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Entrance (Thornhill Trilogy Book 1) by J.J. Sorel (32)




“Hey, these red ones are really cool,” said Tabitha, holding up a pair of bikinis for me to try on. My eyes bulged out at the price tag. “Wow, $400 for such little fabric.” I held them up. They were so skimpy. “Tabs, I can’t wear these. I might as well go naked.”

“Get with it girl, he’ll never want to leave you. There’s no-one like you, Clarissa, with that Natalie Wood face and the sexiest body on earth.”

I tilted my head and smiled. Tabitha was my greatest fan. “I just hope that Josh knows how lucky he is with a Grace Kelly look-alike.” I wasn’t exaggerating. Tabitha Hendry could have auditioned for Hollywood movies.   

“He knows. He’s so cute.” Tabitha smiled.

After I tried them on and complained that they were half the size of my already very brief panties, Tabitha tut-tutted. “You’re buying them. It’s your color. Come on. I’m starving.”

As we made our way to the register, I watched Tabitha pausing at a floral bikini. “That’s adorable. Do you want it?”

Tabitha looked at the price tag and raised her eyebrows. “I love it. But I can’t expect you to keep buying things for me, Clary.”

“Go try them on, Tabs.” 

She bit her bottom lip. “Are you sure?”

“Of course, I’m sure. Hurry. I’m starving as well.” It was the first time all week that I’d actually felt hungry.

After I gave my credit card a good workout, we left carrying our little parcels. With Tabitha holding onto my arm, we giggled at silly things as we made our way to Sammy’s. Although the place was full, Johnny still managed to find us a table. His face lit up when he saw me. Tabitha’s brother had always had a thing for me. He was two years older, and although he was a masculine version of Tabitha— all golden hair and striking green eyes—I’d never felt the desire to be with him. He was too much like an older brother.

“Haven’t seen you for a while, Clarissa. How are you?” he asked.

“I’m good.” I noticed he was looking quite muscular. Having always been a skinny boy, Johnny had suddenly become a man. “Have you been working out?” Eyeing the Celtic tattoo around his bicep, Johnny nodded and smiled shyly.

“What can I get you?”

I looked up at Tabitha. “What are you having?”

“Mm… nothing too fattening so that I can do justice to my new bikinis.” She chuckled.

“I’m starving,” I said. “Let’s not worry about that. Nor should you, Tabitha Hendry. You’re supermodel thin. I feel like lasagna and salad, and a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc, the best you have.”

“Lasagna sounds delicious. I’ll have the same,” said Tabitha.

Johnny managed Sammy’s. And despite the fact the restaurant was busy, he found time to sit and have a beer. I suspect it was really so he could hang out with me. 

When Aidan arrived, he found the three of us huddled together, having a laugh over old-time antics. I had been so ravenous that not only did I finish my pasta, but I also polished off a piece of chocolate mud cake, all washed down with two glasses of crisp white wine. 

Johnny had his arm around my seat. For anyone who didn’t know us, it would have appeared intimate. 

Tabitha tapped my arm. “Aidan’s here.”

I turned, and a wide smile filled my face. The wine had dropped any reserve. As he glided towards me, the whole café stopped what they were doing. All eyes were on Aidan. Such was his presence.

Wearing jeans and a loose-fitting blue silk shirt, he moved with elegant, self-assured ease. Focused directly on me, he seemed oblivious to everyone around him.

A surge of blood raced through me. “Hi,” I said, feasting on his deep-blue eyes. Five days had been like a lifetime.

“Hey.” His low husk echoed. Standing by our table, he nodded at Tabitha and cast a passing, albeit cold, glance at Johnny.   

Aidan’s body language spoke of someone claiming what was his. And more than happy to hand myself over, I stood up. “I’m ready now unless you’d like to stay for a drink.”

“No, I’m good.” Aidan put his arm around me. Tabitha was all smiles.

“You’ve met Tabitha from the other night. And this is Johnny, Tabi’s brother.”

Aidan shook Johnny’s hand. His smile never quite made it to his eyes. Johnny, likewise, sized up his competition.

“So, you’re ready, then,” Aidan asked.

I collected my bag with my shopping. I bent down to Tabitha and pecked her on the cheek.

