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End Zone Love (Connecticut Kings Book 4) by Love Belvin (17)


She took my breath away…

A petite stature of lace and beads, strolling down the aisle with grace like only Jade had, made me breathless. My ears rang, tips of my fingers stung, and lungs held full and unmoving. For a moment, I felt lightheaded, so filled with an emotion I didn’t know.

I couldn’t see her face as she walked arm in hand with George, but I could feel her elegance as she approached. She may have shown up to my house with a kid and homeless, but I’d never met a more refined woman in all my years of good living and travel. Maybe because I’d never expected much from a woman outside of sex. Even before Jade, my conversations with women had been surface with most. The ones I was able to let down my guard around didn’t get much more than easy conversation. I had little need for more.

Until Jade.  

As she got closer, I could make out her eyes behind the veil. They were strong on me, intensifying the heat stirring in my belly. This was what Jade did to my head. She made me crazy inside. I’d just let her take advantage of me in Bishop’s Office, and she still felt new to me. Innocent, pure. Just for me.

Ah, man

The first tear slipped. I tried widening my eyes to stay ahead of the waterworks. I hated crying. It still wasn’t a show of emotions I accepted from myself, but I couldn’t control it. Jade must have caught on, because I caught her chin lifting in the air, and it seemed as though she strolled faster. She and George were now off beat to the music. 

I felt a tug on my leg.


“‘Sokay,” he tried whispering. “She’s coming.”

That had me, Ezra, and Jordan, who were close enough to hear, cracking up at the altar. I wiped my face, trying to man up. My moms was in the audience and I didn’t want her to see me like this.

Before I knew it, Jade and George were in front of Ezra and me. Our eyes were locked. Hers narrowed, communicating something good. Mine enjoyed everything I saw. From here, I could see her lip color. Another nude. Jade had been wearing lots of soft colors. When she busted in the Bishop’s Office earlier, wanting sex, she had nothing on her lips. I devoured them without the worry. Because I could

The day was finally here when I could claim her in public. Today would be the day the world knew she was mine: legally, spiritually, and physically. On the low, I always thought I’d get married one day. In my mind, it would be when I was retired and had lucked up with a chick who would be good with an arrangement. Maybe we’d have kids, maybe we wouldn’t. As long as we had good sex, and decent conversation, we’d be fine.

But this.


She was more than that. Jade brought the banging sex, soulful love, and addictive pain. The good, bad, and indifferent: she was custom made for me.

As Ezra spoke, kicking off the ceremony, my attention was stapled to my wife. The co-captain God sent in my red zone play. We finally made it to the end zone, and it was time to score.

“Who here giveth away Jade Renee?”

“I do,” George screeched, eyes above Ezra’s head with his chest puffed out.

I held my hand out for her, ready for this touchdown.

We waited behind a huge, factory size set of frosted sliding doors. Tessie stood to the left of Trent as he gripped my hand. She held a clipboard in one arm and with the other hand, pushed a wired bud into her ear.

She glanced over at us with a concentrated regard and nodded as she mouthed, “Five, four, three, two, one.” Then she pointed at the industrial doors that separated, opening to the most spectacular regal ballroom hall I’d ever seen.

There were softly colored lights, white flowers, and countless candles around the room. The announcing music sounded like an introduction. An electric guitar of sorts, stringing emotionally.

Below us were hundreds of standing guests, robed in extravagant attire. I knew I’d just left them at Redeeming Souls in Harlem, but from this vantage point, it was more appreciated. Their applauses ripped the air around us and immediately, I felt a gentle pull. I peered up at Trent, whose impressed smile was quite a contrast to the sobbing face I’d experienced at the altar. It warmed me all over to experience such a wide range of his emotions in one day. My heart was full as I followed him down the steps.

Trent maintained one step ahead of me while carefully examining my movements. It was the heels. It concerned him with me being pregnant. I was sure to step slowly and rhythmically. And wonderfully taken by the splendor of the room as the guitar streamed into the air, our guests matched his concern with audible enthusiasm. I tried keeping my eyes from them and focusing on the task beneath my bulging belly. Less than ten steps down, Trent was on the landing, holding my hand to guide the rest of my journey. And apparently on beat with the music.

He mouthed lyrics, “The sex. The love. The pain.”

His eyes were intent, making it clear he was caught up in the spirit of the song already. It had meaning for him. Cameras flashed and countless voices congratulated and complimented us simultaneously. But my eyes couldn’t leave my husband. His were too entrancing as he mouthed unfamiliar lyrics to me. I tried smiling for the many cameras as I tuned into him, but it was hard. Trent was the main event for me.

Someone tapped Trent on the shoulder, taking his attention. It was Azmir, his friend, pointing at my feet hidden beneath the gown. Without delay, Trent dropped to his haunches and began removing my heels.

The nerve!

I loved my Sophia Webster’s and wasn’t ready to part with them just yet. But there was no time to fight him on it. Trent effortlessly slipped the shoes off and took my hand, drawing me into the middle of the room, parting the sea of our energetic guests as he did. Trent’s eyes were slanted, as though he were intoxicated with love and lust. And just like that, my attention was fixed on his big body.

