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Dragon's Heat (City Dragons Book 1) by Lisa Oliver (27)

“This is all yours?” Jon’s eyes widened as he took in the huge room filled with gold, gems, and what could only be priceless objects. It’d been a week since the death of Dirk’s father and much of the time Jon had spent going over the European office’s accounts. It turned out Jeremy had slipped the code used in Dirk’s system into the European computers as well; siphoning off money for his own use. Dirk had spent hours on the phone; soothing ruffled feathers in the clan and company and they were planning to fly to Germany once the furor from the funeral was over. Byron and Samuel were both in Europe attending their father’s funeral. Bryce got his apology and a pay rise and had been busy working with Dirk to straighten out the various messes associated with a sudden death.

But today was different. After being quiet all morning, Dirk insisted they needed some time outside of the office. Jon was happy to go on a date, but he never imagined it involved a drive to a huge property in Upstate New York. He didn’t even get a chance to look at the beautiful house. Instead, Dirk drove around the house, taking him to what looked like a huge crypt. The stunning concrete structure decorated with gargoyles and stone dragons wasn’t Dirk’s intended destination. It was what was deep under the building Dirk wanted to show him.

“A dragon’s hoard is their most private possession,” Dirk’s voice took on his dragon’s rumble as he removed his shirt. “Every dragon baby is given a small box of gems at birth and after that it is up to us to grow and develop our hoard as we see fit. Even bonded mates don’t know about their spouse’s hoard – where it is, or what it contains. You, my love, have the honor of being the first non-dragon to see a hoard in centuries.”

“But what do you do with it all?” There had to be literally millions and millions of dollars’ worth of gold and gems piled on the floor. Jon didn’t know whether to be horrified or laugh. The accountant side of his brain was working out the latest gold exchange rate while another part of him just wanted to scoop it all up and roll around in it.

“Count it. Roll in it. Add to it. Play with it.” Dirk stepped out of his pants and Jon swallowed his drool. “It’s fun. Watch.” With a whoop, Dirk morphed into his dragon’s form. Jon backed up as his now massive mate stretched his wings, roaring fire at the high stone ceiling that already wore scorch marks. Dirk truly was an impressive creature. But there was nothing majestic as the dragon eyed a large pile of coins. Putting his head down, his tail flicking madly, the dragon moved back and then lumbered towards the pile, scattering them everywhere. Jon put his arms up to protect his face as the gold flew then fell like hail, plinking as they hit others already on the floor.

But Dirk’s dragon wasn’t finished. Using his powerful wings, he scooped more up into another huge pile. Rubies, emeralds, and gleaming sapphires sparkled in the gold coin mountain creating a stunning display. Just like before, the giant red dragon backed off, waggled his tail and demolished the pile all over again. Jon held his sides as he cackled with laughter.

“This is why dragons have hoards? So they can roll around in their riches like a puppy?”

“Cuddling a skyscraper would attract unnecessary attention.” Dirk’s dragon didn’t seem to be bothered about his question. He was on a search for something. Resigning himself to a long afternoon, Jon looked for somewhere to sit. A large wooden chest that looked as if it would be more at home on a pirate ship offered the best protection for his butt. He perched himself on it, watching as the dragon sniffed around, sometimes using his claws as he dug through yet more piles of coins. Jon wondered why dragons didn’t collect gold bars. They would be easier to stack. But then bars would be dangerous being thrown around the way Dirk did with his coins.

Clearly the dragon was hunting for something specific. Jon hoped no one had been down here and stolen anything; not that he could smell anything except the scorched oak and jasmine scent of his mate intermingled with the harsher tang of precious metals. Digging with his claws, sniffing around, the dragon reminded Jon of his own animal half and he wondered if Dirk would mind if he shifted too. Although he’d probably have to curtail his animal’s need to scent mark his territory.

