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Dirty Little Quickies by Shanora Williams (9)



Three weeks have passed and it’s been the same routine with Axel and me. Sneaky sex, but not just on Sundays anymore. We’ve been in his house. In his car. On his deck in the back. Even at Harlow’s after work.

I should be ashamed, but he’s too good to be ashamed of. Though he’s an arrogant asshole, he makes up for that with his cock. He knows exactly how to please a woman.

Things seem to be okay. Justine has been home less and less, hanging out with Preston, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It gives me more opportunities to sneak Axel into my bedroom and ride him until I’m too weak to move.

Tonight, I’m working overtime at Harlow’s, covering for my co-worker, Reba, who is sick. Last night was great with Axel, even though he took me on the porch around midnight.

I didn’t mind it. I needed to relieve some stress. I didn’t get the job at the daycare like I’d hoped. Being around him was almost like a cure for the disappointment.

As I whip up a few drinks for some college girls, a hand touches my shoulder. “Hey, Vanessa!” I turn to see Charles, my boss and the owner of this club. Even though he looks greasy and cheap in his silk shirts, he’s actually a really nice guy.

“Hey, Charles. What’s up?” I slide the drinks across the counter to the girls and they tip me and then take off right away, too excited to get their night started.

“I saw your application for assistant manager and found it interesting,” he says and I’m shocked to hear that.

“Interesting in a good way or a bad way?” I laugh nervously, wiping the counter off.

He laughs with me. “A good way. I didn’t think you’d be interested with your career hunt and all.” Well, I wasn’t that interested but I figured why not after being turned down yet again. I needed extra cash. “I know Reba has been working here longer, but let’s face it,” Charles continues, “she’s not very reliable. On nights like tonight I need her, but she seems to always have an excuse for the busier nights. But you—you remain consistent. You show up and take care of these customers. You make great tips and I get a lot of compliments about the ‘redheaded bartender’ that works here.” He laughs at that and I do as well.

“Wow,” I breathe. “That’s great!”

“Yeah. So do me a favor. Meet up with me after work and we’ll discuss that assistant manager position. I am more than happy to get it started for you.”

My chest feels hot, burning with glee. I smile so hard my face will probably break. “Yeah—yeah, of course! I would love that!”

He nods. “Good. Keep taking care of my bar. I have a few things to handle but I look forward to talking about the position with you in a few hours.”

He walks to his office and I am thrilled. He’s just made my night ten times better. If I get the position, I’ll get paid more. I won’t have to always bartend—not that I mind it, but getting this opportunity will help with a lot of things.

My phone buzzes in my back pocket and I take it out. It’s a text from Axel. I have him stored in my phone as Guy Next Door.

Guy Next Door: Need some of you tonight. You down?

Me: Sure. Meet me after work. I get off at 3.

Guy Next Door: I’ll be there.

Great sex to top off getting a promotion. I don’t think it can get any better than this.

* * *

I’m all set to go. I talked to Charles and I think I got the job in the bag.

As I walk out the back door and to my car, I hear the rumble of a familiar engine. Axel pulls up in the back parking lot, flashing his LED lights on me. I roll my eyes when he parks the car and steps out.

“I meant meet me at home, you barbarian!” I shout at him, teasing.

“Be more specific next time!” he shouts back.

I unlock my car door and toss my bag across to the passenger seat. Just as I’m about to shut the door and make my way to Axel, the back door of the club shoots open and Charles comes hurrying out with a paper in hand, calling my name.

“Vanessa! Forgot to give this to you!” He meets up to me, handing me the paper. “Just fill it out and bring it in when you can. It’s for a small background check. It’s nothing major, really. It’s required for the job since you will be handling some alcohol shipments and some of the cash tills, but they don’t dig deep, trust me.” Charles caps my shoulder and then looks over me at Axel.

I look back too and Axel has his arms folded now, leaning against his car with a scowl. “Is he with you?” Charles asks.

I sigh. “Yes.”

“Oh. Wow. Didn’t think guys like him were your type.” He chuckles, squeezing my shoulder.

And then I hear heavy footsteps. I look back and Axel is storming in our direction, his heavy boots crunching on the asphalt. “You gave her what you needed to give, now go.” Axel’s frown is deep, his fists clenched.

