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Dragon's Stone (Dragons Book 3) by Jena Wade (9)

Chapter Nine


I paced around the room that Peter had left me in. I’d tried every door, every window. All locked. The entire room was black, the trim, the walls, the furniture. I was surprised there wasn't a coffin in the corner to sleep in. Instead, there was a regular four poster king-size bed. The thought of lying in it made my skin crawl. Peter had been in there, and I didn't want to touch anything that he’d touched.

The only light in the room came from an old-style candelabra in the corner of the room. I rolled my eyes at that. I knew Peter was a vampire, but damn, he seemed to be taking the image a bit too far with his surroundings. Would it kill him to put a little lighting in here?

I'd stumbled more than a few times, running into end tables, a couch, and god knows what else.

“Let me out of here!” I screamed.

It wasn't the first time I had shouted since Peter had left me in there. And I got the same result as every other time. Silence.

I didn't even know how big this place was or where it was located, since we'd popped right into this room and then he’d popped out again. I didn’t even know if he was still in the same building as me.

I sat down on the couch and rubbed a hand over my belly. “It's going to be fine, little one. I promise.” I felt movement underneath my skin and my hand went still. Oh, god. Not now.

Movement meant that I’d be having the baby soon, according to Flint and Frost. But that couldn't happen, not yet. I needed to get out of here first. I knew Broderick would come for me. I had no idea how they'd find me, but I knew they would. That didn't stop me from continuing to try every exit to free myself, though.

Peter popped back in and startled me. “What the fuck!” I said.

“Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I got the tools I needed, so when it’s time, I’ll be ready.” A look of pure evil came over his face.

Oh, fuck. My blood ran cold. “Time for what?” I said. “Let me go. Broderick will find you and he will kill you. Just let me go. Leave us alone. Live your own damn life.”

Peter shook his head. “I'm sorry, Mason. I can't do that. I've come too far.”

“What do you want from me?” I asked.

Peter took a step toward me and I backed away until I was cornered against the wall. His eyes widened, and fury set in on his face. I'd never seen such a complete switch of emotion.

“You all think you're so great. Dragons getting gifted with their mates after what they did to the world years ago? It’s a fucking joke. Since five dragons were on good behavior for the past two thousand years, suddenly they get to find their mates. You don't know how good you have it. Finding your mate, living happily ever after. While the rest of us suffer, searching to the ends of the earth for our own mates, only to come up empty handed. Every time I think I’ve found the one, he ends up belonging to someone else. It's bullshit. I'm tired of it. We'll see how you feel after your mate is dead. Then you can be mine. We may not have the mate bond Mason, but we could still be together.”

“I will never be with you.” I put a hand over my stomach.

He eyed my belly, making me want to shrink away from him even more.

“I've always considered myself something of a scientist, you know,” he said. “I wonder what would happen to your baby, if I changed you right now. Took a bite out of your neck, sucked your blood until you ran dry, and turned you into a creature like me. Do you think we could possibly have the first dragon-vampire hybrid?”

“You're insane,” I said. I looked away from him. I didn't want to hear any more of what he had to say.

“We'll see,” he said. He opened his bag that he’d carried in and laid out a few objects. I couldn't help but look at them and wished I hadn't. One was a scalpel. The other a bone saw.

“What in the fuck?” I scrambled away from him.

“This isn't going to hurt. As long as your dragon is still alive, then you two are bonded. You'll have his healing ability. He might not be the one to cut that baby out of you, but the results will be the same. It will be painless, and you'll heal completely.” He paused for a moment. “I think. We'll find out together.”

“You are mad,” I said.

He shrugged. “I suppose. When you live as long as I have, things get a little crazy.”

I did the only thing I could think of and I upended the table he’d laid the tools on and ran for the door. I tried the knob, shaking it furiously. Nothing happened. I couldn't get out. I pounded my fists on it again and again, screaming for help.

Peter threw his head back, laughing behind me.


I had no idea how much time had passed. I'd stopped beating on the door a while ago and settled on the couch after Peter had disappeared from the room. I forced myself to sleep, to conserve my energy, and to hopefully keep my baby from making an early appearance.

Peter popped in and out of the room, but I didn't bother speaking with him, or even looking at him. He’d taken the tools with him, so I couldn't even use them to defend myself. I'd looked around the room, trying to find something that I could use, but there was nothing. I'd even tried tearing a leg off the end table to use as a club, but it wouldn't budge.

When I heard the roar outside for the first time, I knew my mate was coming, and then the house began to shake with each mighty roar of my stone dragon. The chandelier that hung from the ceiling in the center of the room danced.

I sprang to my feet, ready to leave with Broderick the minute I saw him.

Instead, Peter appeared, dagger in hand. He grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me out of the room.

“I think your mate and his dragon friends might be a little smarter than I gave them credit for. No matter,” he said. “I'll just kill him now and be done with it. Then you’ll be free of that bond, and you and our child will live happily ever after, with me.

I staggered and tripped as Peter held the dagger to my neck and pushed me forward. I felt a prick of pain and warm liquid trickling down the side of my neck.

