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Chapter 7

“Hold on,” Ethan shouted, taking the watercraft into a tight turn that sprayed up a wave right at Franci and Simon. The lead guitarist of Savaged Illusions coughed out a mouthful of water, totally making Ethan’s day. Bastard had already showered them twice.

Behind him, Ana’s laughter pealed out. His cock jumped. He’d missed her competitiveness and the way she threw herself into everything. Having her body pressed against his back, arms wrapped snugly around him, wasn’t a bad way to spend an afternoon.

The sound of an engine to his left jerked his attention from Ana and his dick. A second later a wall of water slammed into them.

“Ha! Payback!” Chelle shouted. Lynx sat behind her on the machine, laughing his ass off.

Ethan chased them down, the wind whipping around, water spraying, the guys trash-talking while the girls plotted shenanigans and revenge. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d had so much fun.

Getting low on fuel, he gestured to the others that he was going back to the dock. Once there, he secured the craft and gave Ana a hand to help her up. He kept hold of her hand as they walked back toward the house.

He wanted to keep going, get her in their room, strip those bottoms off her and bury his cock in her.


Being with her, hearing her laugh, her hand in his made him feel clean. But he wasn’t. He’d never outrun his past, and he refused to let that shame taint Ana. He’d done the right thing telling her. Now she’d understand why this couldn’t last more than a week.

Ana dried off. “I’m going in to use the bathroom and check my phone.”

Concerned, he asked, “Have you heard from Gregory?”

“No. Stop worrying, I told you my lawyer notified Gregory that any further contact with me must go through the law office. And security at the resort also talked to him. They took my concern seriously, and informed Gregory that if he bothered me again, he’d be removed and banned.”

Although impressed that Ana wasn’t messing around after that confrontation with Gregory, Ethan still worried. “He could escalate. Stalkers tend to get pissed when they can’t get to their target.”

“He can’t reach me here. The whole place is gated and guarded.”

True, which meant he had to keep her here with him. “Don’t go back there. You guys can stay here until you need to go home.”

She rolled her eyes. “I’ll stay while we’re having fun, but I’m not here to be a burden. If you and I call an end to this between us, I’ll have security escort me, Franci and Chelle to our room, pack and we’ll move hotels. I’ve got this handled.”

She kept saying that, and it was getting on his nerves. Couldn’t she just let him take care of her a little bit? Right. Like the time she was sick and told everyone it was just a sore throat? By the time he got to her condo to check on her, she’d been burning with fever and scared the fuck out of him. He’d been damned closed to calling nine-one-one. After he’d dragged her to urgent care, he’d spent that night on her couch, not giving a shit that she insisted she’d be fine.

Fine his ass.

But arguing wouldn’t do anything but make her more stubborn. “I need to check the duck.”

She shot him a grin. “You just had to prove your duck dominance, didn’t you?”

Ethan lifted an eyebrow as they walked in the house together. “You dare to question my duck dominance? You’ll be eating those words, sunshine, when you taste my culinary delight.”

“I tasted one of your delights this morning.”

The image of Ana kissing down his chest and stomach to lavish attention on his cock seared his brain. His blood heated, and his dick engorged with a throb. She’d taken her sweet time torturing him, learning what he liked… He had to stop thinking about it.

Yanking her off her feet and up against his body, he fisted her hair, careful not to hurt her. “Making me think about you sucking my cock was evil, little witch.” He pressed his hard-on into her belly.

Challenge gleamed in her eyes. “Don’t burn your duck.”

“Right now, I don’t care if the whole house catches on fire.” Not when he held Ana. Sweet and sassy as hell, and so giving it made his chest ache. “You keep it up, I’m going to drag you to the nearest private space, rip those shorts off and make you come.”

“Tell you what. If your duck is as good as you claim, then I’ll let you have your way with me. Anything you want.”

Raw lust lashed through him. After she’d told him this morning she liked the adrenaline rush of a little force, he’d been thinking about it. “Careful with those promises, baby. I used to daydream about you in the bakery. I’d ask you out, and you’d tell me no. There are customers and your boss around, so I have no choice, I leave.”

“That’s a daydream? I think I’ve had sneezes more interesting.”

He tightened his hand in her hair. “That’s not the interesting part.”

“What is?”

“I come back later, when the shop is closed, and it’s just you in there all alone. No one to save you. Then I dare you to tell me no again.”

The skin across her cheeks warmed to a golden color, and challenge sparked in her stare. “Maybe I’ll make promises and change my mind. Once you’re all hot and ready, I’ll say no.”

A shudder went through him. What was it about her? Before Ana, sex had been a cold itch to scratch. Emotionless. He never treated a woman badly, ever. He made sure they both got what they wanted and walked away satisfied. With Ana, it was a hot, fiery ache. “Think you can stop me? You taunt me enough, and I’ll take you and make you like it.”

