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Drantos by Laurann Dohner (19)


Dusti staggered into the bathroom and debated on running a bath. She changed her mind when she had to lean against the wall to stay upright. She carefully made her way through the house into the kitchen, deciding food was in order. She hadn’t meant to drink so much but Crayla’s meeting had encouraged her to have a few too many.

The front door opened and she clenched her teeth. “Oh, you’re back. Fantastic.” She turned.

It wasn’t her new mother-in-law who entered the house. It was Yonda. The woman hesitated inside the open door and stared at her.

“You’re not family so you have no right to walk into this house.”

Yonda scowled. “I’m not in it. I’m standing in the doorway.”

“I’m learning about your tactics.” Dusti pointed at her. “You don’t like me. Get out.”

“I came to ask you to do the right thing by Drantos. I’m not his mate but you shouldn’t be either. He deserves a strong VampLycan woman.”

“I get it. You hate me and don’t think I’m good enough for him. I heard you the first time. Get out. You’re not welcome here.” Dusti waved her hand dismissively. “Bye.”

Yonda didn’t budge. “I don’t hate you. It’s true that I don’t think you’re blooded enough to be a good mate to Drantos.”

“We’re already mated so you’re too late.”

The other woman paled.

“True mates. I can read his thoughts and he can pick up mine too. It’s a done deal. Now get out. I’ve had a hellish evening already with his mother pointing out all my flaws. She said I need to get pregnant. Like that’s my only redeeming quality. Do you know how insulting that is?”

“I do.”

Dusti was Surprised Yonda agreed.

“It’s never easy coming into a new clan. Crayla has always been very protective of her sons. She threatened to rip out the throat of any VampLycan woman who got pregnant by either them. She worried someone might try to trap them into settling to take a mate if that happened. At least she’ll welcome a baby from you. It means she’s accepted your mating.”

“That’s gruesome. What is it with you people and throats?”

“It’s an effective way to kill.” Yonda took a step inside the house. “I didn’t know you’d already sealed the bond when I came here to speak to you. I take my words back. You’d hurt Drantos more if you left him. As you said, it’s a done deal. You must make the best of it.”

“I’m trying.”

“It will take time but everyone will accept you if you try to fit in and don’t make Drantos tone down who he is to please you.”

“Tone him down?”

“Make him act human. He’s not. You probably have a set idea of how a man should present himself. He’s an enforcer of one of the strongest and most feared VampLycan clans. We hold that position because Velder and his sons are tough on lawbreakers. You might be squeamish over him doing his duties.”

“I watched a guy get his head ripped off by Aveoth. I didn’t puke or faint. I’m pretty proud of that.”

“You met Lord Aveoth?”

“In the graying flesh.”

Yonda’s features became animated. “Tell me everything! Is he as handsome as they say? As fierce? He’s never visited the clan when I was around. We’re not allowed to trespass on GarLycan territory.”

“He’s very attractive but scary as hell. Big.” Dusti noticed that her visitor was a few more feet inside the door. “Are we pals now or something?”

“My protests about you becoming Drantos’s mate weren’t personal.”

“You’ve slept with him, Yonda. We are not friends.”

“I’ve slept with a lot of men. I’m a VampLycan.”

Dusti frowned.

“I go into heat every summer. You probably don’t suffer from that, being so human, but it’s hell. You wouldn’t understand how strong the urge to be fucked becomes but we always find someone to spend our heat with. Even when I’m not suffering from it, I love sex. We all expect to meet our mate one day and then be locked into one partner for life. It’s acceptable in our culture to have many lovers when we’re young and single. It’s healthy and normal. Drantos was one of the better ones I’ve known but I wasn’t jealous over you. I was angry because he’s going to lead the clan I live in one day and I didn’t see that turning out well if he took you as a mate. You can’t shift, and I don’t pick up any VampLycan from you. None. You aren’t even vicious, or you would have gone for my throat already.” Her gaze darted around the room. “I spot at least six weapons you could use to come at me but you haven’t moved for any of them.”

“You can shift. I’m not an idiot.” She glanced at the counter. “This block of knives wouldn’t even save me if you wanted to kill me.” She looked back at Yonda. It surprised her that the other woman smiled.

“You could at least try. Drantos would slaughter me if I laid a finger on you. I’m not suicidal. At least bluff, Dustin.”

“It’s Dusti.”

“Isn’t that a boy’s name?”

“My full name is Dustina but everyone shortens it. It’s with an I.”

Yonda groaned. “A human with an I at the end of her name. How cliché. I’m trying to like you but you’re making it difficult.”

“You’re another VampLycan woman with an A at the end of her name. Crayla. Peva. My mom was Antina. She named her daughters Batina and Dustina. Is that like a requirement here or something? I think I’ll stick with being called Dusti with an I.”

