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Drantos by Laurann Dohner (21)


Dusti backed away from her grandfather’s body. It unsettled her, being close to it.

A howl tore through the woods and she faced the direction she believed it had originated from. It was where she’d come out of the trees with Lake.

She opened her mind, trying to feel Drantos. She caught an emotion that wasn’t hers. Rage.

She winced, figuring he’d be mad and hadn’t been wrong. He was coming for her. She sensed him getting closer.

Dusti touched the screen again to activate the phone and used it like a flashlight to enter the woods. “I’m over here,” she called out.

Something crashed through the woods at a frightening speed. She found a fallen log and climbed up on top of it. The phone light wasn’t good at showing her more than about four feet in front of her. She held it up, searching for any sign of movement.

She spotted a big beast just as it leaped over a bush and crashed into the ground in front of her.

It skidded to a stop and sat on its hunches, just staring up at her with black eyes.


He shook his head.

Fear came instantly but he didn’t attack. He just stayed in front of her, close to the ground. He watched her with those eerie eyes until more noises came from behind him. He turned his head and lifted up, walking a little to the right of her.

Another shifted beast bounded over the same bush and it almost struck the log she stood on. All four legs of the big furred body skidded on the loose leaves covering the ground until it came to a stop. It didn’t stay put. It snarled and lunged at her.

She gasped and almost fell off her precarious perch. Emotion flooded her though and she froze. The furry body hit hers but she didn’t hit the ground. One of the VampLycan’s limbs wrapped around her and she landed on Drantos’s big body after he twisted in the air.

He shifted forms, his fur receding to be replaced by skin. His other arm wrapped around her, almost crushing her to his big body. Something dark sailed over them then stopped. She lifted her head. The phone and gun had been torn from her grasp when she’d fallen. The dark shape of another shifted VampLycan stood near their heads.

How could you go against my orders?

She flinched as Drantos yelled inside her head.

She braced her hands on his chest and lifted up. “Did Lake make it back to the village with his niece?”

“Yes,” his father answered. “We passed him on our way to you.”

She jerked at Velder’s harsh tone.

Dusti? Drantos yelled at her again. Answer me!

“Where’s Decker?” Velder snarled.

That’s what I want to know. How did you get away from him? I was told he had you.

“Is she alright?” She recognized Red’s voice.

“Answer,” Velder demanded.

Dusti? I told you not to go, damn it. Are you injured? Hurt? Where the hell is that bastard Decker?!

“Enough,” Dusti shouted. “You’re all talking to me at once. I just had the wind knocked out of me from being tackled.” She took a deep breath and blew it out, staring down where she knew Drantos’s face was from the sound of his heavy breathing. “I’m okay. Everything is fine.”

Where is Decker?

She flinched. Her new father-in-law still sounded furious. She stared up at his hulking shape. He wasn’t on all fours anymore. He stood tall and was just a big silhouette in the shadows.

Dusti wiggled her hips and Drantos released her. She stood. “I killed him,” she admitted.


“Um, I took the gun from your nightstand drawer. I shot him. Trust me. He’s dead. I hit him in the chest four times, and twice in the stomach after he had fallen down.”

“No fucking way,” Red gasped.

“Way,” Dusti muttered, turning to try to make out Drantos’s cousin. She could barely see anything at all so she gave up, blindly turning to Drantos again. “He didn’t know about the gun until it was too late. I hid it. Then I bluffed so his men ran away instead of killing me.”

What?” Drantos gasped again.

“What part of that is confusing you or so hard to believe? I shot my grandfather and then yelled at his men that the GarLycans were flying in, told them the shots were my signal for them to attack. I can’t see a damn thing but I heard them running for their lives.”

“Son of a bitch,” Red muttered.

Drantos yanked her against him, nearly crushing her in a bear hug. “You could have been killed!”

“He thought I was Bat at first. He needed her alive. He didn’t know it was me until I told him—by then it was too late and we were close enough for me not to miss him when I fired the gun. I would have shot him more but I didn’t know how many bullets were in the gun. I didn’t exactly count them. I think there’s eight, right? I wanted a few to spare in case not all of his men ran away.”

“Unbelievable,” Velder rasped. “Where’s Decker’s body, Dusti?”

“In the clearing. It was freaking me out, standing so near it.”

Drantos shifted his hold on her and lifted her up his body. They left the trees and her vision got a little better with the moon to help. She saw two large shapes next to them. Red and Velder, staying close.

Until Velder suddenly sprinted forward.

She could make out enough to see her father-in-law wasn’t sporting any clothes. The sight of his bare ass wasn’t something she wanted to see but she couldn’t help it. He walked over to a spot in the longer grass and crouched.

“Damn it,” Drantos hissed.

“What?” Dusti gripped his shoulders.

“His body isn’t here.”

“I smell a lot of blood.” Red walked away to go to Velder.

