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DIABLO by Gray, Sophia (89)



Two Months Later


The Black Knights Club is almost empty. All tables and chairs have been moved up against the walls with enough room for people to sit around the tables. At the far end is the bar, which is loaded with alcoholic drinks of all kinds. Decorations are scarce, but there are white globes that hang from the ceiling, all of which offer light to the place. The tables have simple white table cloths, and the chairs are of average cost. Everything from the wooden floors to the ceilings have been cleaned, and there is almost a glow to the place even without the special lightning. It isn’t extravagant and there is nothing truly remarkable about any of it except for one thing:


I, Kristel Bryce, am marrying Andre Zelnick today.


“You can do this,” I whisper to myself. “You can do this. Come on, Kristel…”


“Are you psyching yourself up?”


I jump and stand up, my body turning to face the owner of the voice. When I see Danielle, I laugh and open my arms to her. “You came!”


“Of course I came, are you kidding me? Who else is crazy enough to hang out with a bunch of bikers?” She hugs her tight, then steps back and gestures at me with both hands. “Kristel!”


“What?” I look around before I look at her again.


“You look… amazing! That dress. That body. That baby bump!”


I’ve never seen Danielle so excited about something before, and I can’t help but laugh. I suppose being with your best friend at her wedding is cause for excitement. “I know, but you’re creeping me out right now. You and Andre both. You’re being… insane… and he’s just… been nice over the last few months. It’s so weird.”


“We bothlove you, that’s why! Sometimes you’re so clueless.” She grins and playfully flicks the tip of my nose with a finger. After a moment, though, her grin fades away. “Is it true, though? About Will?”


My stomach, just for a moment, lurches, and I place a hand over it. My belly is gently swollen, and even though my dress has been flawlessly designed to hide it, I’m still very self-conscious. “Yes. It’s true. I wish it wasn’t, but it is. How did you find out?”


“Grant made some mention of it a few weeks ago. Remember the wedding rehearsal? I overheard him talking to Debbie about it. She was really going off about it. And then…" Danielle draws in a sharp gasp and touches my arm. “Oh shit, Kristel, I’m sorry! I wasn’t even thinking. I should learn when to shut my mouth, shit!”


I stare wide-eyed at her as she seems to panic, but then realize why. “No. Danielle, it’s okay. Really, it’s okay. My dad... and this is going to sound horrible… kind of asked for it. He pushed too hard and the wall came down on top of him instead of on top of Andre. More than that, hekidnapped me and tried to force me to move when I didn’t want to. He locked me in my room, and, what’s even worse, my mother went along with all of it. I was literally their prisoner, and I even tried to run, but they put the child locks on the doors so I couldn’t get out. I had no one to call because if I had, I would have sold out Andre and his guys. My dad was a damn cop.” I throw my hands up into the air. “So yeah… maybe I’m being cold, but… he asked for it.”


She stares back at me. “Holy shit. That does sound horrible. But not because of what you said about your dad. Because of what he did to you. That’s just…” She shakes her head. “Was he reported after that? Did anything come of that incident?”


“Yeah. My dad and his partner, Crow, were investigated and it was found that he’d arrested Andre without proper grounds. He’d also drawn his gun on an unarmed man. They’re still trying to figure out who shot my dad, but I doubt they’ll ever figure it out. I only told you because I trust you. But there were a lot of other things I couldn’t tell you because…” I shrug and glance away.


“Hey... Kristel…” She placed a hand on my shoulder. “It’s okay, I get it. Alot happened. Even the things I’ve heard make me crazy, and I know you haven’t even told me all of it. And you don’t have to, especially not today. It’s your wedding day!” She kisses my cheek and wraps her arms around my waist. Her chin rests on my shoulder as she looks at me. “So let’s finish getting you ready so you can go get married.”


“Right. Married.” I slide hands back through my hair and hug Danielle close. “Hailey has pretty much everything ready on my end. I just have to wait for my cue.”


“That’s me, sweetie.”


“That’s… what? I’m sorry, what? You’re… we’re going…. I’m…”


“Come on, you’re up! You’ll be amazing.” She takes my hand and tugs me toward the door that leads into the main part of the bar.


I suddenly feel like I’m floating, and a wave of dizziness comes over me. I remind myself to breathe as I follow her. A live band over by the bar plays soft rock music, and my stomach feels like it’s full of butterflies. My whole body sings with excitement and nerves. I feel like I’m going to throw up and jump for joy at the same time.


My eyes turn toward the makeshift aisle that leads to an altar next to the bar. There, dressed in a biker jacket and a pair of the best jeans he could probably find, was Andre. Next to him was Grant, and he was dressed in an actual tuxedo, completely with bowtie and polished shoes. That wave of vertigo sweeps across me again, but I can’t keep the smile from my face. I’m actually getting married. This is happening.


