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Fearless Heart (Legend of the King's Guard Book 3) by Kara Griffin (10)




With Heath gone, Lillia ambled about the hills. She wasn’t sure what to do, where to stay, or if the women welcomed her. Lacking anything to do but ponder her situation, she wanted to keep from obsessing about her circumstances of her birth, what her betrothed did when they realized she’d gone missing, what her parents must be going through. And the most daunting of her problems, how to gain Heath’s affection.

She found Gilroy in the ossuary. The cave reeked of horses and death. She wouldn’t stay long inside such a dreadful place and motioned to him to join her outside.

“M’lady, Heath bid me to see to you whilst he is gone. Is there something you need?”

“Good morn, Gilroy, there is. I wish to make a spear. Do you have a dagger I can borrow to whittle one?”

“Of course.” He pulled a small, sharp object from his boot, and held the handle out to her.

Lillia took the dagger and started off toward the trees. Gilroy followed.

“What do you need a spear for? None shall harm you here, m’lady. You don’t need it for protection.”

As they walked into the dark woods adjacent to the hills, Lillia kept her eyes peeled for the perfect branch for her purpose.

“I want to use it to catch fish.”

“Ye don’t need to provide for your own supper. Annag is pleased to cook for us. She says it gives her something to do and her life a purpose.”

“I want to compensate for their generosity, especially for them allowing me to stay here. And I have nothing with which to do so. I hope to catch a few fish for supper.”

Gilroy stopped and pointed ahead. “There’s a good branch, there at the base of that tree.”

Lillia retrieved the thick birch branch and assessed its quality. “This will do well enough. I shall be by the stream, Gilroy, should anyone ask after me.”

He walked with her to the edge of the woods and turned back to the ossuary. Lillia ambled from the woods and sat on the boulder near the stream. The day grew warm and the sun bright. It made for an enjoyable autumn morning. With the dagger held tight, she whittled the end of the wood. It took several hours to clear the bark and sharpen the end into a point. She was about to retreat to the water and begin her task when she heard the sound of voices behind her.

The ladies approached the stream. Mistress Annag held wee William, Kerrigan held a basket of launder, and Makenna held the hand of her daughter.

Kerrigan set the basket down and shook out a tartan for William to sit upon. “We wondered where you’d gone. Gilroy told us we would find you here. Do you mind if we join you?”

“Not at all. I was making a spear and thought to provide fish for this night’s supper. If that would please you.”

Annag approached and embraced her. She wept on her shoulder. Lillia didn’t know what to make of the elder lady’s behavior. She pulled away and looked to Kerrigan and Makenna for direction.

“I’m sorry if I’ve displeased you, Mistress Annag.”

Kerrigan laughed and shook her head. “Nay, she’s not upset. You’ve brought her joy.”

Lillia found them perplexing, but she didn’t remark on it.

“Come and sit with us before you begin your fishing. You see, Annag’s husband, Finley, adored to fish with a spear. He’d always be here by the stream and still is.” She pointed at the grave that lay nearby.

“Oh, I’m sorry he’s gone, Mistress Annag. You must miss him terribly. I adore fishing too, for my grandfather used to take me as a wee lass. I learned how to whittle spears. He enjoyed it also and it entertained me for I had nothing but brothers for company and they never allowed me to play with them.”

Makenna sat next to Darcy and combed the knots from the lass’ long tresses. “You have no sisters?”

“Nay, only brothers, four in all. Two elder, two younger.”

“Then we shall be your sisters.” Makenna smiled. “Can you teach me to whittle a spear? I imagine Liam would be impressed if I learned such a skill.”

Lillia’s heart lightened. She spent the afternoon with the ladies and enjoyed hearing how they’d come to the caves. The tales were sometimes woeful, but the ladies found love and family. Their relationships somewhat despaired her.

“Have I said something to dismay you?” Kerrigan asked. “You look as downtrodden as Darcy does when Makenna won’t let her out of the cave.”