When we stopped, Trent pulled me into his hardness as he serenaded me expressively. My belly was lodged possessively against his pelvis, which was dangerous at this proximity. My heels could have avoided it, but I don’t think my husband cared. The way he thrust into me, inaudibly serenading. My lashes wouldn’t stop beating, my smile would soon be painful, it was so broad. I tried fighting the plunge into eroticism with him. But Trent’s hip thrusts made it hard. He was performing for me, telling me this song was strategically chosen.

“Sex, love, and pain, too…” were a few of the lyrics I was able to catch.

Around us, the crowd hooted and cheered, encouraging this private expression. Many of them—more than me—were used to this performance behavior from him. Trent came from a family of dancers. He could dance himself. But in this moment, he was raw, vulnerable, and emotional as he sang to me.

Don’t get hard, Trent. Don’t inflate! I begged under my smile.

Then the singing halted. Next the music followed. My face folded as I glanced around to see what in the world the deejay was doing.

“Hold up! Hold up! Hold up!” a voice similar to the one on the record demanded. “Godammit, TB, I know this your day and all…” The crowd burst into laughter. My head twisted all over until it landed on a grand stage where a deejay booth was set off in a corner. A rather short man, holding a microphone was at the edge of it, gazing in our direction. Trent turned for the stage with a perceptive grin. “I know I’m getting paid to be here today, but dammit, this my show. You ain’t gone be outdoing me with ya Magic Mike hip work!”

Trent covered me, tumbling over in laughter. Our guests followed. I strained my eyes to see who this man was. Did we have a cover band for today? Lex told me about her star-lit wedding day and warned me mine would be even more glittery because of Trent’s line of work. She was right. I couldn’t count the number of celebrities I encountered after the ceremony. The line was endless. It was a stunning reminder of who Trent was before he became the angry, lone ogre I met close to two years ago.

“Now, let’s try this shit again.” I pushed up on Trent’s body so I could see who this person was. “There’s crazy star power in the building, and I’m gonna get my shine, dammit.” He nodded and cued the deejay.  

When he turned back to the crowd, my jaw dropped.

“Is that…” I couldn’t think of his name right away, I was so shocked. “Tank is performing at my wedding?”

Trent nodded, holding one of my hands in the air then pulling me into him to continue our dancing. The song resumed and Trent never stopped his rendition. He did tone it down, holding me protectively to his chest, though.

He leaned down to my ear. “I’m in a ‘blessing Jade’ mood. Tell me what you want. Anything, and I’ll make it happen.”

He backed away so I could see the sincerity in his eyes. They held a priapic slant that led my mind in only one direction.

I smiled with a closed mouth as I considered it.

“In our marriage enrichment class, we were encouraged to share our fantasies.”

“Say word.” Trent appeared stunned.

“Seriously.” I giggled while swaying in his arms.

He raised a suspicious brow. “What fantasy you got that I ain’t hit?” Trent was offended before I could answer.

“Sex in the locker room.” I watched his eyes intently as I spoke.

“Sex in a locker room? What type of—”

I shook my head, clipping his question. “Sex in the locker room.” I tossed my chin to him. My eyes batted then hid from him. “Your locker room.”

“The Kings’ throne?” Biting my bottom lip, I nodded.

I watched as his eyes rose above my head, pondering. He asked nothing more, so I dropped it. We danced the entire track through, and I was amazed at the performance.

I was given ballerina slippers the moment the song ended. We stood in front of a beautiful ice sculpture with exotic flowers inside and our names, Mr. & Mrs. Trenton Bailey, engraved on top to greet a line of guests. The line seemed endless, but the breadth of people and their history with Trent made the task worth my patience. Then the pictures. There were endless demands to smile and focus by the photographers and guests. Once we were done, there were loads of them to take in between those traditions that kicked off receptions. My dance with George happened first. We cut a rug to Chrisette Michele’s “Joy.” By the time the song ended, Kyree was at my side, grabbing my hand.

“Look, Mommy,” he urged. “She’s crying.”

I was still halfway in George’s hold when I followed his line of vision and saw my mother at the lip of the dance floor with streams of tears shooting down her face. Chéri McDowell never wasted a slayed face on emotions. What was this about? She barely said two words to me all day, opting to be with her sister, Aunt Magness.

The hosts announced Tank’s next performance as I made my way over to my mother. Behind me, I could hear George offer Kyree first dibs at the confection table. I knew it was to distract him. As I approached my mother, I saw a concerned Tessie, drawing near.

“Mom?” I asked when I made it to her.

She sniffled. “I’m sorry. I’ve been tortured for some time now.” She pointed behind me, on the dance floor. “And seeing you and George.” She shook her. “Well, I can’t do it anymore, Jade. I don’t want to be locked out of your life anymore.”

My eyes went wild with that unexpected confession.

“Ladies,” Tessie Bell beckoned. “Mr. Bailey believes you two need privacy.” She used her arms to encapsulate us, which wasn’t hard considering our petite frames. She pointed a few feet away to Trent, who stood next to some guys I wasn’t familiar with. With one hand in his pocket, he raised the other filled with a tumbler and nodded. “There’s a room right here where you’ll have privacy.”

I agreed without stalling. I’d guessed my mother looked a sight, crying near the dance floor. The last thing I needed was drama on Trent’s big day.

“I won’t be long,” my mother assured as we stepped into the small room, housing mostly chairs. “I just need to get this off my chest.”

“I’ll be right out here,” Tessie informed before closing the door behind her.