Ana caught a handful of his hair. “Maybe I’m looking for payback. Eleven months ago, you left me after telling me I was too good for you. But do you know what I felt? Huh? Not good enough. I’m tougher than you think, and I might just lock myself in a bathroom and tell you to go fuck yourself.”

He vibrated with the impact of her honesty and courage. She was a powerful combination of sexy vulnerability that captured his attention and wouldn’t let go. It also fueled his need to make her forget her pain and scream his name in pleasure. Ethan nearly shuddered beneath the power of his desire for her. Would it ever recede? Or just get stronger?

One thing he knew for sure, if she wanted this, he’d give it to her. “I’m going to get us one of the casitas to spend the night in. It’s secluded enough no one will see or hear us, so you won’t have to worry if you want to scream, or even run out the door.” He leaned closer. “Later tonight, you’ll go there first. Then I’m coming for you, sunshine.” He lowered his head, holding her tighter in his arms. His cock surged against her, but what mattered was Ana. They could surrender to what they wanted…as long as they both wanted it. He set her down before he lost the last shred of his control. “It’s up to you if you want to yell at me or surrender.”

She flashed him her megawatt smile. “If you want me to be in that casita tonight, your duck better rock my world, Chef Sexy.” She spun and hurried off, her ass swaying in her tiny excuse for boardshorts.

Witch. Yet as he headed into the kitchen, trying to will his cock into submission, Ethan grinned. Ana needed him to want her so badly that he took what he craved from her.

The girl was turning him into a sap, making him wish he could be good enough for her.


* * * *


Everyone gathered around the big table, diving into dinner and chattering.

Ana took a bite of the duck nestled in a crepe. Her mouth sent up a hold the phone signal. Her taste buds danced with excitement. She barely swallowed before taking a second bite. The rich duck meat married to the bright citrus embedded in a savory crepe ranked high on her best-thing-she’d-ever-tasted scale.

On her right, Ethan leaned close to her ear. “How’s the duck?”

Tingles raced down her body from his sexy whisper. Swallowing, she faced him. “It’s not the worst I’ve ever had.”

His mouth curved with blazing confidence. “No?”

He knew how good he was, damn it. “But it’s definitely the best. You’ve proved your duck dominance.” Just saying it made her shiver more. “You win the prize.”

His gaze burned with hunger. “I have the casita. The key—”

His cellphone went off.

Ethan frowned, leaning back to drag the device out of his pocket. Surprise registered on his face. “Siena is at the front gate. I see her on the cameras.”

“The chef?”

“Yeah. Hang on.” He put the phone to his ear. “Siena, what’s up?”

Ana resisted the urge to lean closer. She could hear a voice but not make out any words.

“I see. I’ll let you in.” He fiddled with the screen then set the phone down.

“What’s going on?”

“She came to work on the cookbook.” He shifted uncomfortably. “We had a loose arrangement to do some work while I’m here, but I had no idea she’d just show up.”

Disappointment settled hard, but she realized he was in a tricky position. “Thought you hadn’t signed the contract yet?”

“I haven’t. My lawyer’s looking it over, and we’ve gone back and forth on a few issues. One sticking point is if I’m helping develop and refine recipes for the cookbook, then my name goes on it. So…”

“You’re between a rock and a hard place.” Oh she got it. If he wanted a guarantee of his name on the cookbook in the contract, he’d better damn well be ready to work when Siena called. She forced a smile. “I understand.”

“I’ll grab another place setting.” Ethan got up and headed into the kitchen.

River shoved back a length of the long dark hair the band’s bassist was known for. “He and Siena talked about it at the VIP party after you left. But I don’t think he knew then that you’d be here.”

Ana nodded. “Should we leave?”

“No,” Lynx said. “Hang out here. It’s not a big deal. I rented an indoor climbing facility tomorrow. You don’t want to miss that. It has a trampoline room too.”

Ethan laid out a new place setting just as a bell rang. “That’s Siena. I’ll let her in. You all keep eating.”

Ana watched him walk away, a sinking sensation in her stomach.

Ethan returned with the beautiful blonde next to him. Ana hated the wave of insecurity that passed over her. She’d quickly showered, leaving her hair to air-dry and skipping makeup. She wore shorts and a cute top, while Siena had her long hair clipped over one shoulder in a sleek style, polished makeup and a gorgeous shirt paired with white pants.

Siena smiled. “I didn’t realize I’d caught you at dinner.”

“No problem.” Ethan led her to a chair. Once she sat, he filled her wineglass.

“Ethan, did you cook this?” Siena asked. “Duck and crepes?”

He held up the serving plate for her. “Yep. I made it for Ana.”

