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Falling For My Ex: A Second Chance Romance by Lauren Wood (9)




I ran out of there and I know what it looked like. It looked like Dennis had gotten to me and the truth of the matter was that he had. He always did and that was why I had refused his request to talk. I knew what road it would go down and it was road I was anxious to stay away from. I didn’t want to fall back under his spell and get my heart broken all over again. Long ago he was popular and everyone wanted him, from many schools. I always felt like he would be swept away, but now it was even worse. He was a billionaire for goodness sakes. How could I ever compete in that world? Dennis dated models, not social workers from the bad part of the city. It didn’t make sense and I was feeling good about my decision, until he kissed me.

Then it was like all sense went out of my head and I was back to whimpering under his touch, unable to stop the sounds of pleasure that came out of me. It was embarrassing, but I couldn’t deny how much my body remembered him. It drove me a little crazy that he could show up after all of this time and pretend like nothing had happened. I didn’t want him to be able to do that because I couldn’t. What was I holding on to so tightly?

I made it home in one piece, but I felt like a wreck. I didn’t know what to say to him or what I was supposed to do, but my phone kept beeping and I had a feeling it was messages from Dennis. I wasn’t ready to see them though, so I hid in my room in bed and left the phone on the kitchen counter. If I strained I could still hear it, but I was trying my best to ignore it altogether. I didn’t want to get wrapped up in Dennis again. It never ended well for me and I didn’t think that this time was going to be any different.

With that thought in mind, I almost went downstairs and messaged him that very thing, but I couldn’t get my body to get up and do so. It wasn’t because I didn’t want to, I reasoned. It was because I was just too tired and it wasn’t that big of a deal. I could just fix it all up tomorrow and everything would be fine. I needed some sleep. I just hoped that I didn’t dream about him again. It was very disconcerting.

When I woke up, my mind was still on that kiss and how it had played out so differently in my dreams. I wanted to think that it was all just that, a dream, but it didn’t feel like it. It felt like we had just been together again and my body ached for him. I was wet and horny, going to the shower to take care of it before I went off to work. I had slept almost the whole night and even that didn’t seem to help the level of exhaustion that I felt. It was just too much.

I had to finish what had started in the dream off in the shower and I was still wishing that I hadn’t let him kiss me. Dennis had a way of worming into my mind and I just couldn’t take it, not today and not any day really. I have put Dennis Yearling in my past long ago and that was exactly where he was supposed to stay.


Work was hectic as always and I found less patience to deal. I skipped yoga class for the last week because I didn’t want to see Mark, but I was missing the way it made me feel. Usually I got some good relaxation out of it and I was trying my best to get my mind off of the dinner date I had with Dennis. He had wreaked havoc, like I knew he would. I don’t even know why I was surprised. I shouldn’t have been. I should have just said no or better yet, never accepted his invitation at all. I knew what this would be and the more I thought about it, the madder I became. He wanted to force my hand, like always and I didn’t appreciate him making me feel all of these things, and for what? It was all for nothing as far as I was concerned. He had tilted my life up for what? Dennis came out of nowhere from forever ago and now I couldn’t get him off of my mind. It just wasn’t fair as far as I was concerned.

I started to message him several times and tell him that I just wasn’t interested. If I was clear with him, I mean crystal clear. Then maybe he would leave me alone. This is what I hoped for anyways. I didn’t know if it was possible, but even with the assurance that it was, I don’t know if I could. I hadn’t yet found the fortitude or courage to do so. I was still far more worried about never seeing him again, at the same time I was trying to convince myself that it was what I wanted.

Finally I got another message from Dennis. I almost thought he had forgotten it all because I hadn’t spoken to him since the restaurant. He had gone quiet and while it was appreciated, it wasn’t like the old Dennis. The old Dennis hounded me every time I got mad and got distant. He told me once that he wasn’t going to allow it. Now he was giving me space, but just letting me know that he hadn’t forgotten.

