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Dragon Planet: A Shifter Alien BBW Romance (Dragons of Theros Book 1) by Rhea Walker (9)





My focus is sharp as I glide soundlessly over the treetops. I look down through the gaps in the canopy, searching for just the right meal. I’m hoping to see a herd of wyglars grazing on the underbrush. That would be quick and easy. Or perhaps a couple vansigot yearlings reaching their long necks up into the trees. I circle up into the sky and then swoop down low again, shooting just above the treetops as I scan the jungle floor.

Though I went out of my way to drop Rin off in a safe, isolated spot, I still want to return to her as quickly as possible. She is unfamiliar with the predators of Theros and ill-equipped to handle them, even with her spear. As soon as I take care of her hunger I will begin teaching her about the various plants and animals found here. I will show her the medicinal herbs we dragon-kind use to treat our wounds, and bring her to my clan’s ancestral hunting grounds. Once she is ready, we will travel beyond the horizon to the elders, the leaders of dragon-kind, where I will seek out help in rescuing my kindred. A wave of sadness washes over me thinking about them. Soon, my brothers. Soon.

But I must stay on task.

I’m gliding along, just about to swoop back around again, when I see movement. I slow myself, rising up into the air as I straighten my back and flap my wings in front of me, hovering in place. There is an adult male gozzle wandering beneath me, alone and completely oblivious to my presence. I extend my claws, readying myself for a fight, and then I dive straight for my prey.

As I’m falling through the canopy my wings clip the branches. The gozzle looks up and for a moment he panics. His eyes are big and his body is paralyzed with fear. But then he regains his senses and makes a break for it. His four legs propel him rapidly through the trees, and he easily leaps over rocks and fallen logs. I zoom behind him, weaving between tree trunks. I’m quickly gaining ground.

He hops over a bush and breaks hard to the right, heading for a cave in the rocks ahead, but I’m able to sink my claws into his backside. He falls to the ground. A moment later I’ve got him by the neck as I leap back into the sky. I’m pleased with myself for finding my mate a meal so quickly, and my chest swells with pride. I know she will enjoy this meat, and I intend to give her all the best parts of my kill as a show of my affection. Rin has had a hard time since we met, and I’m hoping that this little excursion will be a relief to her.

After a short flight I hear the roar of the waterfalls, and then I come up over the lip of the jungle and look down toward the lake. There she is in the distance, splashing water over her face and running her fingers through her hair. Her skin gleams in the afternoon light and for the first time since I met her I notice a new expression on her face. She looks happy.

She’s caught up in bathing herself and doesn’t notice that I’ve returned. I come around behind her and land on a rock jutting from the lake. From here I have a perfect view. A smile breaks over my face and warmth emanates from my heart. I watch as she ducks under the surface and emerges a moment later, beads of water running down her curves and glistening on her breasts. It stirs a deep primal desire within me, and I feel myself harden at the thought of taking her right here, right now. She is truly the most beautiful treasure I’ve ever seen in my life, and my heart cries out for me to make my claiming mark on her. Yes, I say to myself as I secretly watch her from this rock, one day she will carry our young and together we will build a new clan with a bright future.

She spots me, waving and smiling at me from the water. I pick up the gozzle corpse and fly toward her.





“Wow that was quick,” I yell out over the water. Targon has returned and by the looks of things, he was successful in finding us a meal. He’s perched on a rocky outcropping in the lake, and he looks so powerful and majestic with the water glittering all around him. I feel like I’m in one of those medieval fairytales: a damsel in distress and her dragon protector. Or maybe like The Lady in the Lake. I mean, she could’ve been waiting for her dragon to return when Arthur came along. I’m no expert on medieval legends, but I find myself preferring stories where the dragons are the good guys, rescuing beautiful maidens and defeating evil kings, rather than being hunted down by knights. I start laughing. This whole experience is so extraordinary, and so crazy. It really is straight out of a story book. No one back home will ever believe me.

That is, if I ever get a chance to tell them about it.