“I’m so sorry for doing this on your wedding day,” she sobbed, bouncing her arms in the air. “but the dance just brought things full circle for me.” I gasped, prematurely concluding. “Seeing you dance with the man I decided would care and provide for you…and how acknowledgement and recognition for the role he played in your life just emanated from you while out there. I just can’t take it anymore. Listen, Jade Renee, I know I may not have been the perfect mother—no one is—but I’ve worked damn hard to be sure you had the best; George is evidence of that. You went to the best schools, enrolled in the most recognized programs, participated in envy-worthy clubs and private associations. George may have sponsored it, but damn it, it was of my vision. My desire to groom you into a lady of grace and class. To develop you into a woman deserving of exchanging her vows at a church like Redeeming Souls, and to celebrate that here, at LaChateau!” She couldn’t breathe the last few syllables, she was so passionate about her claims.

“I may not have been perfect, but I tried. You know I did. And all I’ve asked for recently is access to my precious grandson. That’s it. Even today: you didn’t include me in on the planning. All I got to do was watch you dance in front of some of the most recognizable names in the country with the husband I chose to raise you. My grandson has made me feel more welcome here than you, and I’ve been robbed of his company lately!”

She was heaving at this point. Anger bouncing from her small, delicate stature. If her lungs could slow, she would have continued on her rant. The tears had stopped, being replaced by rage, almost.

I could have been angry. Should have been incensed by her audacity. Would have been more than justified for kicking her out of the place.

But I wasn’t. On the contrary, I rested in a calm and security I’d never known. For the first time, I recognized the insulation of peace I’d developed recently.

A natural smile blossomed on my face, and I watched as my mother processed it. Something in her eyes flipped.

“Mother, if you want access to Kyree, you’re more than welcome to it. He adores you and I can see the feeling is mutual. As his mother, I would never keep him from anyone who nurtures and means him good.”

“Good!” Her chin went into the air. “Now, if you don’t mind, I would like to have him a few days while you’re away, honeymooning.”

I nodded. “We can quickly arrange that with Trent’s aunt, April. She’ll be keeping him.” There was a pause. “And I apologize if I haven’t gone out of my way to be welcoming today. As you can imagine, it’s been quite eventful.”

“Of course.” Her tone was clipped, but her overwhelming childishness made it that easy to overlook.

“Is there anything else we should address?” My brows rose.

Her eyes successively blinked as her regard bounced around. She sniffled. “No. I think we’ve covered it all.”

And that’s when the old Jade’s heart would’ve ripped in my chest. Again. Today—the new Jade had a buffer for her disappointments. No mentions of her faults. Similar to Trent’s father; no congratulations on my wedding day or pregnancy. This was totally about her.

Some of us are still afflicted with those childhood experiences and tragedies. We’re carrying inferiority complexes, low self-esteem, the inability to trust. We’re lacking emotional intelligence, have quick tempers, and other personality flaws that morph into character flaws. And this is all because of an act or actions of others who were supposed to govern us in our childhood. Many of us come from parents who were not emotionally or psychologically prepared to be parents before they conceived us. Or perhaps grandparents or teachers, who could no more nurture us than they were healed of their own afflictions, yet they somehow caused ours. That’s why it’s best to not overdose on people. They’re fallible, unsound, limited, and heavily blemished. There is only one Source that it is safe to lose yourself to. One Entity that never changes, remains consistent in His decrees and deliverances.”

Ezra’s words, the first sermon I heard still resonated true. That was the message that began the transformation of my heart. My life.

As I peered into my mother’s eyes, I saw a wounded and troubled woman. She may not have been equipped to nurture me. Maybe I’d been crying out for something from her she wasn’t capable of giving. But no more. I would monitor her relationship with Kyree and not expect her to love me in the way a mother should her child. I decided right then and there to let it all go. Release my lifelong conflicts with my mother.

The door opened behind us. Tessie peered inside.

“Sorry, Mrs. Bailey, but we have to have Mr. Bailey remove your garter.” Her eyes were apologetic.

I smiled and nodded my acknowledgement.

“Well, let’s finish this day. Huhn?” I addressed my mother with mustered excitement.

She led the walk out and I followed. I wasn’t sure about her feelings in the moment, but I was… Free. I walked out of that small storage room with lighter shoulders. Ironically, the baby kicked on the way out.

The chair was already set up for me and Trent was there waiting with a drink in his hand, engaging the audience in a two step. And he was effortlessly stately in a wine hued tux jacket and black pants. His beard was shaped handsomely, and mustache tapered to expose his full lips. I watched from a distance as he engaged in some footwork to house music. People were snapping away on their phones and others cheering him on as he moved skillfully. At one point, he emptied the contents of his tumbler then loosened his jacket and added bolder moves. 

“It’s Time for Da Perculator” vibrated from the speakers and Trent’s attention went to his feet that moved rhythmically, nimbly, and quicker than my brain could process. His cousins moved closer to him, egging him on while bouncing to the beat. Trent kept moving, his tongue pushed through his teeth as he did. His cousin, Tasha, danced toward him. He welcomed her, bringing attention to her footwork, and the crowd went wild.

This was a Jersey thing. More specifically, a Bailey-Camden dance family affair. The deejay blended Aly-Us’ “Follow Me,” and that cut incited a segment of our guests. I was familiar with the tunes, having heard them played in countless clubs and house parties over the years. As more Camdenites and house music-lovers gathered around, more began to show off their skills, too. It seemed ceremonial.

