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DIABLO: Night Rebels Motorcycle Club (Night Rebels MC Romance Book 3) by Chiah Wilder (25)

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Three weeks later

Girls’ night out had become a weekly date for Raven, Breanna, and Fallon, and even though they occasionally tried a different restaurant, they always returned to Alfonso’s and their killer margaritas. Having girlfriends was enriching to Fallon, and she cherished each of them. Even though she enjoyed her friendship with Annie, she couldn’t talk about Diablo or the Night Rebels because she just didn’t think a citizen would understand. With Raven and Breanna, she was free to talk about the fears, joy, and confusion of loving an outlaw biker.

As the three women sipped their margaritas and dipped their chips in the killer tomatillo salsa Alfonso’s was known for, Fallon sensed him. She felt his piercing icy eyes on her, and goose bumps shivered on her skin. Not wanting to but unable to resist, she slowly looked over her shoulder. The man with the dreadlocks was across the street, watching her. His hair was pulled back, but there was no mistaking his flinty eyes. She was sure that she’d never forget them as long as she lived.

Instead of turning away quickly, she swiveled in her chair so she had a better view of him. She stared back. At first it seemed to startle him, but then his lip curved up in a half smile as he leaned against the oak tree.

“What’re you looking at?” Breanna said.

“That man across the street. He’s been stalking me for the past month.”

When Breanna and Raven craned their necks, her stalker blew a kiss to her, then disappeared into the darkness of the night.

“Where?” Breanna squinted.

“I don’t see anyone either.” Raven stood up from her chair and leaned over the table.

Fallon turned back around. “He’s gone. He does that. It’s like he wants people to think I’m crazy or something.”

“Or he’s trying to drive you crazy. I once saw a movie where the husband was trying to drive his wife crazy so he’d inherit all her money,” Breanna said.

“Don’t you have to be a bit crazy or unstable for that to work?” Raven sat back down.

“In life, probably, but in a movie pretty much anything can go.” Breanna laughed.

“Did you tell Diablo about this?” Raven said.

“Yes. He’s checking around. You know, I’m inheriting some money on my twenty-second birthday. It’s from my maternal grandmother. I never knew her.”

“Do you think the creeper knows about it?” Raven dipped her chip in the salsa.

“I have no idea. I don’t know how he would. The only ones who know for sure are Shanna and my dad.” Her stomach tightened when she thought about her dad.

“He’s probably a weirdo who’s got a bug on you. Weirdos can be totally dangerous. I know,” Raven said.

“I’ll call Diablo when we’re ready to leave. He’ll come over and follow me home. He’s been doing that since I told him about the guy. It seems to work.”

For the next couple of hours, the women enjoyed themselves, and Fallon hated to see the evening end. She texted Diablo when they were finishing up, and he pulled up a little while later and waited on his bike in front of the restaurant.

“I never thought Diablo would have a girlfriend, but I’m so glad he found you. You’re made for each other,” Breanna said.

“Thanks. I didn’t believe I’d ever have a boyfriend. I was so not into guys, but then Diablo came into my life and made it colorful.” She giggled.

“He doesn’t talk much, does he? Muerto said he’s a quiet man but a good, loyal brother.” Raven placed her credit card on the bill tray.

“I’m a quiet person too. Sometimes we’ll sit in silence, but it isn’t awkward or anything. It’s great, actually. We enjoy each other’s company even when we’re not doing anything. It’s hard to explain.” Fallon smiled and looked at Diablo, who winked at her. Whenever I look at him, I turn to mush. I love him so much.

“Steel would be frowning about now,” Breanna said as she stood up.

“Muerto too.” Raven pushed away from the table.

“Diablo is the most patient man I’ve ever known,” Fallon said as she followed the two women out of the restaurant.

They went over to Diablo, and Fallon gave him a big hug. Breanna and Raven spoke briefly to him, then headed to their cars, waving their goodbyes to Fallon. Diablo followed her back to the apartment. “It fuckin’ kills me that I keep missing this fucker,” he said as he threw his keys on the counter. “I told the brothers about the asshole and they all have their radar up for a guy in dreadlocks, but nothing’s coming up. You’d think one of us would spot him. Even the prospects haven’t seen him when they’ve been tailing you. Fuck.”

