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Dirty Ugly Toy by K Webster (30)

“We’re here, miss,” Janet, the flight attendant, says softly as she stacks some glasses from the kitchenette area.

I’m groggy from the long journey and I blink my swollen eyes open. I may not have cried in his presence, but I sobbed the entire flight here on the plane. He wasn’t going to kill me. Somehow, deep down in my heart, I knew all along. The proof suggested otherwise, but I knew.

“Where are we?”

She smiles. “A driver will take you to the hotel you stayed at in London—the one where Mr. Kennedy first took you. It’s one of his hotels and a landing place for his girls. You’re to take as much time as you need to gather your bearings. In the morning, the money should be wired into your account.”

I stand and stretch. “I don’t have an account. I don’t even have any identification.”

She chuckles as if I’m adorable. “Oh, sweetheart, your official papers are waiting in your room. Mr. Kennedy doesn’t do anything small. He forgets nothing. You’re set, my dear.”

I’m in a daze as I clutch my purse the whole way to the hotel. Slipping my hand inside, I stroke the gift I’d bought for Brax. Just having his birthday gift in my hands helps me cope. I miss him so fucking much and I don’t understand why he sent me away.

It’s what you wanted.

I swallow that bitter pill of understanding and try to be hopeful about the situation. Brax was a good man. His reasons for pushing me away a little earlier than our contract confounds me but it works for my plan. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think he knew about Jimmy and his threats. But how could he have figured it out? His motives will forever be a mystery.

The car stops in front of the fancy hotel and I rub my belly. My little baby is probably nothing more than a blip on a radar, but this baby is my blip. I’ll protect my little blip until I’m old and on my deathbed.


The door opens and a pretty Asian woman greets me. I blink in shock, recognizing her from the scrapbook. “Swan?”

She smiles broadly at me. “Oh, honey, come here.”

I scramble out of the car and walk into her embrace. Tears are streaming down my face but they’re silent. She finally pulls away and inspects me. The woman is runway gorgeous and here I am looking like a ragamuffin.

“No wonder you were his favorite. I mean, look at you. You’re stunning, girlfriend. Come on, let’s get you settled in.”

Dumfounded, I follow her inside. Several other women I recognize from the scrapbook wave at me. What fucking sort of alternate reality have I stepped into?

“Why are they all here?” I question as we enter the elevator.

“Dubois emailed us. Whenever we get a newbie, we like to greet them and make them feel welcome. You’re my first newbie to greet. Dubois also tells me you’re the last. It’s the least we can do for Mr. Kennedy. I owe him everything. I wouldn’t have found my fiancé, Gorgi, if it weren’t for Mr. Kennedy coming into my life.”

I swallow and try not to cry. She guides me to the room I stayed at once before with Brax. With a swipe of a key, she lets us in and escorts me over to the table.

“It’s all there. Everything you’ll need.”

I pick up a thick yellow envelope. Inside is a checkbook, a passport, and several other documents. “A whole family of fucking Kennedys,” I mutter, my words filled with hurt.

She laughs. “Oh, don’t be silly. My name is Li Hung. You’re the only toy he’s ever named a Kennedy. That’s why you’re the favorite.”

I watch as she shows me a suitcase that’s been filled with new clothes, an email from Cartier instructed her on the correct sizes to buy.

“Like I said,” she reminds me. “You may stay here until it all sinks in, or you could leave tomorrow. It’s your choice. You’ll never be cold or hungry again. He sees to it that we’re always taken care of.”

She’s just walking toward the door when I stop her. “Did you love him?”

Her smile is sweet. Nostalgic even. “Of course, Jessica. We all did. But he never loved us back. It takes getting out in the real world to finally understand that. In time, you’ll understand it too.”

At her exit, I drop to my knees and howl in pain.

He does love me.

And I’ll never understand it otherwise.

“This is the address of Scarlett Dempsey?” I question.

The cabbie nods and holds out his hand. “Did you expect Buckingham Palace?”

Shaking my head, I toss him a wad of cash that I’d taken from Brax and climb out. The home is rundown and old on the outside. Weeds are growing in the cracks of the sidewalk. I can’t believe this is Scarlett’s home. When we roomed together when I first moved to London, she’d been neat and organized. Our flat was immaculate. I suck in a brave breath of air and climb the steps. With a quick rap on the door, I wait.

I didn’t want to come seek revenge or accuse her of anything. I simply wanted to make sure she was okay. Footsteps tap toward me from the other side of the door and then it’s suddenly opened.

For what seems like an eternity, I stare at my friend. Dark circles ring her eyes. Wrinkles mar the corners of her lips from years of frowning. She reeks of smoke.

“Jessica?” Tears well in her eyes and she assumes a defensive position as if I might attack her.