Tessie Bell glanced over to me apologetically. I shrugged with a smile. It was my husband’s day, and this was how his family celebrated. Next was Two Tons O’ Fun’s “Just Us.” That track I recalled from Trent’s birthday party because instead of helping me place the candles in the cake like I asked them to, his cousins Kevin and Marcey dropped everything to cut a step to that.

I jerked my neck to gesture to Tessie she could kill the impromptu dance off with the Bailey crew. I knew she was teetering on the edge of insanity with time in mind. We had a tight schedule.

While she made her way over to the hostess, I shimmied over to my husband and grabbed him from behind. I swayed with him from behind, holding him possessively. It didn’t matter that my belly was at his tush. I needed my hands on him. Trent peeked over his shoulder and smiled with tight eyes as he recognized me. That’s when the realization hit. My love was tipsy.

He swung around and grabbed me in his arms, hands shooting to my butt.

“You made me the happiest man today, yo!” He smiled as he spoke. “You just don’t understand.”

I felt my face light up at his words. It was unfortunately interrupted by the deejay fading the music and the host announcing Trent removing my garter. Tessie was at our side, directing me to the white tufted chair that had been placed in the middle of the dance floor earlier. As I watched Trent remove his tux jacket and hand it off to Jordan, Tank began to bellow on the stage. It started with similar lyrics to Patti LaBelle’s “If Only You Knew.” The beat was seductive, right in line with Trent’s inebriated state as he made a production of approaching me.

And that’s when I saw the elusive Shoot ‘Em Up! He was coming for me.


Trent was a sexy man: gorgeous, virile, agile, and in tune with his emotions. He was also intoxicated, making his display that much more alluring. He rolled his shoulders, thrusts his hips, and even slid the rest of the way to me on his knees. The guests went wild. Not only was I amused, I was turned on.

Making a production of it, he grabbed me by the back of my head to meet his soft lips. Immediately, his warm tongue caressed mine and I was lost to him. His hand reached my ankle and glided sinuously up my thigh. His first destination was to the bed of my thong where he swiped over my swelling clit. I breathed hard into his face. Thankfully, he didn’t stay very long before going back down to my thigh and slowly shuffled the garter down my shaking leg. Once he got it to my ankle and from my foot, Trent leaped agilely into the air, tossing the elastic band around his finger. Our guests hooted at his presentation.

Tank ended the song to a huge applause and I stood to my feet, dancing toward Trent when the deejay began “I Want to Thank You” by Alicia Myers, a pick of mine. My hands reached as far up his neck as my belly allowed. Trent grabbed me from behind and lowered himself with bent legs to allow me closer. My moves weren’t as fluid as his. Trent’s at this point were indecent, but I loved his cheery state.

We moved on to me throwing the garter. That was an eventful fuss between my cousin, Lashawn, and one of Trent’s cousins, Tomeka. Apparently, they both grabbed it at some point. Neither one wanted to concede, so Trent attempted to quell the fire-dragons by selecting Stenton and Jordan to place the garter on them, one after the other. That seemed to satisfy them. And I was happy to see Zoey and Cole were good sports about it.

That was until Lashawn’s drunk ass jumped Jordan, roping a thigh around his waist. She yelled, “I’ll be your private dancer.” Jordan, accustomed to the fanfare was gracious enough to let her down slowly and gently. Aunt Magness all but yanked her off the dance floor. At that point, it was time to eat. We all took our seats as Tank took back to the stage, belting ballads from the soul. Kyree sat next to us and picked over his food. Trent and I were too preoccupied with guests coming to wish us well to eat. We practically wasted our plates.

Before I knew it, the host was calling us to the dance floor for a special presentation. After a few moments of consideration, I realized what it could be. My stomach toiled anxiously as I ambled with my hand clutched inside of Trent’s big palm to the dance floor, facing a monitor. April was upon us, wearing a conflicted expression. She, too, was excited and nervous at the same time, it appeared.

“What’s this?” Trent whispered to me as our attention was brought to the massive projector screen.

I didn’t answer, not knowing how. Instead, I shifted in front of him, backing into his warm hardness. The deejay asked the room to quiet down as the screen lit up. My chest pounded and mouth went dry as an image appeared on the screen in a homemade video. A figure came into view.

“Bet you wasn’t expecting to see my ugly mug on a day like this one, huhn?” He managed an infectious smile that made my face stretch and eyes well with joy. Instantly, Trent’s big frame pressed into mine for comfort and support. “Well, you know I stay ahead of the times. Anyway,” he basically breathed from the bed. I’d forgotten about his shallow chest breathing, having very little power in his voice box. His cadence was slow, but spirit could be felt through his words. “just wanna say I’m proud of you, man. I think I have an idea how much this day means to you. So many men don’t fully understand the blessing of it. You got connected to your soulmate, man. And if you chose wisely—and I know you did—the rest of your days will be filled with fortune money can’t buy.”

The room was still gasping in sheer amazement at the image of Shank, postmortem.

