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Dragon Planet: A Shifter Alien BBW Romance (Dragons of Theros Book 1) by Rhea Walker (19)





I’m jarred awake by cold, hard hands grasping at my arms as chains jangle in the darkness. I struggle against them, jerking and pulling, trying to free myself. But it’s no use. They come at me too quickly, and my resistance is futile. They strike at me with their balled fists, and in their dragon forms they easily overpower me. One of them brings around a torch, and in the firelight, through the dancing shadows, I can finally make them out: four of the council’s guards, heavily armored and equipped with sharp spears. They restrain my wrists and drag me from the room while Rin and Tina scream in terror.

“What is the meaning of this?” I roar at my captors. They ignore me, their faces set in stone and their eyes locked forward. Two dragons hold me by the crooks of my arms, dragging me down the hallway between them while the another follows close behind. I turn my head, trying to catch a glimpse of Rin, but I don’t see her. I call out to her in my mind over and over again, but she doesn’t respond.

It seems they kept the girls in the room, and one of the guards is posted just outside the door, barring them from leaving. I curse the elders. If anything happens to my Rin, I swear on everything I hold dear I will destroy this entire valley. I will kill every dragon here, and the only thing that will stop me is my own death. A surge of rage blasts through me. I kick and claw at the guards holding me, but the chains are strong and my outburst does little good.

My hands are shackled behind me, and another heavy chain is clamped around my feet. They take me down a long hallway and a flight of spiraling stairs. Down and down we go until there are no more windows and a dank, musty smell fills the air. Ahead of us are two more guards, and as we near them they open a set of large wooden doors leading into a room of prison cells. I’m unceremoniously tossed inside one of the cells. The door is slammed shut behind me, and as the guards leave the room I call out to them.

“I demand to see Elder Balrazar. This will not go unpunished.”

But again they ignore me. The wooden doors slam shut and I am alone.

All I can think about is Rin. Where will they take her? What will they do with her? I’m wracking my brain trying to figure out why they would imprison me. I seethe with anger, grasping at the bars, searching for a way out.

I shift into dragon form and shoot fire from my mouth until the bars glow red hot and I’m dizzy with exhaustion. The rocks around the cell crackle and glow a dull orange color from the heat. A dark hazy smoke covers the ceiling. But it does no good. I am exhausted from days of travel and little sleep. There is no getting out of here—not until the council sees fit to release me. I shift back into human form and sit down in the corner as images of Rin flash through my mind.

After some time the doors open and Balrazar enters the room. He waves away the guards, leaving the two of us alone. I can tell by the look on his face he has something on his mind, something that disturbs him, and I stand up and grab onto the bars.

“Why have I been imprisoned, Balrazar?” I hiss. “What have you done with my mate?”

“I apologize, Lord Targon, but it was beyond my authority to prevent this. The council made a ruling, and I was the only dissenting voice.”

“But why?”

“The elders feel this matter of the alien females is too important to leave to you,” he replies. He paces slowly between the cell walls, his eyes at the floor, his hands crossed behind his back. “They have ordered the city guard to watch over your mate and her friend until the other females are brought to the valley. Once this is accomplished, they will be placed back under your care.”

“No one is to touch her,” I yell. I squeeze the bars of my cell until my knuckles are white and my arms are shaking. My head spins with rage. “If any harm comes to her—” I roar into the dank prison air, my cries echoing from the stone walls and causing the guards outside to peek in and check on their master.

“As long as you cooperate,” Balrazar continues, “she will not be harmed. She and the other female are being held in their quarters right now, and guards are posted outside the door with strict orders not to enter.”

“And you expect me to help the council after you’ve betrayed me?”

“I expect you to do what is best for you and your mate. If you fail to follow the instructions of the council, you will be banished and your ancestral lands will be seized by force.”

I let go of the bars and storm to the back of the cell. My shoulders slump in defeat. I exhale loudly, venting the anger that roils inside. It barely helps. In my mind I know I have only one choice, and that choice means breaking my promise to Rin. I must help rescue her friends only to immediately imprison them again. Make them sex slaves. This is what the elders want to hear. But I have no intention of following through. They have broken their faith with me, and I will break my oath in return. Consequences be damned.