I smiled at the message and then groaned inwardly. I wasn’t supposed to melt from his messages.

“I was just thinking about you and thought I would say hi.”

I stared at the words until they became a blur and then shut my phone. It was hard enough to get through the day without him there at the edge of all of it. But he already was, had been since he popped back up into my life.

“What are you thinking about?”

As soon as I sent it, I knew that I had said the wrong thing. It could be taken badly and by his reply it was. I sighed and set the phone down. He got into too much detail and I could feel a throbbing at my core. He was getting very good at that and it was most certainly not a good thing.

“I am thinking about the time that we went out to Rush Lake and it was so cold that we couldn’t do it on the hood because you were so cold. We went into the back and I turned you into a pretzel. Damn you felt so good like that. Do you remember how your cum shot out and hit my chest. It was the first time I made you squirt. That’s what I am thinking about Kendra.”

My mouth was suddenly dry and the scene replayed in my head. He had done it again. I was soaking wet and he hadn’t even touched me. What was I supposed to say to that?

“I don’t think that is possible anymore. I was a whole lot more limber back then.”

Why was I egging it on? Why was I all of sudden thinking of doing what I had told myself I would never again? Sex and love with Dennis was unanimous. You couldn’t have one without the other. I couldn’t let him touch my body and not fall back into his spell, no matter how hard I tried to separate the two.

“I can always just put your legs over my shoulders now. Then I can go deeper and hit that spot that makes you cum so hard. You know I haven’t found another woman to do that? You were one of a kind Kendra, in so many ways.”

I shivered with the text and set the phone down. He was a vortex that I couldn’t help but get sucked into. It wasn’t doing me any good to stay away from him, not when he could just reach out and have me trembling inside with just a few words. My body was reacting like I was there again, in the moments that he described so well.

“What do you want Dennis? You want one more go-round for old times? Is that why you tracked me down?”

My heart pounded in my chest as I waited for an answer. When had I decided that I was going to do this or was I really just that desperate to have his hands on me again? It couldn’t be as good as I remembered. I had probably built it up in my head. Maybe I just needed to get him out of my system, be reminded that it wasn’t as great as I imagined it to be.

“Is that offer really on the table?”

I laughed at his message and then got startled when my phone started to ring. I knew who it was before I clicked over.

“Tell me you are not joking and I will be over there in ten minutes.”

I giggled again and asked him if he knew where I was.

“Yes, I know exactly where you are Kendra. Let me see you and then you can decide if it is a one-off thing. I just want to touch you again. It killed me not to grab you up at the restaurant the way I wanted to.”

I sighed and knew that I had already lost the battle. Why had I said it if I didn’t want to do it? I was still holding out for the idea that I would miraculously get over him if I was in Dennis’ arms again. It seemed far less likely when I said it out loud though. I liked Dennis a lot, but there was something about the way that he touched me that I couldn’t resist. If he got his hands on me again, I would surely be lost.

With that in mind, I told him that I was going to need longer than a few minutes to get ready. He just kind of waved me off and asked me how long I was going to need. He was practically giddy and I don’t know how I felt about that. He had me thinking that I was in for it.

“Just makes sure it doesn’t take you a week. I don’t think I can wait patiently anymore. Not with the idea that I am going to have you in my arms again.”

“Fine, give me an hour and then come by. Are you sure you don’t need the address?”

“No Kendra. I will be there soon.”

He had a sound of triumph in his voice and the truth was that he had won again. It irked me a little to think about it, but there was no reason to let myself get worked up. This is what I wanted.

“Okay Dennis, I will see you then.”

I hung up and let out the breath I was holding.

“Well that escalated quickly.” What the heck had I just done?

I didn’t have long to ponder my actions and the repercussions from it because I didn’t have long before he was going to be here. My heart was pounding and my hands were trembling. What had I just gotten myself into? My body was excited and slightly trembling, but my brain was screaming at me, telling me that I am an idiot.