hips jerking towards me involuntarily. But I didn’t dive into her, not yet, even though my own cock was so damn hard that I ached with need.


“Touch me,” I ordered her, pulling away from her needy opening. Her eyes widened at the order, and for a second, she looked confused. “I said, touch me. Put your hand on my cock and start pumping.”


Her cheeks flushed, that healthy red glow dipping down her face, along her neck and across the tops of her breasts. She looked fucking sexy. A second passed, then she swallowed heavily. She reached a trembling hand for me. As soon as her delicate fingers wrapped around my thick member, I groaned.


Fuck, that felt good.


She started off slowly, pumping me lightly, using her own lubrication. Her palm swirled over the head of my cock before sliding back down the length of it. She did this several times, causing me to jerk into her hand, before she dipped lower to cup my balls.


And damn, didn’t that feel nice?


She squeezed and fondled them for a moment before moving back to my dick. She grew more familiar, more eager, her hand twisting as she pumped up and down on my shaft. She’d swirl over the head once in a while, then run her palm back over me before squeezing at my base.


It drove me fucking nuts, but I loved it. I loved it more because I ordered her to do it—and she did.


With her hand working me over in perfect, delicious ways, I let my own hand wander between her legs. Part of me wanted to kneel between them and taste her, but I was too amped up by what was going on to work on that right now. Later, I promised myself. My hand cupped her mound, getting her to let out a low, desperate sounding groan.


“Please,” she begged me, and that turned me on further. I fucking loved that she was begging for me to touch her.


Moving my hand, I allowed my fingers to caress her lips. They were definitely coated in wetness. I started along the outside before letting my fingers dip inside to caress her soft, warm inner lips. She mewled and whimpered with each sweep of my fingers. Gathering wetness along my middle finger, I trailed it up directly along her slit before stopping just above her opening. I moved the pad of my finger around just a moment before I found what I was looking for.


“Oh, God!” Jamie cried out, her hand momentarily stilling on my hard cock.


I grinned at her. That was it. Having found her clit, I began to work at it. The pad of my finger swirled around it, making her jerk shamelessly towards my hand before flicking over it. She let out little strangled whimpers each time I touched her, her pussy clenching in reaction to my touch.


I played with her a little, torturing her in the best ways with that little bundle of nerves, but I wanted more. I wanted to slide into that wet opening and fuck her until she saw stars. I wanted to watch those tits bounce as I pounded into her hard enough to make her scream.


Yeah, I wanted more than a little fondling.


Remembering why I was so interested in touching her first, I let my fingers slide past her clit to her opening again. This time, I didn’t just play with her moist lips, I let my middle finger dip into her center, slipping into her core up to my knuckle. She gasped in pleasure, but I didn’t think she felt too tight. Still, I wanted to make sure that she could take all of me. A little pain with the pleasure was okay, but I didn’t want to tear her apart. I wanted her coming back for more, desperate to have me buried inside her again and again.


I added another finger, and she stretched a little. She groaned, arching her back and once more, her hand stilled. Her wetness coated my fingers as I pumped them in and out of her a few times. I finally added a third finger, and she gasped.


“Oh, yes,” she murmured.


Deciding that was proof enough that she could handle me, I removed my fingers. She groaned at the loss, making me grin. Looking at my fingers, I glanced from them to her face, her mouth open and panting a little. I wondered just how dirty a girl she was…


“Taste yourself,” I ordered her, my voice low and heavy with desire. I offered her my fingers. It was an order, but I was also giving her a chance to say no.


Her eyes just barely opened, desire shining in them. She took a shuddering breath that moved her large breasts. Then she leaned forward. Her lips wrapped around my three digits, and her eyes remained locked on mine as her mouth slid down over my fingers. I watched her hungrily as she swallowed them, her tongue licking at them within her mouth.


She pulled back, sucking them until they slid from her mouth with a pop.


And that was it. I wasn’t going to wait any longer. I needed to be inside her right fucking now. My hands went to her thighs, holding her legs open wide as I lined up my hard, throbbing cock with her entrance. I slicked the head of it along her folds, mixing her moisture with the beads of my own pre-cum.


Her hand helped guide me to her opening, and I found that hotter than hell. I let her position the head at her little hole and pushed in slightly. When I popped the head of my dick inside her, we both let out matching groans of pleasure. Her hand moved away, going to my shoulder instead, and then I slammed the rest of the way into her.


“Oh, fuck!” she screamed, her voice echoing off the tile of the bathroom.


I gritted my teeth, buried in to the hilt. I bottomed out inside of her and quickly decided it was one of the best goddamned feelings out there. We both took a moment to collect ourselves, then I began to move.


I didn’t go easy on her. I took her as hard as I could, pulling myself out and then slamming my length back into her as hard as I could. She cried out each time, her back arched, her breasts shoved towards my face. They looked fucking fantastic as I thrust into her, picking up a quick and hard rhythm. They bounced and jiggled, the nipples hard.


Growling, I thrust into her again, watching those tits. I wanted to grab them—needed to—so I left one hand gripping her inner thigh tightly while the other one moved up to her chest. I cupped her tit, weighing it in my palm before giving it a good squeeze.


“Mm, yes, please,” Jamie kept muttering. She kept telling me to keep going, to fuck her, to touch her. She all but begged me not to fucking stop, and I loved it.


I pinched her nipple as my cock pistoned in and out of her willing body. Her hand gripped my shoulder tightly, her nails digging slightly into the flesh. She groaned and moaned and rocked her hips into mine, trying to get me in even deeper, even though there was no more damn room.


“You like that?” I demanded as I pinched her nipple again at the same time I thrust into her. God, she was fucking tight. “Do you?”


She nodded her head and let out a low moan. “Yes!”


“Good. Then fucking touch your tits and play with them. Pinch your own nipples.”


She let out a gasp that could have been from my command or from the way I was continuing to fuck her tight, wet pussy. Either way, she did as I commanded. Leaning her back against the wall for support, her hands moved to her large breasts. Mine slipped back down to her other thigh and used it to give me more leverage as I thrust into her.


She began to play with her tits, just as I told her to. I knew she liked being ordered around, I thought smugly.


I watched her pinch her own nipples, moaning and whimpering. It turned me on further, and I knew that I wouldn’t last much longer. This had already been a lot, given how worked up I was over her. I wanted to fuck her since that first night, and it was killing me that it had taken a week to get to this point.


But I didn’t want to be the only one to get off. I wanted her to fall off that cliff, too. I let one of my hands move up along her thigh to where our bodies joined. From there, I let my fingers move to right above where my cock plowed into her. Her lips were swollen now, a bright, wet pink color. I moved between them until I found her little nub.


When I flicked it with my finger, she screamed.


Her orgasm washed over her like a tidal wave, smoothing a look of ecstasy across her sweet features. I felt her clench around me, eliciting my own climax. It hit me hard and fast. I got two more thrusts into her warm body before spilling into her. I spasmed uncontrollably until I was spent, then my head fell to rest against her heaving breasts.


For a long time, neither of us said or did anything. We just breathed heavily, trying to come back to reality.


I tried to ignore the growing feeling in my chest, telling myself that it was only lust, but as I softened inside of her, I wondered if that was true. I wondered if what I was feeling for her wasn’t just possessiveness and lust.


Willing myself not to chase the thought, I closed my eyes and just rested against her, breathing her in.




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