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Don't Forget About Me: A Second Chance Amnesia Romance by Eva Luxe, Juliana Conners (212)


The law firm has a large cafeteria where all employees can eat. Today, I’m eating here rather late, because I was working on dictation for Garrett over lunch, so that he would have it when he got back from his own lunch break. I’m the only person in the room. I’m daydreaming about Garrett, as usual, and how I had let myself come yesterday while thinking about him.

Suddenly, Madilyn, Ruby and Katie walk in. Just the people I’ve been wanting to see. I have some questions for them, for sure.

“Hi, Carolina!” Madilyn says, coming over to me. “Looks like you found out when the cool people like to eat. No one around to overhear or disrupt our crazy conversations.”

They all have brought lunch from home, whereas I always run to the local deli because I’m not as organized as they are.

“Hi,” I tell them, eager to have some friends.

“How has your pregnancy been going?” I ask Ruby, looking at her large baby bump. She has to be overdue by now. But I know nothing about pregnancy. For all I know, she’s only six months pregnant and has to endure torture for another three months.

“Great,” she says, with the glow of a happy pregnant woman. “It shouldn’t be long now. I’ve already put in for my maternity leave.”

“Thank goodness,” I say immediately on her behalf, glad that her stomach doesn’t have to stretch much bigger.

She gives me a confused look and I realize I probably shouldn’t have said that out loud. Me and my big mouth.

“Thank goodness that the firm gives you good maternity leave,” I say, quickly correcting myself.

“Yes, that is good,” she agrees. “So how about you? Have you been liking working here?”

I smile and decide to tell them the truth, since all three of them are looking at me expectantly.

“I really do like working here,” I tell them. “I just think I’m still getting used to being in a new place. I’m far from home.”

“Garrett tells us you came all the way from South Carolina to work here,” Madilyn says. “That’s amazing.”

“The job market is pretty bad there,” I say, shrugging.

I don’t really want to get into the fact that I had no job history of which to speak. That I had based my plans on a man who had left me because I can’t get pregnant, and Garrett was the only one willing to hire me.

“Well, we’re glad you’re here,” Katie says, leaning across the table and winking at me. “And it looks like Garrett is as well.”

I blush, but none of them seem to be judging me. I suppose they couldn’t, given how their own relationships started.

“You know,” Madilyn says, as if reading my mind. “Asher told me that they gave Garrett a stern talking to, warning him away from being with you, and I really thought that was hypocritical. None of us would be married today had our guys listened to traditional rules about boss/ employee relationships.”

The other two girls nod their heads and I can’t help but get my hopes up.

“So, you don’t regret it?” I ask, all of them and none of them in particular. “You’re glad your relationship started the way it did?”

“Well, I sure am,” Ruby volunteers, her hand moving a strand of purple dyed hair out of her pretty eyes. “I think that when you know something is right, you just have to go for it.”

“We see the way he looks at you,” Katie continues. “It’s the same way Damien looked at me.”

“And Asher at me,” Madilyn agrees. “I know you moved far away, and have a lot to lose. I did too, being that this was my first job as an associate. So you do want to weigh the risks…”

“Katie told me not to sleep with Cameron,” Ruby says, bursting into a fit of laughter. “Do you remember that, Katie? Back when we used to hang out in the filing room because they never gave us anything important to do?”

“Those were the days,” Katie laughs. “Now I miss them. We’re so busy now, with this expansion, and all these trials! And yeah, I did tell you that. I’m sorry, since it ended up that you two were great together. I just didn’t want you to get hurt.”

“I know,” Ruby says, patting her on the shoulder. “And I appreciate it. It’s wise advice.”

“So, what I gather that the three of you are saying,” I interrupt, “is to have fun, but not get too attached. Realize it doesn’t usually end up the way it did for you guys, and just go with it?”

“Exactly,” Madilyn says, with a smile.

“Even though, you never know what will happen at Sugar Daddy Central,” Katie says, and laughs.

“Thanks, guys,” I say, standing up. “On that note, I’ve got to get some work back to Garrett.”

“Have fun!” Ruby calls out, as they begin eating their lunch.

I think I can do it. I’m no innocent virgin, who wears her heart on her sleeve. I can be an adult and have some harmless fun with my boss, and know that it doesn’t mean anything more than that.

I can get involved with my body, but not with my heart.

Can’t I?

I guess I’m about to find out.