“Now, don’t behave,” she whispered.

I touched Johnny on the arm. “Catch you soon.” He returned a gentle, if slightly sad, smile. 

When I stepped out onto the busy street, my green dress fluttered in the breeze.  

“You look spectacular. That’s your color,” said Aidan, who had not taken his eyes off me. Taking me by the hand, he led me to his car.

“Thanks. It’s a dress that belonged to my mother,” I said, floating on cloud nine. The heat emanating off his hand inflamed me.

I noticed all eyes were on us. It was a busy night with crowds amassed in the streets.      

“Aidan, you draw an audience everywhere we go.”

He sighed. “Yes, I know. It’s a pain. But it can’t be helped. I don’t want to have to hide. Does it worry you?”

“To be honest, it’s not something I’ve ever experienced before.”

At that moment, someone stood close and took a photo with their phone. “I think we’re being snapped,” I said.

Aidan seemed unfazed. “Hope it’s a good shot. I’d like one of you in that dress.” An expression of need filled his gaze. The intensity burned as before. Nothing had changed except a hint of suffering within those blue eyes. Just like me, Aidan had not handled our break well it seemed.

“Tell me about that guy Johnny. He’s in love with you. I can see that,” Aidan said, as we were approaching his car.

“I’ve known him since the age of five. He’s like a brother. We’ve been nothing but friends.”

“He wants more. That’s obvious.” He helped me up onto the seat. His hand around my waist was intimate and affecting. Aidan’s eyes had hijacked my senses again.

Aidan jumped in and closed the door. He turned towards me. A serious expression claimed his face. “Thanks for seeing me. I can’t tell you how much this means to me.” He touched my arm gently.  

“It’s hard to stay away,” I said with a tight smile.

Aidan touched my cheek tenderly. “By the way, just in case you haven’t noticed, I’m a jealous guy. The thought of you being with someone just does my head in.” Aidan appeared so lost. I could see that our separation had hurt him.


Tears pricked at the back of my eyes. Despite doing my utmost to resist, my eyes misted over. “Oh, Aidan…” I shook my head. “I’m not interested in anyone at all, only you.”

“Are we good, then?” he asked, his brows meeting.

“Yeah, we’re good,” I said, swallowing. “I’m just scared of being hurt. And I know nothing about you.”

Aidan stroked my hair. Tingles prickled throughout my body. His touch was so gentle yet intoxicating. “I’m in the same boat, Clarissa. I can’t stand the idea of anyone touching you, having you.”  

“You’re the only one, Aidan. And to be honest, I don’t want anybody else.”

Aidan leaned in. In full view of interested onlookers, Aidan took me in his arms and kissed me deeply. I liquefied into his arms. Stars swirled in my mind. Aidan’s scent of subtle cologne and masculinity transmitted through me, ramping up the heat.

His lips were soft and burning hot. My mouth parted, and his fervent silky tongue slid in. A firestorm raged between my legs. I wanted him then and there. Blood coursed me as his sweet tongue ravished mine. Sighing into my mouth, his fingers crept up my leg. The craving ache and anticipation of his touch overwhelmed me. 

“You’re so soft,” he rasped.

Although our bodies begged to remain close, we separated. If we had continued to feel each other, it would have been sex in the car. All gushy and sticking to the seat, I took a deep breath and tried to calm my raging hormones.

“I’ve got opaque windows. But with that lot hanging about…” Aidan sounded frustrated.

“We’ve got all night, Aidan.”

Aidan’s eyes glistened with delight. “Mm… I’m one lucky man.” His mood deepened. “When you returned my text and called me…” He ran his hands through his hair. “Colors returned. I thought I’d lost you.” He appeared vulnerable and insecure. Something had broken him. I could see that.

“Aidan.” I touched his face. “I feel the same.”

His eyes softened tenderly. “Well, then”—a faint smile chased away his furrowed intensity— “that’s all that matters.”

Aidan started the engine. “I’d like to take you to a special place. I’ve never taken a date there before. I’m known. They may make a fuss when they meet you. You don’t mind?”


“No, but I’m seriously curious. I can’t wait,” I said, giggling stupidly. In truth, I was so weighed down with emotion that some light relief was desperately needed.