Yonda chuckled. “A lot of our names do end with A’s. It’s tradition in some families to have that in the name of at least one daughter. It’s considered good luck. Tell me about Lord Aveoth. I’ve always wanted to meet him. Does he look like he’d be fantastic in bed? He needs a lover. I’m not sure how I’d do living at the cliffs but he might be worth it.” She sobered. “Especially if this clan’s future is resting on Drantos making you fierce. I’m not holding much hope of that happening.”

“Has anyone ever told you that you’re a bitch?”

“All the time. Is that insulting in your world? Call me human.” Yonda flashed a grin. “That would sting. Now tell me about Aveoth. I’m serious! I’ve never gone to bed with a GarLycan and the ones sent here with messages are in and out before we can flirt with them. They are all business. You could get rid of me if I volunteered to go live with their clan. Tell me about him.”

“He’s about six feet four, massive chest and arms, classically handsome but with a touch of seriously scary too. He looks really dangerous. I didn’t see any wings but he dressed in a lot of leather and his voice reminded me of thunder when he got angry. His eyes and skin color changed right in front of me. It was eerie. He beheaded someone superfast and didn’t seem bothered by it at all. His tone didn’t even really change. You’d think he’d just swatted a fly.”

Yonda licked her lips. “Did he seem really cold and distant?”

Dusti shrugged. “I guess.”

“I’m going to request an audience with him. That’s incredibly arousing.”

“Did you hear what I said?”

“Of course I did. You made him sound like a wet dream.”

“I think I need another drink.” Dusti shook her head. “You people are too weird.”

“Why do you think that way?”

“I couldn’t wait to get away from him but you want to go meet him? I thought you said you weren’t suicidal?”

Yonda advanced into the kitchen and snatched away the bottle Dusti had grabbed. “I think you’ve had enough. You’re slurring your words. You don’t want your mate to come home from patrol to find you passed out on the floor. It will be just one more reminder of how weak you are. You can’t even hold your liquor well.”

Dusti looked up at the other woman. “I really don’t like you. You’re so rude.”

“We’re honest. Lies are a waste of time. You are Drantos’s mate so that means I have to accept you. Feign violence if you are ever insulted. No one would actually strike you since it would be a death sentence if they hurt Drantos’s mate in any way. You’ll at least appear stronger than you really are and earn their respect for courage. Stay away from the booze too.” Her gaze lowered to Dusti’s stomach. “I can see why Crayla advised you to get pregnant. You might want to consider getting in that mindset so your ovaries start producing viable eggs. Everyone loves a new baby and it will distract them from your flaws.”

Dusti blurted out the first thing that came to mind. “I seriously hate you.”

Yonda leaned forward a little. “That’s better. Honesty. You’re sounding more like a VampLycan. Keep it up.” She turned and walked out of the house, closing the door behind her. The bottle went with her.

Dusti sighed and decided to take that bath after all. It would be hours before Drantos returned. Her talk with Yonda had sobered her up enough that she felt certain she wouldn’t fall asleep. She had too much on her mind.


Drantos spotted Yonda coming and made his presence known by walking up behind her. She didn’t sense him until he was a few feet away. She turned. He stopped.

“What are you doing out here?”

“I came looking for you.”

He tensed. “Why? Did you want to insult my mate again? I thought we were friends. How could you pull that shit, especially in front of my father?”

“I was taken aback. I didn’t expect you to go on a mission and return with a human who smelled like you’d just climbed out of bed with her. We don’t mess with humans. I was reasonably concerned when you made it clear you planned to mate her.”

“She believed it was an act of a woman who had a claim to me. I had a hell of a time explaining we have no emotional ties.”

“It’s not my fault humans date and try to form bonds with whoever they have sex with.”

“Did you come to apologize?”


“I appreciate that. Don’t cause me more problems, Yonda. Avoid Dusti if you can’t be nice.”

“I just left your home.”

Rage exploded inside him. He lunged and grabbed her by her throat before he could get a handle on it. He didn’t squeeze but he let his anger be known as he snarled, glaring at her. “Did you hurt her?”

“No.” She reached up and held her open hands near his nose. “I didn’t touch her. Smell.”

He inhaled and released her, stepping back. “Stay away from her. Did you tell her to leave? Insult her?”

“I went there to explain what you needed in a mate because I consider myself your friend but you’re already linked to her. I’d be more concerned with what your mother said to her than any advice I gave.”

“What in the hell does that mean?”

Yonda grinned.

“Don’t play games.”

“What is the only way a weak mate could be useful?”

“Shit. She told her to have a baby right away?”

“Your little human’ish hit the bottle. I took it away from her. She can’t hold her liquor either, Drantos. I admit I made her angry just to see how she’d react. She has potential.”

He growled.