The only thing that matters to me anymore is Rin and the safety of our people. As soon as my clan is freed, I will order them to kill the Drakon Valley dragons and carry the females to safety. But to Balrazar I say:

“Fine,” with mock reluctance. “I will help, but the females must come along. They are the ones who know where the others are, and they must guide me there. As soon as the females are rescued and my clan is freed, my mate is to be released.”

“I’m glad you are being sensible, Targon.” replies Balrazar. “This entire incident is very unfortunate, but it is necessary. I hope in time you will come to see things from the perspective of the council, who only mean to ensure the survival of our kind.”

With one last glance Balrazar turns toward the prison door. “We are assembling a raiding party now. At first light we leave for the Wildlands. You’d best get some rest.”

He turns and leaves the room.

All through the day I wait in agony. If only I could somehow speak with my treasured one—it pains me to think of her held against her will, afraid for her life, wondering what has happened to me. I chide myself for bringing her here. I should have somehow known what would happen. Even leaving her alone in my den would’ve been better than exposing her to the oath-breaking dragons that infect this place. But it’s too late now, and all my worries and second-guessing are in vain.

There’s nothing I can do.

For what seems an eternity I sit brooding in silence. It’s impossible to know what time of day it is or how long I’ve been down here.  I drift in and out of sleep but find myself startling awake from nightmares. I see images of dragons taking advantage of Rin, hurting her, raping her, and more than once I awaken to find myself thrashing and yelling.

I’ve just about given up on getting any rest when I hear something outside the door. A hollow thud, and then another one. A sound like two large sacks of sand falling to the floor. I cock my head, pointing my ear toward the door and focusing on the sounds. A moment later the door creaks open. I get to my feet, confusion clouding my mind. A dragon cautiously enters the room, tall and bronze. He wears a mask and moves cautiously, his movements as silent as a Catorian Stalker. He looks around the room, and seeing only me he approaches the bars.

“Lord Targon,” he says.

“Yes. Who are you?”

“I served your father long ago,” he says, speaking in harsh whispers. His tone is deep and gravely, a voice I’ve never heard before.

“I heard what they elders did to you and your mate, and couldn’t stand idly by. No dragon has the right to take another’s mate.” He produces a key and unlocks the door to my cell. “You must go quickly before the guards discover you missing. Your mate and the other female are still in their room—go to them now.”

He turns and disappears through the door. I follow after him, but by the time I get into the hallway, he is gone. The bodies of the two guards are slumped together in a pile on the floor. They are unconscious, but still alive. I grab one of their spears and begin making my way to Rin.

The halls are dark and empty, lit only by the light of the moons. There are only a few hours of darkness remaining. That should give plenty of time to put distance between us and the Valley of Drakon. I’m creeping down the hallways, careful not to make noise, and when I finally come to Rin’s floor in the stronghold, I pause. There is a single guard posted at the door, and he is sitting back on his haunches asleep.

Quickly but quietly I close the distance between us, moving with my back close to the wall and my spear at the ready. I stay in human form to keep a low profile. I’m lighter and more agile that way. Smaller and harder to detect.

As soon as I’m within striking range I thrust the black-tipped spear, jamming it beneath his arm and piercing his heart. He gasps awake, takes one look at me, and opens his mouth to cry out. But it is too late for him. He falls to the floor, his cries frozen in death before ever escaping his lips.

Rin is sleeping when I enter the room. I can feel her presence enter my mind, and I sigh with relief. I am whole again. I call out to her, and a few moments later she awakens. She gets up and runs to me, throwing her arms around me and squeezing with all her might.

“Targon!” She says, her voice cracking with emotion. “I’m so glad to see you.” She covers my face in kisses and strokes her hands over my cheeks, her eyes sparkling in the darkness like two little stars.

I return her embrace. My Rin, you’re safe. I was so worried about you.

“Are you hurt?” she says, She’s pushes me out to arm’s length and starts touching and checking me over, but I take her wrists in my hands and pull her in close again.

Don’t worry, my mate. I’m unharmed.

“What’s going on?” she whispers. “Why did they come and take you?”

I don’t have time to explain right now. I reply. Wake Tina and let’s get going. It won’t be long before the guards are alerted.

Rin is reluctant to leave my side, but I stress again to her how important it is for us to get out of here, and it finally clicks. It is so good to see her safe, and I feel the desire to be close to her as well. But there will be time enough for that once I make sure she is safely away from this place.