He took a moment to catch his breath before continuing. “People used to ask me why I looked after you like I did. I still don’t have a answer I can speak—but if I can be honest, it was because you kept me in line. It’s weird and not simple, but when you were underneath me, I couldn’t wild out like I wanted to. The ladies didn’t like it, but after a while, I realized one did. The right one.” His lazy eyes wandered above the camera. April. She was recording him. “I had a long life. A very…active one. But my ‘real’ life ain’t start until I settled on one. That’s what you’re doing today. You’re about to start your real life. Nothing else that happened before today matters anymore.”

He coughed for a spell. Trent’s hands squeezed mine tightly as he stood over me like the archway of a bridge. He was such a giant. A giant emotional mess. As I scanned the opulent room, so many others had been crying, too.

Shank continued when he was ready and could breathe. “After today, you don’t worry about nobody. Nobody! Don’t focus on who didn’t do what. That Jade girl got enough love to drown you in.” His shaky arm lifted and he pointed to the camera. I could feel Trent tremble around me. “And you let her. God knew the type of woman you needed and gave you her.”

I felt Trent’s bearded chin on the apex of my head. His body was heavy, but not unbearable. I could handle him. I could take it all from him.

“Anyways. If you seeing this, I’m already with my Maker. I know this because your pastor said if I believed in my heart and confessed with my mouth that Jesus is Lord, I would have eternal life. Now, that could be a problem for you. Why? Ask yourself if you’re taking care of my April.”

“Shank!” April yelled behind the camera.

“Nah, baby. He know. Him and Trick. I’m with my heavenly Father, who’s gonna let me haunt their little asses if you lonely, broke, or laid up with another man so soon. They know!” Shank’s adamant anger landed him in a coughing fit. The room exploded into laughter at his last line, covering the break.

“It’s time for your medicine,” April chided off camera.

Shank’s arm went up in the air, demanding that she hold on. “One more thing… One more thing.” He swiped his running nose with a tissue. After a beat, he resumed. “Me and April got this bet going that ya big ass gone wanna bunch of babies. That little lady ain’t tryna wreck her nice figure, pushing out no football babies of yours. If you lucky, you’ll get one, special like you always been. If she ain’t lucky, y’all have a damn football team.”

The room found humor in that one, too.

“On a last note: If it ain’t that little Jade ya marrying, my bad.” The room burst into a raucous round of applause and cheers. I chanced a peek up to my friendly and very emotional giant, issuing a haughty smirk on my tear-stained face. But my neck changed course when I heard the rasped whisper under the clamor of the room as Shank continued. “Never cheat, never lie, and never let go. Hot dogs, rice, and ketchup all the way,” Shank squealed.

April screeched then burst into a snicker before cutting the camera. The April now, just a few feet away from Trent and me, held her head as she cried into her hands. I wished I could comfort them both, simultaneously.

“Blowing in the winds of Macen Beach, ba-by,” Trent blubbered lowly over my head where he rested his chin.

I pushed my hands up and wrapped my arms around his neck as he squatted over me. “Yes. Macen Beach, baby,” I murmured so he could hear.

Trent’s hands pushed down to my belly where he now clasped, but gently. And like earlier in the Bishop’s Office, I embraced it, relishing his touch. We’d been to several doctor’s appointments between his crazy schedule and I watched his silent desire to touch what was his. As much as I wanted to do right by him, my stubborn spirit didn’t welcome him to do it.

“Shank, baby!” Alton shouted behind us. “We love you!”

“Rest in love, Shank-dog!” Jordan followed up.

Stenton whistled his salute with his fingers before clapping his support. Even Eli, the owner of the Connecticut Kings, and his wife clapped with emotion-filled expressions. It reminded me of how rooted their relationships all were. Of course, they’d be moved by this video. Shank had been in Trent’s football world at every turn until his death. It was just too bad he couldn’t be here today to see this monumental step in his nephew’s life.

My watery eyes went to April, who stood, gawking at the now blank screen. Somehow, she turned to pay a cursory glance our way. Doing a triple take, she saw I’d been gazing her way and faced me. If I could’ve moved from Trent’s tight grip, I’d’ve hugged her. Thanked her for the timely gift. April never told me what the video contained, but said it was footage Shank would have wanted shown at Trent’s wedding. Her wordplay was incredible, because she never said he’d actually made it for his nephew’s wedding. Suddenly, I wondered if there were more videos Shank made before his death for special occasions like this. Quickly, I decided I wouldn’t ask. Some of life’s best gifts are surprises like this.

The deejay started the next song and all I could do was stand stock-still, using my girl as a crutch to stand. How were they able to pull this off? I couldn’t believe April had been sitting on this for so long. My sweaty eyes went to her. She was looking at Jade, a message was being sent back and forth between the two. With the wave of my hand, I called her over.

Wiping her wet face, April toddled over to us. She looked good in a silver gown with jewelry all over it. Her short, tapered cut was sharp. The bleached blonde spikes at the top of her head worked for her. With the ballooned weight and all, April was still that fine piece Shank finally bagged years ago. Now, she was the closest thing to a mother I had. Not even my grandmother rode for me like April—with Shank and after we lost him.

“How long you was gone sit on this?” I asked, laughing to cover my tears.

“Boy, until today!” she fussed, waving her arm to the empty screen. “You saw that’s what that man wanted. It’s what he talked about!”

Before I could say anything else, Jade grabbed her from beneath me, pulling April into a tight hug, using her one free arm.