“I expected her to flee into your bedroom to lock the door but she held her ground. I like her but she needs some work. You’re probably telling her not to worry about anything and how you’ll deal with any problems that arise. It’s the wrong approach. She needs to earn the clan’s respect by her actions, not yours.”

“No one would dare hurt her.”

“You’re right. You’d kill them. That doesn’t mean you can force them to like her or be happy she belongs to you. It will cause resentment.”

“Why do you care?”

“We grew up together, Drantos. You mated a weakling. You’d look out for me if I found myself in this position by offering to teach him how to fight and toughen him up. You have a good heart. So do I. She doesn’t have the potential to effectively kill but we can work around that. Lying to another human to avoid future trouble for our clan showed them she had at least one purpose, but it’s not as if we come across too many of them that can’t be memory wiped. She didn’t seem thrilled with birthing babies to prove her worth to the clan. I don’t blame her. Talk her into working with some of the women. We’ll teach her our ways and how to work around her lack of physical strength.”

Drantos debated it.

“Some of us want to help you. I do.” She cocked her head. “You might be Crayla’s son but she’s a terror to most of us. Don’t depend on her to be softer on your mate than the rest of us once the shock wears off that you’ve brought your Dusti home. It’s her duty to see to the harmony of the entire clan. She can’t afford to play favorites. You know it’s true.”

“I’ll think about it.”

“Do that.” Yonda suddenly grinned. “You can thank me by asking your father to request an audience with Lord Aveoth. I’d like to meet him.”

“Why would you want to do that?”

“He lost his lover.” She ran her hands down her body. “I have a lot to offer him if he’s as sexy as your mate said.”

Jealousy rose. “She—”

“Fears him. Relax. She isn’t attracted to him. The opposite. I figure if he can instill that kind of reaction in her that he’s pretty impressive.” Yonda peered at something behind him. “I’ll leave you now. I’m willing to help if you decide you need it.”

Drantos watched her stalk away before he turned. He saw the reason she’d left. Red approached. His cousin and Yonda had never gotten along well. She’d wanted to test a mating but Red had refused.

Red closed the distance between them. “What are you doing talking to her? Your mate wouldn’t like it.”

“Tell me something I don’t know.”

Red sighed. “Fine. I talked to Kraven. He called.”

“How are he and Bat?”

“Safe so far. He kept it short. His message was that he plans to talk to the doctor. He said you’d know who that is and where he went. He didn’t want to say over the phone.”

Drantos nodded. “It’s the one who treats Dusti. He’s in California.”

“For what? Your mate is ill?”

“Forget it. Did he say anything else?”

“He’d call afterward to share the details. I told him you’d gotten your mate back safely. He was relieved. He said he wouldn’t have to watch his balls anymore, whatever that meant.”

Drantos found that amusing. “The sister he’s with likes to threaten to remove his when she’s angry.”

Red growled. “Why would he put up with that?”

“You’ll understand one day when you find the right woman.”

“It must be something they learned being raised human.” He let his disgust show. “Why did you even test a mating with one?”

“I didn’t see this coming, Red. I was just curious how much of her mother’s blood she carried since I couldn’t pick it up by scent. She takes shots for anemia. It made me think she might have a need for blood.”


“I was right.”

“I hope you didn’t tell your father about that. What if she’s unable to breed? He expects you to have children one day.”

“It’s not an issue.” He remembered what Aveoth had said about having Dusti drink from him when she was pregnant to have strong VampLycan babies. “I think their mother might have drank the human father’s blood during her pregnancy, and that made her children weaker when they were born. She must have known Decker would want to use her children, the way he had attempted to do to her. They’d have been of no use to him that way.”

“That’s insane. Who would want to purposely create weak offspring?”

“A desperate VampLycan living in a human world who probably figured she’d never be able to return to the clans. What is our rule when we go out into the human world?”

“Blend and fit in. Don’t do anything that will draw attention.”

“Exactly. I was once told that Decker forced one of the elder Lycans who survived the war to stay with him for the first ten years as an advisor when he took control of his clan. She was the Lycan midwife, so she didn’t stay behind to fight when the younger ones fled the Vampires.” His mind worked. “What if that Lycan had told Decker about sharing blood while a mate was pregnant? It’s possible that Antina could have been passed that information as well. Decker would have demanded all his children give him strong grandchildren.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Never mind.” Drantos looked up at the sky. “I can’t wait for my shift to end. I just want to go home to my mate.”

“Go.” Red waved him off. “I’ll cover for you.”

“Thank you.”

Drantos started to walk away.


He stopped and glanced back. “What?”

“I want my jacket back.”

Drantos nodded and sprinted home. He found the front door unlocked and entered. The lights were on but Dusti wasn’t in the living room or kitchen. He sniffed the air and followed her scent through his bedroom and into the master bathroom. She was in the tub with her head tipped back along the rim, eyes closed.

“I’m home.”