She flushed with pleasure.

“Really?” Siena smiled at her. “Do you cook, Ana?”

“Only enough to stay alive, and I can bake if I’m following a recipe.” She couldn’t resist adding, “Ethan made the duck tonight to prove to me he could. The first time he tried to cook duck at my condo, he nearly burned the place down.”

The entire table laughed.

“It’s funnier now than it was then. He burned his hand pretty bad.”

“Ah. That explains the scar on your palm.” Siena took a bite of the duck wrapped in the crepe.

Ana tried not to feel a twinge of jealousy. Of course Siena’d seen the scar, it was right there on Ethan’s palm.

“The two of you have been friends for a long time. And now…?” She raised her eyebrows.

“Operation Kiss 2.0 is a success.” Chelle lifted her glass and tapped Franci’s.

“That’s right. They’re more than friends these days,” Franci said. “If my law career and your graphics design business don’t work out, we should opening a dating service, Chelle.”

Ana wavered between embarrassment and exasperation. “I don’t think Chef Siena—” she used the woman’s title, trying to convey to her two friends that the woman was important to Ethan’s career hopes, “—wants to hear about my and Ethan’s friendship.”

“Really?” Chelle ask. “Then I probably shouldn’t have tagged Ethan’s Facebook page with the posts of the two of you kissing out on the dock today. My bad.”

Ana knew exactly when that had happened. She’d raced him to the Jet Ski—first one there getting to drive—and he’d caught her on the docks. Swinging her up and twisting her in his arms, he’d kissed her, hard and long. “You didn’t!”

“Oh she did,” Ethan said.

Pivoting around to Ethan, she muttered, “Sorry. You deleted it right?” Ethan used his Facebook page to showcase his cooking.

“Nope.” He rubbed her back and grinned. “You’re the one who told my potential employer I burned my first attempt at cooking duck.”

Crap. She had done that.

Siena’s laughter rang out. “True. She’s probably not who you want to put down as a reference.”

Her embarrassment deepened. Before she could think of a way to redeem herself, Siena said, “This duck is very good.” The woman leaned toward Ethan, touching his arm. “Tell me your recipe. What method did you use to render the fat? And your orange sauce, there’s an extra tang to it. What is it?”

Ethan explained, and the two of them launched into a detailed discussion.

Ana picked at her food as everyone else around the table talked about the rock-climbing outing tomorrow. She tried to focus on the topic and not on Ethan and Siena huddled together talking. Finally dinner was over, and staff magically appeared to start clearing.

Siena rose. “I’m going to go get my notes and computer out of the car. Is there a place we can work? We’ll get it all sorted tonight and plan a time to test the recipes.”

Despite the staff going in and out, Ana stood, scooping up her plate and walking into the kitchen. It was huge, with an industrial fridge, two ovens, wraparound counters and a big island, all overlooking the deck, pool and bay. The view did nothing to tame her disappointment over her and Ethan’s cancelled plans.

“I’m sorry. I’m going to try to wrap it up soon. Just an hour or two, and I’ll be all yours.” Ethan stood so behind her, she could feel the heat of him spreading over her.

She turned. “Would it be better if I left? Franci, Chelle and I can go back to the Tradewinds and give you some space to work.”

“Hell no. You’re not going back there, remember? Not with Gregory around.”

He was right, but that wasn’t his problem. “We can find another place to stay.” She couldn’t bear the idea of being in the way.

Misery clouded his eyes. “Don’t go.” He leaned down, kissing her. “Please. I’ll get away as soon as I can. We’ll save our casita plans for another night, but we can go for a walk or hang out in the hot tub, even go down to the game room. Anything you want.”

He was trying, and that meant a lot to her. “Okay. Chelle wants to check out the theater room. I’ll watch movies with her and Franci.”

Relief curved his mouth. “Perfect. There’s a selection of prerelease movies in there. A fully stocked wet bar, candy counter and popcorn machine. I’ll come find you when we’re done here.”

A naughty thought crossed her mind. “Any porn down there?”

Grabbing her waist, he pressed her against the counter. “What are you suggesting?”

“I haven’t seen much porn. Maybe once you’re done, I’ll throw my friends out, then you and I can research the racy movies. And if we get warm in there…”

He dropped his forehead against hers. “You’re making me hot. And you know it.”

“Okay here’s my… Oh sorry.” Siena walked into the kitchen, carrying a computer bag.

Feeling much better, Ana grinned. “Work fast.” She strolled out with the sensation of Ethan’s heated stare following her.


* * * *


It was after midnight when Ethan finally broke away from Siena. They’d done some good work, but he got a real sense of how demanding she would be. Which wasn’t bad—she was going to pay him well, and a lot of doors would open for him after a year as Chef Siena’s assistant. He’d be legitimate. The stain of his past as a whore and a fuckup would lessen.