“Thanks so much, April. This meant the world to me. For us,” she told my aunt.

My right hand threaded through her soft, small fingers so, she couldn’t go anywhere. I reached down and hugged April with my left hand, too.

“Thanks so much for this, man.”

“Trent!” April yelled while giggling. “You gone crush this lil ole thang! She can’t breathe between us!”

April pulled back to check on Jade, who smiled while fixing her hair.

“Don’t matter,” I told her. “She used to me all over her…smothering her. Her hair gone get fucked up later on tonight anyway.”

“Trent!” Jade’s mouth formed an O. “That language.”

“Oh, girl!” April waved. “He’s excused. Can’t you tell the man’s tipsy? It’s his wedding day.” She laughed.

I went to hug her again. “Sorry, April,” I whined like a kid, and could hear them both laugh. Jade’s sounded smothered. “Thank you, April!” I kissed her on the cheek.

When I pulled back, I caught someone standing and staring a few feet away. What’s crazy is, out of almost three hundred guests, this one got my attention. Maybe because my moms stood next to him, looking on. I tossed my chin to him, and Trick made his way over by himself.

“Oh,” April reacted. I could see the shock in her eyes. “I’mma go over here and check on Cora Mae.” Jade acknowledged her before she took off.

“Hey,” Jade greeted him.

With that usual scowl in his eye, he looked down at her and blinked a few times. I knew that look. He was uncomfortable, but trying to warm.

“Hey, Jade. You look real pretty today.” He nodded. “Congrats.”

Jade smacked her hands together. “Thanks, Trick! Thanks for being a part of our day.” He nodded, his hands going to the back of his waistband to lift his sag as he looked over his shoulder to my moms. She didn’t move, but kept looking over at us. “You mind if I have just two seconds with him before handing him over to you?” she asked cheerily while glued to me.

Trick shrugged, looking out of place. Jade thanked him before turning to face me. She lifted on her toes, bringing her arms around my neck. My head reached down to her face.

“I feel like God kissed me today.”

That had a goofy smile spread on my lips. “Me, too.” My face went tight as I thought more about it. “But more like fist bumped me.”

She giggled, but I understood this was a serious conversation.

“And he whispered something to me.”

“What’s that?”

She combed her little hands through my beard. “He reminded me that though our parents weren’t the most dedicated or nurturing, He passed us to people who were able to buffer their shortcomings. Shank, April, and George don’t have kids of their own, but contributed greatly to our development. We have to acknowledge that and thank God.” Our eyes locked. “No focusing on the lack today. Just gratitude for the big, little, and in between things.”

It took me a minute to process the life in those words. My wife was ministering to me, telling me to be on guard and ready to win. That messed with my buzz, but the revelation was so worth it.

“Amen, little one.” She kissed my lips then with seductive eyes—at least, that’s what I saw—she backed away, leaving me to my uncle.

Taking a deep breath, I shifted my eyes to him. I had no idea what dude was coming with. He tossed his chin to me before stepping closer.

“Yo, man. I ‘on’t even know what the fuck to say—how to say this,” he started.

I cocked my head to the side, opening my arms in a welcoming manner. “Just spit it.”

Trick looked back at my moms, who was swaying from hip to hip as she waited. He turned back to me. “Yo, there’s some shit going down that I been meaning to tell you—I wanna tell you, but I just ain’t know how.” He shook his head, eyes sweeping his feet below. “First of all, congrats on ya beautiful day. You and Jade look mad happy. You deserve dat, homie.” I saluted him. “Look, man, I know we had our differences, but I ain’t the bad guy. I had a lot of growing up to do: before the bid, in the pen, and after I came home.” Trick kept brushing his chin with his fingers, uncomfortable.

“I’ll just keep it trilly: I told Shank I ain’t like feeling left out coming up. I felt like he treated you more like a son than a nephew, and treated me more like a little cousin than a baby brother. I ain’t gone front; I still do. But now I see why. I was a damn knucklehead, running the streets. I ain’t wanna listen after I got my fist wet-wet and money in my pockets for my first two pairs of Jays. I was fuckin’ outta control. You…” His head flew back and Trick took a deep breath.

Divine stopped over, slapped my shoulder, and handed me a drink then took off. Trick and I watched him ease back over to a small group of people, looking thirsty for his attention. Like the smooth dude he was, he slid back into conversation with them like he never left.


I chucked it back, feeling dude’s sixth sense. I needed this. Couldn’t fully believe Trick was talking to me and…humble with it.

“I just get it now.” His thumb tossed over his shoulder. Moms… “I made life a fuckin’ obstacle. Shit was rough for you, know what I mean? I get it now. Brenda got some shit with her, but she my sister. Nobody ain’t fuckin’ with her. Shank ain’t here, so I stepped up. There’s a lotta shit you ain’t in the know of, and I need to put you D. I know you ‘bout to kick off ya honeymoon and shit, but when you get back, hit me up so we can politic. A’ight?”

He finally stopped.

“So,” I widened my stance, legs moved further apart. “…let me get this straight—you know, I done had a few,” I explained Tis you peace-ing it up with me?” I really needed to know. Mind too fogged from the countless drinks I juggled since walking my bride in here. More than that, Trick just confirmed everything Ezra explained as to what his beef was with me all these years. “You saying you wanna end this beef that I never understood?”