I frown up at him. “Axel! Stop! He’s my boss!” I force him away as Charles steps back, waving his hands in the air like he wants no part of this.

“I see you have things to handle so I will see you tomorrow, Vanessa? We’ll discuss your new position in more detail when we’ve all had some rest.”

“Position?” Axel grits through his teeth, and that’s when I smell the liquor on his breath. “What fucking position?”

I glare hard at hm. “Axel, back the fuck off. Right now.”

He looks down at me. “What’d you do? Fuck this guy to get a better job?”

I narrow my eyes at him What!”

“Why else would he be chasing after you so late at night?”

I narrow my eyes up at him, livid now. I look back but Charles is already gone. He’s never been a fan of fights at his club. He’s always had the bouncers handle it but this is my fight and my fight alone.

“You are a fucking idiot!” I shout in his face. “You show up here, at my job, and then accuse me of fucking my boss?” I push him hard on the chest but he barely budges and that pisses me off even more. “The only person I’ve been fucking is you, Axel. And even if it wasn’t just you, how is it any of your fucking business? We said no strings. No bullshit. Just sex. Stop acting like I’m your fucking girlfriend because I’m not!”

I pull away from him and climb into my car, slamming the door before he can catch me.

“Wait—shit, Vanessa!” he calls.

I crank it up immediately and drive off, not daring to look back at him.

I’m so fucking embarrassed. I can’t believe he came here and pulled that kind of shit—and around my boss! I need this job but if what he’s done makes Charles change his mind about me in anyway, I will be done with him. No more fucking my arrogant neighbor.

My life is more important than being with him.

* * *

I get home and hurry in the house. I know he’s on the way to the neighborhood too. He can’t be too far behind. I don’t want to see him.

I lock the door behind me and then press my back against it, but that’s when I notice Justine sitting on the couch. Her eyes are wide as she looks me up and down.

“Nessa? Are you okay?” she asks, standing.

I nod and wave a dismissive hand. “I’m fine.” I tuck my keys in my purse and push off the door, going toward her. “Why are you up so late? You’re usually sleeping by now. No breakfast date in the morning?” Ugh. Just thinking about Sunday makes me nauseous. Sundays are—were—our days. Me and Axel’s.

Fuck him.

“Actually,” she grins. “I waited up on purpose.” She holds up her hand and flashes a diamond ring. “Preston asked me to marry him!” she squeals. “I’m engaged, Nessa!”

“Oh—wow! Holy crap, Justine, I’m so happy for you!” I reel her in for a hug, pushing my issues aside.

“I know I haven’t been around and that I’ve been spending a lot more time with him. I’m so sorry. We need to hang out,” she declares.

“Oh—please,” I sigh. “Stop it. We both have our own lives.”

She chews her bottom lip. “There’s something else...”


“I’m moving in with him. Next week.”

That really surprises me. “Next week?”

“Yes—but if you want me to stay here a little longer, I can! Seriously, it’s no big deal. I know the bills can get crazy.”

Who is she kidding? Bills will always be bills and they will always get paid, but getting the opportunity to live with her now fiancé doesn’t come around often.

“No—you should go, babe! Go with him! He’s your fiancé now. I know you’ve wanted to stay with him in that bachelor pad for ages.” I laugh but deep inside it kind of hurts. It only hurts because I’ll miss her. A lot. I’m so happy for her—so happy—but it kind of sucks.

If Charles changes his mind about giving me the position as assistant manager, I’ll have to get another roommate eventually so that I can take care of the house.

“I have,” she giggles. She hugs me again. “I just needed to tell you before I fell asleep. I was so nervous but you took it way better than I thought.”

“That’s what best friends are for, right?”

“Right,” she breathes. Just as she says that I hear the familiar rumble of Axel’s Mustang outside. My throat thickens with emotion but I keep my focus on her.

The look in her eyes is one I haven’t seen before. She’s so happy. Since she’s leaving I might as well tell her the truth…the secret I’ve been holding on to. Not that it will matter now anyway.

“There’s something I should tell you,” I start, bringing her to the couch. “I’m so tired of holding it in.”

