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ENSLAVED: A DARK Billionaire Romance (The Devil and His Dove Book 1) by Jax Hart (5)





MY HAND LIFTED THE CUBAN cigar to my lips. With a glass of whiskey in hand, I watched dispassionately at the strippers spreading their legs. Through the smoky haze in the main cabin, I locked eyes with one who touched her breasts; hips undulating as she moved toward me.

She straddled my thighs with nothing but her G-string covering her slit. She pouted her silicone-injected lips as her hands yanked my tie, expecting a kiss.

“I didn’t give you permission,” my voice dripped with annoyance. “Get off.”

“Yeah, I wanted to get you off,” she cooed flicking my ear with her tongue.

“Get up.”

She straightened at my command, “What’s wrong. You can’t get it up tonight?”

“Get on your knees,” I demanded flicking my ash in a tray.


“You heard me.”

“It’s an extra five hundred for role-playing,” she smacked her lips coated in some kind of thick gloss; the type that smears all sticky to your lips, making kissing not worth it unless you want the girl. And this one reeks of cheap cologne and musky pussy.

“I’m not role playing, sweetheart. I’m the real deal.”

Her eyes widened as I leaned back on the cool leather lounger, ignoring Alex’s grunts as the other hooker sucked him off in the corner.

“I’m waiting.”

She knelt in front of me, hands reaching for my belt. I slapped her hand hard. “Don’t touch me unless you’re told.”

She whimpered, holding her injured hand to her mouth.

“Turn around and crawl across the floor to the window.”

She stared at me stunned.

“Never mind,” I sighed snuffing out my cigar, downing my drink.

“No… no. I’ll do it,” she breathed.

I smirked, watching her try to arch her back like a cat, attempting to entice me with her pert ass as she did what I had asked.

But I don’t do whores.

My cock craves the sweet ones. Innocent ones. The ones who rarely wear make-up and don’t know their beauty, or simply haven’t realized it yet.

Like the girl I noticed earlier cleaning the deck. The girl whose resumé I handpicked from the pile. The moment I saw her fresh, young face and eager eyes on the photo she attached—I wasted no time demanding my PI to find out everything about her down to her preferred brand of toothpaste.

I’m meticulous about who has access to me. I check every possible employee out myself. From my chambermaid to a deckhand. No one enters my employ without my approval. But I was about to give her a job she never applied for; my submissive.

I wasn’t expecting to see her out on the deck when I flew the chopper in. My hands clenched on the control stick harder than was necessary and I landed, hard. Shortly after, I went for a stroll on the decks looking for her. She didn’t see me watching as she bent over wiping the rails with her towel, giving me a view of the back of her thighs and tight ass in her khaki crew shorts. She wore no makeup, small freckles dotted her cheekbones, and tendrils of her hair kept flying in her face having escaped her messy bun. She was just as fresh faced as I hoped she would be and far more beautiful than her picture hinted.

My cock stirred, eager to know how she would feel, taking every inch. I found her more alluring than the models on all the catwalks in Paris and I hardened in my pants as I watched her work.

She never looked up—if she did, she would’ve seen the naked desire on my face. She’s been in my employ for weeks, but business in London delayed my appearance onboard until now. But Alex wasted no time filling in for me. He was ordering my crew round as if he owned this mega yacht. If he even dared mess with my golden girl, I’d punch his face; only friend in the world or not. No one was going to play games with her but me.

“Christ,” I muttered, feeling my length swell. I looked down getting pissed because the toy Alex hired left the juices of her desire on my Armani trousers. With the memory of another woman in my mind, I shut my eyes and unzipped my pants. I imagined it was her, here with me in this room, as my fingers closed around my shaft, taking myself out to play.

She eyed me hungrily as she crawled forward with her head twisted around. She licked her lips; eyes glued to my cock at full mast, as I walked toward her.

She’s not following orders.

She reached behind her back to unclasp her bra. Racing forward, my right hand reached out smacking her tits hard.

“Owww,” she shrieked.

Grabbing fistfuls of her hair, I jerked her head back. “Open your mouth.”

She complied.

I grunted, as I dropped a hand to stroke myself a few times from root to tip.

She moaned, staring at my tip wet with pre-cum. My cock was jacked up and ready to go, for someone else. But she’ll do.

“You didn’t ask permission to take your bra off. So, I smacked you. Now make me come good, baby. If you do—I’ll consider letting you come, too.”

