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Don't Tempt Fate (The Cloverleah Pack Book 13) by Lisa Oliver (20)

Marius’s nose was twitching like crazy thanks to all the wretched flowers around, but the foliage was useful in helping a tracking wolf stay hidden. There were no indications animals of any kind lived in the elven realm, making Marius wonder how the flowers managed to grow with no insects. His guess was that magic had a lot to do with it; something Marius could feel vibrations of under his paws and every time he brushed against a leaf or branch.

His wolf was in a surly mood. He hated Tansin from the moment he scented him. The man did everything he could to undermine his mating. Unfortunately, that dislike did nothing to excuse the annoying fact Tansin mentioned about his lack of mark. Cathair was supposed to mark me. He didn’t. Cathair promised they were fully mated and Marius had been happy with that. But now, knowing he should be marked and wasn’t – Marius pushed away his feelings of insecurity and focused on his anger at the attack on his pack. Cathair would explain himself later…much later.

The urge to leap on the guy as Tansin slapped the shoulders of the two men who’d been to Cloverleah was understandably strong. It was clearly a secret meeting. They were behind what looked like barracks and there wasn’t a lot of foliage around. Marius crept as close as he could, straining to hear what was said.

“What did the Elder want? Have those damn seers told him about our visit to earth?” The speaker’s face was marred by a fine scar that ran from the corner of his eye to the curve of his lip. His dark hair was braided, the ends touching his ass. In terms of height and build, he wasn’t any bigger than Tansin and Marius was confident he could take him if he had to. But at this point, listening was more important. A man couldn’t talk if he was dead.

“Cathair’s back and he’s got that puppy with him,” Tansin spat on the ground. “But the pup’s not marked so he can still be taken out although we’re going to have to hurry. I couldn’t resist taunting the mutt about his lack of status and if he and Cathair talk about it, I’m sure the damn man will be marked by nightfall. I won’t allow that to happen.”

“I don’t know why the hell you’re so hell-fired and determined to get Cathair into your bed.” The other man was quiet spoken, but his battle pants indicated soldier status. The man had a flaming mass of red hair and Marius could make out every freckle on the man’s chest from where he was hiding. “If we kill the wolf then your old man will be boss in a matter of months. You’ll have plenty of ass begging for your cock then.”

“I’ve always wanted Cathair at my mercy, begging for my dick,” Tansin snarled. “Fucking asshole threw me off always picking up tiny twinks, when what he clearly needed was someone to take him in hand. You’ve seen his so-called mate. The only thing little about him is his cock.”

“Are you sure you don’t need your eyesight tested?” Scarface laughed as Marius’s hackles rose at the slight. “All wolf shifters are well-endowed and animals in the sack. I’m not surprised Cathair bent over and grabbed his ankles.”

“Yeah, well the only dick our infamous Battle Lord will be getting in a few days will be mine.” Tansin cupped his crotch. “I might even bend over for him myself, once I’ve had my fill of him. Got to give the poor man some relief. Without a mark, it’s clear the leading warrior of our people hasn’t got the balls to overpower the wolf and take his ass.”

Marius silently snarled, his lips quivering above his teeth in his effort to remain quiet. His wolf wanted nothing more than to tear out the throat of the man who was dissing his mate and his mating. But he held back. Insults weren’t enough to get Tansin convicted of his crimes against Cloverleah.

“All this talk of cocks and ass is making me horny,” the redhead complained. “When are you seeing Tiber again?”

“It’s meant to be tonight,” Tansin looked around and Marius froze. “The high bastard has banned me from leaving the realm and besides I need to be here with Cathair. You’ll have to take a message to him.”

“Not me,” the redhead shook his head. “There’s something decidedly freaky about that guy. He’s got dead eyes.”

“He gave us the power to bring….” Tansin broke off as Cathair strode into view. “Cat, where’s your friendly pet?”

“Marius is resting in our rooms. He doesn’t handle translocation between realms well.”

