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Falling For My Ex: A Second Chance Romance by Lauren Wood (34)

Chapter two



I had no problem showing off my body to anybody within my gravity. It had been some time since I had shared my bed with any one. I wasn’t all that particular, but taking someone home to what I considered my personal haven away from everything was going to take someone special.

Getting up at the crack of dawn with a fence around my property was a good way to shed some layers. It had been a couple of months and one of my colleagues couldn’t stop talking about a certain little vixen. He was quite vocal and explicit about the way that he felt like he was returning to his youth.

“I just can’t begin to tell you what it’s like. You have no idea how much time you have wasted on women our age. We might have a little more in common concerning music and movies, but there’s nothing better than having sex with a young and impressionable woman.” Damian was sitting at the edge of the pool wearing a pair of shorts leaving little to the imagination.

The sun was shining and there was the smell of liquor in the air. I was having the hair of the dog. Jumping back on the bandwagon wasn’t that difficult. A couple of beers for an early morning cocktail were a good way to open up the lines of communication.

“I’m not even sure that we should be talking about this and you never know who might be listening.” I didn’t hold my neighbors in high esteem and tried to keep to myself as much as possible. I had never had much use for socializing unless it was going to garner a one night stand.

“Relax and there’s no reason for you to be worried about anything. You have tenure and it doesn’t look like they can take that away from you without just cause. Just remind yourself that you are doing this for yourself. Take the precaution of keeping things platonic in public. It’s what happens behind closed doors which will blow your mind.” He wasn’t subtle and he didn’t mind speaking like we were back in the locker room.

“I can’t say that temptation hasn’t been there. I just don’t want to make the mistake of getting into an awkward situation. It would be something if I wasn’t going to see them again after the deed was done.” Those girls undressing me with their eyes would no doubt have a problem keeping their mouths shut.

“I do understand and your livelihood is at stake. I’m enjoying the ride and I would really appreciate that you don’t throw cold water on my parade. I’m having fun for the first time in a long time with a woman that is willing to think outside the box. She’s very amenable to trying new things in and out of the bedroom.” I didn’t want to admit that his recollection of his reignited sex life was making me anxious to find something on the side of my own in the same age bracket.

“It’s not just biting the hand that feeds me, but also has more to do with clingy women who don’t know when to leave in the morning. Older women become nesters and become attached at the hip.” The one thing I appalled the most of all was that conversation in the morning after reality set in.

“These are the best years of our lives and the younger generation can teach us a thing or two. I find myself struggling between what is right and wrong. I surrender to the moment and I love to lie next to the nubile body in a post aftermath orgasmic glee.” The proposition of being with someone 20 years younger was giving my libido a charge of adrenaline.

“I don’t need you to browbeat me to death about this, Damian. Most girls are insecure and are looking for that daddy figure. I don’t mind them screaming that word in bed, but after that it becomes tedious. I just want something to taste before I make it a permanent diet.” I had to wait until he left and then I was going to drop the pretense of my swimming shorts around my ankles.

There was nothing more freeing than swimming naked in a warm pool with the water surrounding my body from every angle. It was also the risk of getting caught with my pants down. I fantasized about the possibility of some housewife finding me and not being able to prevent herself from coming through those doors looking for some kind of satisfaction.

I remembered one such instance and there was a young and impressionable girl from the neighborhood. She couldn’t have been more blatant about her intentions. Touching her would have meant going to a certain place where I couldn’t drop the soap. It didn’t mean that I couldn’t show her what I had. I was pretending to not notice the way that her attention would be drawn to a certain part of my anatomy.

“Blaine, you have everything going for you and you have always been my hero. I’ve tried in vain to mimic your lavish lifestyle and willingness to throw your body at just about anyone with two legs. It seems like it would get boring after a while and this need to take a break from the game will become necessary.” There were moments where I had to take a breather. Taking matters into my own hands wasn’t the same. It felt good, but it was a pale comparison to the real thing.

“I always seem to gravitate to those women who are starting a new chapter in their lives. I don’t want to cast stones at glass houses. I don’t have any ill will to those women who need something more than their husbands can give them. We show a modicum of discretion.” I did enjoy sitting around and talking to the guys about my love life. The stories were about their wives and they would have no idea how I could easily have them wrapped around my little finger. I never mentioned names.

“A new chapter is one thing, but using you as a boy toy has to leave a bad taste in your mouth.” Damian was obviously trying to refrain from calling me a gigolo. I wasn’t being paid for my services. I had one who wanted to, but it made me feel dirty in desperate need of a shower.

“I don’t mean to shuffle you out the door, but I really do need to get in my 100 laps. You know that I always get naked for those. I’m surprised you showed up at this time of the morning. I can understand why you would want to brag and I would probably do the same thing in your shoes.” He was just as quick to go out the door and I barely had the latch closed on the fence before I was stripping down to absolutely nothing.

I looked over the fence and I saw a familiar sight hiding in the bushes. I probably wouldn’t have seen her except that she was wearing a very bright red skirt. I hadn’t seen her in quite some time and I couldn’t quite put my finger on what her name was.

It was already making things rise to the surface and I was quite surprised by my reaction to a voyeur. This was a peeping Jane and I wanted to make it worth her time and effort to come here.

“I’m going to take a swim in the nude and you are welcome to watch. I don’t mind an audience. If you’re feeling particularly bold then you can come in and sit down to enjoy the show.” My voice was only loud enough for her to hear me, but I wasn’t sure that she had the courage to step over that invisible line.

I dove into the deepest side and made sure to emerge soaking wet. I always did like what I looked like after a shower. My dark hair would be slicked back and my body would emphasize the discipline it took to put my body through the paces. It was worth it to see the results and even more so to give girls the idea that I was approachable.

I was halfway done and really taxing my muscles to the extreme. There was no better exercise than swimming to incorporate all the muscle groups in the human body. I did learn that from an old coach who allowed me to use his pool. Losing my virginity to his wife opened up my mind to those women more than a little anxious. It wasn’t my finest moment to betray the man who was opening those doors for me.

“I don’t mind saying the view from inside is a whole lot better from looking at it from the outside.” I smiled knowingly and she was sitting on one of the lounge chairs drinking from the same bottle that had my lips on it a few seconds ago.

“I thought I heard that you were at school in another state.” It seemed almost natural to be talking to her. I was lying backward with the periscope of my lust bobbing above the surface of the water.

“I came back for my family to look after some unfinished business about the estate. I can’t let everything that they have been working for go down the drain. I’ve been looking through the paperwork and come up with a couple of avenues to explore. I’m actually considering auditing your class with a friend of mine.” She wasn’t turning away and her glasses were tinted to prevent me from seeing what she was looking at.

“They are lucky to have you and family is very important. I’m not really that close to mine. I only have to see them during special occasions and holidays. They can be very opinionated. I’m tired of listening to my mother talk about settling down with kids. I know my biological clock is ticking, but I’m not even sure that I want kids.” It seemed perfectly natural to talk about this with someone I hardly knew from the neighborhood.

It was when she moved to cross her legs that I saw the woman screaming to come out. Her panties were black and I could see the profound lips of her sex through the material.

“I’m leaving in a few days and I’m looking for something to occupy my time. I don’t suppose you might have some ideas.” She couldn’t possibly be suggesting a torrid love affair. I had just finished wondering if that was even possible and now here she was giving me the opening to pursue things physically.