“The love you have found … I don’t deem I will ever be content.”

Makenna grinned and set the tartan she’d wrung out aside. “Have you known Heath long?”

Lillia sighed before answering, “All my life … since we were practically bairns. I’ve always loved him but—”

“If you love him, you can easily gain his heart.”

She peered at Makenna knowing that wasn’t certain. She wished she had as much faith in love as they did. The women were beautiful and probably had no difficulty winning their men’s affection. “Heath’s heart is already taken, I fear.”

Annag scoffed and all shot their gazes to her. “Heath has no woman. He’s never claimed to love a lass. His heart is his to give.”

Lillia wished that were so. “His heart belongs to God, always has been. I cannot compete for his love when he is set on giving life to—”

“Nonsense.” Kerrigan picked up William who now fussed. She gently rocked and soothed him. “Heath may say he wants to serve God, but his actions will bespeak his true heart’s desire.”

“Aye, I agree,” Makenna said. “Has he shown any interest in you? Lover-like interest?”

Lillia’s face heated. She was used to discussing intimate topics with her sisters-in-laws, but not with strangers. With her gaze on her lap, she was about to nod when Makenna scoffed.

Kerrigan giggled low. “Be not coy around us, for we’re your sisters now. Besides, there is no sense in denying it for my Graeme told me he found Heath naked when he went to relay a message to him in Liam and Makenna’s cave. I believe you were with him, in that way.”

She had to be four shades pinker. “Lord above. You know …” Mortified, she lowered her eyes and kept them on her lap. “Aye, we … coupled, but I will not be shamed by it for I’ve wanted him for the longest time.”

Her newfound friends fell back in a riot of laughter which caused William to wail. Darcy pleaded to know what was so funny and Makenna distracted her by giving her the small spear she’d made.

“Go and see if you can spear a fish akin to Lillia.”

Darcy giggled and went to stand in the shallow water.

Kerrigan touched her arm. “If Heath is interested in you … in that way, you can easily compete for his heart.”

“Aye, you must constantly remind him what he risks losing if he chooses to let his heart follow a different path.” Makenna finished her conjecture with a smile.

Lillia wouldn’t pretend to misunderstand them. “I’m to use my womanly wiles to affect him enough to want me and give up his pursuit? I don’t deem it’s possible.”

Makenna took up the tartan from the ground and folded it. “If he wanted you once, he shall want you again. Men are simple in their needs. You must use his desire to your benefit.”

She nodded. Somehow she would get Heath to love her, to want her more than his quest to serve God. And if what her friends spoke, it wouldn’t be as vexing as she thought.

“’Tis almost time for supper. Lillia, will ye help me prepare the fish?” Annag asked.

She nodded and filled her arms with the many fish she’d caught. Carrying the slippery things back to the caves would be difficult, especially if she kept dropping them. She wound up using her overdress as a basket.

They walked back to the caves and Gilroy helped them make a big fire surrounded by rocks. He used many iron pokers to make a grate of sorts to lay the fish upon.

Lillia returned to the stream to wash and change her garments lest she smell like fish. She rejoined the others hastily. The evening was enjoyable and the fire warmed her as did the conversation, food, and company. She hadn’t felt as eased since she’d fled Hunter land.

That is until the men returned. They hadn’t heard their approach, and the men frightened them beyond all sense when they bounded into the camp and yelled akin to berserkers. The men laughed, bellowing more like when the ladies jumped from their perches and screamed to the trees. When the ladies calmed, they sent glares to their men. Lillia found it somewhat comical and hid her grin.

Graeme sat beside Kerrigan and took his son from her. “’Tis a fine night for an outside fire but you risk us being seen.”

Kerrigan shushed him. “Nonsense, Graeme. None can see the fire through the dense wood surrounding us. Have you supped?”

The men didn’t wait for an invitation to join them at the meal. They took the used trenchers and jabbed the remaining fish with their daggers.