I watch him spread his wings and lift up into the air. He’s not too far off—just a leap or two away, and it turns me on watching him approach. He’s such a primal creature, so strong and feral; it triggers something deep inside me. It makes me want to be close to him, to touch him, and to do… other things. But as he gets closer, I grimace. The body of what looks like a small antelope hangs from his jaw, and it dawns on me that eating here is going to be a little more involved than simply cruising by the local drive thru. I sigh. It’s not his fault. Honestly, I don’t know what I expected, but now that I see it, my appetite’s a little put off.

He lands nearby and I suddenly become super aware of my nakedness. I left my clothes on the shore, not expecting Targon to return so soon. I figured I’d have time to dress and straighten myself out before he got back. Not that I really look forward to putting those clothes back on. They stink. But they’re all I have. I cover my breasts with one hand, not doing a very great job of concealing myself, and use my other hand to cover between my legs.

“Ehrm, would you mind turning around for a second?” I ask. I remove my hand from between my legs and make a spinning motion with my fingers. Targon stares at me blankly, watching me as I move from deeper to shallower water. My crotch is still below the waterline so at least I’m not exposed, but I’d like to get out soon. Of course this is the one time he acts like he has no clue what I’m saying. I’m suspicious of him obviously—he’s had no trouble deciphering my gestures and words until now.

Typical guy.

“Seriously?” I say with mock annoyance, but the truth is I’m not annoyed at all. I’ve never been much of an exhibitionist—never really thought about it I guess—but I’m surprisingly turned on by his attention to my body. Maybe it’s the natural setting, or the intimacy of the location he’s picked out for us. The way it’s just me and him, all alone, no one else on the entire planet knowing we’re here. His eyes are taking me in like I’m the prey instead of that antelope thing he hunted, and I have to admit I sort of like it.

“Okay then, if that’s the way it’s going to be.”

I slowly come up the sloping shore. A cool breeze licks at my bare skin and I shiver. He follows me with his eyes the entire time, his gaze moving up and down my body. As I reach my clothes I bend over to pick them up, careful not to flash him (although I don’t think he’d mind in the least), but I change my mind. I really don’t want to put those filthy rags back on my freshly rinsed body, and a voice in my head keeps saying—

There’s no one else around Rin, live a little.

The thought alone sends a thrill between my legs.

Before I can make up my mind he shifts into his human form and begins walking toward me. My chest tightens as I watch him approach. He’s obviously been enjoying the show, because he’s got a huge erection and a look of determination on his face like I haven’t seen before. But the fire in his eyes is unmistakable. Lust—pure, unbridled lust burns just below the surface, and my knees go weak as I think about what he wants to do to me.

“I’m not sure I’m ready for this,” I say, covering up the best I can. I’m trying not to encourage him any further, thinking that it probably would’ve been for the best If I’d just put my stinky clothes back on. But it’s too late. My heart is beating a hundred miles an hour, and my skin prickles with goose flesh. The truth that I know deep down inside is that I want this too. My lips tremble as he draws near, and then he reaches out his arms and pulls me into his warm naked body.

In a heartbeat his hands are all over me, running up and down my spine, caressing my ass, running up under the hair at the back of my neck. The sensations are so quick and sudden that I can’t help but to moan softly into his ear. My legs go weak and if it wasn’t for him supporting me, I’d fall to the ground in a puddle.

“Rin,” he says, his voice deep and husky. He moves his lips close to my neck. His hot breath falls against my cool skin. He follows with more words, words I can’t understand, but I don’t need to. The way he caresses my body tells me everything I need to know about what’s on his mind. I nervously place my hands on his shoulders and turn to face him.

“I don’t know,” I say, my voice quivering. He’s so big down there. I want it so much, but we’re not even the same species. What if we’re incompatible? And what if he gets too rough? Is it silly to wonder if he even knows his own strength? After all, I assume he’s never had sex with another Earth woman before. What if he gets out of control like he did last night?

He holds my head in one hand and moves his lips close until our breaths mix and my heart flutters with anticipation. “Rin,” he says, almost purring my name, and then he kisses me for the first time. All my excuses disappear and my mind spins with thoughts of our first time together. The way it felt to have his fingers inside me, the pulsing of his cock in my hand as he got off to my touch. I embrace him as our tongues intertwine, dizzy from the heat of the moment, savoring ever second of contact between our naked bodies.