“Scarlett. How have you been?”

Something breaks inside of her and she bursts into tears. “You have to believe me, Jess. I looked for you. Everywhere! Whatever drug they gave us confused me. The police searched and searched but eventually gave up on me. I went to that club every night for years hoping you’d show back up. You never did! I thought he killed you!”

Her body wracks with shudders and I rush over to her. Enveloping her in a hug, I assure her everything is okay.

“Scar, it’s okay. I’m okay. Don’t worry about it. Everything worked out in the end.”

She sniffles and pulls away. “Your boyfriend came to see me. I’ve never been so scared in my life.”

I raise an eyebrow at her.

“I just knew he was going to make that black guy kill me. But once I explained the story, he wrote me a check, Jess. A hundred thousand quid. He also gave me the address to his hotel, said I had a job if I needed one. He was like some dark angel there to save me.”

My lips spread into a grin. Knowing that Brax came with the intention to avenge me warms me. Turns out, he ended up having to protect her too. All those women. He helped them all—like he couldn’t help his mother. My heart breaks.

“Brax is a good guy,” I admit.

Then, she regards me seriously. “Before they left town, he came back. He told me I’d never have to worry about Corgy again. I was shocked but happy. Then, a few days later, I found this . . .” She runs off down the hallway and returns with a newspaper.

Man Slain Over Drug Deal Gone Bad

The headline is an assumption but the truth is as plain as day. Corgy had been beat to death with a tire iron. Just like Trevor had almost been beat to death by two fists. Brax, my avenging angel, had been there too on my behalf. The fact that he killed one man and almost another should alarm me. Instead, I’m grinning like a fool.

“So what are you going to do?” I ask her.

We spend the next hour catching up as she tells me all about the gift shop idea she told the ladies at his hotel about. Brax gave the okay via email and she was selling her house to move to the hotel to run it. For the first time in forever, a weight is lifted and I allow hope inside.

Brax ran me off. To protect me. It’s all he’s ever done for me. Despite his hate-filled words, I know better. I’ll find a way to expose Jimmy so he’ll no longer be a threat. And when the dust settles, I’ll come back to him and together we’ll raise this baby.

I didn’t stay at the hotel long because I knew I had to move. Jimmy is smart and I wasn’t going to take my chances on him finding me. With my new identification, I traveled back to the United States. My goal had been to layover in New York and then travel to Texas. Big state with lots of places to hide. I’d just exited the plane and was heading for my connecting flight when something in a gift shop along the way caught my eye.

I slip into the shop and purchase my first gift for my baby. A pair of I Love New York socks. My heart pounds in happiness. I shove the bag into my purse along with Brax’s birthday gift. One of these days, I’ll give him that gift. I know it in my heart.

The walk is long and I’m becoming winded by the time I locate my gate. I’m about to settle and wait for my flight when a voice stops me.

“I’ve had a helluva time tracking your ass down.”

My skin chills and I shiver. Turning, my suspicions are confirmed.

“How’d you find me?”

He laughs. “I’ll always find you. All it took was some research into your precious Braxton to find that he has businesses all over the world. Trevor gladly supplied me with the location of the hotel where he takes his women when they’re all used up and done with. Women like you. As soon as I followed Brax’s car to the airport, I knew he had to be sending you away to protect you. Did you tell him it was me, Peach?”

I grit my teeth. “I didn’t tell him anything, Jimmy.”

“Well, I caught the next flight to London and watched you at that hotel while they all fussed over you as if you were fucking royalty. Hope you enjoyed it while it lasted.”

My lunch roils in my belly but I stand my ground. He can’t hurt me in front of all these people. I’m sure he doesn’t have a weapon on him because we’re in the bloody airport.

“I’m not going with you,” I tell him firmly.

He chuckles. “Yes you are. In fact, you’ll go willingly. Because if you don’t,” he says and lowers his voice, “I’ll go straight back to Georgia and put a bullet in your mother’s head. And your fuckwit brother? I’ll enjoy cutting his throat.”

I narrow my eyes at him, calling his bluff. “You wouldn’t do that. You’re obsessed with your political career. That would ruin you.”

He leans in as if we’re lovers and pulls me to him, kissing my forehead. “I’m obsessed with you, Peach. The rest can fuck off if it means I’ll get to keep you.”

The finality in his voice is what leads me to follow him through the airport to a different gate. Not a gate that leads to Texas but one that will take me back to Georgia. The game has changed.

I’m going to have to kill him.

“Everything’s just as you left it, Peach. Even that stupid nursery. But don’t worry. I’ll knock your ass up and soon you can use it again.”

I follow him as he rushes through the cold home as I attempt to formulate a plan. I could sneak away and try to reach Brax but I don’t even know his phone number. That seems like a stretch. My best plan of action is to kill Jimmy in his sleep.