Her eyes opened and she sat up. “You’re early.”

“I missed you.” He opened the link between them and a wave of sadness swept through him. He crossed the room and crouched next to the tub. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”

“I want to fit in but I don’t ever see it happening.”

“It will. Give it time.”

“Your mother thinks I should have a baby but I want us to get to know each other better first. No marriage should start off with a baby. We have enough stress without adding in sleepless nights and changing diapers.”

“I agree.” He caught her word. “Do you want me to marry you? I know that’s important to humans.”

She lifted one of her hands from the water, staring at it. “A band would be nice but I honestly don’t want the whole ceremony thing.” Her gaze met his. “Or maybe we can buy matching necklaces. Just something we both have that shows we’re a couple. I noticed none of your mated couples wear rings. You could hide a necklace under your shirt.”

He didn’t want to remind her at that moment that he shifted into another form, and how jewelry wasn’t a good idea to wear during the change. “We’ll smell the same as we keep strengthening our bond.”

She looked away and tried to lower her hand. He snagged it and curled his fingers around hers. “I’ll get us rings.” He could just remove his when he was on patrol, then put it back on when he came home. That way he wouldn’t lose it when he shifted forms.

She smiled and stared into his eyes again. “Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me. You’re giving up a lot to live in my world. I can compromise, Dusti. Your happiness is important to me. How did it go with my mother?”

“She tried to be nice. She got an A for effort. We’re just really different.”

“Did you talk to anyone else?” He wondered if she’d tell him about her other visitor.

“Yonda stopped by.”

He clenched his jaw at her unhappy tone. “It won’t happen again.”

“I thought she’d come to kick my ass at first but she was just mildly insulting. I will never be a fan of hers but it was okay. She wanted to give me pointers.”

“I just hate that it’s so difficult for you.”

“It’s not too easy living in my world either. You’d stick out like a sore thumb.”

“I’ve been in your world before. I made sure I fit in.”

She grinned, her mood lightening. “Baby, you stand out. Trust me.”

“How so?”

Her gaze lowered and he felt arousal came through their bond. “You’re hot, tall, sexy…they’d have to be blind not to see you.”

He stood and grabbed a towel, holding it out for her. “Come out of there.”

She rose and he admitted enjoying the sight of her naked and wet. Her nipples pebbled from the cooler air. He wrapped the towel around her and lifted her right out of the tub, carrying her to the counter and gently depositing her there. He spread his legs and leaned in, putting his lips close to hers. He wanted to kiss her but resisted. She needed more than sex at that moment.

“I love you. That’s the most important thing of all. We’re together. Don’t let bullshit clan politics get to you, Dusti. I don’t give a damn what anyone says or thinks. I won’t have you unhappy. I own some land that borders the territory. We can move out there before the winter sets in if you want space from my people. I can’t imagine anything better than spending months snowed in with you. We’d be alone in our cozy cabin. It’s not this big but I think you’ll like it.”

She smiled. “Wouldn’t we get bored?”

He shook his head. “We’d keep each other occupied. Open up to me. Let your inner guard down.”

She did. He felt it instantly, as if she’d opened a window and her emotions and thoughts breezed through him. She wanted to touch him, kiss him, but was holding back.

“I want you too, sweetheart.” He stopped fighting his urges and took possession of her mouth. Passion exploded inside both of them. He groaned and reached down, shoving the towel out of his way so he could play with her pussy. She spread her thighs wider apart, hooking them around his hips.

She was already getting wet from the sexual tension between them so he used his thumb to rub upward, using the pad of it to tease her clit. The little bud hardened as he stroked it up and down. Her moans urged him on but mostly it was the needy thoughts he could pick up. She wanted him inside her. His dick stiffened painfully.

I want you, Drantos.

Easy, sweetheart. I want you to come for me first. That’s it. You’re getting so wet and hot for me. Don’t tense up.

I can’t help it. I need!

He could feel how close she was to coming. Broken moans tore from her parted lips and he clenched his teeth, shutting down their link since he knew he’d end up coming in his pants if he didn’t. He applied a little more pressure against her clit, strumming it faster. Her inner thighs squeezed his hips, her breathing turning choppy and harsh. He loved the way her fingers clawed at him where she clung.

She threw her face forward and her body shook. He glanced down to see where the towel had fallen, loving the sight of her nipples beading as she climaxed. They were tight little pebbles he wanted to suck on and nip with his teeth.

He eased his thumb away from her pussy and reached down to open his pants. The next hours he’d spend fucking her were going to be heaven. He opened his mind to her again, sending flashes of images of the things he wanted to do. He said them as well, just in case their bond wasn’t strong enough yet for her to get those visions.