Before she could reply, with my hand still locked in her hair—I jerked her head forward at the same time I rammed my dick down her throat.

She sucked greedily like she’d never tasted cock before.

“It’s about time,” Alex, called out hips jerking into the whore he has bent over the couch.

Shrugging, I closed my eyes, seeing that deckhand’s tight ass and the shadow of her cleavage as she bent down to wipe the rails.

Shuddering as this one cupped my balls—mouth and tongue licking, sucking, stroking—my hips surged…groin and deep V in her face; my trimmed pubic hairs mashing against her nose.

She couldn’t breathe.

Her mouth was stuffed with my cock. The musky scent of sex filled the small cabin as my hips surged forward pressing her back against the wall. My pubic bones crushed her face as I spilled my load down the back of her throat. She gurgled on my thick, hot cum. But I held her still as gush after gush spewed like a geyser from my loins.

“Asshole,” she muttered, my seed dripping from her mouth.

“I’m worse than an asshole. I’m the devil, sweetheart,” tucking myself back in, I turned dismissing her.

“W-what about me?”

“You want to come?” Cocking my head to the side, my eyebrows rose.

She nodded, “yes, sir.”

“Too late.” I picked up my whiskey draining the rest, jerking my head to Alex and the girl he just fucked. “You’ll have better luck with them.” Opening my wallet, I took out a grand throwing the bills on the carpet, watching her crawl over to them stuffing them in her G-string.

“Jesus,” I shook my head, “I’m going to find the bosun and make sure we get these two back to shore.”

Alex flipped me the bird as he stood getting ready to put nipple clamps on his whore.

Slamming the door behind me, my bare feet were silent as I tread on the teak deck. Bowing my head at the rail, I inhaled deeply, breathing in the fresh air letting it replace the pungent smell of over-ripe pussy and the cigarettes Alex was smoking while fucking his escort.

But despite the clean air and perfect Mediterranean summer night, I was filthy as hell.

A figure scurried towards me, without even bothering to see who it was I called out, “fetch me a Macallan 18 on the rocks and let the captain know our guests are ready to go to shore.”

“You mean your whores…,” she whispered, but the wind carried her words.

“Excuse me?” My head whipped around, as my eyes glared hard through the darkness.

“I’ll be right back with that drink,” she smiled sweetly. Too sweetly.

“That’s not what you said, sweetheart.”

“Fine, you busted me.”

I smirked, “one word from me to the captain and you’re gone.”

“I-I’m sorry, but I didn’t think my dream job would entail catering to hookers and whores. And you smell like one,” she shrugged coming closer, into the light streaming through a porthole. “I just wanted to learn everything about mega yachts. Who knows? Maybe one day I could be a captain.”

My eyes widened.

It was her.

My head tipped back; arms resting against the railing as I wondered what to make of her up close. Her cutting tongue was at odds with her innocent looks.

I didn’t like it at first. Not one bit.

I’m to be respected, kneeled to like a king, and no one speaks to me like this—ever.

“Do you know who I am?”

She shrugged, ignoring me, as she secured the covers on the deck furniture before they had a chance to blow off in the wind. “Yeah…another arrogant, overly rich, entitled prick. One of the many I’ve met working in the Med.”

My lips curled. She had no idea she was sparring with the devil. I’m all over the European tabloids, but Jessie isn’t the type to care about gossip or fashion. My PI’s research was quite thorough.

In one sudden movement, I was off the rail and on her. She was bent over securing a knot. I moved in standing right behind her, only two layers of clothing separated the curves of her ass from me.

She spun around slapping me away, “I’m not here to work on my back.”

“Who said anything about your back sweetheart? I’d bet you do your best work on your knees.”

Eyes locked together, we battled. Her chest rose and fell with the quick breathing of her anger.

I want this one.

I knew I would.

I craved to break her, fuck that sassy mouth, and make her beg for more. I’d do it too; just because I could. Just because I’m a sick fuck that gets turned on by this shit. I’m a heartless bastard. A man walking around with no soul. I know it’s wrong. I have reason…just no emotions. My mother sent me to shrink after shrink wondering why I was different.

I’m defective.

A man with no empathy and no remorse. The only time I feel is when I’m breaking in a new pet. It’s an addiction I’ll never quit, but once I’ve succeeded the thrill’s over and it’s time to find a new one. When her resume landed on my desk, something about her piqued my attention. It was the doe-eyed look in her hopeful brown eyes. The mix of sweet innocence combined with the yearning of adventure in her gaze as her chin tipped up towards the camera.