“What do you mean his body isn’t here?” Dusti shook her head. “He was dead! He wasn’t breathing.” Drantos eased his hold and let her slide down his body. He clutched her hand, holding on tight.

Velder rose and walked a little. Red followed him.

“What is it, Dad?”

Velder paused. “There’s a blood trail and two sets of prints. It looks as if an enforcer returned for him.” He started walking again and then bent, lifting something from the ground.

“What is that? I can’t make it out.” Dusti hated being at a disadvantage.

“Clothing,” Drantos whispered. “Someone shifted.” He sniffed the air. “Not Decker’s scent.”

“I shot him six damn times.” Dusti refused to believe he might be alive. “Six! He wasn’t breathing.”

“We’re hard to kill.” Drantos tugged her closer.

“It’s possible he died and they just took his body. Get her out of here, Drantos.” Velder fell to his knees. “Shift back, Red. Help me track them to be certain. Let’s end this.”

Drantos let go of Dusti’s hand and gripped her hips, lifting her. He flung her over his shoulder and proceeded to carry her back into the trees.

She placed her hands just above his ass to brace her body so her face didn’t slam into his back. “I can walk.”

“Shut up. I’m angry right now.” He stopped. “Find my gun. It’s around here.”

“I can’t see a damn thing,” Dusti admitted.

“I wasn’t talking to you, mate. More of our clan just arrived. Be silent.”

She tried to hold back her irritation as Drantos gave orders to people around them that she couldn’t see. He had a right to be upset with her but he was taking it to the extreme. He told some of them to go help his father, others to spread out and search the area for any of Decker’s enforcers. Then he marched through the woods with her. His mind was closed off when she tried to sense what he was thinking or feeling.

“I really hate when you carry me like this,” she finally sighed.

“You’re lucky I don’t spank your ass. What were you thinking? You could have died.”

“I told you I could play Bat. I totally faked him out and he didn’t even know it was me until I threw it in his face. I sounded just like her when she’s pissed off. I have it down pat. Can you please put me down? I hate feeling like a sack of laundry.”

“Goddamn it.” Drantos snarled. “Take this seriously. Do you understand that he could have killed you?”

“I knew that but I’m not useless.”

He came to a jarring halt. “I never thought you were.”

“They do,” she whispered. “I needed to show them I’m a part of your clan, Drantos. Tell me one woman who wouldn’t have willingly done what I did if they’d been in my shoes. I know you’re mad but you wouldn’t even listen to reason.”

He growled and began walking again.

“I’m okay. Lake got his niece back. That’s all that matters, right?”

“Damn it, Dusti.”

She heard his tone soften, some of the anger fading. It encouraged her to try to lighten his mood more. “Think I’ll get that official clan title after this stunt? Dusti, the Master Bullshitter.”

He snorted. It almost sounded like a harsh laugh. “Shut up.”

She closed her mouth. He took her home, slammed the front door after entering, and then eased her onto her feet. She couldn’t help but stare at his naked body. A smile played at her lips.

He reached out and clasped her jaw, lifting it. “Don’t you dare try to distract me. Sex isn’t going to calm me down.”

“I wasn’t going to do that. I was just admiring the view.”

“You shouldn’t have left our home.” He eased his hold and caressed her cheek. “You drive me crazy.”

“It’s more human nature and I am mainly that.”

He frowned.

“We generally have this overriding desire to help someone, Drantos. My grandfather kidnapped a little girl. The easiest way to get her back was to give him what he wanted.”

His lips pressed into a firm line, relaying his displeasure.

She studied his eyes. They were beautiful and dark blue at that moment. “Don’t be mad. It did work out. That little girl is safe and so am I. Look on the bright side.”

“I’m afraid to ask what you think that is.”

“I shot him. Bat and Kraven can come home. She’s safe now.”

“You could have been killed. That’s all I can think about. Do you know what that would have done to me? You’re my life, Dusti. My mate.” His voice deepened. “It’s my job to protect you. I can’t do that if you defy me and put yourself at risk.”

“Do you want a mate or a trained pet?”

He scowled.

“I have a mind of my own. I don’t take orders well. You don’t either, or you would have let me go in the first place.”

“Are you blaming me for this stunt you pulled?”

“No. Don’t get bent out of shape. I’m just saying we’re two people in a relationship and we both have our own opinions. We’re not always going to agree with each other. You can’t expect me to always do what you say.”

“I can when it comes to your safety.”

“You said it yourself. You live in a dangerous world. I’m living here with you now.”

“God! You drive me crazy.”

He suddenly lunged and took possession of her mouth, kissing her hard. She pressed her body against his, clutching his waist.

The sound of the door opening broke them apart and Dusti twisted her head to see who had interrupted them. Crayla entered.

“You’re alive.”

“No thanks to you,” Drantos grumbled. “She’s my mate. Don’t ever pull rank when it comes to her again. You have no business helping her do something foolish.”