Broderick and Merek were just touching down when Peter and I made it outside. Peter screamed at them. “Come any closer, and I will kill him.”

I held myself as still as I could, trying to prevent any more harm to myself and my child. I didn't want to give Peter any reason for the blade to slip.

Broderick transformed first. “Give him back, Peter.”

“No,” he said. “You don't deserve him. He's too good for you.”

“You're not wrong,” Broderick said. “But he is my mate, not yours. Why don't you let him decide where he wants to go?”

Peter laughed at that. “He doesn't even know just how special he is or how special the baby he carries is. Neither of you know. He’s going to change the world and I’m going to be at his side when he does it. Not you.”

My gaze met Broderick’s and I shook my head ever so slightly. I didn't want him to do anything stupid that might get himself hurt. I had no idea what to do in this situation besides plead with him with my eyes to not get hurt. I couldn't bear it if something happened to him.

“Why don't you let him go and we’ll fight for him,” Broderick said. “Hand to hand combat. No tricks, no weapons, no help. I won't even transform into my dragon. Drop the dagger and let's do this.”

“Fine,” Peter said. “If that's the way you want to play it. Let's go.” He pushed me away from him, pulling the dagger away from my neck. I landed on the ground, cradling my stomach to protect it from the fall.

I stood just in time to see Peter launching himself at Broderick. His superhuman strength evident in the twenty-foot leap. Peter bared his fangs and slashed at Broderick with his hands. He delivered blow after blow to Broderick’s face and torso.

I picked up the dagger that Peter had dropped, ready to jump in and help my mate. Merek held me back.

“No,” he said. “They agreed to a fair fight, we can’t interfere.”

I watched helplessly as they fought.

Broderick landed a solid punch to Peter's midsection and the vampire stumbled back. His eyes widened, and he retaliated, lunging himself at Broderick in full force. They seemed evenly matched, despite Broderick’s immense strength. Peter had the speed. He landed a few hard blows to Broderick’s face, but they healed quickly, barely even trickling blood before the cuts closed. Broderick landed a solid sucker punch to Peter's face, and he stumbled back. Broderick didn't let up, kicking Peter until Peter laid on the ground, barely able to stand.

Peter's face was badly bruised.  His shirt and pants were marred with tears and streaks of blood.

“Stay down,” Broderick said. “You lose.” He turned toward me.

Peter jumped to his feet. He had something in his hand, a rectangular type device that I didn't recognize right away until it hit Broderick solidly in the back and he convulsed.

A taser.

I ran to Broderick’s side as he fell limply to the ground. I pushed Peter, causing him to stumble back. I’d taken him more by surprise than actual strength.

Broderick shook violently on the ground. His eyes rolled in the back of his head. I held his face in my hands. “Broderick? Can you hear me?”

Merek stood by, preventing Peter from getting near us.

“Step away, dragon,” Peter said. “This fight was to the death and I would like to finish it.”

“No,” Merek said. “You cheated.”

“Fine,” Peter said. “I'll kill you first and then the stone dragon.”

Peter lunged forward with his taser, catching Merek solidly in the chest, like he had done with Broderick, but he didn't count on it backfiring. Instead of sending an electric jolt through Merek it reversed and jolted Peter instead. He flew into the air landing nearly twenty feet away from Merek.

“What the fuck,” I said.

Merek shrugged. “I think I have a gift for electricity.”

Broderick groaned, finally opening his eyes. He pushed himself up and I helped him get to his feet. Peter was just about to stand again when Broderick reached him. He grabbed him by the throat and held him in the air. Peter’s hands clutched at the one Broderick gripped around his neck. His feet kicked wildly as he tried to get out of Broderick's hold.

He opened his mouth to speak and uttered one word, “Molpe.”

I picked up the dagger Peter had held to my neck, threatening my life. I handed it to Broderick. I turned away as Broderick plunged it into Peter’s chest, but I heard the finality in the thump as Peter’s body hit the ground.

Then Broderick’s arms were around me. “He's not going to bother us anymore,” Broderick said.

“Thank you,” I said. “I knew you'd come.”

“Always,” he said. He pulled me tight against him. “I will always come for you.”

A scream pierced the air and we looked to where Peter’s lifeless body lay.

“You killed him!” Molpe screeched.

Broderick pushed me behind him and Merek stepped to his side.

“You’ll be next Molpe.”

She narrowed her eyes as if carefully weighing the odds of her success if she were to pick a fight right now. “Not today, dragons. This isn’t over. I told Peter that damn human he was obsessed with would get him killed. But he didn’t listen. Now look at him.” She bent down, reached inside his shirt and pulled out the amulet. “As long as I have this, that’s all that matters.”

Merek lunged for her, but she disappeared before he could grab her.

“Damn it,” he said.

At that moment, the baby decided to kick again or whatever the hell it was doing that caused me to feel its movements.

Broderick stepped back. He stared from my stomach, back to my face again. “Was that…?”

I nodded.

“Holy shit. How long has that been happening?”