Trick sniffled a laugh, fighting a smile. It wasn’t in him to be sitcom television with his expressions, and neither was it mine. So, I wasn’t expecting an apology or request to be cool on a jumbotron. 

“Look, man!” He swiped his nose, tossing his eyes out somewhere before looking at me again. “All I’m saying is shit been fucked up between us and Shank wasn’t down for it. I promised him we would work it out. I said some fucked up shit to you at the hospital that wasn’t called for. You wanted to see about ya earth, and was flexin’ ‘cause you felt like she was ignoring you. I get it. My dumb ass was in my own feelings ‘cause I ain’t know what to do with her.” He smacked his teeth. “I was trippin’ on some shit that ain’t have nothing to do with you.” He looked over his shoulder at my moms again. This time he waved her over. “And this shit with Brenda need to be addressed. She ‘bout to go. I told her to come say something to you.” I watched her on her way. “And don’t expect much. She ain’t off her shit tonight. That’s why she going home.”

She weaved through a small crowd, but made it over to us. At first, she didn’t say anything, just sported a smile that was dull. Her hands were folded at her pelvis and she gave Trick more eye action than me.

Trick cocked his head to the side. “Brenda.” Then he tossed it over to me.

My mother looked at me and her eyes got friendlier. “Hi, Trenton.” There was a pause because her actions were awkward. “Your wedding was real beautiful.” Trick nodded beside her, his eyes to the floor as he listened in, egging her on. Felt like I was in the twilight zone. First, Trick having friendly conversation with me, admitting he was wrong. Now my mother was trying to talk to me, even though it seemed like she needed help. “You look handsome.” Her head bounced. “Look a lot like your father—even though I ain’t seen him in many moons.” She put more energy into the FYI, as though she needed explaining. Too late. He already has. “You taller, though. Way taller and thicker. I told Jade I would come. I’m happy you found a wife.”

Trick leaned into her and whispered something in her ear. Her head bounced up and down again with recognition.

“And your baby… Congratulations. I’m proud of you.” She gave little eye contact, but didn’t sound forced.

If not for the fact I never knew of her getting high, neither could I sense it in her eyes, I would’ve thought my moms was drunk or lifted. She was almost like a puppet or a little kid.

“A’ight,” Trick spoke to her. “They over there waiting on you. Text me when you get in, and don’t forget to eat something before you knock out.”

My moms nodded. Her eyes were on me, as though making sure I was good. This was way weird.

“The house still in good condition,” she made sure I heard.

My neck jerked back at that. Since when did she even mention the house to me? Hell, I would have to think long and hard to recall the last conversation I had with her.

Trick reminded her again people were waiting on her, and then she took off.

“Everything good with her? She good from the strokes?” Now, I was concerned.

Trick took a deep breath, rolling his eyes, but not in an annoyed way. A “stressed out to the max” one.

He shook his head. “We gotta kick it when you get back. Just know I’m holding her down. Brenda ain’t the Brenda she used to be. A lotta the shit you been catching ain’t because of you.”

The crowd roaring to a new volume had both of us snapping our necks to the dance floor. Frankie Beverly and Maze was blasting through the speakers. “Before I Let Go” was one of Shank’s jams.  

“This one’s for Shank!” the deejay told the crowd as he cut the record, rewinding the intro. “Ahhhhh now! I know we can get a tribute from his family on this!” He dropped the volume again. “C’mon, Shoot ‘Em Up!

Apparently, someone had tipped him off to who Shank was. Trick looked at me and gave a dry chuckle. I didn’t know what he wanted to do, but I was about to grab another glass of champagne and show my ass on the dance floor. Jade married me. I had every reason to celebrate. I saluted him with my index to my forehead and took off.

As soon as I did, I found a waiter with a tray of champagne. I dropped the empty glass Divine hooked me up with and grabbed a flute. This night was like a space between reality and some other dimension. To be honest, the head space I was in was so crazy, talking to Trick after all these years didn’t seem real.

What was real was finding my little one on the dance floor with Kyree, dancing. Being reckless, I grabbed her at the hips pulling her into my crotch. She gasped, shocked by my roughness. I smiled down at Kyree, who caught on to why his moms was yanked, but didn’t pick up on my rough handling.

Then Lex walked up on us, reaching for Kyree.

“You mind dancing with me?” she asked Ky with playful sad eyes. “My husband’s had enough of the dance floor for the night, and I still wanna cut up.”

Jade and I laughed. I knew Ezra wasn’t much of a fast dancer. He’d slow dance, but that was it for him. Kyree nodded, telling his mom’s he’d be right back. Lex backed away dancing with a new partner. I didn’t stare, but was reminded she was pregnant again. She didn’t look it at all. Ezra was convinced it was another baby girl. With the way he was spot on about Trick, I wouldn’t put much past him. Being on point was his thing.

Now that I had Jade alone, I dipped my knees to match my cock with her plump cheeks and grinded on her. She reached back and grabbed me by the neck, swaying with me. My one hand gripped her thigh in the long gown as we danced. Then I took her by the hand and spun her around twice, getting a good look at her sexy shape. Her belly was small, but big enough for the world to know she was mine in more than one way.