“He’s unpredictable. He’s not always around. It’s been days since I’ve seen him, and the last couple of times, I only sensed him. He’s such a nut.”

“Did he do the same shit as the last time, just staring?”

She nodded and placed the tamale platter she’d ordered for Diablo from Alfonso’s in the microwave. “The same. This time I stared back. He seemed surprised I did that.”

He laughed. “That’s my woman.” He kicked off his boots, placed his cut on the back of the chair, and sat on the couch. “Food smells good. I didn’t even ask you to bring me anything. You know me, sweet pea.”

His words made her all warm and fuzzy inside. We’re a real couple. Even though she’d fought hard to be on her own when she first moved to Alina, she had to admit she loved living with Diablo. Her stalker had sped up their courtship, and she’d thought it was too soon to live together, but it was perfect. They had grown even closer, and she loved his presence.

She brought his dinner to the coffee table along with a beer and sat down next to him. He’d turned on a zombie movie, and she laughed. Her honey was obsessed with zombie movies, and since they’d started going out, she’d gotten into them as well. The movies were a good distraction, and now more than ever, she needed the distraction. She still hadn’t heard from Detective Contreras about the DNA results. Unfortunately, the dentist had destroyed all dental records older than seven years upon his retirement, so there was nothing on the teeth that had been found. Thus, the DNA results were essential, even though everyone knew the remains were of her mother and Richard. She’d seen the locket with her picture tucked inside it, and it’d broken her heart. At that moment, reality had come to stay.

She’d told Diablo that once the investigators released the remains, she wanted to give her mom a proper burial. He’d agreed and told her he’d stand by her in whatever decision she made.

Fallon wiped away the tear that had leaked out of her eye. Concentrate on the movie. I know you’re looking down on me, Mom. I hope they find the bastard who killed you. Oh Mommy. She gasped and Diablo paused the movie.

“Talk to me.”

“I was just thinking about my mom.”

“I know this is hard and it fuckin’ sucks.” He cupped her chin and tilted her head back, then kissed her.

“I spent the last twelve years angry at her for leaving me behind. I kept hoping she’d come back into my life. I never knew she was dead. It’s like she just died. Like I just lost her.”

He eased her head onto his chest. “You did just lose her, and you need to grieve for her. Cry, yell, smash shit—whatever you need to get you through the grief. I’m here for you, but it’s something you gotta go through. Don’t play it brave. Grab it with both hands and deal with it. It’ll be painful, but you’ll get through it. You’re tough. I saw it in you the first time our eyes met.”

“I’m so lucky to have you in my life. If my mom were here, she would love you. I know it.”

“She’s looking down on you, sweet pea. She’s happy you found your way.”

As she cried, he held her until she didn’t have any more tears left. Even though she knew she’d always feel like a piece of her died inside, she’d get through it because her mother would want her to, and Diablo was her pillar to hold her up when she faltered.

*     *     *

Fallon checked her messages, hoping the detective had left her one, but he hadn’t. Sighing, she pulled herself off the bed and tried to smooth down her bed hair. Diablo had left early that morning, citing club business as his reason.

She went into the bathroom and looked at the reflection in the mirror: dark circles, pale skin, and a couple of zits. “Happy birthday,” she said under her breath. She’d figured Diablo had forgotten it was her birthday since he hadn’t said anything to her after he kissed her goodbye. It didn’t really matter. Once her mother had left—died—her dad had stopped any celebration of it.

She splashed cold water on her face. She hadn’t heard from her dad since that strange conversation they’d had three weeks before, and that suited her just fine.

Fallon slipped on a light robe and went into the living room. As she sank down on the couch, her phone pinged.

Diablo: B ready @ 7. Dinner @ Antlers.

She reread the text. Antlers Steakhouse was one of the most expensive restaurants in a sixty-mile radius. She’d heard the food was excellent, and she’d been wanting to take Diablo there as a way of telling him she appreciated everything he did for her, but they’d never made it.