Right now, he just wanted Ana. He headed to the theater, anticipation quickening his pace. The wall sconces cast low light in the large room. Ethan walked down the aisle between the sets of oversized recliners and spotted her.

Sound asleep.

He couldn’t help but grin. Ana lay curled on her side, one hand tucked beneath her cheek. An empty bottle of Merlot and boxes of candy—including Ana’s favorite Milk Duds—told him the girls had had a little party.

He assumed Franci and Chelle had gone to bed.

But Ana had stayed, waiting for him. Regret stabbed him that he’d let her down. Leaning over, he scooped her up.

“Ethan? What are you doing?”

“Taking you to bed.”

“But I waited.”

More regret piled on. “I know, baby. I’m sorry, I got tied up.”

She rested her head against his shoulder. “I can walk.”

“I’ve got you.” He didn’t mind. Up in their room, he laid her down, stripped her to her panties and grabbed some ibuprofen and water. She didn’t seem that drunk, but he didn’t want her waking with a headache. Once she’d taken the tablets and drank most of the water, he turned off the lights and climbed into bed. Gathering her against him, he stroked her back.

She went completely limp. Asleep.

Despite his aching cock, warmth spread in him. He liked taking care of Ana, liked that she curved against his chest, soft and trusting.

For eleven long months, there’d been an empty place inside him. Then she showed up, and it was like someone turned on the lights. He called her sunshine for that reason. He’d been in a dark place when she swept into his life, bringing a ray of light and a thin strand of hope.

This time next week, he’d be alone again.

He tugged her tighter against him, not wanting to let go.

But he had to. One day, his story would come out. Professionally, he’d handle it. Hell, in the culture they lived in these days, he’d probably be more successful.

But personally? It would hurt Ana or any woman. The stain of his past would mark them in the eyes of the world.

He wouldn’t let that happen. Especially not to Ana.

His one good thing.


* * * *


Ana woke up alone and blinked the haze from her brain. After sitting up, she glanced around and spotted a note.

Went running, back soon with croissants. Be naked.

Still lethargic from the wine and candy, which upon reflection was not an ideal pairing, she got out of bed and stumbled into the bathroom, where she brushed her teeth and took a shower. The multiple jets blasting her skin chased off her sluggishness. Feeling much better, Ana wrapped in a towel and went back in the room to look for clothes.

Her phone vibrated on the nightstand. Picking it up, she frowned at a text from Gregory.

Why is your lawyer threatening me? I don’t understand, you and I are friends, and we’re going to be business partners. Oh wait, it’s that guy that was with you, isn’t it? I bet he’s jealous of our friendship, so you had to act like it was no big deal. Look, I don’t care about him, but you know how important this is to me. Those agents and publishers won’t take me seriously, but they will now! And don’t worry, I’ll give you credit in the book too. We just need to get this deal finalized ASAP. I’m emailing you another copy of the proposal for your dad’s biography, and a simple contract. We’ll meet to sign the agreement and talk about the book. Call me soon.

Her stomach knotted, and she had to sink down on the bed. How had she not realized that Gregory and reality weren’t well acquainted? Her palms were slick as she checked her email server. A new one from Gregory with attachments.


She jumped at Ethan’s voice. He filled the doorway between the bedroom and sitting room. His white T-shirt was flung over a shoulder, leaving him in only running shorts and shoes. She tracked down his sweat-sheened chest, over his ripped abs, then caught sight of the white pastry bag in his hand. “Oh hi.”

“You didn’t hear me come in the room.” Setting the bag and shirt down, he dropped onto the bed next to her. “What’s up?”

She showed him Gregory’s text. “I’ll forward it to my lawyer, but you heard me, I told him no.”

His loose mood iced as he read the message. “He’s delusional and dangerous. He was really fixated on you in the conversation at Tradewinds. We’ll go to the police here and tell them you’ve asked this guy to stop contacting you. Then once you’re back in San Diego, if he contacts you again, you have some groundwork to hopefully have him charged with stalking.”

How did it get this far? “I thought I was being nice. I felt sorry for him.” That was the only reason she’d talked to him, and now she had a stalker who’d followed her to Florida. She forwarded the messages from Gregory to her lawyer.

Ethan rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Let’s eat, and I’ll grab a shower, then we’ll go to the police station. After that, we can enjoy the rest of the day.”

Right. Enough of her problems. Getting to her feet, she shook off her mood. “I’ll make some coffee.”

Ethan caught her hand and tugged her onto his lap. “I want to help you solve this before you go home. I need you safe. You get that, right?”

Warmth chased out her worry. This was exactly what she’d needed—to just feel important to someone for a little while.




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