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Dragon's Heat (City Dragons Book 1) by Lisa Oliver (12)

Jon as a dog had a spring in his step. His mate recognized him; brushed his delicious hands through his fur and was now finding them a place where they could claim. Be claimed. The dog wasn’t fretting about details. His mate was huge and imposing, powerful and strong, yet the Shepherd recognized a kindred spirit buried inside the human form. One who loved cuddles and play time; a warm rug by the fire and soft pillows on the bed. The differences in their human personalities didn’t register as he trotted happily beside his mate, his tail wagging as he stayed alert for any possible dangers. His mate was big in human form, too, but the Shepherd was well aware dangers lurked for those who walked on two legs. He wouldn’t let anyone get close to his precious mate.

Which is why he only growled a little bit when Dirk was busy securing them a room for the night. The human behind the desk was wary and his breath smelled of gin. But he took the cash Dirk handed him, sticking it in his pocket, not the till, Jon noticed. But then Dirk called him, holding up a key, and the Shepherd followed happily, eager for what was to come. He only gave a passing thought about peeing on the reception door; the doggy version of a fuck you. Instead he stuck his nose in the air and trotted out with his tail held high.

The room smelled of disinfectant and bleach, but the sheets and bed itself were relatively clean. The Shepherd sniffed around the room, making sure there were no hidden dangers as his mate disrobed, folding his borrowed clothes carefully. Feeling Jon push; wanting to shift back, the Shepherd took one last inhale of his mate’s scent and then let go; allowing Jon to take over again. Dirk’s eyes widened as Jon’s human form appeared; their cocks pointing at each other as Jon got to his feet.

“I need to shower,” Dirk said, swallowing hard, his eyes glued to Jon’s groin. “I’ve been a bit lax with my personal hygiene lately.”

Jon suppressed a smile. Nervousness was pouring off Dirk in waves. “Take all the time you need,” he said gently. “I can get dressed and go and find us some basic toiletries if you like. I need a toothbrush and paste. I noticed a shop just down the road.”

“Yes. No. Shit!” Dirk slapped his hand over his mouth as an inhuman growl erupted. Understanding what Dirk was going through, Jon stepped forward, resting his hand on Dirk’s shoulder; his whole body aware of Dirk’s nakedness.

“I’m not going to be more than five minutes,” he said, keeping his voice low, addressing the dragon more than Dirk. “I promise I will come straight back. Claiming requires supplies when it’s between two men. We don’t have anything here.”

It was as though someone had sucked all the air out of the room, and then just as suddenly it was back and Dirk visibly relaxed. “Please be quick,” he said. “With one set of clothes between us, I can’t let my dragon out here. I’m bound to break something.”

“You enjoy your shower.” Jon leaned forward and licked the edge of Dirk’s ear. “Make sure you clean yourself everywhere.” Another gulp and Dirk hurried into the bathroom, closing, but not locking the door behind him. Chuckling quietly, his heart lighter than it’d been in a long time, Jon quickly got dressed and went to find the things they needed.


I don’t know if I can do this. Dirk stepped under the water, frowning at the tiny bottles of soap and shampoo provided. By everywhere, does that mean…? He shivered under the water as his ass clenched. Bending backwards to duck his head under the water, Dirk closed his eyes, his dragon flooding his memory of what a claiming would be like. Apparently, his dragon was keen on their sex going both ways and Dirk struggled to understand what his animal half was telling him as he shampooed his hair.

Our mate wants to claim us, too. The dragon preened with the very idea. We will do this then no one will break us apart.

Both ways? Dirk wasn’t so sure. What he knew about sex between men would barely cover a postage stamp. He’d never actually given their claiming sex any thought outside of the dreams he shared with his dragon. His face flushed as his helpful animal half flashed a highlight reel through his mind.

Can’t be too difficult, right? Just like a woman except a different hole.

Nothing like a woman, his dragon reminded him, showing him some other pictures he’d forgotten. Dirk tried to tap into the confidence he knew he had in his dream world. He remembered strength, no holding back, a world full of passion and…and…love.

Jon will love us, his dragon invaded his thoughts again. He just doesn’t know us yet. But he wants us and we must let him claim us.

Must? Dirk wasn’t so sure. His dragon was a far stronger animal than Jon would ever be and while he knew his superior attitude wasn’t going to win him any favors, it was difficult letting go of a lifetime of training.

Must. His dragon was adamant about it. We will wear his mark with pride.

He could bite us without…you know. Dirk rinsed the shampoo from his hair. He heard the motel door open and knew he had to hurry.

We will take him into our body as part of the claiming. Then we will fill him. It’s what we do.

Dirk didn’t have time to question that statement as Jon’s head popped around the door. “Can you leave some hot water for me? I’ve been in the office all day and could do with a quick wash.”

Tempted to tell him he could have the shower now, Dirk managed to grunt “five minutes”, grateful when Jon disappeared again. We want him. I’ve accepted that. But who knew we needed to get so clean everywhere just to enjoy some sweaty sex? Shaking his head, Dirk got busy with the soap.