Rin wakes her friend while I drag the body of the guard into the room. I don’t want anyone stumbling on his corpse and alerting the other guards before we get away. Everyone awake and ready, we cautiously make our away out of the room. On the way Rin grabs the dead guard’s spear and we head out into the hallway. My plan is to cross through the council chambers and go out onto the landing we arrived at. It’s the closest exit I know of.

We come to the main hall and the twisting stairs where we first arrived. Noises come from the room, the sound of conversation echoing from the cool black stones. I peek around the corner and see a Sergeant of the Guards speaking with Elder Partheon. He is heavily armored and carrying a spear. They are talking about me, and planning out the mission and the handling of the females once they’re free.

They are far enough away so that they don’t notice me, but close enough for me to catch the glint of Partheon’s medallion in the candlelight. It hangs around his neck, the key to the safety of my clan, and I know this will be my only opportunity.

I lean back toward Rin, looking her in the eyes. Even in this moment of crisis she exudes a beauty that fulfills my life to behold. We’ve come to a dangerous junction—our lives are in grave peril—but all I can think about is kissing her lips. I long for the day when we will be far from this place, together and safe at last. I grasp her neck and pull her in, squeezing my eyes shut as I passionately kiss her lips. I have to get that medallion, I tell her. Without it my kindred will be slaves forever. When the fighting starts, I want you and your friend to run toward the landing as quick as you can. As soon as I can I will come to you and we will fly.

I can feel her heart skip a beat. Her face looks pained and she places her tiny hand at my elbow. Her entire body urges me not to go, but I kiss her forehead and creep out into the open.

Almost immediately the Sergeant spots me. I begin running, my human legs carrying me as I let out an Earth-shaking roar. Mid stride my body shifts, I gain my dragon’s strength, and charge straight at him. He roars in response, leveling his spear at me and rushing forward. Partheon watches from behind him, his face twisted with fear.

I strike aside the Sergeants spear point and lash at his face, my claws biting into the metal of his armor and ripping it from his head. It flies across the room and smashes into the wall. A loud crash echoes down the halls and I know there isn’t much time until reinforcements arrive. I feel something bite into my stomach, pain fires through me like a hot poker pressed into my flesh, but my body is flooded with adrenaline and the world is a blur.

From somewhere behind me comes a blood-curdling scream.

I’m thrashing and swinging at the Sergeant, and he returns my blows one for one. It is brutal and quick, neither of us making ground. But then I slip, falling to the ground with a thud. The Sergeant stands over me, dagger raised, the look of victory in his eyes. He slashes down at me and for a moment I fear it is over. I’ve failed. I’ve let Rin down.

The dagger blade streaks toward my chest, aimed right for a killing blow to my heart, but then the guard staggers. He stands upright, confusion and pain plastered over his faced. The dagger drops from his hand, and as he turns away I see Rin, standing behind him with the shaft of her spear in her hands. She’s thrust it through the back of his neck, and blood pours out onto the cold black stone. He collapses to the floor. The life extinguishes from his eyes.

Rin reaches down to pull me to my feet. I’m way too big and heavy for her to actually help me up, but her show of strength and courage gives me heart. I feel another surge of energy, and despite my wounds, despite my tired body and weary mind, my mate gives me the strength to carry on. I get up onto my feet, and my attention immediately goes to Partheon.

As soon as he sees the Sergeant dead he turns to flee, but he is old and not nearly as fit as his warriors. I spring up off my hind legs and shoot over the floor, quickly overtaking him and knocking him onto his knees.

“You will pay for this Targon!” he yells as I stand over his frail, gaunt body. He scoots away from me slowly, but his eyes burn with rage. “I will see you executed for this, you traitorous beast. You’re no better than the Vikons and the Other-Worlders! I will kill you myself!”

Horns echo down the dark halls, loud and urgent. The guards will be here any moment.

Rin jogs up beside me, sneering at Partheon, and then she hands me her spear.

I snatch the medallion around Partheon’s neck, snapping the chain as I pull it away. I raise the spear over my head. “You are a relic of the past, elder Partheon. I return you to your ancestors.” I plunge the spearhead into his chest. The shaft jerks with the beating of his heart, but it doesn’t take long before the jerking stops. He sighs as his head drops to the side.

I turn to Rin, taking her hand in mine. Let’s go free our friends.