His forked tongue feels amazing as he slides both ends around mine, wrapping my tongue in his and gently sucking on it. I’m kissing him back, feeling his warm lips against mine, and savoring his mild taste in my mouth. His hands are moving all over my back, then lower to my waist, and then he’s gripping my ass.

“Oh Targon,” I moan into his ear. His touch feels so nice, flooding my brain with endorphins and making me surrender to his will. The heat of his body is welcome against the chill of the misty waterfall behind us, and even though I’m naked and vulnerable, I feel safe in his arms.

Targon shifts his attention to my neck, nuzzling and nibbling me. I tilt back my head, giving him better access as every muscle in my neck and shoulders relaxes beneath his warm breath. I pull him in tightly, or try to pull him in anyway. He is so big compared to me I end up pulling me into him instead. But his hands continue exploring, groping my ass and running up my sides. Tingles travel up over my ribs, along the back of my neck, and finally to my scalp. I shut my eyes, reveling in the sensations.

He grunts as he takes my breast is his hand and lowers his mouth, suckling on my nipple. I’ve always had incredibly sensitive nipples, and his sucking sends a bolt of excitement straight between my legs. I sigh heavily and unconsciously move my hips against his hard cock. My hands are moving faster over his washboard-like abs and then gripping his narrow hips. I reach back and squeeze his tight ass, noting how solid it is. It’s almost pure muscle everywhere I touch, reminding me of his power, stimulating the parts of my brain that cry out for him to dominate me.

The space between my legs is wet with desire and with a shaky hand I reach down and gently stroke my fingers against his erection. He flinches as I make first contact, sucking harder on my nipple and groaning from deep within his chest. He pumps his hips forward and I wrap my fingers all the way around his thick shaft.

“Do you like that?” I say to him, stroking gently up and down several times. It gives me a head rush to talk dirty to him. I start a nice slow rhythm and he reciprocates by moving his hips.

“Do you like,” he says. I’m watching his face as I massage him, loving the way his body reacts to my touch. He’s breathing hard, almost panting against my chest. When I graze the head of his cock with my fingertips, he shudders and closes his eyes. An almost inaudible groan escapes his lips. I smile, enjoying the power my touch has over him. For a moment he’s lost in the sensation, rubbing his lips absentmindedly all over my breasts, but then he opens his eyes and looks at me.

He speaks his words and gently takes my hand from between his legs. He strokes his fingers through my hair and with one last kiss he reaches down and pulls me into his arms, cradling me. I feel like a child. It really dawns on me how much bigger he is when I see his bicep next to my thigh. I’m a curvy gal with equally curvy hips, but his muscular arms dwarf my thighs by comparison. I wrap my arms around his neck and he transforms into the dragon. He clutches the meat with his hind legs and then we fly off into the clouds.




We’re moving fast, shooting through the air like a jetliner, and the entire time Targon is nuzzling me and holding me close to his body. His chest is pounding and I can tell he is eager to get back home. It doesn’t take long. He drops our dinner at the entrance to the cave, and transforming back into human form he continues to carry me until we are in his treasure room. He lights the torches with his breath and the room shimmers like his skin. The whole room is sparkling, and the reflection of the torchlight on the coins gives the room an almost mystical quality.

As soon as he’s finished lighting the torches he comes toward me like he’s on a mission. In the dim wavering light I watch him approach, and when he reaches me, he lays me back against the mound of gold and spreads my legs open.

I’m embarrassed for a moment, exposed and vulnerable in a way I’ve seldom been in my life. But one look at his eyes and my embarrassment vanishes. I see the powerful desire he has for me. His singular focus is pleasuring me, and it’s impossible not to get lost in that primal, lustful energy.

I lean my head back, moving side to side to make a comfortable little seat among the coins. It’s actually a lot more comfortable than I thought it would be. I feel like a princess with so much gold around and my knight in shining armor worshipping me. But I don’t have much time to think about it. Targon gets onto his knees, and then he lowers his face to my thighs.