“Aha!” The dragon gave a happy rumble. “Knew they would be here somewhere. Now.” He looked at whatever he’d uncovered and then back at Jon. The butterflies in Jon’s stomach took flight. Stretching out his long neck, the dragon picked up what seemed to be a large jewelry case from the floor with his teeth. Sauntering over, coins jangling under his feet, the dragon carefully placed the box in Jon’s lap. “These are for you.”

“Me?” Jon barely dared touch the beautifully tooled leather box. He knew whatever was inside would be more expensive than he could ever hope to own. “I have you,” he said softly. “I don’t need anything else.”

“You must.” The dragon’s head lightly brushed his shoulder. “My mating gift, not his.”

Looking up at the pleading eyes of the dragon he loved, Jon understood. His dragon needed something, some way of showing Jon he was loved and cared for by him as well as his human half. Apparently, the heart scale wasn’t enough. Taking anything from his precious hoard seemed like sacrilege to Jon, but he wouldn’t upset his dragon mate by refusing. With trembling fingers, he carefully released the latches on the box and opened the lid, tears filling his eyes.

“They are beautiful. Thank you,” he said, running his finger over the fine gold and diamond jewelry. The largest piece was a tear-drop diamond half the size of Jon’s palm. The case contained fittings that would allow it to be worn as a broach or to hang from a chain. The fittings were sturdy enough to be worn by a male, not that Jon was the type to wear jewelry. I guess that’s a habit I am about to change.

Along with the pendant was a pair of earrings, perfectly square cut diamonds and a solid ring adorned with another square diamond. Under his dragon’s intense gaze, he picked out one of the earrings and fitted it to his ear. He’d had one pierced years ago when he thought it looked cool, but that phase hadn’t lasted long and he winced as the earring shaft pierced a bit of skin that had grown over the hole. He tilted his head to show the dragon who rumbled with approval.

“I am not sure about wearing this,” he said, holding up the pendant. “I’m likely to get mugged the first time I walk down the street.”

“The chain is long, you can wear it under your clothes.” The dragon nudged the box. Suppressing a sigh, because, really, jewels were not Jon’s thing, he dutifully fitted the correct clasp and hung it over his neck. The diamond nestled in the divot between his pectorals and Jon rubbed it, feeling the large stone heat under his hand.

“The ring. Please wear the ring.” The dragon flapped his eyelashes. “It is my troth to you. I saw it in a dingy store in Marrakesh and prayed I would have someone special to give it to one day.”

Picking it up, Jon held it to the light. The cut was flawless, the beveled edges winking under the lamps. “I’m terrified I’ll lose it when I shift,” he said.

“I can fix that.” The dragon was almost giddy. “Stand up. Now, stand very still. Don’t move,” he added as he backed up.

“What the….” Jon stood helpless as the dragon opened his mouth and he was encased in flames. But unlike the orange and red glow of traditional fire, these flames were blue. Jon felt the rush of air around him, but these flames didn’t burn although they coated every part of him. After thirty seconds, the flames disappeared.

“Dragon magic.” The dragon gave a delighted wiggle. “Put on the ring and then shift for me.”

“But…er….” Shaking his head, wishing his dragon could be more forthcoming before he sprung surprises like that, Jon slipped the ring on his wedding finger and then went to undo his shirt.

“Nuh huh, leave your clothes on.”

“But I’ll rip them.” Jon’s dog was keen to come out and play with his mate, but Jon didn’t want to be naked on the drive home.

“Trust me.” A dragon really shouldn’t look so damn sexy when he winked.

“I thought I did that when you covered me in flames,” Jon grumbled. But he couldn’t resist his dragon and suppressing a sigh, Jon allowed his animal form to come through. He was pleased to see he was in his regular Shepherd size, although from his new perspective, Dirk’s dragon legs looked like tree trunks. Not that the Shepherd was worried. He barked, his tail wagging madly as he wound himself in and out of Dirk’s legs.

The dragon chuckled, bending his neck so the dog could rub against his nose. “So precious,” he cooed. Jon’s dog agreed, his body trembling with excitement as he sniffed and then licked the shiny scales on the dragon’s nose. “Now shift back. I promise, we’ll play later.”