Fallon: I’ve been wanting to take you there for a while. 

Diablo: I’m taking u.

She could almost hear him growl.

Fallon: K. You just feel like a steak?

Diablo: Ya & it’s ur bday.

Fallon grinned. He remembered. Her skin tingled.

Fallon: Didn’t think you remembered.

Diablo: Of course.

Fallon: Just haven’t had anyone remember it in a long time.

Diablo: I’m in ur life now. Things r different.

Fallon: So true and I love it.

Diablo: Dress sexy. I like the way u look. See u @ 7.

Fallon: ♥♥

The gloom that had fallen over her lifted, and she went to her closet to pick out her outfit. She chose a pale orange satin camisole that fitted her snugly and a pair of tight-fitting black pants, preferring pants to dresses since they didn’t draw as much attention to her built-up shoe. She used to be so self-conscious about her shoes, thinking everyone was staring at her, but since she’d changed up her wardrobe, bought some killer made-to-order shoes, and stopped being so paranoid, she was surprised by how many people didn’t even look at her shoes. Taking out her black pumps, she smiled when she thought of how she used to be only a sneaker and Croc type of woman.

In the bathroom, she took out a small jar. She’d bought the charcoal mask the other day when Sylvia had come to Alina to go shopping with her. She’d been thrilled since she hadn’t seen Sylvia since the night Diablo beat up her dad. Sylvia talked her into buying the mask, telling her that charcoal facials were all the rage in Hollywood.

While slathering the cool black cream on her face, excitement tingled inside her. Celebrating her birthday with Diablo was beyond special. After rinsing her hands, she laid down on the bed while the mask tightened her face as it dried. Sylvia had also talked her into buying a skin exfoliator and several body creams, so her idea was to pamper herself to the max and make her skin as smooth and satiny as possible. Fallon had never spent a whole day getting ready and it felt decadent to her.

As the mask continued to tighten on her face, she closed her eyes and let her mind drift.

*     *     *

When Diablo came at seven o’clock, the desire in his eyes as he checked her out from head to toe made her day of pampering worth it. Without saying anything, he yanked her into his arms and peppered the side of her neck with kisses. “You smell and feel real good, woman,” he said against her skin.

Pushing back, she tugged his beard and kissed him on his soft lips. She stepped back and looked at his amazing physique covered in tight black jeans and a black shirt with blue pinstripes that hugged his defined biceps and pecs. The way his muscles rippled when he moved made her nipples tingle and her panties dampen. “You look so sexy and handsome,” she said in a soft voice.

Diablo tugged her back to him and cupped her ass cheeks, digging his fingers into her pliable flesh. “You look fuckin’ hot,” he said thickly as he bent down and kissed her.

Moaning into his mouth, she looped her arms tightly around his neck and brought him closer to her. She would never get tired of kissing him; he had a way of turning even a simple kiss into the most intense experience.

“We better get going or we’ll end up staying in tonight,” she said while pulling back.

“That works for me.” He winked at her, then swatted her butt.

“I figured it would, but you promised to feed me.” She smiled as she took out her compact. From the corner of her eye, she saw Diablo watching her intently as she reapplied her lipstick and gloss. She snapped her compact shut. “Ready?” He nodded, putting his hand on the small of her back as they left the apartment.

Antlers Steakhouse had been the premier restaurant for the past forty years. Its quality service, food, and atmosphere came at a steep price, but for the diners who came from as far away as Durango, it was worth it. Dark mahogany walls and rich burgundy leather chairs gave the restaurant its old-world charm.

Fallon sipped on a glass of Chianti while Diablo drank a Corona. Light jazz slowly played on the overhead speakers, and the soft lighting made his eyes glow. He gazed at her with such tenderness in his eyes that she thought she was going to lose it. All through dinner, he’d leaned over and given her small kisses and soft strokes against her cheek. Each time he touched her, a spark ignited inside her, sending her arousal to new heights. By the time they were finished eating, it was all she could do to keep herself from jumping in his lap and grinding her aching sex against his bulge.

“Do you want anything else?” the waiter asked as he cleared the crumbs from the tablecloth.