I’m going to bend you over in front of me and fuck you until we both collapse, then I’m going to keep going until we can’t move. You want me, sweetheart? You’re going to have me. I can’t wait to—


He snarled, enraged at the interruption. Dusti’s irritation was felt inside him too, or it was possible she was mirroring his. She released him with her legs and he eased her off the counter. He kept hold of her for a few seconds since her legs seemed shaky.

“I’ll be right back. That was my father bellowing.”

“I know. I’m so sick of them walking into the house.”

“I’m sorry. I’ll get rid of him. Meet me in the bedroom.” He stormed out of the bathroom, through the bedroom, but took a moment to close the door. His father waited in the living room. “What?”

“You’re supposed to be on patrol.”

“I was. Red relieved me. My post is covered.”

His father glanced down and inhaled. “Sorry.”

“Whatever it is, it can wait. Now is not a good time.”

“We have trouble. I just got a call from Decker’s clan. He and a few of his enforcers returned to their village. They kicked in the door of someone’s home and stole a young child.”

His passion cooled quickly, replaced by anger. Only Decker would use a child. It was a cowardly thing to do. He had no damn honor. “This shouldn’t surprise me anymore but a child is low even for him.”

His father glanced toward the hallway, then back at him. “Get your mate. This involves her family.”

Drantos spun and found Dusti in their bedroom, putting on one of his t-shirts. “You need to come out. My father wants to speak to both of us. Decker has kidnapped a child.”

She appeared shocked. “What? Why?”

“I’m not certain. That’s probably what my father wants to discuss.”

“Give me a minute.” She rifled through a drawer in his dresser.

He opened the one that contained his sweatpants, secretly pleased that she preferred to cover herself in his scent, and then helped her by crouching and rolling the bottoms of them. They were far too long for her shorter legs. He straightened and held out his hand, leading her into the living room.

“What has my asshole grandfather done now?”

Drantos saw his father’s eyes widen slightly at her question. It amused him. His mate was direct and to the point. He put his arm around her to keep her close.

“Lake’s niece was kidnapped by Decker. His sister mated to a member of Decker’s clan and lives there. He told her to contact us. He’s willing to trade the little girl for Batina and has threatened to kill the child if we don’t make the exchange. He left a phone number for us to call, so I did. He obviously believes his enforcer really had grabbed Batina at the ambush, and he thinks Kraven took Dusti away, in an attempt to fool him. He’s also aware that Lord Aveoth is hunting for him but he clearly thinks that’ll change after Aveoth gets a whiff of Batina. As if scenting her blood will appease the GarLycan leader.” Velder snarled. “It won’t. I talked to him too.”

Drantos clenched one of his fists. He wanted to kill Decker. “What did Aveoth say?”

“He was with his clan handling some internal matter, but he’s taking to the air to search for the child and Decker with some of his enforcers. He ordered us to stay out of it.” His father looked and sounded frustrated.

“Where’s Lake?” Drantos wouldn’t be surprised if he’d left to go track the child.

“I told him to wait outside. He’s beside himself with worry. The child is barely a toddler. She’s defenseless. Damn Decker. Lake’s sister said he and a group of his strongest enforcers disappeared after they attacked us on the road yesterday. Then they just showed up and took her child half an hour ago. She also said some of her clan were outraged and left to try to retrieve her daughter, but Decker has a head start. He knocked her out but she wasn’t down for long. Her mate wasn’t there at the time or they probably would have killed him. I’ve notified everyone to be on high alert in case that son of a bitch tries to come in here himself and take who he thinks is Batina.”

“We should send trackers out to help search for the child.” Drantos would volunteer.

His father shook his head. “Lord Aveoth was clear. Our job is to protect your mate and keep her where she’s safe. The GarLycans can cover a lot more ground than we can. Decker is desperate. He sounded paranoid on the phone. I don’t blame him. He wanted a war and he got one by pissing off Lord Aveoth. It just wasn’t the war he wished.”

Drantos mulled over the situation. “Why don’t you call Decker and tell him we’ll make the exchange? That way we can inform Aveoth where he’ll be. We’ll have a location.”

“They could kill the child at the first sign of betrayal. Decker would be caught but at the price of that child’s life. I think we should do everything to avoid her death.”

He agreed. Decker was a vindictive bastard. “You’re right. I’m so mad I can’t think straight.”

“I’ve had years of experience dealing with this son of a bitch, Drantos. I have a plan…but you aren’t going to like it.” His father shifted his attention to Dusti. “I noticed a strong resemblance between you and your sister. Do you believe you could fool Decker into believing you’re Batina, even for a few minutes? That will give us time to grab the child and attack once she’s clear.”

Drantos released Dusti’s waist and pushed her behind him, drawing his father’s focus. “Hell no! My mate isn’t bait. He’ll kill her when he realizes she’s the wrong granddaughter.”

“Calm,” his father ordered. “Decker won’t harm her if he thinks she’s Batina.”