Her eyes stretch wide. “What? Tell me,” she pleads.

“Well, I know how much you can’t stand Axel. I know he gets under your skin like no other

“Yeah, tell me about it. He’s been kind of chill lately, though. No parties or anything. So surprising!”

“Yeah,” I laugh. “Well, that’s because I made an agreement with him a few weeks ago.”

She scrunches her nose. “What kind of agreement?”

“I agreed to sleep with him for two months if he agreed to stop the parties.”

Her jaw drops, eyes wide again.

“But after tonight we probably aren’t going to be doing much of that anymore!” I assure her rapidly. “It was harmless. Just sex, you know? Plus he’s moving so I won’t have to worry about the noise at all anymore.”

“Wow, Nessa. I’m…”

“Let me guess. You think I’m an idiot. A backstabber? You hate me for not telling you sooner?” I wince, preparing for her backlash.

She laughs. “What? No! I’m just…well, I kind of knew all along!”

“Seriously?” That catches me off guard. “How?”

“There was one time, like two weeks ago, where I saw him touching your waist when you were on his porch late at night. You weren’t fighting him off much. I figured you enjoyed it, but I didn’t want to say anything because…well…he’s Axel. Our annoying, ignorant as hell neighbor.”

I breathe a sigh of relief. “Well then,” I laugh.

“Don’t be embarrassed or ashamed. Hell, as long as you are happy, I don’t care. And it stopped the parties and the noise. I guess he really likes sleeping with you.” She nudges me with her elbow.

I can’t help but laugh.

“So you aren’t mad that I didn’t tell you?” I ask.

“Not at all, Nessa. It’s your life. I love you.”

I’m so happy to hear that. Too bad she found out when I’ve considered wanting to stop being with him. He’s too childish and has a lot of growing up to do.

We play catch up for about thirty minutes and then Justine takes off for bed. I decide to eat a bowl of cereal but in the middle of eating, I hear a knock on the front door. I go numb, knowing it’s him.


Placing my bowl down, I walk to the door and unlock it. When it’s open, he’s standing there, a sweat-dampened shirt on and khaki shorts sitting low on his hips.

“I’m tired, Axel. What the hell do you want?” I snap at him.

“Look, Vanessa. I—shit, I was just a little fucking drunk. Wasn’t thinking clearly back there.”

“No, you’re damn right you weren’t.” I start to shut the door but he presses a flat palm on it, stopping me with a strong arm before I can. I scowl up at him. “Look, Axel, it’s almost five in the morning. I need sleep. I don’t have time for your childish games right now.”

“Childish? That’s what you think of me?” he asks, voice gruff.

“It’s the truth, isn’t it? After the way you acted back there, it’s clear you aren’t ready to be an adult. You know you might have cost me the job! He probably thinks I’m some stupid woman now, dealing with a guy like you!”

I want to go on more and more, rant and shout and push him away from my door but I can’t do any of that because in a flash, he picks me up and tosses me over his shoulder. I yelp as he shuts my house door behind us and then turns, walking across the street to get to his house.

“Put me down, Axel!” I yell.

“You think I’m childish, huh? I’ll show you childish, firecracker.” Before I know it, he’s hauling me into his house, storming up his stairs and into a bedroom. His bedroom. I remember it quite well. It’s so bland. Only made up of a king sized bed with a navy-blue bedspread, a dresser, a night stand, and a flat screen T.V. mounted on the wall.

He drops me down on the center of the bed, climbing on top of me before I can get up. He presses his hard body down on me, pinning me down and clasping his hands around my wrists.

“Fuck off, Axel. I’m so over you.” I struggle to get out of his grip, but he holds me tighter. He uses one of his forearms to hold me down over the chest, his other hand working his shorts down.

“That’s bullshit,” he says against my lips. “Skirt on, no panties. What the hell was I supposed to think with you going to work like that and that guy all over you?”

“You don’t own me, Axel.”

“No?” He shifts up and before I can breathe again he’s fully inside me, feeling so big that I can’t even fight it anymore.

It feels too good. It always feels so good.

I gasp and whimper. I hate myself for this. I really do.