“Breathe, Kristel,” whispers Danielle. “You need to breathe.”


“Breathing,” I whisper back as my steps take me closer and closer to my husband-to-be.


My mother isn’t there, and neither are any of my other family members. Andre has no blood family present, either, and only the Black Knights crew sit in the chairs. They stand up as I walk between them, and I can’t remember ever feeling as important as I do in this moment. I draw in long, even breaths and remember to put one foot in front of the other. I’m used to wearing heels, but I hate the idea of slipping or tripping on my wedding day. How embarrassing would that be?


Andre has the biggest smile on his face that I’ve ever seen, and it only makes me more nervous. I watch his eyes as they travel up and down my body, and it makes my face feel flushed. The dress is one that Grant, of all people, helped me pick out. That man is resilient and handy when he needs to be, even where women are concerned. The dress is elegant and not too revealing, and it sweeps across my chest in a gentle V. Its straps are subtle, but not invisible, and the curves of the fabric clutch my hips, my breasts, and my slightly swollen belly in a way that accentuates my body’s merits and not its flaws. That’s how he described it to me anyway. It feels comfortable instead of clingy like some of the dresses I had tried on months prior. The veil is more of a faceted tiara on my head with a few beautiful waves of pale, see-through silk draping over my face.


Each step I take brings me closer to the love of my life, who just happens to be a big, burly biker with a heart of gold. My own heart beats quickly in my chest, and I’m almost afraid it’s going to leap right out of it. As I come to a halt next to him, my knees feel weak and I can barely draw in a breath. He looks so handsome with his hair slicked back and his jaw mostly clean shaven. The smell of his leather biker jacket and his pressed jeans makes me want to swoon, and I reach out to take one of his hands.


“I didn’t know you knew what an iron was.” I giggle softly and look down at his pants.


“Shut up.” He wrinkles his nose at me in a playful snarl.


“We are gathered here today…” Grant’s voice startles us both, and we turn to him.


“You? You are going to marry us?” I can’t believe it!


“To bring Andre Zelnick and Kristel Bryce together in holy matrimony.” As he continues to speak, I stare at him in shock. My brain can’t function through the fact that Grant, of all people, is marrying Andre and me. I can hear the sound of my heart as it pounds in my ears, and the corners of my eyes are crinkled with the huge smile that won’t leave my face. I remember Danielle’s words and breathe deeply and slowly, and my fingers tighten around Andre’s hand.


“Do either of you have vows?” Grant, as he pauses, looks between us.


I nod and bite down on my lower lip. As I step closer to my husband-to-be, I take his hand. “Andre Zelnick. When I first saw you, you were just a bad boy in a biker jacket. You were sexy and attractive, and you had this way about you that just sucked me right in. I had no idea we would ever make it this far, but I am glad we did. No matter what happens, from here on out, I will be here for you. No matter what crazy shit you pull, I will stand next to you and fight by your side, from now until death.”


As I speak, I take the ring and slide it onto his wedding finger. I can’t help the slight shake in my hands or the little hitches in my breath.


“Kristel Bryce…” Andre swallows visibly and grips both of my hands firmly. “I’m not great with words. I never have been. But I want to say that you have proven me wrong in almost every way. You didn’t seem that tough when I first saw you, but things changed in a hurry. You are the most spontaneous person I know, and it’s that impulsive nature that sucked me right in. There’s no getting rid of me now, and I will fight for you and fightwith you until death parts us.”


He looks nervous as he takes my ring finger and slides on the ring. It fits perfectly.


“Andre Zelnick, do you take Kristel Bryce to be your lawfully wedded wife?”


Andre nods as he stares into my eyes. “I do.”


“And Kristel Bryce, do you take Andre Zelnick as your lawfully wedded husband?”


I stare back into his eyes. “Yes. I do. Absolutely yes.”


“Then without further fucking ado, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss…"


I don’t let Grant finish speaking before I pull off my wedding veil and grip Andre’s neck. My mouth melts into his, and so does my body. I laugh as he kisses me back and wraps his arms around me. He lifts me up and spins me around, and I cling to him with my arms. My face buries itself into his neck, and I let out a laugh. Applause erupts all around us, along with cheers and whoops and whistles.


“Take me up to the room,” I whisper. “The one above the club. I don’t want to go home.”


“They’ll hear us. Or at least they’ll hear you.” His mouth crooks into an amused smile.


“I don’t care. Now come on before I make you.”


His nostrils flare as he lets out a loud snort, but when I tug his hand toward the stairs, he follows me. I want this to be a night we will both remember.