With one last dash around, Jon obediently moved far enough away so he wouldn’t bump his head on the dragon and then shifted. He was fully clothed.

“This is amazing.” Jon held out his arms, looking down at his body. His ring still glinted on his finger, and when he checked, the earring he was wearing was still safe in his ear. “But why do you get naked when you shift if you have this sort of power?”

“I like the way you look at my body,” Dirk purred as he shifted. Jon found himself pushed back onto the trunk he’d been sitting on, the heat of Dirk’s naked skin burning through his clothes. “As my Consort, I will not have other dragons seeing your body when you shift.”

“There’s not much danger of that,” Jon groaned as Dirk cupped the bulge in his pants. “I’ve no wish to shift around other dragons. They’d probably stand on me.”

“I love your furry form,” Dirk said, “but you will need hands to hold on with when you ride me.”

“Ride you?” Jon had a sinking feeling Dirk wasn’t talking about being topped.

“Of course, when we fly together. You couldn’t appreciate the view the last time I took you, could you?”

“Not much, no.” All Jon could remember was the rush of the wind on his face and the speed with which the dragon moved through the air. I’m going to have to invest in a heavier coat. But then Dirk’s fingers encircled his heavy cock and Jon’s thinking process went on the fritz. He hadn’t even realized his pants were around his knees.

“I want you to fuck me.”

“Yes.” Jon wasn’t going to argue. Dirk was a confirmed top and any time he wanted to switch it up, Jon was more than happy to oblige. His ass left the chest he was sitting on as Dirk picked him up.

“Here will be perfect,” Dirk growled, laying him down on a pile of coins before straddling his lap.

“Lube,” Jon said urgently as Dirk nudged his exposed cock towards his hole.

“Don’t need it,” Dirk growled and Jon watched as flashes of scales flew across his skin. His dragon half was running the show and Jon bit his lip as scorching heat gripped his cock tight enough to cut off blood circulation. Grabbing Jon’s hand, Dirk took the finger decorated with diamonds and sucked on it as his insides loosened. Jon groaned but he couldn’t move. His feet slipped on the coin mound when he tried to get some leverage and his butt was getting pinched by the gems beneath him.

“I’ve dreamed of this,” Dirk said as he pulled his mouth off Jon’s finger with a pop. “You and me, surrounded by my hoard. You will always be my greatest treasure.”

“I love you too,” Jon cried, wiggling as he tried to get comfortable. “Please move.”

His thick body covering Jon completely, Dirk started an assault on Jon’s neck and ears as his ass bobbed up and down. With nothing stable to brace himself against, Jon clung to Dirk’s shoulders, his neck arched to give his mate’s mouth more room. Every chink of metal against metal seemed to send Dirk’s passion higher and despite his discomfort, Jon got caught up in it, his balls tightening as Dirk moaned and groaned above him.

“Not. Going. To. Last.” Jon panted, the side of his face mashed against the gold.

“Neither am I.” Dirk roared as he slammed down on Jon’s cock one last time, setting off Jon’s orgasm. He was dimly aware of Dirk’s hands moving through the gold as his stomach was coated in a warm sticky mess. Dirk’s body was slumped over him and he was rumbling softly.

“So good, you’re so good to me,” Dirk whispered in his ear.

“I love you too, big guy,” Jon mumbled. “But can you please let me up? I think I have a ruby or something cutting into my ass.”

Dirk sat up, a huge grin splitting his face. “I’ll remember to bring a blanket next time,” he said. “You look lovely covered in my jewels,” he added softly. “Just how I always dreamed.”

Jon wasn’t sure if it was Dirk or his dragon talking, but he had to admit, as he wrestled himself out of the gold pile, that with the love beaming from Dirk’s face and the evidence of their shared pleasure covering his t-shirt, that a bit of discomfort really wasn’t a bad thing if it made his dragon happy.