“What if he doesn’t buy it? He has no use for Dusti.” Drantos snarled, enraged. “No. I won’t risk her life.”

“I could do it,” Dusti stated.

He spun, glaring at her. “Dusti!”

She put her hands on her hips and scowled at him. “Bat and I do look a lot alike.”

“I don’t agree.” They both had blonde hair, blue eyes, and a similar build but Drantos would never mistake the sisters. They weren’t twins.

Dusti reached up, placing her hands on his chest as she stepped closer. “Decker Filmore hasn’t seen us since we were young girls. I think I was ten and Bat was twelve.” She licked her lips. “I can do this. Do you know one of the most annoying things I dealt with, growing up with my sister? I’ll tell you,” she rushed on. “It was answering the phone. We sound alike. Our friends could never tell us apart until we’d talked to them for a little bit. Bat’s only recently talked to our grandfather on the phone a few times. I’ll just talk like she would. I can mimic my sister for a few minutes.”

“No.” Drantos shook his head and cupped his hands over hers.

“You’re being unreasonable. You heard your father. I’ll go pretending to be Bat so the little girl is set free. You guys can come to the rescue then and arrest him.”

“We don’t arrest,” his father clarified. “We capture.”

“Whatever,” Dusti murmured. “You’ll have Decker and the little girl will be safe.” She peered up at Drantos. “I can pull off playing Bat. Who knows her better than I do?”

He studied her features. “Sweetheart, you don’t look that much alike.”

“Did you miss the part about how he hasn’t seen us since we were kids?”

“What if Decker has seen photographs of your sister? She’s an attorney. Doesn’t she participate in cases that draw media coverage? It’s possible he knows what she looks like.”

Dusti seemed to consider it. “He hasn’t seen her since she’s been in a plane crash and had to spend days in the woods, without access to makeup. My sister is always really put together—so I won’t be. I can fool him. It’s not like I have to pull it off for a long time.” She leaned to the side, staring at his father behind him. “Right?”

“Yes. We just need time for Lake to grab the child and get her clear.”

Dusti smiled at Drantos. “See? I’ll just act snooty and butt hurt for a few minutes. I can do a Bat rant for that long.”

It could work—but what if it didn’t? Drantos considered it.

No. Decker would kill Dusti if he detected the lie. “I can’t risk your life. You’re my mate. My first priority is your safety.”

“It’s a little girl,” she reminded him, as if he could forget.

“I can’t lose you.” He tightened his hold on her hands braced against his chest. “Don’t ask that of me.”

“I’m not asking, Drantos. I’m telling.” She leaned to the side again, looking at his father. “I was told mates are allowed to argue in private so you need to step outside because I think that’s about to go down.”

“Did she just order me out of your home?”

Drantos ignored his father. “I’ve made my decision.”

Dusti’s eyes narrowed and she tugged her hands free. “It’s not your decision to make. It’s mine and I’m doing it.”

“It’s too dangerous! Do you ever listen to me? How did you survive in your world for so long?” Drantos felt his fangs elongating out of annoyance and anger. She could drive a man insane. “I love you. We’ll think of another way to get the child back that doesn’t involve putting you in danger.”

“Wow, that wasn’t insulting at all.” His mate rolled her eyes. “Your people think I’m useless already. Would one of your women do this? I think they would. Don’t even bother answering that.”

The matter was too important for the luxury of being sensitive to her feelings. “Our clan women grow claws to fight off an attacker and can shift to run for their lives, if need be. They are able to defend themselves long enough for help to reach them. What are you going to do? Glare at them and yell insults? Perhaps threaten to have them arrested by your human law enforcers? Decker will kill you. You admitted he has no use for you. He’ll know who you are!”

She surprised him by lunging forward and smacking her hands on his chest. “You’re wrong! I’m going to do the same damn thing I’ve done my entire life—which I survived without you, by the way. I’m going to use my brains and bullshit my way through this.” She shoved but wasn’t able to move him. “You’re pissing me off.”

“I know the feeling. I forbid you to do this.”

Her mouth opened and she backed away, releasing him. “As if you can. You might be my boyfriend but that doesn’t mean you can order me around.”

“Mate,” he snarled.

“Whatever!” She backed off and defied him further by addressing his father again. “I’ll do it. Count me in.”

“No!” Drantos spun on his father. “She’s not.”

His father glanced between them, finally holding his gaze. “It will only be a few moments. We’ll follow them at a distance so the lookouts don’t detect us and surround the area. Lake only needs to grab the child and run. We can attack then.”

“With Dusti in the middle of it without any defenses.”

His father took a deep breath and blew it out. “Your mate thinks she can fool Decker. He won’t want Batina dead. His life is in danger and he believes the only way to avoid Lord Aveoth killing him is to use the sister as a bargaining chip. You’re being unreasonable, Drantos.”