He wraps his hand around the back of my neck, smashing my lips with his, and our skin claps as he fucks me. He’s so relentless, his body heavy on me. He hitches my leg up with his free arm, thrusting deeper until I feel him deep in my belly.

“You know I own your pussy, Vanessa. Just admit it. You fucking love my cock. Can’t go a day without it.”

“Screw you,” I pant, and he strokes harder.

“I own you and you own me. I don’t want any other woman’s pussy but yours.” He sucks on my bottom lip and I clench around him. He groans when he feels it. “You know how hard that is for me to admit, baby?”

“You’re still an asshole,” I breathe, and then I squeal when he hits a tender spot that makes my toes curl. I wrap my legs around his waist, guiding him deeper. Veins pop up on his neck as he tries to keep control, but I know he’s about to cum. I know him.

He’s close. Weak for me. Good.

“Keep fucking me, Axel,” I breathe. “Like this. Like you own me, and you won’t have to worry about us ever stopping.”

He thrusts faster. I cry out, arching my back, so close to climax too.

“We’re never fucking stopping,” he says on my lips. “Your pussy is like fucking gold.” He sighs, burying his face in my neck. I feel him tense up and then throb, and he lets out a loud, intense groan. “Fuck, Vanessa. I love coming inside you.”

He collapses after coming, breathing hard and deep, his cock lightly pulsing inside me.

When he pulls his face up, I slap him hard enough to catch his attention, and his gray eyes spark, like I’ve just pissed him off and turned him at the same time. “If you ever come to my job trying to pick a fight again I will do worse than slap you next time!”

He chuckles. “I won’t. Trust me. It’ll never happen again.”

“It better not, Axel. I’m not kidding.”

He grabs my wrists again, pinning them to the mattress. “But if you slap me again I’ll have to start spanking that ass of yours. Understand, firecracker?”

“Yeah, whatever.” I push him up with my legs and he lets go willingly. I adjust myself, looking out of his window and at my house. “Justine is moving in with her boyfriend next week.” I don’t know what possesses me to tell him that. Maybe I’m afraid to be alone. Maybe so he can visit more often.

“Finally,” he says, picking up a lighter and the carton of cigarettes on the nightstand. He pulls one out, pops it between his lips, and sparks the end of it with the lighter. After he takes a long drag, he asks, “Gonna get a new roommate?”

“Maybe.” I sigh. “I’ll need help with some of the bills.”

“You know there is an easy solution for that, right?”

I look over my shoulder. “Yeah? What?”

“Let me move in.”

I scoff. “Yeah, right. Like I would let that happen.”

“Why the hell not? You need someone to help with the bills and I need a place to stay for a while. I’m tired of fucking looking. I’ll still be in my neighborhood. We get to fuck whenever and wherever we want. It’s a win-fucking-win, baby.”

“No, Axel.” I shake my head. “No offense, but no. You can’t be my roommate. You just can’t.”

“So you’d rather struggle than let me move in and occupy a room?” He seems annoyed by that.

“It’s not about struggling. What you did tonight was unacceptable. What if I get tired of you—or you get tired of me? What if you want more than just sex one day and I don’t want that? It wouldn’t work. We’d probably end up strangling each other.”

He’s quiet for a long time with his eyes on the floor, taking another long pull from his cigarette like he’s deep in thought. “You know what? You’re right. Wanting more than just sex from me wouldn’t work because, to you, I’m just the annoying as fuck neighbor that only comes in handy when you need to get yourself off.” He pushes off the bed and walks to his bathroom. I hear the shower start up and then he returns to the bedroom. “Go home and get some sleep, Vanessa.”

“Wait—Axel, I didn’t mean it like that

“No. I know exactly what you meant. Like my uncle said, I’m a waste of space. Apparently I am to you too. It’s cool.” He shrugs. “I’ve been disappointing people my whole life. Why stop now, right?”

My chest feels heavier now. Guilt crushes me like a ton of bricks. “So…this is it?”

He shrugs. “That’s up to you. I don’t give a fuck either way. Plenty of pussy out there. Pussy that’s better than yours.” I notice he doesn’t look at me as he says it.

“Wow,” I scoff, storming for the door. “Fuck you, Axel.”




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