“Stop!” Dusti turned, blocking Drantos’s body as best she could from his mother.

Crayla crossed her arms over her chest. “Asha will be returned to her mother alive and well. We can thank your mate for that.”

“You helped her leave my home and talked Lake into going along with it.”

Dusti sighed. “Did anyone hear me say stop? I meant don’t argue, if that wasn’t clear.” She turned her head to stare up at Drantos. He moved closer, wrapping an arm loosely around her middle. “Please don’t do this. Be mad at me.”

He held her gaze. “I am mad at you. I’m furious with her.”

“Where’s your father?”

He broke eye contact to glare at Crayla. “He and some of our men are tracking the enforcers that are with Decker.”

“I killed my grandfather,” Dusti added.

Crayla gaped at her. “What?”

“She took my gun.” Drantos held her tighter. “It’s a miracle he didn’t smell it on her or take it from her.”

“Where did you hide the weapon?”

“In my underwear. Actually, Drantos’s underwear. I had to borrow his.”

“Close to your body and hidden under a few layers of clothing. That was smart.”

Praise from Crayla was nice and appreciated. “Thanks.”

“Don’t encourage her, Mom.”

“She did well. She survived and the child is safe.” Crayla’s tone softened. “How are you handling your first kill, Dusti? I’ll assume you’ve never taken a life before.”

She’d been running on so many emotions that the reality of shooting Decker Filmore really hadn’t sunk in yet. She admitted as much. “He was a bad guy though. I doubt it will keep me up at night.”

The door opened again and Velder strode in. He sported a pair of faded jeans and nothing else. He went to his mate and pulled her into a hug. They held each other close.

“What happened?” Drantos was the one to ask.

Velder nuzzled Crayla’s cheek with his nose before he looked at his son. “They had a zip line rigged. They got away. I wasn’t willing to risk our men following them in case they cut the line from the other side. It was a steep, rocky ravine below. The fall could have killed them…but I do have worse news.” He dropped his gaze to Dusti. “We saw signs that Decker survived.”

“No way. I shot him six damn times!”

“I found a bloody set of prints near where they crossed. They were his. They carried him for a ways but he definitely walked to the edge of that cliff.”

“Son of a bitch,” Drantos cursed.

“Unbelievable.” Dusti was in shock. “He wasn’t breathing. I’m sure I got his heart or his lungs. Four of them were chest hits!”

“We’re really hard to kill.” Crayla sighed. “You should have placed every bullet in his head.”

“I would have had to lift the gun up higher to hit him there. I kind of hid it between our bodies so he didn’t see it until I’d already opened fire. I didn’t think to keep shooting once I thought he was gone.”

“We also heal fast,” Drantos reminded her.

“From being dead? It’s not my fault you VampLycans are freaks of nature. Don’t give me that aggravated tone, Drantos. Nobody takes four hits to the chest and two to the gut, then gets up. That’s just wrong.”

“Regardless,” Velder stated. “Decker is alive and got away. I need to make a lot of calls. I’ll report to Lord Aveoth what direction Decker took. I’ll also alert his clan that the girl is here with us and make arrangements for her parents to join her here.” He looked at his mate then. “You and I will talk afterward.”

“She’s one of mine. Don’t give me that look, Vel.”

“Not this again,” Dusti muttered. “Let’s just clear the air now. I wanted to do it. You wanted me to pretend to be Bat. The only one who had a problem with it was Drantos. My mate, my problem. I refuse to be the reason my mate-in-laws argue.”

Both of them looked at her.

She shrugged. “I hate bullshit.”

“Obviously not, master of bullshitting,” Drantos drawled.

Dusti laughed, turning her head to grin at him. “I do like that title.”

“What title?” Velder didn’t sound amused.

“Never mind.” Drantos shook his head. “It’s a private joke between my mate and me. She’s fine. You both should go. We have our own argument to finish.”

They left and Dusti turned in his arms, wrapping hers around his waist. “Are we okay? I love you.”

“I love you too but you’re going to drive me insane.”

“You’re a tough guy. I think you can handle me.”

“I can think of many ways to do that.” Desire flooded the bond they had, the emotion filling her.

“Make-up sex?”

“Make-up sex,” he confirmed. “You have a lot to atone for.”

“Sounds sexy.”

“It does.”

“Good. And I can’t wait until Kraven and Bat return.”

“I know you miss your sister.”

“I do but she’s really going to piss your parents off.” She grinned. “Tag, she’ll be it. I almost feel sorry for your family. Almost.”

He laughed. “I want to make love to you right now.”

“That sounds like heaven.”

A slight noise sounded from outside. Dusti immediately tensed, prepared for someone else to walk into the house unannounced. “Why don’t you lock the door? I’m so sick of interruptions.”

“So am I.”

She let him go and he stalked over to the front door, bolting it.




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