“Yes, he is,” Dusti huffed.

He turned to her. “Stay out of this. You thought I was insane when I told you about VampLycans. Your thinking process isn’t always clear. This is a clan matter.”

“You can’t have it both ways.” The anger drained from her face and he hated to see the sadness in her eyes. “I’m either a part of this clan or I’m not. Let me do something useful. Geez, Drantos. It’s a little girl we’re talking about. I’d rush into a burning building if I knew one was inside. I’d have to be a total selfish asshole not to. I convinced a freaked-out guy that something looking like a hell hound was actually a bear with mange. I can do this. It’s not as if I’m going to have to pretend to be some stranger. It’s Bat.” She put her hand on her hip, cocked it out, and threw back her head, jutting her chin. “Don’t make me take off my high heels and beat you to a pulp, you big ape.”

His father snarled. “Ape?”

“That’s how Bat speaks,” Drantos explained, watching Dusti. “That’s what her sister calls Kraven when she’s angry.”

Dusti eased her tense body and softened her voice. “I can do this, Drantos. Give me a chance. I’m not totally useless.”

Her need tugged at his heart. “This isn’t how you prove that to the clan. This is too dangerous.”

“Yeah. I’ll get pregnant instead.” She snorted.

Drantos sighed and shook his head at his father. “We’ll think of another way.”

The front door opened and his mother walked in. “What’s the holdup? Lake is pacing outside.” She nodded at Dusti. “Is she too afraid to go?”

“No. Talk to your son. I said I’d do it,” Dusti replied.

Drantos winced when his mother gave him a dirty look. “We’ll think of something else.”

Dusti glared at him. “You do that. I’m going in the bedroom, away from you. I need to cool down.” She left the room and slammed the bedroom door.

“Damn.” He hated to fight with his mate but he couldn’t live with himself if something happened to her.

“She agreed,” his father argued. “It will help her be accepted into the clan.”

“I don’t give a damn about that. I don’t want to bury my mate!”

His mother softened her gaze. “I’ll go talk to her. I understand.” She paused next to him and patted his arms. “The mating is new and she is weak.”

Fuck! It was a no-win situation but at least Dusti would be alive. He’d get her to calm and see things his way once his parents left.


Dusti eased open a drawer and found her new shoes. She sat on the bed. The bedroom door opened and she jerked her head up, ready to continue the argument with him.

It was worse. Crayla came in and shut the door at her back, sealing them inside the room together.

“Great,” Dusti muttered. “Just what I need. Did you come to tell me I can’t pull this off too?”

“No. What are you doing?”

“Exactly what it looks like. I'm putting on my shoes. I’m not a complete idiot. I’ve already walked around barefoot in the woods and I’d like to avoid doing that again.”

“Drantos doesn’t want you to go anywhere.”

“I heard him. He heard me, too.” She stood when her feet her covered and hurried into the bathroom, flipping on the light. She stopped in front of the mirror to assess her appearance. She reached up and started to use her fingers to rat out her hair.

“I’m certain there’s a hairbrush in one of the drawers.”

Dusti shifted her gaze in the mirror and spotted Crayla hanging out in the doorway separating the two rooms. “That’s not the look I’m going for. I plan to be the anti-Bat.”

“I don’t understand what that means.”

“Maybe our grandfather saw pictures of my sister. It’s possible. She’s really neat and tidy. Her makeup is always flawless and she wears expensive clothes. I’m going to give him the version that’s opposite.” She focused on her reflection again, leaning in and turning her face as she used her fingers to mess up her hair more. “No bun. No makeup.” She glanced down at the borrowed clothes. They dwarfed her. “He knows we’ve had some hellish days and lost everything in the plane crash. He won’t expect her to be looking her best unless he’s a complete fucking moron. I’ll point that out if he says anything.”

“Your mate refused to allow you to go in her place.”

Dusti sighed. “Is that a law too? Total obedience to your mate? No one’s here to watch me defy him so I don’t see a problem—unless you plan to tell everyone.” She turned and stared into Crayla’s eyes. “I can play my sister. All I have to do is stall until the cavalry arrives. Right?”

Crayla arched her eyebrows. “Drantos said no.”

“Your husband is the clan leader. So that makes you Mrs. Clan Leader. Don’t you overrule your son?”

The other woman smiled and leaned against the wall, crossing her arms over her chest. “My son will be furious.”

“He can get over it. Can he unmate me, like a divorce?”


“That’s what I thought. So are you going to help me get that kid back or listen to your unreasonable son? I need you or your husband to help me do this since I have no idea where my grandfather wants me to go, and someone needs to grab the girl at the exchange.”

Crayla pushed off from the wall and slowly advanced. She came forward until only a few feet separated them. “Are you prepared to piss my son off that much?”