“Bring us a piece of your chocolate cake, with two forks,” Diablo said.

Fallon laughed when the waiter placed a large piece of cake in the middle of the table, gave each of them a fork, then left. “This looks so good. And the frosting is dark chocolate.”

Diablo scooped some with his finger. “Taste it.”

She opened her mouth and her lips clamped around his finger, licking and sucking the velvety frosting off it. “Delicious.”

A low growl came from his throat as he broke off a piece of cake and fed it to her. Then he put his fingers in his mouth and licked them. She captured his smoldering gaze with hers, and when his hand slid under the table and onto her thigh, she gasped at his touch. “You’re the most beautiful woman here tonight,” he murmured. His fingers inched closer to her throbbing sex, making her shift in her seat. “If I put my hand on your pussy, are you gonna be wet?”

His words sent electric sparks from the top of her head to the opening between her legs. She could feel the wetness coating her panties, and his hand was so painfully close. Her need for him was great, and at that moment, she wanted nothing more than to feel his long fingers slip between her aching folds.

Then, somehow, he undid her zipper. The desire coursing through her had been so great that she hadn’t even felt it. Oh God! It feels so good. His fingers had slipped under her crotch and were sliding between her puffy folds. She was sopping wet; she could feel it, hear it as his fingers moved back and forth slowly, and smell it. I can’t believe I’m letting him get me off in public. But it didn’t matter. The only thing she was aware of was how exquisitely Diablo was doing just that. The pleasure was off the charts, and she slid down slightly and spread her legs wider to give him better access. Diablo flicked her aching spot with his fingertip as his middle finger broke through her wet slit and plunged deep inside her. Pleasure and release racked her body with a series of shudders. She soared with delirious pleasure as his mouth covered hers, swallowing her moans.

Grateful that they were nestled in a corner, looking out at the town’s lights sprinkled below them, Fallon straightened up and zipped her pants after Diablo removed his hand. He slowly licked his fingers, his gaze locked on hers. With reddened cheeks, she gripped her water glass and took a big gulp.

“Don’t be embarrassed,” he said.

“I just had an orgasm in a restaurant.” She took another gulp of water.

“I know. I gave it to you.” He winked.

Smiling, she shook her head. “You’re older than me. You’re supposed to mentor me, not corrupt me.”

“Corruption is a helluva lot more fun.” He kissed her cheek.

“It is.” She took his hand and kissed it.

After Diablo paid the bill, they went to the Twilight Lounge where they danced to tunes from the 50s through the present. By the time the evening was over, Fallon was exhausted, tipsy, and happier than she ever thought was possible.

On the ride home, she let the cool October wind dry her sweaty body. She’d never danced so much in her life, and the big surprise was how agile Diablo was on the dance floor. Tonight was perfect. She gazed up at the stars strewn over the dark sky and hoped her mom was looking down and smiling at her. I’m okay, Mom. Even though the DNA results hadn’t come through, she knew it was her mother; the locket proved it. And it made her feel better to think of her mother watching over her.

When they arrived home, Diablo surprised her with two beautifully wrapped gifts. Holding up the sexy teddy, she winked at him. “It’s beautiful, but I think this is your gift too.”

“Fuck yeah, sweet pea. I want to see it on you in a few minutes.”

She laughed as she opened the gold foil wrapping. The perfume box made tears spring to her eyes. She quickly wiped them away. Opening it, she inhaled deeply, then dabbed the perfume on her pulse points. “I love it. The scent is me. It’s so light and aromatic. Thank you, honey. You’re the best.” She threw herself into his waiting arms and held him for a long time.

She stood up, her perfume bottle in one hand and the teddy in the other. “Let’s go into the bedroom so I can show you how grateful and happy you’ve made me.”

He leapt from the couch and followed her.

A couple hours later, Fallon sniffed her wrist for the umpteenth time, then ran her hand across his smooth chest. Diablo was already sleeping and her eyelids were drooping. She watched the slivers of moonlight as they slid through the curtains and cast patterns on the carpet. Memories of the evening filled her mind as her eyes began to close.

Best birthday ever.

And then all at once, sleep overcame her.