Her photograph did her in.

From that moment on—she became my prey.

I moved forward. She had no choice but to back up. The front of my thighs pressed her against the deck rail. My hands reached up, ripping her hair free of its ponytail.

Wrapping the glossy strands around each wrist, I jerked her head. My lips were an inch from hers. “Fly while you can little bird. It won’t be long until I have you trapped in my gilded cage.”

“Never. Men like you don’t turn me on.”

My eyebrow arched. “Your pulse betrays you, right here,” my lips found it. She tried to lift a knee to my balls but anticipating the move—my hips shifted. My knees squeezed the outside of her thighs closing her legs, robbing me of the sweet warmth of her womanhood that my dick wanted to stay pressed up against.

“Stop. I’ll scream. I mean it. I don’t want this.”

“Are you scared, little bird?”

She didn’t answer, but by the murderous gleam in her eyes, I could tell she was more angry than afraid.


It’s always more fun to break the strong ones.

Running a finger down her cheek, I made a promise. “I’ll never force you. You will want me with every fiber in your being. My touch will be both your ruin and your salvation. You’ll do everything I say because you’ll live to obey me.”

With my eyes holding hers, I bent my head until our noses touched. I stared at her hard. She never even blinked as she answered, “there’s a place for men like you. It’s called federal prison.”

With great reluctance I stepped back, letting her hair glide through my fingers as I let go.

“I’m not American. Besides, it wouldn’t matter. I’m going to be so deep inside of you—being in a locked cell wouldn’t even keep me out.”

Her eyes opened wide. She was genuinely scared of me now; a frightened little bird with nowhere to land.

“You’re insane.”

“Certifiably. With the medical files to prove it.”

Her hands gripped the rail turning white. “Stay away from me. Or I’ll report you to the captain.”

“Oh, sweet little dove. Who do you think owns this boat? Alex?”

Smirking, I buried my hands in my trouser pocket to keep myself from reaching for her again. “This whole summer’s been his stag party. His marriage is one of convenience. He needed to have some freedom before that sentencing. I own the captain just like I’m going to own that sweet pussy of yours.”

Her chin lifted. “Those are strong words coming from a man talking to me while the stink of another woman clings to him. Stay away from me you pyscho. Your dirty talk might work on someone else, but not on me. I don’t fall for that DOM shit.”

“You will. They all say that at first.”

She stilled.

“I’ve done this before. Played this game…and won.”

“Oh? What did these women win?”


“That’s hardly a prize.”

Something in me snapped. I was going to play cat and mouse with her for a few more weeks. It’s part of the fun; making them wonder just when you’ll pounce—going for the kill.

She sensed that she had pushed me too far. Leaping away from the rail, her legs dodged left then right. She was fast. But I’m a born hunter. My nostrils flared, sensing I’ve just given chase to the worthiest prey yet. A smart one, who won’t be easily trapped.

Her bare feet jumped over the cleats on the deck that held the lines as I gave chase.

She might be part of the crew, but I had this yacht custom built. I know it better than she does. She’s more athletic than I thought, feet flying, hurdling over deck furniture trying to escape.

My heart thudded against my ribcage, adrenalin kicking in. My eyes were keen as a lion on the hunt in the African plains.

If she only knew my secret, that I’d lose interest the minute she stops.

The chase only feeds my depraved addiction. The only way to stop this—is if she acted like most women on the Med—horny and down to fuck. Dying for a chance to live my lavish lifestyle for as long as they warm my bed.

Just as my hands almost reached her, they brushed against empty air. My eyes went wide in horror as she disappeared into the blackness below.

She vaulted over the deck rail, jumping into the dark. The sound of a sickening thump shortly followed.

“Jessie?!” I roared, biceps bulging as my hands gripped the cold metal rail, my body lunged forward, eyes searching below.

The veins in my neck popped, if she didn’t die—I was going to fucking kill her for pulling a stunt like that.

“Fuck,” I breathed, heart still pounding at the sight of her hot pink toes. She landed like a cat. Her eyes looked up at me as she stood, opened a door to the belly of the boat and went inside.

She might have escaped my clutches tonight, but it won’t be long before she’s exactly where I want—naked and at my mercy.




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