“I’ve done it before. Trust me. He didn’t enjoy me calling him a nut job and insulting him when I thought he needed medication for his wild imagination. We got past it. Best case, I can tell him I told you so when I come back safe. Worst case, I’ll never get to hear him yell at me. That’s hard to do when I’m dead.”

“Why are you willing to risk your life for a VampLycan child?”

“I’d do it for any kid. It’s human nature.” Dusti hesitated. “And I’m human. Besides, you have to be a total dick to sit on your ass and not try to save a child if given the chance.” She bit her lip. “I also really hate my grandfather and always have. I came to Alaska with Bat to give her emotional support once she’d discovered he’s a waste of space. It was going to be a bonus to tell him off. I want him caught and stopped. Nobody fucks with my sister—and he planned to big time. I want to take him down. Are those reasons enough?”

It surprised Dusti when Crayla reached out and brushed her fingers against her cheek and smiled. “I like you, Dusti. You have courage and inner strength.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re also willful and stubborn.” Crayla dropped her hand and stepped back. “I’ll help you. Just don’t die. My son would never forgive me.”

“I don’t plan on it. I’m kind of addicted to breathing.”

Crayla chuckled. “Stay here and I’ll send my mate and son to our house. They can plot another way to save the girl while us women get this done.”

“Nobody is going to whip Drantos if I disobey him, will they? I don’t want him offering to take my punishment again.” It was her only concern.

“No. I’m in charge of the women and you have my permission to do this.”

“Good enough.” Dusti faced the mirror again, messing up her hair more.

Crayla left her and Dusti returned to Drantos room. Without claws or fangs, she’d need a weapon. A quick search of his bedside drawers was helpful. She might not have ever fired a gun but she’d seen a lot of movies. The weapon was heavier than she thought it would be. She made certain to point it toward the outer wall as she learned where the safety was, how to remove the clip, and ensured it had bullets. She snapped the clip back in and double-checked the safety again, using her thumb to move it a few times to get a feel for it.

She removed the sweatpants, put on Drantos’s underwear, and then put the pants back on. It gave her a place to hide the gun down the borrowed briefs. The gun sagged a bit but she rolled the waist of the sweats to help support the weight. She closed her eyes, thinking about what she was about to do.

It was crazy. It was probably stupid. It might not work…but she needed to try. Everyone thought she was cowardly and that she needed to be protected. Her sister would have the nerve to pull a stunt like this.

That thought gave her the courage to walk out of the bedroom. Crayla waited in the living room but Drantos and his father were gone.

“Are you ready to do this?” Crayla didn’t look convinced.


“Be certain, Dusti. This is a dangerous situation. Decker has no honor and he’s vicious.”

“He wants Bat alive to use her. I’ll just be her.”

“Lake is still outside. I motioned for him to stay when our mates left. I’ll go tell him our plan.”

“What is that, exactly?”

“I’m going to have Lake call his sister. She’ll have the number to reach Decker. Lake will tell him that he grabbed you from our village and wants to make the exchange for his niece. No VampLycan would dishonor another by stealing their mate, but it’s behavior that someone like your grandfather shouldn’t question.”

“Because he’s an asshole with no morals. That’s something he’d probably do.”

“Exactly.” Crayla smiled. “Lake will tell me where Decker wants him to take you. I’ll give you a head start before telling our mates. They’ll rush to save you. Lake will hand you over to Decker, grab the child, and run back in this direction, but by that time, our mates will be on their way to you. Is that clear enough?”

“Crystal.” Dusti felt fear but she refused to let it change her mind.

“It’s possible that Decker could take you, if they don’t reach you in time. We have no idea how many enforcers are protecting him or what kind of escape plan he’s made in case of a trap. I’d have one if I were him. Are you prepared for that?”

Dusti understood. “He’ll want to take Bat to Aveoth.” The memory of meeting the GarLycan leader flashed in her head. “At least Aveoth knows who I really am. He’d let me go and give me back to Drantos. I feel confident about that. He’s definitely a badass and I wouldn’t be bummed if he beheaded my grandfather. I’ve seen him in action already.”

Crayla regarded her sternly. “Hide your fear. That’s important.”

“I’m going to be channeling Bat. She doesn’t get scared. She gets pissed off and mouthy. Trust me. I’ve got her down.”

Crayla nodded. “Be strong and courageous for your mate. He’ll be furious that you defied him but his anger will be lessened if we pull this off without a hitch.”

“How pissed is Velder going to be at you?”

“He’s my mate. He knows me well so he shouldn’t be surprised by anything I do. You’re a woman in our clan and that child is a VampLycan girl.”

“Good enough.”

“I appreciate that you’re concerned for my relationship with my mate.”

Dusti forced a smile. It was more a matter of how angry Drantos would be if she was the reason his parents weren’t on speaking terms—on top of going directly against what he’d told her to do.