Marius’s eyes narrowed as he watched Cathair’s smile at his friend as though nothing was wrong. “Raj, Zeke, I haven’t seen you around for a while. Fancy going for a drink?”

“Actually, Cat,” Tansin rested his hand on Cathair’s shoulder. “We were thinking of doing some sparring. Do you think your pet would like to join us? I never did get a rematch after he took me by surprise the other night and I’m sure Raj and Zeke would welcome the chance to pit their skills against someone of a different breed. Surely you have a pair of swords he could borrow if he doesn’t have any of his own.”

I need my damn clothes, Marius mentally cursed. The reckless part of him wanted to saunter out and face them all. That would solve the issue concerning his dick size. But if he shifted Tansin might suspect he’d been overheard.

“I’ll go and ask him. I’m sure he’ll be up for it. Wolves love nothing better than a good fight to get the blood boiling and I think you guys could learn a thing or two. Shall we say the main arena in fifteen minutes?”

“I’ll let the squad know. I’m sure they’d love to watch.”

Get your hands off my mate’s ass you bastard. Marius could barely contain himself as he watched Tansin and his cronies disappear around the building, while Cathair pretended to go the other way. But instead of disappearing, Cathair leaned on the wall scanning the bushes. “It’s clear, you can come out now.” He held up a bag. “I brought your clothes.”

Good because I need a human voice to give you a piece of my mind. Stalking out of the undergrowth, Marius kept up a steady growl as he approached his mate; shifting fluidly as he got closer. “There are so many things I want to say to you right now, I don’t know where to fucking start,” he grumbled as he snatched the bag from Cathair’s hand. “I’ll go and teach your guys a fucking lesson and then you and I, mate, are going to have a serious fucking talk.”

“Did your skulking in the bushes glean us any proof of Tansin’s involvement in the pack attack?”

“It would have if you had waited five more minutes before sauntering up and letting that jerk put his hands all over you.” Marius fumbled with his pants and almost ripped them, pulling them on so fast. Two inhales of Cathair’s scent and he was as horny as a jackrabbit, but he had every right to be angry at Cathair, Tansin…fuck, he was starting to think he should just get his mate to send him home. At least in the pack everyone understood you don’t let others fondle you when you’re mated.

“You’re angry with me.” Cathair’s face fell. “I totally understand and I promise I’ll explain everything later. I wasn’t sure about sparring, but I don’t want Tansin to know I suspect him of anything. I didn’t think you’d mind and I know you can win. But I won’t let Tansin or the others hurt you.”

“Holy Mother, you really need to brush up on your wolf etiquette. You guys manage to be insulting every time you open your damn mouths,” Marius snapped. “Swords. Two. Make sure they’re balanced.” He held out his hands.

A blink and Cathair handed him two identical blades. From their size, Marius guessed they belonged to his mate. He swung them around, testing their weight and the way they responded to his moves. They were perfect.

“Let’s get this show on the road then, shall we,” he said when he was satisfied he wouldn’t do himself any damage. “Considering your friend was busy explaining to the others how he’s not going to have a problem killing me, before he plows your ass for all eternity, because apparently I’m unmarked, this should be an interesting afternoon, don’t you think?”

Cathair’s face went white. “Oh, fuck. Mate. No. It’s not what you think. Marius, where are you going?”

Marius swirled around, holding the swords out in front of him. “I’m going to show your buddies what a wolf shifter with a tiny dick can do. If you want to help, make sure they can’t use their magic because if there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s a cheat.”

“It’s why I chose the main arena,” Cathair said quietly. “No one can use magic there.”

“Then at least I have a fighting chance.” Opening up his senses, Marius ignored Cathair’s scent and followed Tansin’s. It was so tempting to let his anger guide him. The idea of rushing into the arena like a rabid wolf and delivering a power of hurt to Tansin and his friends was tempting enough to taste. But Marius had been trained better than that. I’m a Reef brother, he reminded himself firmly. The Reef brothers don’t run from a challenge, don’t give up and fight until death. Not that Marius had a death wish. He had too many things he wanted to say to his mate first.