“Now, I’m glad you didn’t put up a fight,” he tells me with a wolfish grin. “Tonight is the annual Georgian Senator’s Ball. I’ll be announcing my run for presidency. The crowd is going to go nuts once I announce I rescued you from London where you’d been sold into sex slavery. They’ll eat out of my hands and I’ll gain the sympathy of so many voters. It’s in your best interest to comply and cry if you fucking have to. I don’t care. Make them believe. Because if you don’t, I’ll drag Brax’s goddamned name through the mud. He’ll be a national mockery. A disgrace. You don’t want that do you?”

I shake my head. “Of course not, honey. I’m actually relieved to be back home. My life’s been a mess for the past six years.” I let the honesty of the second part of my words drag the emotion from me. Tears well in my eyes and I accept a hug from him. His body is firm and I try not to cower under what I know is the strength to hurt me behind his clothing.

“Peach, I thought I’d have so much to do but it’s like you never left. We’re going to get along just fine,” he mutters into my ear. His hand slips to the front of my yoga pants and he grabs me possessively there. “And when we get back, I’m going to have you. You owe me a lot of fucking pleasure to make up for the past.”

His threat makes me dizzy but I remain steadfast. “What do you want me to wear?”

My hand shakes but I clutch my purse to me. Jimmy may have trapped me in his house by setting the alarm before he showered, but he couldn’t stop me from sneaking a knife from the kitchen into my purse. I waited for the other ball to drop. For him to get physical with me but his excitement of revealing my return at the ball seems to overshadow his desire to hurt me. Jimmy is first and foremost a showoff. He’s about to be the star of the fucking show.

I glance down at the shimmering royal blue evening gown and sigh. I’d worn this exact dress for another political event nearly a decade ago. It didn’t surprise me that Jimmy kept everything of mine, assuming he’d always find me. I’m curious to know how much money he spent hunting for me.

“Everyone is gathering in the banquet hall enjoying appetizers, sir. Allow me to escort you and Miss . . .” the security man stalls as if unsure what to call me.

I lift my chin and smile gracefully at him. “Mrs. Dixon. I’m his wife.”

His eyes widen and he nods. Jimmy flashes me a triumphant grin as he guides me down the hallway by the small of my back. “Someone’s grown up into quite a lady. I’d thought your whore ways would have ruined you. Looks like Kennedy was good for something after all.”

Swallowing, I ignore his words and straighten my back. I have to convince Jimmy that I’m here to please him. That everything will be just fine. I’ll probably have to suck his dick or let him fuck me. But by God, the moment that motherfucker falls asleep, he’ll never see the light of another morning again.

The thought causes me to beam like an idiot.

“Right this way. Ma’am, you may wait over there with those other ladies while Mr. Dixon makes a speech.”

Jimmy squeezes my hand and presses a kiss on my cheek. “Don’t fuck this up, Peach.”

And with that threat lingering in the air, he stalks off, flashing his sly grin to every gullible man and woman in the crowd. He climbs onto the stage and begins telling a very moving story about the disappearance of his wife six years ago. How we’d both been devastated by the loss of our Grace. The way he suffered with depression at having lost me.

I want to flip him off but instead smile like the puppet I’ve grown so used to being.

His speech drones on and on, with him weaving parts of his personal life with that of his political career. I keep waiting for him to reveal having found me. But, turns out, his big reveal is his announcement for presidency. The crowd roars as people cheer with happiness. They all want this monster as their president. He’s fooled them all.

“A beautiful lady shouldn’t stand all alone. Like a little bunny in the forest, she becomes prey to big, bad wolves.”

My heart stops and my eyes shimmer with tears. While everyone is cheering on Jimmy, I’m suspended in time, inhaling my favorite scent in the world.

“Who says I’m a lady?” I question in amusement.

Warm arms encircle my waist from behind and his presence soothes me. The past couple of days have been a whirlwind but the waters calm now that he’s here with me.

“You’re my lady and I’m taking you back home with me.”

I turn in his arms and melt upon seeing him. Shadows from the overgrowth of unshaved hair obscure his face. His eyes are the bluest they’ve ever been as he drinks up my face but dark bags from lack of sleep sag beneath them. The man is clearly a mess but now that I’m in his arms, his strength seems to be quickly returning.

“You said you don’t love me.” My reminder causes him to wince.

“Jessica, baby, I told you I’m a fucking liar. I will never love another. Not ever. You’re the only one.”

His lips drop to mine and he kisses me with a ferocity that only he can possess. I moan into his mouth and for a moment, everything seems to freeze around us as we’re allowed this moment together.

That is, until Jimmy’s enraged voice thunders through the room.

“Get your hands off my wife!”




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