Lillia sat, watchful, and solaced by their easygoing friendships. Heath sat alone on the opposite side of the fire. His gaze was enough to enflame her. She daren’t speak to him. He didn’t appear mollified by the company or the food. Whatever disenchanted his mood, she hoped she wasn’t the cause.

One by one, the couples sought their beds. Graeme and Kerrigan helped Annag clean up the remnants of their supper and left soon after. Makenna kept giving her commiserating glances until she suggested they put Darcy to bed. She lifted her sleeping daughter and handed her to Liam.

Once they’d gone, Gilroy removed the iron bars from the stones and threw the soiled trenchers into the fire. “I’m off.” He hastened away as if he fled from foes.

Lillia sat with Heath daunted by his silence. She watched the dimming glow of the embers until he doused it. “Will you not greet me?”

He turned his serious expression on her. “I shall, but not here.” Heath took her hand and yanked her to her feet. “Come with me.”

Lillia rushed to keep up with him. She reveled at his touch even though it was somewhat forceful. He led her to the pines beyond the hills. She listened to the sounds of the last summer insects. Usually such a sound lightened her, but not this night.

If only there wasn’t such tenseness between them, she might have enjoyed the sojourn into the woods. He ceased walking when they reached the dark, shadowed tree trunks.

“Are you going to yell at me?” She almost laughed for his mood was that of a reprimanding sort. He wore the same expression her father did when he had to punish her.

“Nay, I just wanted privacy,” his voice brusque.

“This night reminds me of that night, when you first kissed me. I cannot believe you don’t remember it for—”

He snapped. “Of course I remember it.” Heath stood close and Lillia barely saw him in the obscurity.

“You lied when you told me you hadn’t.”

“I’m not the only one lying.” His voice deepened and sent a shiver through her.

Lillia frowned at his tone. “What do you mean by that?” He clasped her hand and yanked her forward and she fell against his hard chest. “Why would you speak an untruth about remembering that night?” She hoped to distract him and wasn’t doing a fair job at it.

“You tempted me then.”

“And now?” she dared to ask.

“You still tempt me. Aye, you’re a temptress, set on maddening me at every turn.” He sounded annoyed, much like her father had when she tested him. “I’m not good at resisting you, Sweetness.”

His words nearly burst her chest. There was hope at gaining his heart. Lillia thought about her earlier discussion with the ladies and decided this was not the time for words. She pressed against his hard body and perused her hands along his firm arms.

The feeling of his strength marveled her. She held his face and brought him forward for a kiss. When his lips touched hers, she moaned. The rawness of her desire for him shot like fire through her. The sensation was akin to nothing she’d ever felt.

His mouth moved over hers, teasing, taunting, tasting. She couldn’t get enough of his kisses. Lillia unfastened his tartan and untied the strings of his tunic. The firmness of his chest lured her fingers. She caressed him and continued to meet the passion of his kisses.

Bravely, her hands meandered over his body until she reached his belt. She quickly dislodged it and slid the fabric of his tartan from his hips.

Lillia pulled from his grasp and wanted to view his beautiful body. But the dimness prevented her from seeing all of him. She pulled her overdress over her head as well as her undergarment.

“I feel good when I’m with you, as if what’s between us is right.” Standing naked before him, she held out her arms. “I’m yours, Heath. Take me.” She waited for him to step forward, to claim her as she was wont.

When he yanked her from her feet, she gasped. He set her upon his discarded tartan and joined her. Lillia pushed him back and sat astride on his legs. His strong legs felt like stone beneath the soft flesh of her thighs. Their position thronged her heart.

“I cannot resist you, Sweetness, never could.”

“Nor I you, Heath. You’re extremely handsome.” She smoothed her hands over his body and felt his need pressing her backside. She took his hard length and set it in place. How she wanted him, wanted to feel again the sensation of him within her. He shifted his body until they joined.

She groaned at the sensation of him filling her. But when she raised her body, the shock of pleasure was nearly enough to send her to the end. “I need you, want you … there.”