“Oh god,” I cry out, shocked by the sensation of his tongue against my clit. He licks me again, running the forks of his tongue up and down my full length. Little stars dance in my vision, and a pulse of pleasure shoots down my legs. I’m really sensitive and jerk away from him, but he wraps his arms around my legs and pulls me back. His mouth is all over me, and his tongue begins working me with a steady rhythm.

I move my hips in sync with his mouth, stroking my hands through his thick hair and playing with his horns. He moans as he licks me. His enthusiasm is a huge turn on. He’s moving his head all over, lapping at my full length while dipping his tongue inside me. His hands spread my legs open, pinning me in place while he ravenously mouths my pussy. I’m wet like I’ve never been before and the spasms start coming, pulsing up from the inside of my thighs, up my stomach and finally crash into my mind. I’m breathing hard, thrusting my hips in his face, and I want him inside me so bad I can taste it.

As if sensing my needs he pulls his face away and stands. His huge cock is in my face and I lick my lips, imagining what it’d be like to have him in my mouth. I’m about to reach out and take him into my hands when he grabs me by the waist and spins me around. I yelp with shock, but my shock quickly turns into desire. The treasure pile jingles as coins fall off my sticky body and clatter to the floor. My face is pressed against the pile of gold and Targon lifts my ass into the air. I spread my arms and lay out flat while arching my back for him, exposing everything to his hungry eyes. He grunts as coins jangle behind me. His hot hands grip my hips. The tip of his cock presses into my opening.

He slides easily into me as a whimper escapes my lips. He is so big, his cock so fat and long, that it takes a moment for my body to adapt to him. He’s gentle though, guiding himself into me slowly at first. And it feels so damn good I forget about the initial pain.

I turn my face toward him and whisper.

“Take me, Targon. You feel so good inside me.”

“Rin,” he purrs in response.

He starts fucking me slowly, but as I relax and the tension melts from my body he picks up speed. His hands clutch my hips, controlling our movements, moving me to his will. Each time he thrusts into me I feel so full and I moan into the cool air, my breath misting over the shiny surface of the coins beneath me. Soon he’s moving faster, harder, jerking my hips back and groaning as if he’s about to lose control.

His cock jerks inside me and I reach back between my legs, feeling his balls as they slap against my clit. I clench my teeth, holding back my lustful cries as the first ripples of orgasmic pleasure shoot through my body in waves. I rock my hips in a circular motion, gripping and milking his cock. He responds by pounding me harder. I feel his legs shaking and his breathing is quick.

He grunts again and again while I squeeze his cock inside me and massage his balls. I can feel myself nearing the edge and about to go over, and it drives me wild. I’m pumping him with my pussy, moving my hips all over the place, the pressure building between my thighs.

Something pricks my neck. I turn my head and see that Targon has sunk his fangs into me. There’s a sharp pain at first, but then a mild warmth floods throughout my body, starting where he bit me and flowing down to my toes. I exhale loudly and a wave of euphoria overcomes me. I’ve never been very kinky—the boys I’ve been with have always been too timid to try anything—but something about his bite is hugely erotic. It adds to the already building tension between my legs, and kicks me right to the very edge.

With one last stroke he thrusts deep inside me and holds himself there. I feel his warmth as he shoots his seed deep into my body, filling me until it’s trickling down my leg. My stomach jerks as the waves of my orgasm ripple outward. My knees go wobbly and my vision blurs. I squeeze my eyes shut, holding my breath while watching the colors dance in my head. I grit my teeth as the last of the contractions blasts through me, and then I drop down onto the pile of gold, completely spent.

Targon cuddles up beside me, spooning me from behind, and wrapping his big arms all the way around me. I smile, feeling so safe and sheltered. I’m almost entirely consumed by his size, as if I were falling asleep in a cocoon of grade-A man beef. I sigh with joy. A girl could really get used to this. The sound of his breathing sooths me, and I cup his hands over my breasts. Something about sleeping that way has always made me feel secure. He nuzzles my neck as he loves to do, and soon I am fast asleep.