I shrugged. “Since I got here.”

“Do you think you’re in labor? How soon?”

“I have no idea. Could be right now, could be a few hours from now?”

“Are you in any pain?”

I shook my head. “No, but I wouldn't mind getting home so we could at least be there when Junior decides to make his appearance.”

Broderick nodded. He looked over to Merek.

“I'll take care of this,” he said, already lighting Peter’s body on fire.

Broderick transformed, and I carefully climbed onto his back. He took off, taking me home.

Thankfully, the flight was quick. Broderick wasted no time, flying as fast as he could back to Dragon Headquarters. As soon as we touched down and I slid off his back, the pain ramped up. I clutched my stomach and fell to the ground.

Broderick was at my side, instantly in his human form. I pushed at him. “Change back! Change back! It's time!”

He held my shoulders. “Are you sure?”

I glared at him. “Yes, I'm fucking sure!”

Frost and Flint rushed outside. “It's time,” they both said. They shouted at Broderick, “Change!”

He did.

I lay flat on my back in the middle of the driveway. Pain and pressure erupted in my stomach and lower back. The steady throb of pressure was almost unbearable. I searched for my dragon and found him staring at me. “Do it,” I said. “Let's meet our baby.”

A low rumble worked through his chest and he lifted a claw.

I didn't feel anything after that. The pain melted away and the next thing I knew I heard a baby cry. Broderick, still in his dragon form, held our child in his hand. He stood there, just staring at the bundle in his claw. He changed back, and I could see our child in his arms.

I reached my arms up. “Let me see.”

Our child let out a wail, and Broderick continued to stare in complete wonder.

“It's a girl,” he whispered.

“What?” Merek’s voice startled me. I hadn't even realized he’d landed and transformed.

I looked around to see that everyone was here. Armant, Leonidas, Gale, Merek, Flint and Frost, even Valerie was there standing next to Broderick, holding a blanket, ready to wrap our child. Her eyes wide with shock.

“Well, that should change the world as we know it,” Armant said.

That's when I realized the vision my mother had, the prophecy that Peter talked about it, was this. Our child.

“The first female dragon,” I said, and Broderick looked at me.

“Yes,” he said. He knelt at my side.

I sat up and took our child from him. “Our baby girl.” I grinned at him and he grinned back.

“I didn't think of any girl names,” he said.

“Harley,” I said. “It means rock meadow.”

He smiled, and a tear slipped out of the corner of his eye. “Harley Cara. First girl dragon.”


Hours later, we all gathered in the library.

I held Harley in my arms. We’d cleaned her up and wrapped her in a blanket.

“I guess we might have to buy some clothes for her,” I said to Broderick. “We can't utilize many of the hand-me downs we got from Flint and Frost.”

He chuckled. “Yeah. This is kind of a game changer.” He put his arm around me and stared at our daughter. “Why don't you let me take her and you can get some rest? I'm sure you're exhausted.”

“I am,” I said. “But I want to just keep watching her. She's so beautiful.”

Broderick kissed my forehead. “Yes, she is. You’re amazing.”

I grinned. “Thanks. You know, I never really believed when my mom said that I’d do something that would change the world as we know it, but she just might have been right.”

“I'd say so,” Armant said. “There’s never been a girl dragon. It’ll be interesting to see what that will be like.”

“What are we going to do about Molpe?” Broderick asked.

“Who knows?” Armant said. “Right now, I'm focused on either destroying the amulet or finding a way to hide it where no one can use it.”

“What about Jay?” I asked.

Broderick had told me about the vampire that he and Armant had questioned to find out more about Peter and where he was keeping me. I felt for the man. His whole life had been turned upside down and he’d been used as a pawn for whatever game Peter was playing.

“We’ll see what he wants to do. He’s expressed some interest in going to the wolf pack and living amongst them for a while. He might have some luck there living a more ‘normal’ life. At least he wouldn’t be alone.”

I nodded. “He wouldn’t be the only vampire. We have a couple of betas who are mated to vampires. Have you spoken with Jericho?”

“Yes,” Broderick said. “I called him after you were taken, and Gale called him when we got back. He’d be here now, but Cody woke from his coma two days ago.”

“Really? How is he? Has he said anything about Molpe? What does he know?”

Harley let out a squeak and I turned my attention back to her.

“Take it easy, Mason. We can speak with Jericho soon. We’ll have to touch base anyway after all that happened today.”

“I’ll be heading that direction soon anyway,” Armant continued. “One of my stores just hired a new appraiser and I think he might be able to help me to locate the other amulet. If it exists out there, this guy will be able to find it.”

“One thing’s for sure,” Broderick said as he tightened his hold on me and Harley. “We have to find it before Molpe does.”

Everyone nodded at that.

I relaxed into Broderick’s embrace. The issues with Molpe could be dealt with at a later date, right now I reveled in my mate’s embrace. Excited and scared for what the future might hold for us, as the parents of the only female dragon to ever exist.

“Rest, mate. I’ve got you and Harley. I’m never letting you go.”

I closed my eyes. Broderick had me.




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