Heath pulled her face to his and kissed longingly. The desire in his kiss and the pulsing of his sex caused a shattering aura to course through her. Lillia squeezed her legs and squealed at the most abrupt, shocking pleasure. She continued to jut over him, meeting his thrusts. Their bodies clashed in the madness of thorough mindless desire. Lillia couldn’t control the rash, hastiness of longing that overtook her.

The intensity of their joining turned her breath shallow. She leaned forward and tightened her hold on him. Heath ceased moving and yanked her to his chest and held her hips. The guttural sound from his lips told her he’d gone to the height of passion.

She grinned and was prideful she’d brought him to such a place. There might be a chance at winning his heart after all. More riveting sensations pulsed through her and she squealed at the intensity of the culmination. With a rasped breath, she whispered, “I love this.” Lillia wanted to profess her love for him, but wouldn’t until she was certain of his feelings for her.

His breath slowed, and she kept touching and ensuring him of her affection. It seemed to her that he’d gone through a tortuous event and it fascinated her. She loved the sentiment of his heart beating fiercely against her cheek. He grabbed her hands and kept her from her deliberate exploration. She flattened her palm over the firmness of his chest and sighed. He was flawless in his body, utter masculine perfection.

“Sweetness, if ye keep that up, you’ll end up on your back.”

She leaned forward and kissed his cheek, and whispered in his ear, “Is that a promise?”

He laughed. The sound of it filled her heart. Heath rarely showed such emotion, and that she was the one to bring him joy pleased her. He leaned upward and caused her to shift back on his lap. With his hands, he kept her from moving away. Heath set his face next to hers and the whiskers on his cheek prickled her jaw.

“Now, Lillia, I will hear the truth, the absolute truth.” He clasped her wrist and the hold stung the delicate skin.

“You’re hurting me.”

He slackened his hold. “Tell me.”

“Tell you what? Aye, you pleased me. Is that what you want to hear?” How could he even ask such a question? She’d gone completely undone twice.

“Nay, that’s not it. You ken what I want to know. Say it.” His demand enforced with the grip on her tightening.

“Heath, you’re giving me a fright.” She tried to pull away, but he was far stronger than she and she couldn’t gain her release.

“Good. If you deem this is frightening, Sweetness, you will not be prepared for what’s out there. Now, tell me.”

“I … don’t want—”

“Tell me. I will hear no further falsehoods.”

“You want me to own to being the queen’s daughter?”

“Aye, you must confess.”

She sighed and gained her release when she yanked her arm free. Lillia sat beside him and tugged her overdress over her body. She wanted to weep, to sob at the injustice of having to admit the one thing she promised she wouldn’t. “You want me to own to being someone I’ve only just learned of. My parents loved me, but they kept this awful secret. I’ve been a Hunter my entire life and now I am not.”

“Your parents did love you and they likely kept secrets to keep you safe. You are correct in that you’re a Hunter in every sense … except your blood is … King Alexander’s.”

Cold tears streaked her warm cheeks. “I am scared, Heath, and shamed, for no one must know. If anyone finds out I am the king’s daughter, we’ll all be in danger. You must promise to tell no one. Not even your comrades.”

“They already ken, love. We learned the truth when our comrade told us of the happenings at your father’s fief. Your life is in peril now for the Comyns know who you are and they will stop at nothing to apprehend you.”

Lillia sniffed back tears. “Regardless, I won’t let them use me to unseat King Robert. I’ll die before I allow them to force me …”

Heath embraced her, his arms circling her tightly. She kept her gaze lowered and couldn’t see his face. “Nay, Sweetness, they’ll die for threatening you. Leave this to me.”

She shivered at his hostile words. “I won’t have you endangered, nor your comrades and their families. This is not your problem, Heath, but mine.”

He tilted her chin back and set his mouth near her cheek. “You are not without help, Lillia. I won’t let you face this alone.”

At that moment, Lillia trembled for she was alone and regardless of his words, she wouldn’t involve Heath. Her enemy would not be his.