The deejay blended in Chris Brown. “Take You Down” was my ish back in the day. I remembered dancing to this at one of the legendary parties JJ and I threw. My hip movements got deeper against Jade. Her little arms went in the air and she was spinning it for me, inviting me to it. I bit my lip and popped my hips to bounce on her. With one hand in the air, I rode her little ass, enjoying her. Someone—I had no clue who—took the empty champagne glass from my hand that freed me up to grab her hips and rolled my pelvis against her. I could hear people hyping me all around.

That’s right

This was my wedding day to the most amazing chick God could have ever sent my way. I was giving a show tonight. A tap on my shoulder got my attention. It was my big cousin, Red. He threw me a face I understood off the bat.

“They don’t want it with a Bailey, lil cuz,” he barked. “Don’t break the wife on ya wedding day. I see you done did some damage to her already.” He tossed his head back and hooted, “Shoot ‘Em Up!

My head went back and I laughed hard. He was talking about her being pregnant.

“She had a Bailey, Red. She know what time it is,” I joked back.

“Let me show this one.” He winked and that’s when I saw Lashawn being spun next to us.

I didn’t see her before, but could tell he’d already been working on her. Like me, Lashawn was wasted. She giggled and bent over, giving Red full access. Man… I hoped she knew what she was in for. Probably did. Red had been a stripper as long as Shank. They came up together and brought Trick and my other cousins in the game.

Red started on Lashawn and I worked my wife as much as I could with her belly. Before I knew it, Trick had joined us with some chick I didn’t know. His girl had already left with my moms. My cousin, Kev, was in the cypher, too, giving a show. Soon, we had the floor. After the deejay extended “Wait” by the Ying Tang Twins, we somehow left the women and started busting freestyle moves to Bruno Mars. “That’s What I Like” had become a regular during my workouts. We had a blast showing off new moves and pulling out ones from back in the day. I wasn’t half as good as these dudes. I didn’t think Trick still danced, but my cousins still made a living from stripping. They were some of the best in the game.

We took over the party, but it was worth it when I caught Jade’s little hand swiping nervously over her deep cleavage at one point when I looked her way.

She mouthed, “Lucky for you, that’s what I like.”

That little message turned me on, almost messing up my rhythm and head game.

When it was time to go, Tessie Bell found Jade and me kicking it with Divine and his wife, Rayna.

I hadn’t seen her in a while. Rayna sat on a white, thick column that had a decorative plant pot on it with lights. He had to help her up there. She was low key and not traveling all over with him to be seen like his ex. Truth be told, I didn’t think Divine liked that. He was used to chicks riding him. If you knew who he was, you knew he was the man. Divine was the first dude that made me see the little fandemonium Shank, Red, Trick, and my other family had caused in Camden was small time. Divine wasn’t a celebrity, but he was that dude insiders made sure they rubbed elbows with to flourish. Kicking it with him and his wife, we learned we had the same wedding coordinator, Tessie Bell. We talked about their honeymoon on a yacht, too.

“You know, TB.” Divine chuckled. “When the wife’s feeling somebody else’s toy, you gotta go out and cop one for yourself.”

I looked down at Jade who, smiled while gulping down a flute of water. Her eyes sparkled, letting me know she liked that boss talk. I knew I had to do better with my cheapness. No matter how hard she denied it, Jade loved flossing.

“You wanna yacht?” I asked her, unsmiling.

Jade’s ambers raked over Divine and Rayna before hitting me and narrowing.

She lowered the glass as she swallowed, small neck extending in the air. “I already have a big boat,” she answered throatily. “I take it out in my sea as often as the weather allows.”

My eyes popped out of my head. Divine busted out laughing and Rayna shouted something in agreement and offered Jade a high-five.

“She’s a mess, this one!” Rayna giggled, pulling Divine into her as he stood next to the pillar she sat on, his body slouched over her.

Without looking back at his wife, Divine’s eyes were narrowed and on me. He swallowed back the rest of his Mauve—it had to be Mauve. Only brown juice dude drank was his. Then nodded. “She’s the right cloth for him.” His words were short but weighty.

Jade closer to me, moving my arm to make room for herself and she stared at me, probably wondering what that meant. With A.D.J. you never knew. You just knew it was legit. He was calculating. Always three thoughts ahead, this dude.

“I’m sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs. I need to steal away the bride and groom so they can be on their way this evening.” She smiled with her hands on my and Jade’s shoulders.

I could see one of her assistants behind her, speaking on their walkie-talkie things.

“Ut-oh!” Rayna piped up. “You two need to go. Tessie Bell doesn’t play. It’s been a pleasure. Hopefully, we can do it again soon, Baileys!”

Jade and I looked at each other. She giggled at that now public name. I turned to give Divine some love then Rayna. Jade played the opposite of me.

“No more drinks for this guy, Jade,” Azmir ordered. “He won’t be able to deliver on his promises later on tonight if you don’t cut him off.”

We all laughed. Even though I wasn’t at the drunk phase, I had too much to drink tonight. No more for me.

Tessie led us back to the stage where we said goodnight—well, I said goodnight, trying to look as sober as I could. Jade clutched me like a pillow the whole time, her face buried in my chest. My little one was showing signs of pregnancy for once. She was zapped.

Tessie and her team, along with Tyheem and John led us to Kyree and April, then we all headed out of LaChateau. The plan was to go back to the crib, shower and change, put Ky down, and leave for Teterboro for our flight.

The plane took off at one-fifteen that morning for the Caribbean Sea.







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